nopesjsgwhqgsx · 2 days
potato tithe
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 5 days
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 5 days
Emergency campaign
Hey guys. I need some serious cooperation right now. I spoke with Mahmoud Qassas' wife and they have a plan to get her, him, the kids, all out of Ghazzah for his treatment. They need 8000 USD. As you may know, he currently has shrapnel lodged in the back of his brain and it's causing severe brain damage. Another issue I don't think has been mentioned prior on his account is they're currently separated. He was injured while traveling to another part of Ghazzah, far away from his wife and kids and other relatives. They need a way to get to him, to then go to the border together, to then get out of Ghazzah. They currently have a deal with the border authorities that will allow them all to go through together after paying 8000$. I'm really hoping this works but knowing the disgusting border authorities, there is no guarantee they will all be able to travel together. If we get them to 8000$ I will keep you guys posted on if they manage to evacuate or not. Please do not hesitate to help!!!! This is an extremely time-sensitive situation and I'm worried I might lose my good friend Mahmoud.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Hi, For five months I've been trying to find a friend to create a campaign for me. I was even able to create a campaign through my friend Brooke Cole so that the campaign would be reliable and the donation would be protected for everyone. My children are living under bombardment in the war 😭 Please consider them your children and help them 🙏🙏 Stand by my side to save and protect my children. They haven't gone to school for a year 🙏😢😢 Donate to save my children's lives 🍉 🙏🇵🇸 We live in very difficult and desperate circumstances, and what is worst of all is that the fear that haunts me increases day by day. Help me provide them with basic life needs
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Hello dears! 🇵🇸🍉🙏I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 20 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is😭 reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need. My campaign 90-ghoset has been documented🍉🙏⬇️🍓
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
🇵🇸 📌We are dying every day 📌🇵🇸
My friends, your money can save my children's lives. 😞 🍉
My name is Amal from Gaza, a mother of three young children 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🍼Our home, livelihood and our entire life are completely destroyed in this war of extermination🚨.
Now we live in a dilapidated tent among insects 🦂🕷, pollution and diseases.
Imagine my middle child telling me that her wish in life is to live in a house!‼️
Is this a life when your children wake up from their sleep wet from the rain? 💔😢
🚨If you had $ 10 and didn't donate it to us, you would be the reason for my children's misery🚨 😭😭
❤️‍🩹https://gofund.me/4f423be0 ❤️‍🩹
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
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A piece about survivors guilt.
This comic isn't perfect. I started it back in October 2023, and every time I picked up my pen, I wept.
I bring this to you today, on 9/11, in hopes that you reflect on this day a little differently than how most Americans would. Let it move you to continue to boycott, protest and challenge your family, friends and colleagues. You have a bigger impact than you would believe.
Thank you for reading this with an open heart.
From the river to the sea...
I'd like to bring to attention the fact that the figures depicted above are a gross undercount of the actual number of deaths. I scoured the internet high and low to source my findings and not a single one could break down the devastation that befell an individual ethnicity. Instead, they lumped a bunch of ethnicities together, provided a general timeline, and called it a day, reinforcing the sheer scale of dehumanization propagated in the west. The only consistency between all the articles I looked up was the 4.5 to 4.7 million figure I've included above, and even then, they were all published by western media news outlets... the very same that have been so unreliable and complicit in the genocide of Palestinians today. So I have to take everything they say with a grain of salt.
We are not just numbers.
All of us have ambitions and desires and lives worth living.
With that said, this is your friendly reminder to:
Donate an e-sim
Donate to PCRF to provide Palestinian children aid
Donate to Pious Projects to provide woman with feminine hygiene kits
Donate to CareForGaza to provide food to displaced families in Gaza either through their Gofundme or their paypal
Donate to any of the vetted gofundme campaigns on GazaFunds to help Palestinians trying to flee Gaza.
And if you or someone you know sees or experiences a hate crime and can afford it, SUE. This is a more effective use of your money than most realise. The reason zionists act with impunity is because of the normalization of white supremacy and oppression of ethnic minorities. Challenging that in any capacity tells them that there are consequences to their actions and makes them think twice before engaging in hate crimes and helps raise all of us up against the systems currently in place that let them get away with it.
If you can't donate or spend any money, you can:
Do your daily clicks.
