noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
broken pieces of sky
Fandom: Assassination Classroom
Ship: Nagisa x Karma
Genre: Drabble
Author's Note: Cool here's another sad Karma x Nagisa drabble about Nagisa impulsively cutting his hair after unbearable body disphoria and Karma finding him that I wrote while I was really sad for no reason at all.
The moment Karma crashed through the door, almost tearing it off its hinges, he knew he was too late. His brain struggled for a few agonizing seconds to take in the broken picture spilled out in front of him:
Clothes ripped up into shreds. The shards of a broken mirror laying next to its remains. The curtains billowing and twisting from the wind coming through the open window. The lights turned off. Weak sunlight climbing through and casting shadows over everything.
Blue locks, like little broken pieces of sky, scattered across the floor.
And Nagisa, in the middle of everything. As if he was standing in a little typhoon - a pair of craft scissors clutched in his trembling hand. Karma didn't register his choppy hair, or the blood dripping down his arm, or the torn dress hanging from his skinny frame.
He only say his face, shattered so completely, that he could feel the way his heart dropped all the way down to his shoes.
No words were exchanged. The wind rustled the curtains. He wasn't sure who's tears fell first. Or if the scissors fell from Nagisa's numb hand before or after he pulled him into his embrace. What he did know however, was that when Nagisa's stiff body finally fell - weak and powerless - into his arms, he felt like his whole world had died.
"K-Karma?" the blue haired boy croaked, and he could only hold him tighter.
"Shhh it's okay. Don't say anything. Everything is gonna be okay, I'm here now."
He could feel tears spill over onto his shoulder, choked sobs wracking Nagisa's chest for a moment before he cried, uncontrollably and violently, into Karma's arms.
The tears that burned Karma's eyes only fueled the anger burning inside of him.
Kill them.
He was going to kill them. Every single last one of them.
Somewhere along the way they had sunk to the floor, never once breaking their embrace. Clinging to his shirt, Nagisa sniffed and buried his face in the comforting folds of the fabric.
"What am I going to do Karma...?"
The redhead softly stroked his back, nuzzling his tangled blue locks.
"We'll figure something out. Together. I promise."
Nagisa clutched at his shirt a little tigther, tears threatening to fall again. Karma had to grit his teeth to stop himself from bursting our in a fit of rage. He pressed his forehead against his - his arms pulling him tightly against his chest.
"And if we can't figure it out, you're living with me. I'll kidnap you if I have to... You won't have to step a foot into this house ever again."
"Karma," was all Nagisa could say, pulling away to take in angry tears trailing down Karma's cheeks - which he furiously wiped away with his sleeve. It was Nagisa's turn to hold him as he cried: angry at Nagisa's fucked up mom, at the asshole doctors, the people shaming him and at the world.
Nagisa swallowed his own tears, cradling the boy's head as he softly kissed his crown.
"Thank you for getting angry for me Karma."
Most if all, Karma was angry at Nagisa: for cutting his pretty, blue hair and for hurting his pretty, soft skin...
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
once i write some filthy smut and you all come flocking to my blog and finally notice my other trashy fics,
it's over for you bitches
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
which is just dandy so if you read it scroll down a bit and you'll find part two you just can't like or reblog it yet cause i need to rewrite it :)
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
Akward Tention
The Rum Tum Tugger x Mr Mistoffelees Fanfiction No One Asked For
Fandom: Cats (the musical)
Ship: Rum Tum Tugger x Mr Mistoffelees
Genre: It's Cats, idk what you else you'd expect from a musical with an orgy scene
Part: 1 (you thought there was just one? a whole trash series is coming losers)
The Rum Tum Tugger was a curious cat. If there was anything the least bit interesting laying about, the flamboyant maine coon would always be the first to know - and the first to loose interest as well.
So when the news of some sort of magician-cat taking everyone by storm reached him, it was not in the least bit surprising that his intrest was piqued.
"And you said his name was Mistoffelees?"
Bombalurina's eyes twinkled as she excitedly told him about the mysterious cat, hugging his arm tightly against her slim body.
