nonhumananomaly · 3 months
One Month Left to Submit to My Gender is [NOT] Human Zine
We will be closing for submissions on May 1st.
If you have already submitted an entry and not gotten an email confirmation from us, we have not received your piece.
Feel free to reach out to us here on tumblr with any questions or at our email RuffledGryphon(@)gmail.com
Zine informational post here.
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nonhumananomaly · 3 months
“Otherkin was something tumblr created.”
Nope. - https://houseofchimeras.weebly.com/informative-articles.html and http://frameacloud.com/otherkin/nonfiction-otherkin/
   “Otherkin would never be taken seriously by researchers.” Wrong. - https://houseofchimeras.weebly.com/sources-on-otherkin.html
“Otherkin just have clinical lycanthropy!”  No. - http://liongoatsnake.tumblr.com/post/154719853845/otherkin-and-clinical-lycanthropy
“Otherkin are just furries!” Incorrect. - http://liongoatsnake.tumblr.com/post/138742528290/the-furry-fandom-and-the-therian-community-are-two
“Only amputees can have phantom limbs.”
Inaccurate. -  http://liongoatsnake.tumblr.com/post/166322853890/what-do-you-have-to-say-about-the-fact-that
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nonhumananomaly · 4 months
> Looking for fictionfolk space
> Ask the admin if their group is for actual fictionfolk or KFF
> They don’t understand
> Pull out illustrated diagram explaining what is fictionfolk and what is KFF
> They laugh and say “it’s a good community space, sir”
> Join the community
> It’s KFF
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nonhumananomaly · 4 months
This is a clearer version of the previous post:
I don't know who in the community needs to hear this, but don't refer to humans as apes! (No, "monkeys" is not ok either!)
"Humans are taxonomically great apes, so technically--"
This post is not about human taxonomy
"I don't mean it in a racist way!"
Ok but I need you to understand that it still very much is though. Don't say that shit. It happens in this community way too often.
So why is this being brought up? Because it is very, frustratingly common for those who identify as nonhuman to refer to humans as "apes" or "monkeys" in a derogatory manner. For some people, they consider themselves distanced enough from humanity that this suddenly becomes an ok thing to say, and it is not. Even in a non-derogatory sense, that does not erase that it's still, well, quite racist.
"What should I use instead then?"
Human. That's all. You don't need special vocabulary to replace "apes" and "monkeys" with when talking about humans. Just say human.
And "that's racist" is a scary phrase for a lot of people and tends to send them into defense mode, rejecting the possibility of ever saying anything racially insensitive. "It's not racist because I'm not trying to be racist" is not how racism works. You have to catch yourself. Because while we hate to say it, the alterhuman community can be quite racist (and appropriative, but that's a different discussion), and the reason people of color tend to be so uncomfortable in the community and avoid interaction is because whenever we speak up about these issues there is a sudden pushback.
If you are lucky enough to not have seen it then that is fantastic, but it can mean one of two things:
You were lucky
You just weren't able to recognize them
Neither of these things immediately makes you a bad person, but what you need to do in any case is listen and understand that this is a very real thing that many have to deal with regularly.
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
Phantom Limb Guided Meditation
Hello fellow creatures! This is a 15 minute version of our 30 minute phantom limb guided meditation that was presented at Othercon 2023. We loved the content of the meditation, but don't usually have 30 minutes to spare ourselves for a meditation and we're hoping others will enjoy this too!
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
I do think it’s important to clarify in your OP about the house bill that this is anti-trans legislation first and foremost. while it’s of concern for alterhumans, it is very deliberately being proposed as a way to frame trans people as animals & target trans kids—the author of the bill doesn’t actually care (and probably doesn’t know) about alterhumanity.
This bill will be used to prop up transphobic laws, and probably isn’t intended to be passed at all. I don’t think removing or ignoring that context is appropriate.
