noloveinfebuary · 5 days
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ouat text posts: rumple (pt. 12)
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noloveinfebuary · 6 days
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đŸ’«If only I can hear it one last time
Also here's the drawings Bill made
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noloveinfebuary · 6 days
burning text gif maker
heart locket gif maker
minecraft advancement maker
minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags
windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)
FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
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noloveinfebuary · 7 days
heullo it's me . spotify . I just wanted to know if by shuffle you meant normal style or horrible terrible useless worst style. actually I'm gonna assume horrible terrible useless worst style
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noloveinfebuary · 16 days
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A Day of Demonic Babysitting
(Bill Cipher x OC)
Synopsis: When Maeloraelis takes a break for a girl's night out, Bill Cipher is left to care for their mischievous baby, Elara. Confident at first, Bill quickly realizes that keeping up with his chaotic daughter is more exhausting than expected.
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It all started with a simple goodbye.
Mae had kissed Bill on the cheek (or where a cheek would be, if he had one), gave Elara a loving pat, and then floated towards the door. She was glowing with excitement—girl's night out was a rare treat, especially since Elara had been born. “Now, Bill,” Mae called back, her voice taking on that affectionate-yet-firm tone she knew he couldn’t resist. “Remember, if anything happens to our little bundle of chaos, you won’t be getting any rewards tonight.” She added a playful flutter of her eye.
Bill, lounging in his usual flamboyant style, tipped his hat with a smirk. “Oh, you know me, doll! I've got this! What could possibly go wrong?”
Mae gave him one last knowing look, her stone bowtie glowing with a mischievous pink and a tinge of orange, before disappearing out the door.
Bill, alone with his daughter for the first time without Mae, turned to face Elara. The tiny triangle floated in mid-air, her bright eye blinking curiously up at him, her light purple body shimmering like a mischievous little star. “Alright, kiddo,” he grinned. “It’s you and me today! Let’s have some fun, hmm?”
At first, Bill found it amusing as Elara began to bounce around, throwing harmless but flashy sparks of chaotic energy across the room. “That’s right, chip off the ol’ block!” he cheered, crossing his arms and leaning back, basking in paternal pride.
But things took a turn when Elara zoomed off like a tiny comet, leaving a trail of glittery havoc behind her. She knocked over a stack of ancient books, sending them flying in all directions, and somehow managed to twist a whole chandelier until it spun wildly like a top. “Woah there, speed demon!” Bill chuckled, floating after her at a casual pace. But when she zoomed into the next room, he had to quicken his pace. “Okay, okay, let’s not break everything in the first ten minutes, alright?”
Elara was a blur, darting around the room like a living lightning bolt. Bill’s grin faltered for the first time as he watched her zoom up the walls, bounce off the ceiling, and start tearing through one of his interdimensional maps. “Alright, sweetheart, that’s—uh—those are
kinda important.”
When she zoomed by him for the fiftieth time, giggling in her high-pitched, adorable baby squeals, he blinked. “How
 how are you this fast?”
He reached out to grab her, but she slipped through his fingers like smoke. Now she was on the chandelier again, spinning it faster and faster until it creaked ominously. “Elara, sweetie, let’s
 let’s calm down, okay?” he urged, a touch of nervousness sneaking into his voice. But his little troublemaker wasn’t having any of it. She started babbling happily, her eye twinkling with pure delight.
Bill tried to zap a portal to trap her, but she was too quick, darting around it like a pro. “Alright, that’s
 impressive,” he muttered, half-proud, half-exasperated.
As the hours ticked by, Elara showed no signs of slowing down. Bill, however, found himself on the back foot. He had stopped counting how many times she had teleported, shifted objects, or made things randomly levitate. He started to sweat
 well, if triangles could sweat. His energy, usually boundless, was feeling oddly depleted.
At one point, he was holding her in the air, her entire body vibrating with energy. She was moving so fast she was practically a blur. "C'mon, kid, how about a nap?" he suggested, his voice a mix of coaxing and desperation.
Elara just giggled louder, her form twisting and turning in his grasp.