"He goes by Mr Mistoffelees actually! He's quite impressive: everyone who's met him is completely astounded, I tell you!" she gushed.
Mr Mistoffelees. The more he heard about the curious cat, the more intrigued Rum became. It certainly had been a while since something worthwhile caught his eye...
A satisfied smirk slipped onto his lips, thoughtfully swishing the last sip of wine in his cup around as he thought about this new plaything that could cure his recent boredom.
"Well I look forward to meeting him~" he grinned.
A very loud, obnoxious purring pulled him out of his thoughts - coming from a very clingy Bombalurina. Rolling his eyes, he shook her off his arm like one does with a pesky caterpillar or moth, and promptly readjusted his rhinestone-encrusted belt.
She was good for killing time, just awfully boring, he thought.
"Oh! There he is now, Tum" she said pointing behind him.
As the Rum Tum Tugger turned around, his eyes were immediately drawn to sleek black fur that seemed to glisten in the sun. Small, perky ears were perched on the top of his head, his tail sweeping mischievously from side to side.
He was in the middle of showing a trick to one of the cats, his ivory face lighting up as if someone had switched on christmas lights in his eyes. A blotch of white painted his chest and the inside of his hands - drawing even more attention to the way his fingers moved and flitted with the lightest of touches - indescribably electric and, well, almost magical.
Rum started - utterly enamored by this small, black cat who hadn't even noticed him watching. Sparks fizzed from his paws, and his mouth curled into a smile full of whimsy and bubbly laughter.
For the first time in his life, the Rum Tum Tugger was completely and utterly dumbfounded.
He didn't have a clue of what to say. Nor why he inexplicably, suddenly felt like a flustered teenager - flushed all the way to the tips of his ears.
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
Anime: Assassination Classroom
Author's note: this is a drabble that randomly came to me at like 1 am so i don't really know why i wrote it either. i've been toying with a nagisa x karma story in my head for a while now so this ties a bit into that. in any case hear it is lol not that i think any of yall are gonna read it
"You are an ugly girl."
Nagisa sat on the vanity chair, his legs not even long enough for his feet to touch the floor. He stared with wide eyes at his mother's reflection in the mirror, as she slowly combed out his blue hair.
"You're such an ugly, ugly little girl," she smiled, her eyes becoming little, black crescents.
His head struggled to understand the venom in her voice. How her touch could be so gentle and tender, yet send shivers down his spine. Why her sickeningly, sweet smile never seemed to reach her eyes. Why her tone was soft and kind like silk, but the words that came out of her mouth wrapped around his throat and choked all the air out of his lungs.
Why does mom call me an ugly girl?
The comb slid down to his nape, the sound of bristles being raked through his hair making him sick. A repetitive, monotonous action that made him feel like scratching his ears off.
"My, should we try covering up your ugliness with some clips, dear?" she asked with her fingers placed worrriedly against the side of his chin. He dared not say anything. Only grabbed the hem of his dress a little tighter in his small hands, and squeezed his feet a bit more together.
She smiled again. She looked like a snake.
Carefully she pinned his hair back with cutely, decorated clips - pink and pastel with patterns and little fruits and sweets on them. When she was done, she stepped back and examined her work.
Her smile fell, and along with it Nagisa's heart into his shoes.
"Haaaah, what's this?" she sighed. "What a shame..."
She looked at him through the mirror, catching his gaze. He felt his whole body go cold, swallowing his breath down into his stomach where he hid it away. There was something dark in the woman's eyes, something vile and unnerving. She looked at him like he was a rat. He could feel no love in her eyes. Scared. He was terrified.
"It seems you're so ugly that you only put these clips to shame, Nagisa."
The way she said his name made him want to throw up. He wanted run. Run away, run away his head screamed at him but he couldn't move.
Run away before she eats you!
It was as if all the light was drained from her eyes. Before Nagisa could do anything, her sharp nails were already tangled in his neatly brushed hair, digging into his scalp and shaking him by his head like a ragdoll.
No matter how much he cried out or begged or wept or pleaded, she didn't hear him.
"Why are you so ugly Nagisa? So ugly... Why are you such an ugly girl?" she mumbled incoherently to herself, ripping all the pretty clips from his hair, one by one.
