nonesingsowildlywell · 19 hours
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Quick sketch of mahir Ibrahim 
I love him 
[IMAGE ID: mahir faces towards the viewer. He has brown skin and black hair. He has a friendly expression and brown eyes. It is payed on a green background. He has a green shirt. END ID]
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I posted all of them on my other blog (@fabuladorah) but since that blog is a mess i lost them all. So I decided to just throw them here.
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morridance [i am pulled offstage by a large hook]
version with lesbian flag colored background ⬇️
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Ok but like, objectively, she is better
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I was being lazy and procrastinated coloring this but uhhhh it's here!😭 Morrigan's family portrait (from the Nevermoor book series!) Poor girl. My bestie's words: "She has Wednesday addams vibes. She looks so depressed."
Corvus's design is not perfectly how he looks like in my head but other than that I'm pretty happy!
I was looking forward to drawing Ivy because I have such a clear vision of her in my head. :D
I might be misinterpreting but I've always kinda assumed Nevermoor has bit of 20's aesthetic for some reason?
And I'm very happy with how I drew Mog's grandma. All in all i had fun designing Mog's relatives!
[ID: coloured pen drawing of the Crow family. Ornella (left) is wearing a purple dress and black opera gloves. Corvus (back) is wearing a black top hat, cravat and suit. Morrigan (front) is wearing a black skirt and cardigan (with red accents) and a red neckerchief. Ivy (right) is smiling. she has a tan, is wearing a blue sundress with a pashmima, and has a pink bag with matching shoes. the other three photos are close ups on the picture. End ID]
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Cadence and the puppy
Tthe scene was too cute not to turn it into art!
Drawing Cadence is so much fun, she’s such a strong character. I only now notice that the puppy matches her expression, haha…
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[Image ID: A thin light brown frame surrounds the warm yellow paintings, dividing it into two.
On the one on the left, in cursive with the same light brown as the frame, is "Sunshine" written on the upper part.
Under it, sits a full-body painting of Marina Cheery. She looks as if she is sitting at the edge of an invisible surface, one of her legs bent and her foot on an edge, while the other dangles and the tip of toes touch the edge of her frame as if it is the floor. She rests her elbows on her right knee. Her skin is dark brown and her hair is short and curly. She has a soft smile on her face as she looks towards the front. She wears trousers that are light in colour, as is her shirt, and she wears a dark long-sleeved sweater above it. A "W" pin is pinned on the right side of her chest.
On the right, in cursive with the same light brown as the frame, is "Sunshine Protector" written on the upper part.
Under it, is a drawing of Roshni Singh, ending at upper thigh. Her hair is dark and in a bob, and she wears rectangle-framed glasses. She wears the same uniform as Marina. She holds a red cover book like a weapon, towards her right and her head tilts downward to her left. Her "W" pin is half-hidden by her left arm. Image ID End.]
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It’s a personal headcanon of mine that Hawthorne’s parents got him dragon-related things before he was allowed to ride a real one. It’s not the same as a real dragon, but he loves his dragon plush.
[ID: Three pictures of characters from Nevermoor, all digital and without backgrounds. First picture: Marina Cheery from the bust up. She’s wearing a light blue shirt with a sun behind a cloud on it. The collar and sleeves are rainbow coloured. She’s smiling. Her hair is tied up with a yellow hairtie. Second picture: A full-body drawing of Hawthorne, drawn as a younger kid. He’s sitting down cross-legged, with an orange dragon plushie cradled in his arms. The plushie has scales on its back, a tail, and buttons for eyes. Hawthorne is wearing a blue sweatshirt, dark blue sweatpants, and grey socks. He’s smiling with his eyes closed. Third picture: A full-body drawing of Morrigan, she wears black shoes, a white-collar shirt under a black dress. With one hand she’s holding her black umbrella, her other hand is to her side. She has a wide-eyed but deadpan expression. / END ID]
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I saw a braided hair mog drawing and that gave me a lot of thoughts but
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Mog is like the epitome of wild and unrestrained,,,,she was likened to a dragon several times,,,so I thought. Yeah, that would be <11 year old mog,,, also the 2nd one looks like Morrigan Uchiha or smth lmfaoo
[Image ID: screenshot of an Ibispaintx drawing, incomplete. The canvas is tilted, and not straight. The top drawing is Morrigan with dark braided hair and sad black eyes, in a black dress with her arms crossed across her chest.
Bottom drawing a bit to the right is of Morrigan, hair whipping wildly around her head in what is probably wild. Maybe. Her thumb and index and middle finger form a circle through which she breathes out a fireball. Her eyes look cooly towards the target. Her face and hair are highlighted by the flames. Image ID End. ]
@cadence-blackburn-for-queen its not done yet but I'm gonna leave it like this for the week 👍 my exams continue and I have no freedom
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How I draw/imagine unit 919, with some help from the wiki
[ID: Digitally drawn headshots of the Unit 919 kids and their conductor, Miss Cheery.
Top row: Morrigan. She has pale skin, black eyes, and long, black hair. To her left, “Mog” is written. Cadence. She has dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair in a braid. To her left next to her braid, “Cadence” is written. Anah. She has pale, rosy skin, green eyes, and long, curly blonde hair. To her right, “Anah” is written. Francis. He has brown skin, freckles, brown eyes, and short, dark brown hair. Below him, “Francis” is written. Mahir. He has brown skin, dark brown eyes, black glasses, and short, curly black hair. Below him, “Mahir” is written.