Bill floated down to the couch, exhausted, and cradled her closer. “How does your mom handle this every day?” he wondered aloud. A part of him was genuinely baffled, but another part was swelling with pride. He thought about how Mae managed to balance their family life with his chaotic ambitions. How she kept everything together without ever breaking a sweat. “Man, I married a powerhouse,” he muttered to himself, a grin spreading across his features.
Elara finally started to slow down, her energy waning. She gave a tiny yawn, her eye blinking sleepily. Bill rocked her gently, humming a tune that, if anyone else heard, might’ve sounded like an ancient summoning chant, but it seemed to work. Slowly, his little chaos demon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
Bill let out a sigh of relief, leaning back into the couch. “Finally
Just then, Mae arrived home. She stepped inside and her eye widened at the scene. The house was a mess—papers scattered everywhere, objects hovering mid-air, and even a fish swimming through the air. But she couldn't bring herself to be mad. There, on the couch, was Bill, asleep with baby Elara snuggled against him, both looking utterly content.
Mae floated over, her expression softening. She gently fixed a few things with a flick of her finger, but her main focus was on her two favorite troublemakers. "Guess you survived," she whispered, leaning down to place a kiss on Bill's forehead. “Just barely,” he murmured, eyes still closed but with a small smile. “But hey
 she's a lot like me.”
Mae chuckled softly. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Bill opened his eye slightly, looking up at her with a mixture of admiration and exhaustion. "You’re amazing, you know that?”
Mae smiled, her bowtie’s stone glowing a gentle pink. “I know.”
As Mae settled down beside them, Bill felt a rush of warmth. Maybe being a dad wasn't so bad
 especially when the chaos felt like home.
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noloveinfebuary · 16 days
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Nostalgic Chaos
(Bill Cipher x OC)
Synopsis: After accidentally transforming into a baby version of himself, Bill Cipher becomes a clingy and mischievous handful for his wife, Maeloraelis. As she struggles to care for the infantile Bill, she’s reminded of their childhood together.
Inspired/Idea from this fic. From @gay-dorito-dust
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The multiverse never ceased to surprise Maeloraelis, but today was one for the record books. The day had started like any other: Bill was off exploring the far reaches of the unknown, poking and prodding at ancient artifacts and obscure relics, as was his habit. Mae was accustomed to his antics, even if they sometimes ended with some kind of explosion or a brief rip in space-time. But this time, something entirely different happened.
With a blinding flash of light and a sudden puff of smoke, Bill Cipher—the all-powerful, chaotic demon—was gone. In his place stood something entirely unexpected: a tiny, baby version of himself, complete with oversized shoes that clacked loudly against the floor. His small, triangular form looked up at Mae with a curious expression, his large eye blinking innocently.
Mae’s eye widened in shock. “Bill?” she whispered, hardly believing what she was seeing.
Baby Bill just blinked up at her, his tiny eye sparkling with childlike wonder. Then, without warning, he toddled over to her, his large shoes clomping noisily with each step. He reached out with a small, stubby hand and grabbed onto her bow tie, clinging to her like his life depended on it.
“Oh, Bill
 what have you done this time?” Mae muttered, a mix of concern and nostalgia washing over her. Seeing him like this reminded her of when they were young—when they were both small and vulnerable, before they grew into the beings they were now. The memories of those early days flooded back, and despite the absurdity of the situation, Mae felt a twinge of warmth in her core.
Baby Bill didn’t speak. He only made soft cooing sounds and occasionally emitted that strange, repetitive “LA LA LA” noise that was both endearing and a little irritating. His tiny eye followed her every move, and no matter where she went, he was right there, clinging to her, unwilling to let go.
“Okay, Bill, let’s try to figure this out,” Mae said, her voice gentle but firm. She began searching through her collection of tomes and relics, trying to find something—anything—that might reverse whatever had turned Bill into this pint-sized version of himself. But every time she tried to focus, Baby Bill would tug at her tie or grab onto her hand, demanding her attention.
When Mae tried to set him down to concentrate, Baby Bill’s eye would scrunch up in distress, and he’d start to cry—loud, pitiful wails that tugged at her heartstrings. Mae couldn’t bear to see him so upset, so she’d pick him up and comfort him, rubbing his tiny back as he nuzzled against her, his cries slowly subsiding.