She repeated the word over and over again until she was screaming it into his ears. Her nails hurt. Her hands were so rough. It hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts.
With a final jerk she threw him onto the floor, panting heavily as she stood frozen for a moment. Nagisa cried, softly and trying to stuff all the broken sobs back into his throat, in a small, crumpled heap on the floor.
He heard her heels furiously head for the door, and heard it slam shut behind her.
Nagisa couldn't recall how long he cried. Maybe it wasn't very long. He simply remembered rubbing the tears from his eyes with his sleeves as he picked up all the pretty, scattered clips on the floor - pulling the snapped, blue strands out of their metal teeth - and putting them back in their little metal tin.
Looking in the mirror, he felt his eyes burn with tears again, rubbing at them again and hoping it would make the feeling go away.
Slowly, with trembling hands that struggled to hold the brushes' handle, he started to comb out his hair again.
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
an awkward confession
part: 1
Tumblr media
Ship: Todoroki x Midoriya Genre: Fluff | Smut Word Count: 2.4k Synopsis: Stuck in the dorm rooms, alone and sick, Midoriya wonders if there’s any way his weekend can get any worse. But when you’re caught at the worst possible time by your unrequited crush, things can always get worse.
Midoriya glanced at the clock - feeling a bit sheepish that it hadn't changed much since 10 seconds ago. He felt even more sheepish when he tried to hold back his coughs that sounded seven times louder in the empty living room - only to remember with everyone gone there wasn’t really a reason to hold them back in the first place.
Class A had planned a trip for the weekend to relax a bit after their exams and before everyone went on holiday. Deku couldn’t shut up about it - planning what they were going to do everyday, making lists of things to pack and even going so far as to buy a camera for the trip.
So when Midoriya started to feel a bit off a few days before their little holiday, he had hoped against everything it was just his imagination acting up. But with his bad luck, he should have known it wasn't a cold he could just shrug off - Midoriya was pretty sure he could fry an egg on his burning forehead.
What else could he do but plaster a smile on his face and persuade everyone else that they should just go and enjoy themselves. Mineta didn’t need much convincing - saying that not even All Might could stop him from seeing the girls in their bikini’s.
Mineta was then promptly punched in the face by Jiro.
He made sure to keep smiling until they were all driving off to go enjoy their time at the beach - even though his chest felt like someone had stuffed a bunch of lead between his ribs. The only thing that made it a bit better was the way Todoroki’s brows furrowed with concern for him as he was leaving...
Midoriya blushed at the memory, bringing his knees up to his chest and whining into them. It always seemed to hurt a bit when his heart squeezed so tightly - but it hurt in the way that Midoriya kind of liked. The thought of Todoroki - his unrequited crush - worrying over him, made his stomach knot.
It was so difficult living in the same space as the half-headed boy: seeing him in casual clothes, saying good morning and goodnight every day, having Todoroki stand next to him when they brushed their teeth and feeling so self conscious about how he looked. Pausing every time he walked past his room, holding his breath when he'd sit a bit too close to him in the lounge when they watched a movie...
or catching him just as he came out of the shower.
Midoriya let out a quiet swore, squeezing his legs together as he felt his body start to react to his wandering thoughts. Ahhh, he shouldn't be thinking about these things.
But it was a bit like eating sweets. One was never enough, and once you started it was just so hard to stop. The more he tried not to, the more he thought of Todoroki’s hands - both warmth and cold passing over Deku's skin, soft hair brushing against his cheek, lips - hovering so close to his he would be able to feel his breath. Todoroki's low voice growling in his ear-
Clutching his shirt he pulled it down over his pants, anxiously looking over his shoulder.
Of course, no one was there. 
He covered his face with his hands, wondering how on earth his brain managed to come up with such lewd things. Guilt sat awkwardly in the pit of his stomach, and he apologized a few times to Todoroki in his head.
"Awe jeez, what am I thinking about."
Midoriya glanced down at the situation between his legs - grimacing at the uncomfortable tightness of his shorts. He couldn't just leave it like that...
