nomorefatbls · 2 years
I’m “new” to lifting- been lifting for a month. It comes pretty naturally to me and i’ve been lifting things like art supplies, books, and b&bw. I still don’t know what a lot of the slang means though? like what’s an SA or whatever it was? hahaha, also I am in desperate need of a new phone and i’ve been trying to sell my lifted stuff on marketplace but it’s barely selling. Any tips on what to pick up? And I need them sites to sell my hauls on. Any help is appreciated 🤪
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nomorefatbls · 3 years
Things to Remember.
Eating 1500 calories DOES NOT make you gain weight.
Eating 1000 calories DOES NOT make you gain weight.
Eating under 1000 calories is NOT a binge.
Eating 1000+ calories is NOT a binge.
Remember to eat.
No one should die from this.
Drink water.
Stay hydrated.
Stay safe.
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
ok so i was still feeling soooo bingey and it was like 9pm so i went to the store and picked up this Metamucil 4-in-1 fiber powder that has appetite control that you mix with water. it’s orange flavor & sugar free.
A teaspoon is 20 calories BUT
Omg it filled me up so much. I feel so full rn and i no longer have any hunger cues!!!
i recommend this to anyone who deals with extreme binge urges!!!!
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
does anyone want to be friends? 🥺
inbox is welcome to anyone of any race, religion, sexuality, gender and cultures 💛 (sorry if i missed a category)
i’m 16, female, loveee music from between the 60s and early 2000s mostly, such as muse, gorillaz, rainbow, blur, franz ferdinand, the beatles and billy idol
i’m pretty awkward mind you but i’m accepting of everyone so hmu if anyone else is lonely lol or just wants to expand their online friends 😘
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
Hi I literally have no friends and this super depressing proana account is the most popular I’ve ever been on any social media so can you please follow my insta to boost it up a little 🥺 I promise I’m very pretty
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
Reblog if:
- you want me to send you meanspo, thinspo, sweets, bonespo etc.
- if you need motivation to fast or not binge
- if you’re thinking of giving up
- if you just want someone to talk to
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
masterpost of my fav pilates workouts ⭐️
My mother is a pilates teacher and I’ve always watched her as she worked with love and passion, however I’ve never understood how truly amazing pilates is. I’ve been doing on my own pilates workouts for a year by now and with my mom’s teachings I’ve seen major changes in my physique that not even thousands of cardio workouts could achieve. Also I have to give props to whoever invented pilates because you can stay in your home, without sweating too much and wearing comfortable clothes and at the same time getting effective results. So I chose to share some of those videos with all of you and I’m going to update everytime I find some new that I enjoy and think are suitable for everyone.
1)  For beginners: 
2) More advanced:
Be aware! some common mistakes people do and that I’ve done for a long time:
don’t hold your breath, breathing is your friend: exhale during the hardest part of the exercise and inhale during the resting part
DO NOT ARCH YOUR BACK! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. If your lower back is hurting you’re not working your abs at all but you’re just hurting yourself. Don’t push your body where you aren’t comfortable, there are always modifications you can do.
always keep the core strong when you’re in plank positions, otherwise you’ll be working your wrists instead of your abs.
when you’re doing squats be careful to your knees, they have to be in line with your toes: you want to work your booty and quads, not hurt your poor knees.
open your shoulders, stay tall like you have a glass of water on your head and open your chest because your back needs lots of love and care since we always neglect it: posture is so important!
don’t think working out as pain in the ass: it helps your body, it’s a moment of healing after all those hours spent at school or at work, it’s a moment of recovery and serenity that you owe to yourself.
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
This is the first time in years that I’ve actually been excited for summer
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
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Her channel has tons of work out and diet videos, this is the first one
Hope is useful
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
Oml my principal just went up to me and asked me why I wasn’t eating lunch and I said I don’t like the school lunch and that I usually eat at home and he said “okay just don’t do the anorexia” and I was literally looking at thinspo while talking to him
I don’t know you shouldnt “do the anorexia.”
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
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emerald & lace 🌻
Onlyfans | Twitter | Instagram
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
the worst thing about losing weight is you can’t really.. do much. you just gotta restrict, exercise(or not lol), and... wait... a day.. a week.. a month.. waiting fucking sucks
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
someone, looking at my very obvious self harm scars: woah where did you get those!
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
Story time :
Yesterday I was suddenly hungry. So I went to the kitchen...my intention was to gorge myself and make me feel guilty. And yet, in front of the fridge, I realized that I had two choices: eating and getting sick from binging or overcoming my animal instincts. You see, maybe the worst thing about eating disorder isn’t really food, but the fact that you can’t repel your own impulses, which then make us feel weak and victimized. But I can assure you that we are all masters of our own choices. You can choose whether to be the one who binges and never gets her ideal body and gets trapped in her disorder, or you can choose to block the animal instinct and control yourself. It is not easy, it will not be gradual, you’ll make mistakes, but the important thing is that you don’t get discouraged and that you will always try again. Because one day you can look in the mirror and say, "Look, this is me. I only got here because of me. And now I can achieve all the goals I want."
Reread this every time you want to binge and make the right choice. Remember that you are strong ... you just have to choose to be.✨🍓🌹
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nomorefatbls · 4 years
My friend is on her bullshit again and I'm at my highest wieght and I'm stressed let's get skini
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