“Shh, it’s okay, Bill,” she whispered, even though her own energy was beginning to wane. “We’ll figure this out
But the day dragged on, and Mae found herself growing more and more exhausted. Baby Bill was relentless—if she so much as looked away for a moment, he’d start pouting, his eyelid drooping in a way that was both sad and strangely adorable. And when she pretended to ignore him, he’d immediately start with that “LA LA LA” sound, his voice growing louder and more insistent until she couldn’t take it anymore.
“Bill, please, I need to think!” she pleaded, but Baby Bill just looked up at her with that innocent eye, and Mae couldn’t help but sigh in resignation.
She was tired, so tired, but she couldn’t stop now. Mae pushed herself to keep searching, to find a way to reverse this spell, all while Baby Bill clung to her like a lifeline. And yet, despite the chaos, there was something almost sweet about it—something that reminded Mae of simpler times, when they were young and inseparable, before the weight of the universe had settled on their shoulders.
Finally, as the day turned into night, Mae felt herself reaching her limit. She sat down, cradling Baby Bill in her arms, her eyelid drooping with exhaustion. The little triangle demon had finally calmed down, his tiny form nestled against her as he let out a soft, contented hum.
 need a moment
” Mae murmured, her voice trailing off as she began to drift off to sleep.
Baby Bill, sensing her calm, snuggled closer, his small form pressed against hers as his eye slowly closed. Mae felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her as she held him, memories of their shared past mixing with the present. Despite everything, despite the exhaustion and the chaos, she couldn’t help but smile as she drifted off, holding Baby Bill close.
The next morning, or whatever passed for morning in their dimension, Mae awoke to find herself still cradling something warm and familiar. She blinked her eye open and looked down, expecting to see the tiny form of Baby Bill. But instead, she found herself in the arms of the fully grown, normal Bill Cipher, his eye closed as he held her gently.
?” Mae whispered, her voice tinged with surprise.
Bill stirred, his eye slowly opening to meet hers. For a moment, he looked disoriented, but then everything came rushing back—the events of the previous day, the spell, and the memories of being a baby again. He remembered clinging to Mae, following her around like a lost puppy, and the way she had taken care of him, even when he was being a nuisance.
Mae looked up at him, her expression a mix of relief and lingering exhaustion. “You’re back to normal,” she said, her voice soft.
Bill’s eye softened, a small, almost sheepish expression forming as he realized the trouble he had caused. “Yeah
 looks like it,” he murmured. “Sorry about that, Mae. I didn’t mean to make things so difficult.”
Mae just shook her head, a gentle smile on her face. “It’s okay, Bill. I didn’t mind
 too much,” she added with a playful wink.
Bill chuckled, a rare sound that made Mae’s heart flutter. He pulled her closer, his eye reflecting a deep warmth that was usually hidden beneath his chaotic exterior. As they lay there, holding each other, Bill couldn’t help but think back to the previous day—the way Mae had cared for him, the way she had been so patient and loving, even when he was at his most difficult.
He wasn’t one for sentimentality, and the idea of having kids still felt far off, but after everything that had happened, Bill couldn’t shake the thought from his mind. Mae would make an incredible mother someday, he was sure of it. And as he held her close, a sense of peace settled over him—a rare, fleeting moment of calm in the chaos of the multiverse.
“Thank you, Mae,” Bill whispered, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. “For everything.”
Mae simply smiled, resting her head against him. “Anytime, Bill. Anytime.”
And as they lay there together, wrapped in each other’s warmth, Bill couldn’t help but feel a strange, unfamiliar sense of contentment. Whatever the future held, he knew one thing for sure: with Mae by his side, they could face anything—even the chaos of the unknown.
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noloveinfebuary · 1 month
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valley of ashes
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noloveinfebuary · 1 month
OMG !! idk if you've seen baby bill cipher but he's such a little cutie — you should totally do a oneshot where he's accidentally transformed into his prime years and the reader is forced to take care of him , not realizing that baby bill imprinted on them !! kinda like ducklings ^_^♡
(it can be gender neutral , female , male, whatever you're comfortable with <3)
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You didn’t know what to expect when you came home after work, especially not with Bill. He could’ve flooded your bathtub with rat sized spiders, or made your fridge grow legs just to tell you that you need to catch it, or even decide to decorate your house with portraits of morbidly disturbing subjects that get worse the longer you look at them.
