nolroberts · 11 years
Netflix is a life saver, but it also ruins your life at the same time. Balancing schoolwork and being able to finish an entire season is still pretty challenging so I'll give you props for that. Good to hear, I haven't had much to handle on my plate either. If only every week could be a calm one. 
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Good point. Netflix has basically ruined my life, I have lost sleep, my social life and my ability to do anything else. Wow, that is impressive. I started watching The Carrie Diaries last week and I’m on the latest season, but there’s only two seasons so I guess it’s not that impressive. I’m great, I’ve had so much free time, which is unusual, but it feels really good to just relax.
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nolroberts · 11 years
Though Nolan hadn’t planned on having an actual date Valentine’s Day evening, he wasn’t at all complaining about the turn of events. He’d spent time with the girl before when she first came to Jamestown and found her to be quite enthralling, so being able to get to know her better was an opportunity he wasn’t going to pass up. Throughout the afternoon he tidied up the room until it looked decent enough for someone else to enter while also looking over lists of possible movie options on Netflix and whatever tangible films he had lying about since that was his end of the bargain they’d made. Knowing a knock at the door would arrive any minute as the clock’s hands moved towards the set time, he put his scurrying around to a halt. Taking a moment to look into the nearest reflective object, his fingers quickly combed through the mess of curls on his head which never seemed to be able to be tamed. He didn’t bother to toy with it any longer than a moment as it seemed to sit whichever way it pleased no matter his futile efforts. He figured he looked nice enough in his current attire and didn’t bother to change, feeling confident that his looks were up to par.
Once the faint taps were heard, he glanced up from his phone and stood up, tucking it away safely in the back pocket of his jeans. Lips curving upwards into a jovial smile, he laughed and rolled his eyes at her feigned threat before his fingers reached for and grasped the knob. Swinging it open, he stepped back and hurried her inside with multiple waves of his hand. “Hey,” he greeted, the word stumbling out of his mouth a little faster than he intended it to. “You look nice,” the boy complimented as his eyes quickly looked over the girl’s entirety before meeting her eyes with a small smile in an attempt to redeem himself after seeming overly excited. “Nothing too strange as promised?” he inquired as his line of sight changed to look towards the plastic bag before turning to walk towards where he’d pulled out a few films he thought might be suited for their theme of the night. 
What A Buzz | Nolan and Kennedy
Examining her appearance in the mirror one last time, Kennedy exhaled and allowed her brunette locks to loosely fall down across her shoulders. There wasn’t much time left for her to continue playing around with her outfit nor her hair, so she flicked the light switch off and exited the bathroom. The irony of how much effort she put into making herself appear as if she had put no effort into her image at all was quite humorous, though frustrating in her own opinion. She knew it was silly spending a long while trying to look presentable when all she was doing was going over to Nolan’s for food and a movie marathon. Grabbing the plastic bag which held the Chinese takeout she had promised him along with a few of her personal belongings, her eyes scanned the room for anything else she could possibly be missing. She soon came to the conclusion she was all ready to head out and began doing just that, her arms sliding into her jacket while closing the door behind herself.
Thankful for both the decent temperature California offered in the winter and the short distance from her place to his, she didn’t mind the small walk it took her to arrive to his door. It also gave her a few extra minutes to collect her emotions before she embarrassed herself more than she had a couple of nights back with her sorry attempts at being comical. Honestly, she was surprised the boy still wanted her over after the most corny compliments and humiliating conversation of all time had been made. Pushing all nervous, uneasy feelings aside, she gently placed her knuckles on the wood and softly knocked multiple times. “Open up, otherwise your food is going to get cold,” she called out playfully, stepping back from the entrance of the dorm so she wouldn’t be too close for comfort. Waiting, she looked at her nails—a habit she had picked up and found herself doing in anxious situations—until she was met with a familiar face.
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nolroberts · 11 years
I've never claimed to be a hipster, so I'm alright with that. Netflix is a pretty wondrous thing; I can watch a whole season in a week now when I don't have plans, which I'd say is pretty impressive. I'm good, and yourself?
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Being alive is so mainstream, but then again so is being dead. I don’t know what I’m saying. Right, it’s pretty much been everywhere for the past month or so. It kinda gets annoying sometimes, but catching up on episodes keep me busy, and right now that’s all I need. I haven’t talked to you in a while, how are you?
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nolroberts · 11 years
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nolroberts · 11 years
Well it's a good thing I doubt we watch any of the same thing, because I quite like staying alive. I've heard enough people talking about that show to catch the basics, I'm not completely oblivious. 
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When I say literally, I mean literally, okay. You actually got that right, I’m surprised.
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nolroberts · 11 years
Getting lost a couple times is the best way to find new things, if you ask me.
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Well, you do have a point there.
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nolroberts · 11 years
Maybe you're just bad at being sarcastic. It'll start to dip down if you keep being rude, babe. Manhattan sounds cool, though I've never been to New York so I wouldn't really know. I'm from Vancouver, which is a decent sized city in Washington but it's nothing like San Diego. There's no need to explain yourself. It was pretty cheesy; no pun intended unless you like corny jokes, in that case go ahead and tell me how hilarious I am. Nah, I think I'm going to choose to not forget about it and bring it up every once in a while. 
