nonajewel · 9 hours
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nonajewel · 9 hours
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nonajewel · 3 days
obsessed with star trek repeatedly writing themselves into a corner by creating alien races that are supposed to be The Bad Guys when that explicitly conflicts with their previously established notion that no group of people is inherently good or evil.
first it was the klingons—they’re originally supposed to be this cruel, bloodthirsty, war-obsessed people—and then tng comes along and it’s like wait no maybe war and violence is a part of their culture and actually ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies so we have to be woke about it.
hey these are the ferengi and they’re supposed to represent everything we hate about capitalist society; they’re greedy, scheming, profit-obsessed, and they look like ugly little trolls to emphasize how much we fucking HATE capitalism. oh wait fuck here comes deep space nine and we have to recognize that they’re PEOPLE. okok what if the pursuit of profit is actually part of their culture and ties back to ancient traditions and philosophies. so we have to be woke about it.
this is the borg, they’re a hivemind race of cyborgs who have no sense of individuality and their only motivation is assimilating people into their society. they want to assimilate humanity and we are completely defenseless against them because their technology is eons ahead of our own and they’re incapable of being reasoned with. oh sweet we have a borg prisoner this is the perfect opportunity to commit genocide against them. fuck actually we can’t commit genocide we’re woke and communists and in space.
hey these are the cardassians, they’re part of a cruel and vicious empire which is supposed to be a representation of fascism and authoritarian regimes, they’re a cold, bloodthirsty people with no sense of empathy or compassion, their society literally references 1984 on multiple occasions, and they’re known for the insanely cruel and inhumane methods of torture they use against their prisoners of war. we hate the cardassians…….. except, here’s a cardassian kid who grew up on bajor, and……. fuck. he’s a person. now we actually have to consider his humanity. and being racist is actually……. bad.
this is the jem’hadar, they’re genetically engineered soldiers who have no sense of individuality and only live to defend the state. they’re all born addicted to a synthetic drug that’s manufactured by the state and administered by their masters—this is how they’re kept subservient. they’re ruthless and powerful and they’re incapable of being reasoned with because their only motivation is violence and killing. so we should kill them all, right? FUCK….. what if they’re actually people. goddamnit. now we have to consider their humanity.
hey these are the romulans. hey these are the founders. the list goes on. i just find it really interesting
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nonajewel · 3 days
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nonajewel · 3 days
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When an autistic person asks why it's rarely for any reason other than curiosity. Sadly this curiosity can get us into a lot of trouble from people who automatically think we're questioning their authority or something.
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nonajewel · 6 days
clicked on a youtube book review for a book that's apparently tiktok famous for being "the stepfamily romance"
me at the intro:okay, what if you're misunderstanding and it's like a horror thing that people decided was cute. like killing stalking. how are you sure it's framed in the way you're saying it's framed
me halfway through the video:me and lexi aka newlynova are trapped in here with this fucking book nothing can save us
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nonajewel · 6 days
babe help thank you so much for recommending cindy to me. i finally finished watching the video you sent me and she is too funny i can't lol i'm glad she comments on these terrible books so i don't have to read them. i will definitely watch more of her <3
I'm so glad you liked her vid!!
I've been watching her for like 4-5 years now, and she never disappoints. My biggest flex is that I once had a conversation with her on Insta about depression and how hard it is to grow out of needing male validation to feel worthy. I told her that her videos are amazing, and that she's so funny, smart and gorgeous, and she said it made her happy.
I also started watching Lexi aka newlynova last week; she has a few video essays about terrible books, but she's more Gen Z type of funny. I recommend this vid if you want to check her out too.
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nonajewel · 6 days
The whole Babel part was my favourite, I bought the book. She sold me on it. 📚
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nonajewel · 6 days
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nonajewel · 7 days
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IRISH FAIRY TALES by James Stephens. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. This copy with a beautiful art binding.
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nonajewel · 7 days
Hey hi hello I'd like to tell you about the wonderful gift my friend @swordsmans made for me.
I literally spent Thursday night just. Looking through it and turning it over in my hands. It's SO pretty and has SUCH A VISION in the making of it. Gyro's work is amazing. Just. Look.
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The cover? The gold foil lettering? God. It looks so good on my bookshelf. And the DETAIL. They painted the edges of the pages guys, it looks SO COOL.
(excuse the low-quality photos, I have learned i am terrible at staging books, but just LOOK AT THESE PAGES.)
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Okay and now for me waxing poetic about this.
