nonbinaryhoarder · 7 months
The Doll Her voice held a dulcet monotone which her porcelain skin duly matched, holding a beautiful yet false vigor, one strangling the border between animate and inanimate. Yet on her were the marks of a harsh life, cracks and blemishes unhidden from sight as if saying 'this too is proof that I have lived.' Her inner workings bared for all to see, yet no blood spilled forth for there was none to spill. No signs of flesh were to be found beneath the illusive veil of life, instead only clockwork organs turned and twisted within her bosom.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 7 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon!
I love the idea of kintsugi so here's a porcelain dragon that highlights the broken seams with gold. Despite all the pains of hardships in life, we are beautiful.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 7 months
Having taken a proper look at my torso for the first time since it got surgery to unfuck I have reached the conclusion that nope I still hate it, less so, but nope my issue absolutely still is that it looks clearly male. Take that mom.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 7 months
This is the best fucking thing I've read all week.
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 7 months
Me and this blog
Hi. I'm Robin. Pronouns exist and are fine, you have a two-third chance of getting the right ones and one-third chance of getting the less right (but not wrong) one. Age is getting closer to 30 than I'd like. I like stories and art, and fantasy. I have a somewhat weird way of processing the world, yay autism, by which I mean I don't remotely understand most of it, my brain works exclusively/primarily on story and myth/fantasy logic which works till the world doesn't. Gender is probably self-evident based on the blog name, but subject to change.
I pretty much just made this whole thing as an outlet for my thoughts and a way to deal with social anxiety. So expect mostly rants, mini-essays, random thoughts, cool things I got my hands on or saw, and some fanboying here and there.
Oh I also decided I'd try and post some writing here and there on this to actually keep doing it and deal with my fears of actually showing stuff to anyone. If I do, expect links to specific tags for it to show up in this post.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
Surgery sucks, the human body was a mistake, I wanna be a dragon.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
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The boy has arrived!
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
so, did I ever tell you guys about the time my roommate accidentally simulated gender dysphoria in VR?
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
I call Campbell a little bitch because of his generalizations, bunch of actively shit claims, and somewhat negative impact on the research of mythology and story. The Hero's Journey and related tropes are the least of my issues with him. Hell my sole issue with that is the people using it as a shortcut to writing and making generic things, which is not exactly on Campbell.
Some of y'all will call Joseph Campbell a little bitch, then turn around and act like TV Tropes has cracked a universal code underlying all human expression.
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
Gender waiting lists suck, and I can't make a deal with the devil or make potion to shapeshift or change my gender. So what's the point of this reality?!
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nonbinaryhoarder · 8 months
You know sometimes you just get dreadfully aware of how little awareness even people in your immediate surroundings have of neuro-divergency. Like "You can grab another mug, what are you five?" No, I cannot. A: That is my mug for this specific thing, I have to use it. B: I had already started this and was planning to use this mug. You interrupted my routine by grabbing it and when I pointed out the problem, I'm the one doing something wrong? Why am I the one at fault?
Like sure, I'm "not five", but I'm not exactly "normal" (which fuck that term) no matter how much I've managed to fake looking like it to avoid criticism. Like why the hell am I supposed to adjust myself to everyone but the few things I don't manage to adjust and would like it if others could just let go are still a problem. Adjust yourself to me for a change. It shouldn't be a one-way road. Like yes I have moments where I can only eat thing X and anything but that is not just unpalatable but capable of making me nauseous you don't have to accept it or even understand it to not make a problem out of it.
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