Bottom row: Hawthorne, he is white and has freckles. He has light blue eyes and short, curly brown hair. Below him, “Hawthorne” is written. Lambeth. She has brown skin, dark brown eyes, and long, wavy black hair. Over her, “Lam” is written. Thaddea. She has white, a little tanned skin. Her eyes are brown and she has long, curly hair, which is tied up in a ponytail. Below her, “Thaddea” is written. Archan. He has pale skin, dark blue eyes, and short, reddish-brown hair that covers his left eye. Over him, “Arch” is written. Miss Cheery. She has dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, and black afro hair. She has lip gloss and a yellow fabric band tied around her hair. Below her, “Ms. Cheery” is written. / END ID]
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My last nevermoor art got wayyy more notes than I thought so I figured I’d paint morrigan her patron!! Words cannot express how much I love this man.
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Behold my most cursed creation: The Wuncler.
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Nevermoor doodles I might change some of these character designs later [ID: Three pictures of various Nevermoor characters. First picture: Dame Chanda drawn from the hips up. She has warm brown skin, and long, wavy black hair. She’s wearing a red dress with long sleeves and a high neck. She has a yellow belt and a gold necklace. She holds her right arm up to her face, a brown bird sits on her hand. Musical notes hover above them both. The background is a rosy peach.
Second picture: Sketches of Morrigan, Frank, Fenestra, Cadence and Roshni. Top row, left to right: A full-body of Morrigan. She’s wearing a black dress with sleeves and a collar. She stands with her legs crossed, her left arm on her waist. In her right arm she holds her black umbrella. She’s frowning and her eyebrows are furrowed. Next to her, a headshot of Frank. he has pale skin, black, slicked back hair, and red eyes. He smiles with an open mouth, fangs are visible. Under him, “Frank?” is written. Next to him, Fenestra. Her fur is fluffy and grey. She has a disappointed expression. Under her, “Fen?” is written. Bottom row, left to right: Morrigan from the knees up, in the same dress. She has her hands in front of her and is looking at them. From her hands trail white wunder. Next to her, Cadence. She’s drawn from the legs up. She has her arms crossed. She’s frowning and her eyebrows are furrowed. Next to her, Roshni, drawn from the hips up. She’s wearing a green skirt and a yellow cardigan. She has her arms crossed, holding a red book. She’s smiling. Over her, “Rosh” is written. The entire image has a pink overlay.
Third picture: Full-body sketches of Roshni and Marina. Roshni stands to the left. She’s about half a head shorter than Marina. She’s wearing the same clothes as in the second image, as well as green shoes. She’s smiling. Marina wears a t-shirt with yellow and white stripes, blue jeans, and yellow shoes. Her hair is tied up with a hair tie. She’s smiling widely and her eyes are closed. Her left arm hangs at her side and her right arm is stretched up in the air, waving. The entire image has a pink overlay. / END ID]
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It’s winter so I HAD to make some winter themed nevermoor content. So, Here’s mog in her winter coat all warm and cozy (She also has her red hairband to show her support to Saint Nick).
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[PHOTO ID: a drawing of Morrigan crow from head to toe. She’s wearing a crimson colored coat with black tights and a pair of dark brown boots. She’s also wearing a pair of black gloves. Her shoulder length black hair is tied up with a red hairband. She is looking away from the viewer, deeply focused on something. It’s snowing around her. END ID]
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buckle the snazzy up, everyone!!
I say it's time we had an official Cadence Blackburn celebration 😼 / because we don't have her bday yet in Earth 21st Century day.
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mmm couldn't choose if I wanted to be more professional or wanted Bazzy Want Potty so I went with both 🖤
[ Image ID: Cadence Blackburn but it's her theme thing. We have an icon of Cadence Blackburn at the top, lips slightly parted, eyebrows drawn and one raised. Her hair is tied into a ponytail (I could've just keep on drawing her with a braid, it's putting a stop to my creativity!-) and it ends at her neck. We have a broken kit-kat to the middle(as she'd LOVE Kitkats, fight me on that), and to the right of it is another Cadence—
Her hand is under her chin, resting on her elbow. Her hair is tied into a braid and she is wearing a yellow sweater. Her eyes are either skeptical or pitying, her eyebrows are slightly raised.
There is a blue wave in the photo, to signify the pond in the Wunsoc compound(yeah, that one). Atop almost-fully drawn Cadence is a faded Puss In Boots, in reference to her first visit to the Deucalion. ]
please do not hesitate to tell me if anything i pose is offensive, thank you
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Hawthorne and Morrigan talking about.. something
howdy hey Its socc actually posting something! Wow. Ive been seeing a lot of cool fanart so i kinda wanted to whip up something of my own.. more coming soon, i think. maybe
I like to imagine that from a distance it looks like theyre having a very deep, friendship progressing conversation but in reality they’re talking about if you can cook tea
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(Image ID: Morrigan and Hawthorne are standing next to each other, speaking. Hawthorne wearing his school uniform, and so is Morrigan. Hawthorne is pointing at something off in the distance, and looks to be speaking excitedly about something, and morrigan has her hand cupped and raised, looking mildly interested, while her other rests at her side.)
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@nevermoorcentral for the nevermoor big bang. I was partnered with @literallymahir (:
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Image ID. There scene is set in the backstage of a theatre. Morrigan stands near the edge of a wooden platform, her back facing us. She looks older. Her black hair falls to her hips, and she's in a defensive and taken aback position. She wears a black coat, lighter back trousers, brown shoes and what looks like grey/white socks.
Further ahead, two identical-looking light-haired boys grab each other's hand, looking equally confused and slightly scared and wide-eyed. They are wearing matching light shirts and blue pants, with black shoes. There's a door behind them.
Everything is monotonous, there's stale line lighting, and everything looks hazy and slightly out-of-focus like the camera is struggling to capture the scene. Image ID End.
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Closeup of the twins, looking wide-eyed at something to our left, cutting off at their waist
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Closeup of Morrigan, cutting off at her knees
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