- a trans therian
I was going to make a reblog about this exact thing, but I'll say what I was going to say there here instead because I think it's important to make sure everyone gets the chance to see this. This is going to be long because I tend to ramble. TL;DR: Conservatives are not framing transgender people themselves as animals, but their arguments about/beliefs regarding people who identify as animals are absolutely deeply rooted in transphobia, which itself is deeply rooted in a fear/hatred of any "divergent identity." These two concerns are very closely entwined and are part of the same fight (the fight of "just let people be whoever they are"), but are not in and of themselves the same in the sense that this lawmaker is trying to target transgender folks with this specific bill. What makes this bill particularly concerning is the fact that it treats nonhuman-identities as their own separate issue, along with the media coverage it has been getting, which could easily spark other more "viable" anti-"furry" bills to be written and potentially passed in more conservative states across the country. However, this is not a time to panic, but rather a time to be vigilant and start thinking about how we need to prepare to defend one another against whatever comes next.
The fight for trans rights certainly still needs to be at the forefront of our minds, and we also need to be watchful for this threat that is creeping out from the cesspool that is the conservative need for any kind of new "monster" to blame society's problems on.
-Sincerely, another trans therian.
The whole "litterboxes in schools/students identifying as cats/animals" thing started with conservatives who said "if we let people identify as another gender its only a matter of time before people start identifying as animals." These people are well aware that transgender does not mean somebody who identifies as a different species - their concept of nonhuman identifying folks absolutely is rooted in transphobia, but is not in and of itself necessarily about transgender folks.
Reality is, anti-trans legislation and anti-"furry" (read: therian, otherkin, transspecies, etc. - though furries who aren't part of these labels would ultimately be affected as well) legislation are two sides of the same coin - but they are still two distinct sides. That coin is the "divergent identities" coin (and really has many facets, not just two... so... perhaps more of a "divergent identities" cube?), as I'll call it. Anything that isn't cis, het, christian, human-identifying, etc. would be considered a "divergent" identity - a disorder, an illness, something to be cured, something to be eliminated.
Yes, anti-"furry" clauses have up until now been wrapped up with anti-transgender bills. That's conservatives trying to, pardon the horrible cliche, kill two birds with one stone - but one bird they are assuming exists/believe exists because of a sensationalist story, not because they necessarily know it actually exists. Make absolutely no mistake though, now that even the slight possibility of nonhuman identifying folks is on their radar, they are going to work to - in their mind - prevent it, and "cure" (read: eliminate by whatever means they feel necessary) it for whoever already fits that description.
Up until now, it's been a side issue. Something to just tack onto anti-trans bills. The fact that some jerk of a lawmaker decided that it was a strong enough issue on its own to create its own bill is concerning because this marks the first time that it is being treated less like a hypothetical or a side problem, and more like it's own separate issue worth addressing.
However, these two are part of the exact same fight, and cannot/should not be considered entirely separate. The fight is not just about "let trans people be trans," the fight is about "let people be whoever they are." That includes being any sexuality other than allo-het, that includes any religion other than christian (not necessarily an "identity", but still), that includes being anything other than cisgender, and yes, it includes identifying as any species other than human. The focus has recently been particularly targeted at trans folks, but remember that before it was trans folks, it was anyone who wasn't straight.
Conservatives always need a "monster" to defeat. They rely on the outrage of the ignorant and the bigoted in order to get what they want. Its why so many of their talking points aren't really about the economy or infrastructure but instead are about things like abortion, "illegal immigrants," non-Western nations in general, religions that are seen as "foreign" or "satanic," and any identity that isn't considered "normal." The reality is, issues like poverty, poor infrastructure, and prevalent violence are issues that can't just be solved in a day - but humans like quick fixes, so some folks (especially conservatives, though they're certainly not the only ones) think if they can blame all of these issues on anyone who is considered an "other," then many people will be quick to follow them in trying to eliminate the "other" and just push aside all of the real problems that continue to, in someway or another, benefit the people in power.
It only takes one conservative with even half a braincell to decide to google "people who identify as animals" after seeing that a bill was penned to target this specifically, to discover that we therians/otherkin/transspecies folks/etc. really do exist and that the identity is starting to gain more traction especially among youth (thanks, TikTok). I don't think the guy that penned this bill is that one conservative (this dude apparently once tried to create "bigfoot hunting season" so. y'know. i don't think he's doing much research about anything lmao), but with the media attention this bill has gained, it's only a matter of time.
HOWEVER - THIS IS NOT A TIME TO PANIC. I literally cannot stress this enough. Panic is not the response we need to have, but rather vigilance and preparedness for the day nonhuman identities eventually do find their way into the spotlight so that we can be ready for whatever we need to do to fight back against whatever future bills may follow.