However what you defiantly didn’t expect to see was a little cute yellow blob with comedically large light blue shoes sat on your couch, his singular eye staring at you.
‘Bill?’ You asked as you walked closer to the little guy, still thinking this was some prank as your eyes scan the rest of the room, expecting him to have popped out by now and dose you in fake blood or something but nothing of the sort happened.
The little yellow blob only made grabby hands at you and that was all it took for you to know that this little cutie pie was Indeed the little shit you knew as Bill, but how did he revert to being a baby? You didn’t know but your heart melted when baby bill made a disgruntled noise when you didn’t immediately pick him up and automatically gave in as you held him close to your chest.
Unaware that baby bill had imprinted on you the moment you walked into the room, knowing that you were a trustworthy person to protect and keep him safe from all harm.
‘Hello little guy.’ You cooed as you smiled down at baby bill who only looked back at you with his big eye full of wonder and awe, it made you wonder about how this little cutie became a demonic creature that thrived off of human tragedy and torture because whatever it was that did it didn’t sound too particularly pleasant.
Baby bill only babbled back at you, his tiny hand grasping your finger tightly which only melted your heart even further. ‘Well aren’t you the cutest triangle I’ve ever seen, oh yes you are.’ You praised as you sat down on the couch, tickling him slightly, which caused him to giggle and you couldn’t help but hold this little sweetheart close to your chest.
Taking care a little baby triangle wasn’t easy as you couldn’t go to work without the little guy crying and reaching for you with his tiny hands in desperation, it broke your heart that you had to call in sick for the next couple of days as you tried to figure out what baby triangles liked to eat if they even eat at all.
Soon enough you found out that he didn’t like crust on his sandwiches after the first couple of times when he didn’t touch them, and after that you would always make sure that his sandwiches were crustless as to prevent your house being trashed during his little tantrums.
He still liked silly straws and wouldn’t drink anything at all unless it was through a silly straw, this was already well known knowledge as there was countless times where Bill would casually cause chaos and be found sat on some surface, sipping a drink through a silly straw as though he was watching a movie or a sitcom.
You even bought little outfits for him during this time too! Sure they were made for human babies but you didn’t care as Bill looked absolutely adorable in the unicorn onesie that you had albums dedicated to him and the outfits you bough him.
You had to wash him in the bathroom sink because you feared that the bathtub would be a bit too big for little bill and that was about as successful as giving a dog a bath, you had to case the floating baby triangle throughout the house before finally managing to catch him and drag him to the bathroom.
Baby bill clung onto you no matter where you went, as though he was scared to be apart from you and would even sneak himself into your hoodies, jackets, wherever he could fit himself in so that when you went to the shop, he’d poke his head out to smile at you.
You wanted to be mad at him but you couldn’t when he was so cute and so you gently reminded him that he couldn’t always sneak into your pockets and not expect you to experience parental adrenaline when you couldn’t find him nearby.
He pouted and looked saddened by this but you made it up to him by cuddling him and blowing raspberries on him, making him giggle.
You wake up to him sleeping on your face most of the time since he couldn’t sleep anywhere else unless he was near you, but you feared that you’d squish him by accident so you tried letting him sleep on your pillow, only for him to be found fast asleep against your face or your neck by the morning.
It was sweet while it lasted but it was only a matter of time before he reverted back to his usual sharp angles and chaotic self, so you valued all the time you had with baby bill to heart and making sure he had nothing but unconditional love and affection from someone who cared.
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
robert carlyle ily <3 keep playing morally dubious bbgs
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
fast forwarding through ouat episodes to see my little lizard man
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
Me: You know how when you were a kid and you’d wish that you’d get sick or injured in a way that would justify why you didn’t live up to your potential?
Everybody, apparently: No?
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
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heading out the door
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
Some of u need outdoor time and it shows 🙄
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
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i'm not a lesbian as far as i know and i already have a wife but thanks tumblr
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
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me if meowing was a sin tbh
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
scary things happening in weather world rn
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noloveinfebuary · 2 months
scary things happening in weather world rn
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