Boycott targeted companies on the BDS list (if you're like me and you don't want a single dollar to go towards anything supporting Israel right now, you can use Bdnaash to double check what products are okay to buy, but the BDS list is sufficient as it is a strategic attack and proven very effective thus far)
Flood your representatives emails and voicemails with how you won't be voting for them unless their politics align with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Attend a protest, be LOUD.
Challenge your circle of friends, family and colleagues with conversations about Palestine. (THIS IS THE MOST UNDERRATED AND MOST EFFECTIVE THING YOU CAN DO)
and if you're really up to, be disruptive in any capacity that you can think of towards major corporations benefiting from this onslaught. (i.e. halting military manufacturers from production + shipments, sticking boycott stickers on products at your market etc)
And finally, if your country wasn't mentioned in the above excerpt, it was no deliberate omission on my part and I encourage you to come forward and tell your story about the suffering of your people so that this may be a learning opportunity for everyone.
You are seen.
You are not alone.
Thank you again if you've read this far.
From the river to the sea...
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Here’s a video on the subject too, it also includes other decorations to watch out for
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All of my friends that work at wildlife rehab centers have had to untangle animals from this stuff, or had animals brought in that died in it. This is especially nasty for small owl species.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
i'll keep this brief to spare your dash:
27 person family, trapped in gaza
injured and sick members, young kids, and elderly
displaced 8 times, currently separated & sleeping on the streets
less than $1k USD to reach their next goal
verified / donate here
art raffle by @horreurscopes (physical prints!)
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Letter To Sir John A McDonald
“Dear John: I’m still here and halfbreed, after all these years you’re dead, funny thing, that railway you wanted so badly, there was talk a year ago of shutting it down and part of it was shut down, the dayliner at least, “from sea to shining sea,” and you know, John, after all that shuffling us around to suit the settlers, we’re still here and Métis.
We’re still here after Meech Lake and one no-good-for-nothing-Indian holdin-up-the-train, stalling the “Cabin syllables / Nouns of settlement, /…steel syntax [and] / The long sentence of its exploitation” and John, that goddamned railroad never made this a great nation, cause the railway shut down and this country is still quarreling over unity, and Riel is dead but he just keeps coming back in all the Bill Wilsons yet to speak out of turn or favour because you know as well as I that we were railroaded by some steel tracks that didn’t last and some settlers who wouldn’t settle and it’s funny we’re still here and callin ourselves halfbreed.”
-Marilyn Dumont, “A Really Good Brown Girl”
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Passed by a store named Odysseus selling wedding rings godbless and good luck on those marriages
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
I really don't like how filtering a word on tumblr doesn't actually remove that type of content from your dash, it instead hides it, with a button that lets you view the post. I'd really like it if you could choose between completely hiding or just censoring posts with certain words in them, it would help a lot for people who have specific words they don't ever want to see, and in general it would just be a really helpful accessibility feature
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like don't get me wrong, in this specific instance it is very funny, but sometimes I'd rather just not see it at all
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
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Top image: Rafah before Israeli invasion, November 23, 2023
Bottom image: Rafah during the ongoing Israeli invasion of the city, September 5, 2024
The word you're thinking of is: genocide.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Is Inequality the Key to the Climate Change Debate?
By Manuela Andreoni
The New York Times
Sept. 12, 2024
In his new book, the economist Thomas Piketty argues that the world can’t stop climate change without addressing issues of inequality.
Climate change wasn’t a big topic in the debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump on Tuesday night. Trump all but ignored the ABC News moderators when they asked what he would do about climate change, and Harris mostly talked about it in economic terms, talking up the Biden administration’s investments in clean energy and the new jobs they created.
But there is another economic lens through which we can look at climate change: Inequality, an issue that has been a concern for many voters in the past.
At least that’s what the French economist Thomas Piketty argues in his new book, “Nature, Culture and Inequality: A Comparative Historical Perspective,” which came out this week.
Piketty’s groundbreaking 2014 book on wealth and economic growth, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” captured the world’s attention and helped push the issue of inequality into the mainstream.
Now, in his new work, Piketty has turned his attention, in part, to climate change and the ways in which inequality could help both explain the issue and help point to solutions.
When we spoke last week, he highlighted figures that showed it isn’t just that the richest countries are the most responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change; it’s that the richest people in the world emit many times the amount the poorest do.
The top 10 percent of the richest people in the world account for almost half of global emissions, according to 2019 data Piketty drew from the last World Inequality Report. The top 1 percent account for just under 17 percent of global emissions, he found. (The report is worth a read, especially for a deeper dive into the immense carbon inequalities in North America.)