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
Legislation Alert
So one of the most direct anti-alterhuman and anti-furry bills has now been filed in Oklahoma. The chances it will be put into law are, I'm sure, fairly small, but certainly not zero. This information is brand new as of just a few hours ago. With a bill like this being filed now, especially if it gets any further toward being a law, I'm sure we can expect more like it (and potentially more harsh) to follow.
This bill is clearly more targeted at therians and otherkin and other nonhuman identifying folks, but since people think that these all fall under the "furry" umbrella, they specifically state that they are targeting furries - this means that those who are just furries could still be impacted as well.
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(IMG ID: A screenshot of House Bill 3084 for the 2024 session which, most importantly, reads: "Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oklahoma: Section 1. New Law. A new section of law to be codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 11-301 of Title 70, unless there is created a dupilcation in numbering, reads as follows: Students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick the student up from the school, or animal control services shall be contacted to removed the student." Edits by the screenshot taker include: the paragraph starting at 'Students who purport...' is highlighted in yellow, and the line starting at 'animal control services shall...' is underlined in red with animal control services being underlined twice.)
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
idea : a shop that sells xenogender-affirming and/or otherkin-affirming perfumes and colognes. like a perfume that make you smell like a woodland fairy, or an old rusty contruct, or a moldy crypt, or even just a wolf. do you get my vision. if that exists already please send me a link. i feel like smell is such an underrated way of self-expression, like its so subtle yet impactful, you can basically associate yourself to anything of your liking in the mind of other people, and they probably will never think it was on purpose. also since in horror writing, smell is often used to demote that something is off with a usually supernatural character i feel like it could work wonders for nonhuman folks.
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nonhumananomaly · 5 months
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nonhumananomaly · 6 months
i draw call that ai generated art
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nonhumananomaly · 6 months
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My Gender is [NOT] Human Zine is Now Accepting Submissions!
Xenogender: A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things.
This zine will be a collection of artwork, writing and more created by alterhumans and nonhumans to express both their species identity, gender, and how they intersect. While this zine will have an xenogender slant, everyone who has something to share about how their species and gender overlap are encouraged to submit pieces! Similarly, if you are currently questioning, you are still welcome to participate. Anonymous submissions are accepted.
What Can I Submit?
Both fiction and nonfiction pieces are accepted. As long as what you have in mind fits the theme, it’ll probably be a-ok. 
Off the top of our head, we’re thinking of:
Essays of your personal experiences
Short stories 
Advice columns
Fictional advertisements
Mock interviews
This is far from an exhaustive list, we welcome you to think outside the box!
How to Participate
Please email your completed submission to ruffledgryphon(@)gmail(.)com and title the email “My Gender is Not Human Zine Submission.” Also make sure to include the following information in your email:
A name you would like the piece attributed to 
Title of your submission
Any content warnings that you feel are necessary for the piece
Any social media handle or personal website you’d like listed in the contributor section
A logo or icon for the contributor section
**If you would like to stay anonymous please let us know
Members of systems are welcome to submit individually or collectively. Please let us know your preference when it comes to attribution.
Once the deadline has passed, the submissions will be crafted together into a single zine and it will be posted on our itch.io as a free PDF. 
Submissions are due by May 1, 2024.
Our itch.io: https://ruffledgryphon.itch.io/
Submission Guidelines
Each individual may submit up to 3 works to be featured in My Gender is [NOT] Human. Comics and multi-image works count as one piece. Individuals within a system may each submit up to 3 works. All work must be your own! Anyone caught plagiarizing or submitting AI-generated work will be barred from entering My Gender is [NOT] Human and any future zines from us.
Written submissions should not exceed 30 pages and multi-part art entries should not exceed 10 pages. Please keep in mind the zine’s pages will be 8.5x11 and entries will be scaled accordingly to fit that size. We request all art submissions to be sent in either .jpg or .png file formats. 
For stories that use multiple different fonts, we will do our best to preserve the general “feel” of your piece but cannot guarantee we will be able to use the exact fonts or sizes due to restrictions in what fonts we have access to, readability and overarching zine style.
