nononodojo · 3 hours
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Exciting career opportunity! We're looking for a Junior Executive Assistant, working very closely with the leadership in extensive one-on-one sessions. We offer an exclusive meal plan, a fast paced environment with plenty of changes, opportunities for growth and an attractive benefits package. Send your resume for HR and we'll be sure to find the right position for you!
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nononodojo · 2 days
Hard to Concentrate
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“So this is where you snuck off to!”
I jumped much more than I should have. The last thing I needed was to look more conspicuous than I did.
“I…just needed some air,” I lied, desperately trying to play it cool. I bounced a bit, doing everything I could to not fill my diaper in front of the girl I’ve been crushing on for years.
“I see,” she said in a disbelieving tone, “I guess ocean air on the beach wasn’t enough.”
I laughed, trying to play along. “Just needed a break from everyone, that’s all,” I added.
“Well, why didn’t you invite me along? Especially since you seem to be dancing along to the music,” she said, taking a few steps closer to me.
I couldn’t tell if she was being snarky or serious. All I knew is I was in trouble either way. But if she was serious…
“Umm,” I said, fighting another cramp, “Well, I…”
She took another step forward. She was close now. So very close. Her intoxicating perfume tantalized my nose.
I knew I needed to get away. There was no time. Yet, I couldn’t move. I’ve dreamed about being this close to her in private for so long.
“No one’s here, Tom,” she said casually looking around, “What are you thinking?”
That I’m about to poop my diaper in front of you…
“That we should finish this conversation after I run to the bathroom,” I say, trying to sound playful through another cramp.
She smiled again. The same smile in between a smirk and authentic.
“The bathroom?” she asked, “You passed two on the way here. Why didn’t you go to those if that’s what you had to do?”
“I…uhhh,” I rambled, terror growing. Not only was I losing the battle to hold it but she was still inching closer.
I could almost feel her breath on my face.
“Tom, you can tell me,” she offered, “What’s going on?”
“I-I,” I started before it happened.
A low, ominous fart escaped me. A harbinger of the disaster that was now impossible to delay.
I was going to mess my diaper in front of her and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
“Oh!” she said stepping back as my knees buckled, “That’s why you left.”
I grunted as the first mass loudly forced its way into my diaper.
“Ohhhhh!” she said like a detective breaking over a case, “This makes so much sense!”
I wanted to respond, to say anything to her, but I couldn’t. Not when I grunted again to push out the next mass into my diaper.
“I always wondered why you never just wore a swimsuit. But now it makes so much sense! You didn’t want everyone to see your diaper!”
I open my mouth to argue, N-n mmpgh,” I grunted like a toddler.
“Wow, well I guess this also answers how you managed to stay single! I’ve always wondered how someone as handsome as you hadn’t been taken. But this…makes sense. You wear diapers!”
My face burned in utter humiliation. But finally, after one last, loud push, I was done. I could feel my diaper sagging pathetically.
I tried to think of something to say, though nothing came to mind.
“Are you all done? That looked like a big poopy!” she cooed, her demeanor completely changing.
“I-I,” I stuttered.
She walked over to me, turning me around without a word. Her hand pushed up against my messy diaper, bouncing it a few times.
“Wow, you really filled that diaper up, Tommy!”
“T-Tommy?” I spluttered.
“Well, Tom is a bit too mature for someone in a loaded diaper, wouldn’t you agree? That’s why in Rugrats he was Tommy Pickles, not Tom Pickles. So, it fitting for you!”
I take a step back before her hand grabs my shoulder.
“Oh no, Tommy! You’re not going anywhere until I get you into a fresh diapee!”
“I can do it myself,” I argue.
“No, silly. Not anymore. You’re too precious to be changing your own diapers. Let’s go find a secluded spot so I can get you out of that icky, stinky diaper.”
“No, please!” I whine.
“Oh, stop,” she hissed, “I came here thinking I’d make a move on you because you clearly weren’t going to. And that’s what I’m doing.”
My heart flutters. “A…a move? You wanted to hook up with me?” I asked hopefully.
“Well, yeah. You’re hot. But those plans are out the door. I’m not gonna hook up with you, Mr. Poopypants! But I think this will be fun!”
My heart sinks like a lead balloon. “Y-you won’t tell anyone about this, right?” I beg.
“Of course I am, silly! But don’t worry, I’ll be there with you making sure they don’t tease you too much. Nobody is gonna be mean to my baby.”
Her hand reaches out, pulling me down the path before I can respond. I do my best to keep up, fighting the heavy, drooping diaper between my legs.
She stops at a clearing of grass. “This should be perfect,” she cheers, “Lay down, Tommy. Now.”
I look around in a panic. This is not private. “But you said secluded.”
“This is secluded! Nobody can smell your poopies here! And if they see…they see. Now, on that tush, mister,” she demanded pushing me down.
