nombredisponible · 8 years
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Black Wood House Marchi Architects
The client wanted to move the living spaces to a more open and transparent spaces, in order to free some spaces in the old house. A unique volume is set up, arranging kitchen, living and dining room. From the interior, wide views are offered on the garden and on landscape. The extension is connected to the existing house as a structurally light volume, as not to overload the foundations. The project is minimal: the volume is integrated in the surrounding, partially recessed in the topography of the ground as to stands lower than the street level. The dark timber cladding plays with light and shadows so that the extension disappears in the shade of the forest around.
Images Fernando Guerra text Marchi Architects
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nombredisponible · 8 years
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A Woman’s Look by Carmella Rose | LVSH
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nombredisponible · 8 years
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Guerel Sahin
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nombredisponible · 8 years
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Queridos, queridas, hijxs de puta que habéis insistido para esto (con love), y suecos que me seguís sin entenderme nada, hola. A todos nos molan las cosas gratis y desde que mear en estaciones vale dinero; más. Así que voy a dar un poco de mi.
Voy a sortear un dibujo hecho por mi. No iba a ser por ti eso no tendría puta lógica, pero específico porque a algunxs os cuesta más.
Antes de querer participar en este sorteo quiero que tengas en cuenta que dicho dibujo no va a poder escogerse. Ya que si doy algo de mi, quiero darlo totalmente de mi. Así que si me ibaís a pedir un retrato de vuestro jepeto pues no es el momento. Sigo, creo que es bastante importante que echeís un ojo a los dibujos que tengo en instagram (cuenta: dsyntv), para que os hagaís una idea y no participeís por participar ya que me gustaría que dicho dibujo lo ganara alguien que de verdad lo quiera.
Os prometo, que aunque soy de las que piensa que inacabado todo es más bonito, voy a dejarme parte del corazón en ello.
Para participar sólo tienes que rebloguear esta foto. Da igual de dónde seas, que conste.
(No creo que esto tenga muchas notas porque no le pienso dar mucho bombo. Pero si hubieran más interesados de los que me imagino en vez de uno sortearía dos. Y así…)
A la persona ganadora se lo diré el viernes día 8 de Abril. Y creo que ya está todo…
Suerte! Ah por ciertins, no quiero trampas ni que por colegueo os penséis que tenéis algún tipo de ventaja, el ganador será escogido totalmente al azar.
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nombredisponible · 8 years
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Greenland Daniel Beltrá
Images via
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nombredisponible · 8 years
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Ramp House Studio mk27 - Marcio Kogan + Renata Furlanetto
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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Cityscapes Hsin-Yao Tseng
Hsin-Yao’s technique in oils brilliant and sure; he paints in a Romantic, expressive manner that honors the Western tradition while signaling an edgy, contemporary complexity. Hsin-Yao has a curiosity and energy that propel him toward experimentation and innovation; accordingly, he works in a range of genres: from lush evocations of San Francisco and other cities to expressive portraits and finally to lustrous interiors in which multiple figures enact a story.
Images and text via Hsin-Yao Tseng
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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The Forgotten Pyramids of Sudan
More than 200km from the Sudanese capital Khartoum, the remains of an ancient city rise from the arid and inhospitable terrain like a science-fiction film set. Nestled between sand dunes, the secluded pyramids seem to have been forgotten by the modern world, with no nearby restaurants or hotels to cater to tourists.
The Nubian Meroe pyramids, much smaller but just as impressive as the more famous Egyptian ones, are found on the east bank of the Nile river, near a group of villages called Bagrawiyah. The pyramids get their name from the ancient city of Meroe, the capital of the Kingdom of Kush, an ancient African kingdom situated in what is now the Republic of Sudan.
Around 1000 BCE, after the fall of the 24th Egyptian dynasty, the Nubian Kingdom of Kush arose as the leading power in the middle Nile region. The Kushite kings took over and ruled much of Egypt from 712 to 657 BCE. In 300 BCE, when the capital and royal burial ground of the kingdom moved to the Meroe region, the pharaonic tradition of building pyramids to encapsulate the tombs of rulers continued here. (Source)
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nombredisponible · 9 years
lugares famosos mostrados junto a su verdadero entorno:
1. La Acrópolis, Atenas, Grecia
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2. Monte Saint-Michel, Francia
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3. La Sirenita de Copenhague, Dinamarca
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4. Ulurua, Australia
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5. Arco del Triunfo, París
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6. Stonehenge, Reino Unido
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7. Basílica del Sagrado Corazón, París
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8. Mona Lisa, Museo De Louvre, París
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9. La Kaaba, La Meca, Arabia Saudita
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10. Santorini, Grecia
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11. El Taj Mahal, India
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12. Las Piramides De Giza, Egipto
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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|| NLL ||
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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Fire Paintings Draws With Flames And Soot  by Steven Spazuk
More info: spazuk.com | Youtube | Facebook
Steven Spazuk is a Canada-based artist who uses candle soot to create elegant drawings. After depositing soot on his media with a candle or torch, he etches lines and patterns in the soot with  pencils and feathers.
Though Spazuk has spent the last 14 years developing and perfecting his soot painting technique, the creation process always has an element of random spontaneity and improvisation. via: boredpanda
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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nombredisponible · 9 years
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Model Monday: Transbay Block 9
It’s no secret that San Francisco is hungry for housing. Soon, an architecturally innovative and environmentally sustainable vertical community will break ground in San Francisco’s Transbay Transit Center District. SOM collaborated with Fougeron Architecture and Powell & Partners to create Block 9, a tower flanked by two lower volumes. The project not only provides both market rate and affordable units, but also strengthens Folsom Street as a new major commercial and public thoroughfare. Learn more
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