Nervously glancing around the living room again, Deku contemplated what to do. Well, he was the only person in the house... and it wasn’t really like he could take a cold shower while he was sick.
Biting his bottom lip, he slowly inched his hand past the seam of his shorts - his other hand flying up to cover his mouth as his fingers made contact with his sensitive member.
Shit, what am I doing?
A part of him felt really guilty for jerking off, but the rest of him just wanted to entertain his fantasies for a little while longer.
Whenever he imagined Todoroki embracing him, it was as if a switch inside him was turned on. His body became hot and restless, and he couldn’t recognize his own voice spilling out - needy and desperate.
"Hnng... T-Todoroki," he whispered softly, his eyes squeezed shut as he pleasured himself. With every touch he got a little bolder, his hand moving to grip the couch and his moans growing louder with each stroke. It felt exhilarating to let his voice out after living in the dorm for such a long time.
"Ah-Ah Todoroki please, there- right there, T-Todoroki-kun," he moaned loudly, the boy’s name falling from his lips like little prayers.
Midoriya was so wrapped up in his pleasure and his fantasies - that he didn't hear the front door being unlocked and opened. Nor did he hear the footsteps - hurrying inside before stopping abruptly. Nor did he feel the presence finally enter the living room and freeze in the doorway.
The loud thump of Todoroki's bag hitting the floor broke Midoriya's haze - his eyes flying open and his head snapping towards the entrance:
Green eyes met surprised blue and silver, and it only took a second for Midoriya to register the absolute shock on Todoroki’s face, and the way his whole body seemed to be frozen in place.
In a second it felt like Midoriya's world came crashing down on his head.
He didn't try to explain, he didn't even try to speak - his head just told him to run and his legs were moving before he had time to think.
"Midoriya!" Todoroki called, bolting after the boy who was already halfway up the stairs.
Oh god he heard, he heard, he saw me do- do that, oh god i can’t believe he saw me do such a thing, he heard me, he-
he knows.
Midoriya felt his eyes burn with tears, and he wasn't sure if his face was burning because of the fever or with embarrassment. He wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
Damn it Midoriya was fast. "Midoriya, wait!," he called after the boy, a moment too late as Deku dashed into his room - slamming the door shut and locking it. Todoroki crashed into the door, gritting his teeth on impact.
Deku felt the vibrations - with his back pressed against the door - of Todoroki banging his first on the wood, tugging on the handle and slamming his shoulder into the door.
"Midoriya, open up, just let me talk to you!" he pleaded, pounding on the door again.
A million things were running through Todoroki's head. The way he came in and felt so sheepish for coming back, the way concern washed over him when he heard Deku whine in what he thought was pain - the way his whole body froze when he heard his name.
God, the way he felt like the room was spinning out of control when he heard his name again - coming out as a sweet, breathy moan in Midoriya's adorable voice. No... more than that, it was the sight of Midoriya on the couch with his feet propped up on the seat, his hand in his shorts and his face flushed with pleasure. The image was burned into his mind.
"Midoriya, I'm sorry I didn't mean to see you-"
"Don't say it!" Midoriya squeaked from the other side, clearly upset.
"Just open up and let me explain, I-"
"Please don't say it, just pretend it never happened, please!" the boy begged - his voice cracking. 
"Midoriya, just listen to me, open the-
"No, I can't, I can't, I'm sorry-"
"-the door and let me just-"
"I'm sorry Todoroki, I’m sorry, I’m sorry," the boy repeated over and over again, and Todoroki could hear the sob threatening to filter into his voice.
It was quiet for a second and Midoriya wondered if he had maybe left. The elemental boy pressed his hand against the door, wondering what kind of expression Deku was wearing right now. 
When Midoriya heard his voice, soft and stern, it felt like someone had punched him in the stomach and he completely forgot how to breathe;
"Hey Midoriya. Do you like me?"
He wanted to die. It felt like his heart was going to crash through his chest and land on the floor. He covered his mouth - his whole body trembling uncontrollably. It was all over now.
When he got no reply, Todoroki pressed his body closer against door, wishing he could feel Midoriya just a bit through the wooden planks.