I meekly obey, covering my eyes as she opens my diaper bag and empties all the supplies.
As the first tab rips I hear a cacophony of giggling girls.
“Don’t mind them, Tommy,” she sings, rubbing my exposed tummy, “You’re right where you belong.”
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nononodojo · 2 days
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"So my dress came in refitted for my belly, what do you think? Still up for taking the pregnant girl to prom as your date?"
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nononodojo · 2 days
I'm so proud of him! He doesn’t even try to ask if he can make cummies anymore, he just ask for a horsey ride, hoping it will get him there 🥰
But how could he possibly feel anything through such a thick diaper? 🤣
Watch it on Justforfans
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nononodojo · 2 days
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An edit of Crissie's Nightmare, in which the diaper dork @crissiebaby is sentenced to be strapped in tight to her rocker, forever~ Of course the poor girl objects, but it becomes painfully obvious that she's stuck with zero hope of ever escaping~
And so, Crissie remains, with the only thing she can look forward to is a diaper change every now and again~
Make sure to check out SubscribeStar for much more~! subscribestar.adult/34qucker Enjoy~! Art by @34qucker
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nononodojo · 2 days
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9 weeks or 9 months?
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nononodojo · 2 days
Bittersweet Symphony
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For most people, seeing her in this position, leaning over you, dressed like this, would be a highlight of their life.
But not for you.
No, wild as it seems, this was a punishment for talking back to her in front of her friends.
You had long since been denied the ability to be with her, to feel her skin on yours, hear her trembling, passionate breaths as she slowly, methodically moves her body on yours.
You lived in perpetual longing for her.
She unceremoniously dragged you into the bathroom, pulling your shirt off before yanking down your pants, exposing your thick, swollen diaper. She moaned softly—tantalizingly in your ear.
You knew this was too good to be true.
Because it was.
For the first time in years, she grinded on you, your wet diaper squelching with every thrust. You were consumed by pleasure. Your mind practically short-circuiting in bliss.
Just as your pleasure was reaching its climax, she stopped.
You opened your eyes to find a dangerous, foreboding grin plastered on her face.
“You didn’t really think I’d let you finish, right?” she said ominously, “Not after what you pulled back there. You don’t get rewarded for that.”
You don’t answer. You knew better.
“But you do get punished. And my friends and I have just the punishment. Wanna hear it?”
“I..y-yes, Mommy,” you say defeated.
“Good boy. You’re gonna march out of this bathroom in nothing but that soggy diaper that doesn’t hide your…excitement. And you’re gonna apologize to my friends for being a disrespectful brat.”
Terror paralyzes you. Of course, they knew you were in diapers, but they had never seen them. “B-b-but…Mommy no, please!”
“Hush,” she hissed, “you will do as you're told. But I haven’t even told you the best part!”
You shiver at the threat.
“The girls wanna see if you make cummies in your diaper without anyone touching you. So, you’ll stand there and listen to them teasing and humiliating you about your diapers and how pathetic you are.”
“Mommy!” you squeal.
“What did I just say? You will stand there until you make stickies to your own humiliation and truly become the pathetic boy I know you are! And the winner—whoever gets you to bust your widdle load—gets to change you in front of everyone! It’s so exciting!”
“No, please! I’m sorry, Mommy! I won’t talk back ever again!”
“Too late, little one,” she says pulling you up, “let’s go.”
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nononodojo · 2 days
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nononodojo · 2 days
That smile on her face isn’t just from the marathon lovemaking session you’ve just concluded, it’s an expression of the bliss she’s been experiencing ever since you helped create a life within her. For the first time her life she is content, both with her looks and with her purpose. She is growing a baby, the ultimate task a woman can accomplish, and for her dedication she has been transformed into her most beautiful, her most feminine, version of herself. Gone are the smallish breasts and boyish hips, replaced with bountiful, heavy mammaries and wide, graceful hips that complement her beautiful bump perfectly. Before getting knocked up she never would have imagined how right it feels to look this way, how fulfilling it is to be so round and beautiful as she was always meant to. With that look on her face you just know she plans on staying like this as much as she can
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nononodojo · 2 days
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nononodojo · 2 days
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His side, my side and this side👆🏻
*there may be a few of my things on his side ;)*
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nononodojo · 2 days
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Long before you started showing, your tits began to swell and drip. Now that you’re heavily pregnant, your now bloated udders leak uncontrollably onto your massive belly.
I wonder just how much you’ll produce today. The girls will have to make sure they help relieve the pressure, all while keeping their bellies bloated with your sweet milk.
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nononodojo · 2 days
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nononodojo · 2 days
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“Can you kiss it bigger?”
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nononodojo · 2 days
I need you like this, now <3
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nononodojo · 2 days
Aimée Girl On Film Part 2
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Comic by HazmatBat
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nononodojo · 2 days
Aimée Girl On Film Part 1
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Comic by HazmatBat
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