“There’s no way we can preserve the planetary habitability in the long run if we don’t address our inequality challenge at the same time,” Piketty told me.
In the 20th century, many countries, Piketty argues, were largely successful in expanding access to health care and education by taking these parts of the economy out of purely capitalist frameworks. A similar shift could help the world curb climate change and stop biodiversity loss, too, he told me.
What follows are excerpts from our conversation, edited for length and clarity.
Why did you decide to include nature in a book about inequality?
In order to preserve planetary habitability, it is clear that we’re going to have to change our production and consumption regime throughout the world, not only for the rich, but also for the middle class. And, like, everybody. But there’s simply no way that the middle class and lower income groups are going to accept the kind of transformation that is needed if you don’t ask for a much bigger effort from the people at the top who are typically giving lessons to the rest of the world about what we should be doing, while they themselves are taking private jets.
That sort of change sounds very difficult.
When I hear skeptics saying nothing is going to change, you know, and that attitudes toward inequality and billionaires and the current capitalist system are going to stay like that forever, I’m not very impressed. Because the magnitude of the catastrophes that we will have is going to make all of this very absurd and is going to change attitudes.
But still we should not feel that this is a unique historical challenge. We’ve had enormous social inequality challenges in the past, which we were able collectively to address.
Are you comparing environmental catastrophes to the economic crises and wars that helped increase pressure for change in the 20th century?
I think catastrophes like war and environmental catastrophe obviously can play a role, have played a role and will play a role.
But what I want to stress is that catastrophes are not necessary and sufficient. If you look in detail at what happened in terms of inequality reduction in the past, I think constructive collective mobilization was more important in the end than the extreme catastrophes.
If you look at the driver for change in Sweden, it was really more of a collective mobilization. And it’s actually quite impressive to see that Sweden until 1910 or 1920 was one of the most unequal countries in Europe, and in the world, including a very elitist political system where only the top 20 percent richest male individuals had the right to vote. There was a collective mobilization by the trade unions and social democrats to put the state capacity of Sweden to the service of a completely different political project.
So instead of registering income and wealth to distribute voting rights in proportion to income and wealth, they would register income and wealth to make people pay higher taxes to pay for health and education. The case of Sweden is the kind of episode which makes me optimistic for the future.
What has worked in the past?
You had a reduction of inequality during the last part of the 20th century. But this comes also with the partial decommodification of the economic system, in the sense that you have new economic sectors, in particular education, health and, to a lesser extent, transportation and housing, which were developed outside the capitalist logic.
I think, generally speaking, the lesson is that the building of not-for-profit systems — either straight public or through nonprofit organizations — in education, and to a lesser extent, transport, housing and energy, has been an enormous success. And it’s been part of the success of what I call social democratic societies of the 20th century. So if we look at the future, basically we have to continue in this direction.
We want to use this as a leverage to develop new sectors of economic activity outside of the profit logic.
That’s interesting. The economic argument for clean energy is that it’s sometimes cheaper than fossil fuels. But other things, like conserving forests, are always a struggle because it’s harder to make them profitable. Is that the sort of thing you’re saying we should be taking out of the profit logic system because it’s a public good?
Yes, exactly. At some point we have to replace market valuation by a sort of political valuation and democratic valuation in the sense that, at some point, we have to trust democratic deliberation, at the local, national and federal level to try to decide what’s valuable for us.
So I know some people get crazy when you say that and they say, ‘Oh, but how are we going to be able to do that?’
Well, you know, that’s what we did for education and health. We just decided that it was important for all children at age 6 and then at age 10, and then at age 15 and then at age 18 to learn about this, and that. And we didn’t let the market system decide this. And now nobody wants to go back to the previous situation. So we just have to win this sort of intellectual battle.
This is a shared New York Times article.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
What a neat story of community & conservation, and an absolute unit of a bird
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
Conservation efforts directed towards just 0.7% of the world's land mass could help protect one third of the world's threatened and unique tetrapod (four-limbed vertebrate) species, new research by Imperial College London, On the Edge, and ZSL has shown. The study, led by researchers at Imperial College London and published this week in Nature Communications, finds that large gains in conservation are possible by focusing on areas home to exceptional biodiversity and species with high levels of evolutionary distinctiveness and global endangerment.
Continue Reading.
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nopesjsgwhqgsx · 6 days
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