nonbinaridiot · 1 month
Make me a poet: eat my heart
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“In chapter III of Dante's Vita Nuova the poet returns to his home "overcome with ecstasy" at having been greeted, for the first time as an adult, by his beloved Beatrice. His joy is short-lived, however, since he is soon upset by a "marvelous vision" that appears to him in his sleep. A figure who identifies himself as Dante's "master" holds a woman, naked except for a crimson cloth, in his arms. The figure holds a "fiery object" in his hands, telling Dante, "Behold your heart." The figure then holds Dante's heart up to the woman, who proves to be Beatrice, and makes her eat it from his hands. After a short while the figure begins weeping bitterly, and weeping, he folds his arms over the woman and together they ascend towards the heavens. At this point Dante awakes, and is inspired to write a sonnet addressed to "all Love's faithful subjects" in which he requests help in interpreting his vision.
“Rossi traces the various responses Dante received from those who had read the poem. Cino da Pistoia saw the heart as representing Dante's love, and the act of eating the heart as representative of his beloved's growing awareness of his feelings. However, he ignored the sense of horror that the vision evoked in Dante, as well as the bitter sadness with which it ended. In the first part of his response, Guido Cavalcanti emphasized the state of Grace provoked in Dante by the ecstasy of his love. The bitter weeping, he believed, resulted from the fact that falling in love was, on the lady's part, a sorrowful event, or perhaps a prelude to her death. Later, Cavalcanti suggested perhaps that eating the heart could be an antidote against death (vv. 9-11):
Di voi lo core ne portò, veggendo
che vostra donna la morte chedea;
nodrilla de lo cor, di ciò temendo.
“According to Rossi, the vision of Beatrice eating Dante's heart, confined as it is to the level of dream, serves to sanctify their love (even if Beatrice initially resists it) and to unite their hearts, consequently transforming Dante, the "amante gentile", into a poet. Dante goes beyond metaphor into the realm of the symbolic. The renunciation of earthy gratification, represented by Beatrice's ascent after having eaten his heart, is a necessary antecedent to his acquisition of the poetic word and the exemplary pilgrimage that was to result from it. The vision was, in Rossi's opinion, a stopping point on a more complete voyage towards the truth: "al di là dello speculum egli aspira infatti al rapporto facie ad faciem; al di là dell' 'essemplo' egli vuole arrivare a vedere la 'bellissima figura' del Cristo". Thus, for Dante the eaten heart motif is taken up to portray a symbolic sacrifice that anticipates his poetic initiation. The experience of a Reality beyond the senses, previously deemed impossible unless evoked through mystic inspiration, can now be realized, through the force of the intellect, in poetic language.”
(C. Si.) Rossi, L. "Il cuore, mistico pasto d'amore: dal 'Lai Guirun' al Decameron." Studi Provenzali e Francesi 1982. L'Aquila: Japadre, 1983. pp. 28-128.
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nonbinaridiot · 1 month
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nonbinaridiot · 1 month
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
“Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all. And people have to understand this. You can’t be loyal only when it serves you.”
— Sharnay
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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so quite a lot of people expressed interest in a guide to lion dance! and since the lunar new year is coming up in a couple weeks, which means everyone’s exposure to lions is probably going to increase, i figured i’d go ahead and make it! right click + open in new tab to fullview, etc etc, i hope it’s helpful, although if you only take one thing away from this powerpoint, it’s this: lions are not dragons
disclaimer: i learned fut san style at an american university, and the senior members of the troupe were almost all from hong kong and taiwan, so most of my knowledge is drawn from what they taught me. lion dance varies widely depending on the style and the country of origin, and many schools do things differently! this is just an attempt to establish a baseline and give you a really basic intro to one of my favorite art forms. :)
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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Yves Saint Laurent - Spring 1990 RTW
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
I just love this little scene between Alastor and Niffty. Their crazy laughter is so fucking funny.
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
when you and the homie are trying to emote correctly but you both have autism
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
Don't be mad at me, I adore Lucifer, at least he tries to be a good father😭❤️
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
What You Need To Know About Dating Alastor
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Tags: fluff, slight smut, crack(?), established relationship, kissing, protectiveness, cuddles, personal space, dating, flirting, dancing
A/N: Kind of a joke but also no really this guy is really something else.
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Be ready to get jumped on the regular because you're seen as his weakness but also ready to have his shadow demons around you at all time
Doesn't know what personal space is and won't bother to learn
Hates being touched, he needs to approach you first
A real gentleman if ever there was one in Hell
Expect very classy dates
He is an attention whore, the only kind of whore he will ever be
Openly flirty once you start dating
If you don't know how to dance you better learn because there will be a lot of that
Very shady, may have stalked you home to make sure you get there safe but acts all innocent
Kisses you on the lips very rarely, mostly on your hand
Prefers to cuddle and read rather then anything sexual unless he's extremely pent up in which case be ready to stay up all night
Almost every outing ends up bloody sooner or later
You never have worry about your soul because it's already his
Knows a lot of random trivia from all the papers he's read
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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AT 0:13
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
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nonbinaridiot · 4 months
I fucking can't right now guys-
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