"...I'm going to take your silence as a yes."
The green haired boy winced, squeezing his eyes shut as his body seemed to crumple inwards.
Todoroki sighed heavily, running his hand through his hair. "Midoriya, listen to me okay, it’s not what you think I swear. I’m not disgusted or put off, or- or grossed out, I- it’s more like the opposite- uhm, wait that’s not what I meant to say-”
All the words were getting fumbled up and everything that sounded good in his head came out a mumbled mess of words and ’uhms’ tangled up together. 
 “You see I meant to do this properly, at the right time and with the right words, and I’ve been planning it in my head for months, and- and it never seemed right! When’s the right time to- to just... and then I walked in- I didn't expect to walk in on- uhm,” 
Midoriya had never heard Todoroki stumble over his words like this before. His heartbeat pounded in his ears. He sounded so desperate.
“-Ugh wh-what I mean to say is, what I’m trying to say is-"
Todoroki pressed his forehead against the door, his eyes scrunched shut and his hands clenched into fists. Damn it, was your heart supposed to pound this loudly when you confessed? He felt both nauseous, scared and excited at the same time. It felt like the whole world was silent for a second as he desperately shouted;
"I like you, Midoriya!"
The world fell away - suddenly and without warning, and Midoriya couldn’t feel the floor beneath his feet anymore. He wondered if he was dreaming, or if he had actually heard the words that had just come from the other side of the door.
He felt like crying. Or maybe like laughing. Relief and disbelief got all mixed up and he felt dizzy with thoughts and feelings. He was happy. He was so happy. Midoriya didn’t know you could feel this incredibly, overwhelmingly, heart-in-your-throat, belly-doing-backflips, impossibly happy.
He likes me.
After what felt like an eternity waiting in silence, the smallest, most choked, most overjoyed voice cut through the tension;
Todoroki felt his heart grow lighter, a relieved smile stretching across his lips. His voice was tender, and Midoriya could hear the joy lining his words;
Another never-ending pause. The door unlocked and it was as if a desperate need to suddenly be with each other overcame them both. Midoriya tore the door open - his thoughts racing - only to be met with Todoroki’s outstretched arms and his body crashing into his.
The green haired boy yelped, their limbs getting all tangled up, colliding legs and feet stumbling backwards until they both fell back onto the bed.
Midoriya blinked in confusion, the room still spinning. Todoroki’s body was heavy on top of him. His arms were so tightly wrapped around him. He could feel his hair against his cheek and his chest rise and fall with quick breaths.
This was really happening.
Covering his face with his hands, he could feel his face turning red. Todoroki sat up - suddenly embarrassed - catching Deku hiding behind his hands.
“I can’t believe it. You like me. You really, really like me,” he softly mumbled into his palms. Todoroki could’t help but blush. Peeking out from behind his hands, Midoriya laughed softly and giddily like a child, throwing his arms around the boy’s neck and hugging his tightly;
“You really like me!” he squeaked, and Todoroki felt like all the jars in the world couldn’t contain his affection for this boy in that moment.
The half-haired boy happily hugged him back, and Midoriya had to squirm not to get crushed in his arms. His attention was suddenly brought back to his previous predicament as Todoroki’s legs slid against his.
“Ah wait, wait Todoroki, don’t move like that, I-”
A mewl tumbled past his lips as Todoroki’s knee pressed against his shorts, both of the teens freezing as they realized the situation they were in, before turning bright red.
“M-Midoriya,” Todoroki murmured, and Deku would be lying if he said the usual Todoroki’s stoic face flushed with pink wasn’t cute. His eyes shyly trailed over Midoriya’s figure beneath him before quickly glancing away. Their gazes connecting again, Todoroki bit his lip - his self control waning. As if testing the reaction, he pressed his body closer again, a quiet whine sounding in Midoriya’s throat.
“Ah, don’t do that, I-”
“Midoriya, are you still-”
“S-Sorry Todoroki, I-, hng~”
Their breaths grew quick and shallow, quickly intoxicated by suppressed feelings suddenly pouring over and needy bodies pressed together. Eyes, hazy and wanting, met in an brief exchange - Midoriya’s heart pounding as he looked up at Todoroki’s frame pinning him on the bed.
