noozeez · 7 years
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Numbers can be made to say anything with voter ID laws
Here’s my unsympathetic take on voter ID laws. The requirements and cost are minimal. Some states make it so easy you can practically order a voter ID on DoorDash. If you’re incapable of securing appropriate identification, I don’t trust your discernment when it comes to selecting the political leaders making decisions on my behalf. I know. I’m a cold son of a gun.
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noozeez · 7 years
Full repeal. Let the consumer-driven market take the lead. If a "replacement" becomes necessary, it should be as a final safety net for those who slip through the cracks and nothing more.
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noozeez · 7 years
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Cotton: If Trumpcare Passes, GOP Could Lose House Majority
Cotton told host George Stephanopoulos that he feared Republicans would place their House majority “at risk” by passing the AHCA, which he said “cannot pass the Senate” in its current form.
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noozeez · 7 years
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Feminists were triggered by a ‘real men provide’ billboard in NC — now they’re being trolled by another
The sign now reads, “Much Ado About Nothing. A social experiment that brought forth those so immersed in their own insecurity that in the mirror they could only see an angry victim of their incorrect interpretation of a silly billboard — Bless their hearts.”
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noozeez · 7 years
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No, George W. Bush did not go after Trump
Before you go out on social media and start bashing the former president based upon headlines you read, watch the actual video first. If you still think Bush was attacking Trump, the media has already spun your mind to seeing falsehoods.
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noozeez · 7 years
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The science is... settled?
A scientist with an agenda is more dangerous to a society than a man with a gun. The second is seen as a threat, the first is seen as a savior. And we all too often look for a savior instead of look to the Savior.
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noozeez · 7 years
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California Secession Movement's Confederacy Parallels
Like California, South Carolina and other Confederate states bragged that their unique economies did not need the Union.
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noozeez · 7 years
"We are expecting to find around 4,500 targets. Most are anti-tank mines, but there are also anti-personnel mines and a few hundred unexploded ordinances, abandoned explosives, and improvised devices inside the churches," said Michael Heiman of Israel's Defense Ministry.
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noozeez · 7 years
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How the Senate Confirms Trump's Cabinet Picks
The confirmation process is fluid and open to adjustments, the Congressional Research Service notes. For a change to be adopted, however, a senator must propose it and the chamber must unanimously agree.
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noozeez · 7 years
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Obama could still force Merrick Garland onto Supreme Court during 'intersession recess'
“Since Garland could serve only a year, he presumably would accomplish little and his service would be clouded by the strange and controversial circumstances of his appointment,” said Mr. Ross, the law professor.
He said Mr. Obama might try instead to fill some of the five dozen other empty federal court judgeships that are vacant. They too would only be limited to a year’s tenure as recess appointments, but Mr. Ross said it’s possible the Senate might vote to confirm at least some of them to lifetime tenure.
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noozeez · 7 years
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NYE: President-elect Trump Iterates Strong Support for Israel
It’s almost surreal that it’s post-worthy to note that an American leader supports Israel, but that is where the disastrous Obama presidency has left us.  January 20th can’t come soon enough.
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noozeez · 7 years
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Obama swings into action, will soon announce response to Russian hacks
Obama has been frequently praised for his cool reaction in a crisis but in this case that coolness and his willingness to wait the situation out may have been costly to his party.
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noozeez · 8 years
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States Without Income Tax May Not be Cheapest Places to Live
No matter what stage of life you're in, taxes are bound to impact your overall financial picture, so it's smart to get a sense of how your states measures up. Depending on your circumstances, a move to a more tax-friendly state could put more money back in your pocket year after year.
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noozeez · 8 years
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Bus driver being charged in deadly Tenn. bus crash
"This has been a great tragedy for us," Kelly said. "We have suffered a great loss today ... one of the worst days we've had in our school community."
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noozeez · 8 years
The Federalist Society got its start on college campuses when Ronald Reagan was in the White House. It was conceived as a way to counter what its members saw as liberal domination of the nation's law-school faculties. Its influence was pronounced during the presidency of George W. Bush, when its leaders helped rally support for Senate confirmation of Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts. The group was so successful that it spawned copycat liberal organizations.
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noozeez · 8 years
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Eight Washington Teens Found With Cache of Stolen Weapons
The father of two of the suspects, who lives near the elderly man’s shed, reported the robbery and told law enforcement he believed his sons were part of the robbery.
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noozeez · 8 years
"We're living in a biological stone age now," he said. "I think we shouldn't underestimate how much complexity there is in biology and I think there are still a lot of mysteries to figure out before we have real full control to dial in anything you want to grow or make or repair," Pelling said. "And for me, that's the exciting part."
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