When gyro first mentioned that they were going to start commissions for binding people's fics I was excited for them and also planned to commission them to bind one of my own fics. I knew I wanted to get a bound copy of their fic The Sea Makes Bones of Bodies as well, because if you haven't seen the typesets for that and the copies they've made you really should (here's my personal favorite of their copies). So I reached out and imagine my surprise when I discovered Gyro was already planning to do so.
Genuinely one of my favorite experiences in fandom is seeing people make art for their favorite fics and be inspired by other fanworks so when I tell you that I was BEYOND HONORED about this and SO PUMPED, like. I don't have words. I'm so grateful to have received such a lovely gift (it's on my bookshelf next to my copy of Rilke. Rilke.) and I keep running around with a huge smile on my face because I still can't believe anyone liked my silly Zolu fic enough to be inspired to actually bind it and now I have it in my hands.
I don't actually know anything about bookbinding except for what I've gleaned from Gyro but I did wonder how it would like. Feel in my hand compared to traditionally published books. I'm super careful with it because I love it so much but this thing is not going to fall apart at the drop of a hat. Also the book just feels nice in my hands. Weird thing to notice maybe but Gyro also picked a lovely font? I read the fic (IN BOOK FORM AHHHHHHH) and it was just as readable as it is on AO3 (though obviously this is way better/more special askdfjajjakkkiss).
If you are interested in fanbinding and the actual process Gyro used to make this, they made a post here. If you would like to request a fanbinding project their form is here. Gyro's Kofi is here as well. And if you'd like to follow gyro's fanbinding archive that would be here.
Okay! I think that's all I wanted to say. Gyro it was so lovely to have a front-row seat to the creation process and see how you made the book. Genuinely one of the best gifts I've ever received, thank you so much!!!
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nonajewel · 7 days
And so Beguile Thy Sorrow - Hapax
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The next fic I bound was And so Beguile Thy Sorry (a quite from Titus Andronicus) by Hapax (@wordsthativelost). I have been a Shakespeare fan since my Granny and mum read me the plays and took me to the theatre. This fic was very fun to read, bit of intrigue/mystery and the development of the relationship between the two main characters. I used https://acestronautical.github.io/bookcover-js/ to create the spine. I can highly recommend it if you want to make Penguin book style covers.
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nonajewel · 7 days
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An au fic that is near and dear to my heart, and one that spawned hundreds of thousands of words of follow-up, companion pieces, aus, and so on. AKA the one where I fixed canon by turning a major character into a zombie.
Lot of firsts on this bind -- first time using a guillotine for the edges, first time including a bookmark, and first time using heat transfer vinyl, for the lettering and bloodstains on the cover. For a first attempt, not awful; the letters came out a little raggedy but I decided to just roll with it since this is, thematically, supposed to be a bloodied and ratty relic of an apocalypse. And I FUCKING LOVE how the blood splattered page edges turned out.
Technical details under the cut.
Body text is Kozuka Mincho Pro R on French fleece white parchtone; titles are Haettenschweiler; chapter headers are Traveling Typewriter; chapter caps and Tshirt text are You Murderer BB. Blood splatters from a font called simply "splatter".
End papers are some kind of scrapbook paper from a "blood splatter" pack I found online somewhere. Bookcloth is generic BbH. Vinyl is Siser Metal HTV, cut with cricut, that I jacked up by using an iron instead of a proper heat press. Edge splatter with mix of liquitex naphol red light and FW Pearlescent black acrylic inks.
I think that's everything. Most ambitious bind I've done and one of the ones I'm happiest with in terms of overall presentation.
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nonajewel · 7 days
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Binding Of Violet-Grey Morocco Strap
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nonajewel · 7 days
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my first binding project is done! such a fun project glad im finally finished and this can sit pretty on my shelf 💖
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nonajewel · 7 days
Finished this bind today 😍
It’s wading in waist-high water by @colgatebluemintygel
Read it on AO3
I may have gone a little overboard with the Peter Rabbit design, but I got carried away.
My first time using custom end pages and using stamp-pad ink to tint the edges 🥳
And the first time I made a cut out. Now I know all the things I need to do differently the next time 🤭
I put a little bit more effort into the text messages and twitter screenshots. So much work but very fun too
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nonajewel · 7 days
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Decided this needed it’s own post. My first Shakarios fic binded book is so 😭😭
Please follow @innepttia @yellingaboutmasseffect @messydiabolical @skittidyne @ragesquidff @soleiliana
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