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Oh please, you knew I was being sarcastic. And like you implied, your self esteem is nowhere near a dangerously low level. I’m from Manhattan, and I used to live right in the middle of the city, too, so I’m familiar with the hustle and bustle. What about yourself? It sounded ten times better in my head, I swear. Not that I was agreeing you look like a pizza—because you certainly don’t, but I thought it’d be a funny thing to say which it wasn’t. Obviously I’m terrible at flirting and you should probably forget everything I said for both your benefit and mine, alright? It’d be greatly appreciated. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
One minute you're telling me I'm awful and then next you're saying I'm alright, which honestly can't be good for my mental health. Are you? Where are you from, exactly? Knowing the main way around things is significant when living in larger places, I agree. Thanks, it can be difficult when competing for the title of cutest pizza. There's just so many others out there, you know? That sounds delicious right about now actually. I approve, so at least we've got dinner figured out. 
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You seemed to have the place memorized reasonably well, so bringing along a map would be unnecessary unless you’re starting to doubt your skills. After walking around to get to classes and other shops nearby I got the hang of things, plus I’m from a big city myself so I know how important it is to figure out where you are as quickly as you can. Well you’re possibly the cutest pizza I’ve ever seen, so at least you have that going for you. No, I’m not much of a freaky eater. Lo mein and Teriyaki chicken is what I usually order. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
I truly hope that was a misuse of the word 'literally' or else they might have to get you in on that A team or whatever it is the show's about.
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I will literally murder someone if they spoil another episode of PLL and everything else. I am screaming.
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nolroberts · 11 years
I'm pretty selective about who I let witness my guide skills, which I personally believe aren't too shabby; I guess next time I'll have to get a full campus map or something. Impressive, I've seen people here a good month and still wondering around with a confused glaze to their eyes. I think pizza is responsible for half my weight, I practically am pizza now if you believe the 'you are what you eat' statement. So Chinese is welcome, but please don't be one of those people who likes the really freaky dishes. 
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Fine, you’ve got me there. You’re a mediocre guide, however I’m not so positive I’d recommend you to friends. Trust me, Nolan, I paid plenty of attention and will surely make it over to your place Friday night without any problems. It really only took me about a week to become familiar with all of my surroundings. I hate to ruin the surprise, but it’ll probably end up being Chinese because I eat pizza all the time. I basically live off of that and chicken nuggets.
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nolroberts · 11 years
Hey, that tour of mine must have been pretty damn good since you know where both the Chinese takeout place and the pizza parlor are located. Hopefully you paid enough attention so you won't get lost on your way over, though. You can't possibly make me choose between the two, so since you offered feel free to pick up what you want to eat and I'll take care of everything else. 
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I’m taking a risk by agreeing to spend more time with you, especially after that awful tour you gave me, but I won’t mind it as long as you don’t. I like to be surprised. You could always go with your gut feeling; you never know if your favorite could end up being mine as well. I can provide a Chinese takeout dinner, or pizza or whatever you’d prefer to have. It doesn’t matter to me. Friday at eight sounds like a plan, yeah. I’ll look for some decent movies to also bring along. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
There's nothing wrong with a bit of trial and error, yeah? 
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I’m into honestly anything. I just don’t want to get to exploring then end up lost.
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nolroberts · 11 years
I doubt it, but you'll just have to keep spending time with me so I'll get the chance to find out for myself. Don't worry Ken, we're definitely on the same page now. You're not even going to give me a little hint as to what I should pick up? Damn, this'll be harder than I expected but I promise not to be too cliche since that seems to be what we're trying to avoid. Sounds good, but feel free to bring over anything or let me know if you think of something later. 14th? Around 8 or 9?
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Trust me, it can become an annoyance after a while. Was that not what you intended it to be? Sorry, hopefully you won’t turn this down either because otherwise I’ll probably end up feeling even more dumb than I do now. Don’t feel like you have to get me something, Nolan. I’m sure whatever you decide will be lovely. As long as there’s no cliche ending where everyone ends up happy and at the perfect point in their life, I’ll have no complaints. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
I'll have to keep that fact in mind for future reference, and by the way, your rambling's cute. Oh are we making this a date now? You'll have to tell me your favorite chocolate so I don't fuck up and make it a shitty one. If you have any specific movies in mind, I'll make sure to have those, and there's nothing wrong with a little irony.
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No, no—I was just making sure the both of us were on the same page and all. Not that I’d reject you either if we were on opposite pages, but you get it and there’s really no need for me to further explain myself. Planning a date on a day about love we supposedly hate is ironic, although it’s hard for me to turn down a movie night. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
I mean, that wasn't my intention but I wouldn't turn you down if it were yours. If you'd prefer to spend your night with someone else, I'll hate Valentine's Day with you by watching a few films without a happily ever after.
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Someone once told me that when a guy says “make me” or something along those lines, they’re basically inviting you to make out with them. You’re not the only one, and if you’re like me, most of the time you’re buying the chocolate for yourself. But you’re not. Valentine’s Day is terrible. Period. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
Make me. Possibly, but unfortunately I usually go home afterwards and spend the night eating a box of chocolate by myself. 
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Oh, shut up. You adore the ego boost either way. 
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nolroberts · 11 years
Who said anything about them being anonymous?
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Are you sure it’s the candy you enjoy, or is it the great amount of anonymous love letters left in your locker? 
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