Submissions must fit the thematic criteria of
About the intersection of gender and species identities
If you’re not sure if you count, feel free to reach out to us. However, we will be leaning on the side of “Yes! We’d love to hear from you!”
Q: Where will the zine be hosted? What will it cost? A: The zine will be hosted digitally on our itch.io and will be free to download. Our itch.io can be found here: https://ruffledgryphon.itch.io/
Q: Is there a cap on submissions? A: There is none, as long as the file doesn’t start getting too big for our computer we’ll do our best! If there are an unprecedented amount of submissions, we may have to delay the release. In the event that happens, we would communicate that through updates on our tumblr.
Q: Can I update my application after it’s been submitted? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline.
Q: Can I rescind my submission? A: Yes you may, as long as that is communicated to us before the submission deadline. This is because once we begin work on the zine, having to remove content mid-way through would throw off the formatting of everything else after. Please take this into account before submitting. 
Q: Will this zine allow NSFW entries? A: No, nothing 18+ will be accepted.
Q: What is your timeline for the project? A: Our submission deadline is May 1, 2024. We are then planning to spend the next month compiling all of the entries. Our goal is to have the zine live by June 1, 2024. If something unforeseen happens and we are unable to make that deadline, we will post an update about it on our tumblr.
Q: I have another question! A: Feel free to reach out to us at our email ruffledgryphon(@)gmail(.)com or here on tumblr  with any other questions you have about the zine.
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nonhumananomaly · 6 months
The second act of violence done upon you is the assignment of a gender. The first is the assignment of "human being".
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nonhumananomaly · 6 months
fictionkin culture is constantly having 2 refer 2 yrself in the third person while talking 2 fans of yr source media and taking a tiny bit of psychic damage every time you do it
Fictionkin culture is!
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nonhumananomaly · 7 months
My Gender is [NOT] Human Zine Interest Check
Xenogender: A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things.
This zine would be a collection of artwork, writing and more created by alterhumans and nonhumans to express both their species identities, gender, and how they intersect. While this zine will have an xenogender slant, everyone who has something to share about how their species and gender overlap are encouraged to submit pieces! Similarly, if you are still questioning, you are still welcome to participate. Anonymous submissions would be accepted. Both fiction and nonfiction pieces would be accepted. As long as what you have in mind fits the theme, it’ll probably be a-ok. Off the top of our head, we’re thinking of essays, short stories, poetry, advice columns, mock interviews, fictional advertisements, comics or artwork.
This zine would open for submissions at the end of the year and be completed and available for download at the beginning of pride month 2024.
If you'd be interested in either reading or submitting to this potential zine please comment, reply, or tell us in the tags!
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nonhumananomaly · 9 months
please spread my question I'm super curious
(I'm especially curious about cis people's answers honestly 👀)
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nonhumananomaly · 9 months
Otherkin Horror Ask Game
1. What’s one feature from your kintype that may be considered unsettling or creepy 2. Do you study other’s or do other’s study you? 3. What type of predator are you? parasitic, pursuit, ambush, psychological ect. alternatively, What type of prey are you? camouflage, stamina, speed, misdirection 4. any hunting neomata or memories? Do you have any instincts about being hunted or hunting? 5. What’s one defensive maneuver your kintype will do to ward off potential predators or rival animals. Alternate question for less primal types, Do you have a protocol or set rules to defend yourself from danger 6.   Do you do anything with kills besides just eating them? collecting bones, a graveyard for remnants, burying it for storage, studying or soul absorption? 7. You are tied to your environment and labeled as a cryptid by the locals. What would your name be? Ex: The Green river black panther or Swamp Panther 8. How would you clean blood off of yourself? Is it annoying or enrichment? 9. Are you bound to an object or do certain objects attract you? (ex: demons bound to books, animals to blood, ect) 10. How does your kintype view death? 11. What would be an omen that may symbolize your kintype someone may come across? 12. What weather conditions are optimal for you to survive being hunted 13. Do you have any horror movies, lore, or media that reminds you of your kintype? 14. Could you survive your kintype in an attack if you are in a human body? 15. What type of enclosure/prison would be required to keep you contained? 16. As your kintype what’s something you think is stupid about humans feature and or behaviour wise? I tried making this one more humanoid, fictionkin friendly let me know how i did regarding that please!
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