Todoroki leaned in to kiss him, Midoriya clamping a hand over his mouth and pushing him away with a hand on his chest.
“You-you can’t, I’m still sick!’ he hissed.
Todoroki looked at him for a second, pouting - clearly annoyed - before intertwining his hand with Deku’s still pressed against his chest and kissing the hand guarding his lips. Midoriya’s eyes widened, flinching as Todoroki softly sprinkled kisses over the top of his hand, gently sucking and licking at his fingers.
The boy’s mind went blank, his body reacting to the smallest touch from the older boy. Todoroki’s eyes met Midoriya’s as he dragged his tongue across his digits - dark with desire and almost possessive.
“Midoriya,“ he rumbled, and the way the syllables rolled off his tongue made Midoriya weak. He knew the meaning behind his tone - there was no way Todoroki was letting him escape. Pressing his knee against Midoriya’s arousal, the boy let out a satisfying whimper, Todoroki’s words irresistibly sweet;
“Do you want some help with this?“
~To be continued.
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
I might have to retype the awkward tention series because i can't edit it since i rebl9gged it from my own blog and now people can't like it and what not
Would yall still be interested in the series then?
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noodlecuppie-blog · 5 years
Award Tention
The Rum Tum Tugger x Mr Mistoffelees Fanfiction No One Asked For
Fandom: Cats (The musical)
Ship: The Rum Tum Tugger x Magical Mr Mistoffelees
Part: 2
The Rum Tum Tugger was a foul-mouthed floozy. Although Mistoffelees had never met him in person, he was quite certain there wasn't a single cat who didn't know about him. And what he did know was that this particular cat seemed to drink cheap wine for breakfast and sleep with anything that had a pulse.
It would an understatement to say Mistoffelees was a bit taken aback when the one and only king of nightly escapades was introducing himself to him.
"May I have the pleasure of meeting you?"
Mr Mistoffelees wasn't one to be rude. He was always a bit awkward with cats he hadn't met before - even more so seeing as he had heard so many stories about him.
"I wouldn't go so far as calling it a pleasure," he chuckled nervously. "The one and only Magical Mr Mistoffelees, at your service," he joked, doing a little awkward bow.
The Rum Tum Tugger had to cover his face for a second to stop himself from scooping the little black cat up.
Good lord how can he be this fucking cute?
Just as Tugger was about to introduce himself, the magician quickly stopped him;
"Ah it's alright, there's no need - I already know who you are."
The Maine Coon raised an eyebrow, a pleased grin pulling at the corners of his lips.
"Oh so you've heard me it seems," he said a-matter-o-factly, giving a proud sort of shake of his head from side to side.
Mr Mistoffelees could see what all the other cats meant by "he has a cocky kind of charm to him".
"Well then, why don't you tell me what is is you've heard of me, kitten?"
The black cat didn't know what to say. He was surpirsed by the cat's forwardness, maybe even a little put off. Against his better judgement he decided to put the oh so confident Rum Tum Tugger in his place.
"Why yes," Misto said with a sneer. "I heard all about you. You seem to have quite the nightlife Mr. Tugger."
Mistoffelees could have sworn he saw Rum go pale.
Shiiiittttt, shit, shit, shit, The Rum Tum Tugger cursed, trying to think of a way he could somehow salvage the conversation.
He laughed nervously, scratching his neck; "Ahhh, oh I see, well, funny story, uhm, I-"
"Sorry but it seems you'll have to tell me this very convincing story another time," he smirked. "I have a previous engagement to attend to... Until next time, Rum Tum Tugger."
As Tugger watched the magician walk away with his nose held high, he felt like giving past-Tugger a good kick where the sun didn't shine.
He didn't know what it was but there was just something about Mr. Mistoffelees that made him inexplicably drawn to him.
If there was one thing The Rum Tum Tugger did, it was that The Rum Tum Tugger got what he wanted.
And he wanted Mistoffelees.
"Hey Mr. Mistoffelees, wait up!"
To Be Continued
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