normality-is-relative · 10 years
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I don’t normally do posts like this, but this guy is really pulling on my heartstrings. He’s scheduled to die Saturday, 2/8. He needs a rescue NOW. Currently located in Southgate, Michigan, but I’m sure transport could be arranged to pretty much anywhere for a reputable rescue.
Please reblog this guy. It could save his life.
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normality-is-relative · 10 years
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normality-is-relative · 10 years
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
"No, no pressing plans, but I should probably be on way anyway." Standing up he picked back up the tablet he arrived with and gave her a half warm smile. "After all I'm sure I've taken up too much of your day of relaxing, and I've probably put any plans you had out of order." Looking down to the dog he added with a slight laugh "Though I may have also just given you more things to do."
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
Sitting back, Irene looked at N.
“We all get bored from time to time, I suppose.” She looked at Tasha then back at the man. Something about his words seemed sincere. Working for Moriarty had really put her on edge. “Care for something stronger then tea? Or do you have more pressing plans?”
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
"Every one needs to misbehave now and then, especially those who build up solid protective walls," he commented simply before she continued his smile not faltering. As she leant forward he stretched his legs slightly, uncrossing his feet. Irene seemed to be getting more serious and to the point with the conversation meaning there was a possibility that things may turn bad, especially as he was not sure that there hadn't been some hidden code in the phone call that just occurred.
"Now there is nothing wrong with a little game now and then, helps pass the time. Then again given my room mates they do some times play a bit rough." Tilting his head slightly his eyes diverted to Tasha. He paused for a few moments as his thoughts were diverted to trying to remember if he needed to pick any food up on his way home for the mentioned 'room mates'. Remembering the situation he broke of those thoughts and sat up straight again.
Stretching his back he shrugged slightly before looking back to Irene with a honest if not slightly off smile. "Truthfully I got bored then as I was looking through some paper work I realised that darling Tasha here came into my company exactly a month after our first meeting. So I took it as a slight sign you could say, though curiosity played a large part in it as well."
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
(Attempt #3 at posting)
Entering the room and sitting down, Irene raised her eyebrows at N’s line of questioning.
“I misbehave, a girl needs to learn to protect herself in the world. I protect my self with other people’s secrets. “
Irene sat forward and sized up N.
“The puppy is a clever cover, but why have you really come over? What are you asking me specifically? If I make money off my secrets? What I know about my clients? Or are you looking at getting in the business to begin with, become a Dom? If you would rather continue this game, we can or you can just tell me what you would like to know and I can answer you more quickly.”
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
N listened quietly as Irene explained her line of work, his expression not changing in the slightest. Thinking over what she was explaining he waited for her to finish. Her tone made him feel that she found explaining it all tiresome, but from the content he assumed that was more due to people's reactions then to being bored of the subject. 
Pausing a moment after she finished he took a sip of his own tea, closing his eyes briefly as he did so. "Well that is one way to get paid for being given pedicures," he   replied in a joking tone to try and discharge the tension that such a topic could create. "Though it must be rather stressful sometimes, especially when the customer is too one minded to understand the limits of what they are paying for."
Taking another drink from his cup he placed it finally empty back down on the table. Tilting his head he gave what was meant to be a sort of reassuring smile to her. "The worry about Tasha was more to do with lines of work which I really doubt are your cup of tea, or being an accountant though that would be more for your work's protection then yours." Looking back to Tasha he looked a bit thoughtful as he added, "probably should have started off with warning you that she has a taste for paper."
Leaning back into the chair he crossed his feet looking back to Irene. "Does surprise me that you that line of work would cause you to travel, you must be rather popular."
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
“I assure you Tasha is in good hands now.” Irene sighed looked at the man. Quietly she wondered if he too would look down on her for her type of employment.
“I provide recreational scolding for those who pay for it. Your deepest, darkest fantasies, I make real. For instance, say you have a foot fetish and you are too embarrassed to tell your partner, you come and tell me. I let you bathe my feet, paint my nails, try in different shoes, you may kiss my feet, if you have been good. But I offer a variety of services. Most are sexual in nature, but do not include sex. I do not sleep with clients, no matter how much they offer to pay me. I am a dominatrix, sir.”
Scratching Tasha ears, she laid down at Irene’s feet and began cleaning her for paws. 
“I have one room I devote to my business, Tasha would not be permitted in that room, she will be kept in my personal quarters which none of my clients have access to, while I am with a client. There is an excellent boarding house not far from here where I will board her when my business takes me abroad, unless you would have a different suggestion.”
“And I have not seen Ianto since that night. We were acquaintances at best before then.”
Sipping on her tea, she finished the contents of her cup before setting it down.
“Questions.” She prepared herself for the onslaught of questions she usually received. 
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
Listening to her reply his smile didn't waver and he couldn't help but to think that she seemed to be trying to skirt around the topic of her job. The idea of having to chase the information out of her was an enticing. Skirting his gaze back over to her at the offer he raised his half full cup. "No thanks, I'm still good."
"Also I assure you I have the time to listen and I will do my best not to get bored by your exploits," he added with a joking tone at the end. "After all it is always good to learn new ways of letting out stress. Much better then the sad people who don't seem able to do that and then they just snap." Clicking his fingers he placed the cup back down with his other hand.
"It would also be a bit irresponsible of me to leave without making sure your work might not put Tasha in danger." Glancing over to the happy dog he smirked slightly giving an Irene a sidewards glance. "And I'm sure that with your relation to Ianto that you always stay completely above board."
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
“Isn’t is just?” She retorted to his comment on fun. He had a very attractive smile but she was pretty sure it had nothing to do with the way Tasha was licking her hand.
“I was only expressing that I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details of my work, N.” His unwavering gaze…each movement was deliberate, calculated and well practiced. Seemed he was trying to act casual but his eyes were ever searching. He was hunting for something. This could be fun. “But yes, I do have the unique opportunity to live my life on my terms. I find that my work is the place that I can let all of my stresses out. More tea?” Irene sat forward to refill her own cup and held the tea pot up towards N.
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
Watching Tasha receive attention from Irene he was happy that at least one thing had been accomplished by the visit. Even if he failed at worming information out of Irene and left at this point he would still be happy with the results even though it meant he might have to comfort Tasha's fluffier room mate when he got back. 
Noticing Irene bristly N's grin smile grew lopsidedly bigger. He seemed to have hit a nerve in her, meaning either such a personal topic as her home or the way in which she got it was something that could be of interest. "Everything is fun to at least one person," he replied his eyes locked on her.
Picking the cup back up he momentarily put it to his lips, eyes not moving from his host. "I'm sure you happen to find certain things entertaining which others would find boring, sadistic or too strenuous." Finally moving his gaze away from her he spoke with more of a sigh in his voice, "then again that may have been the point you were trying to make." 
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
“Tasha.” She repeated, looking at the dog. “I like Tasha.” The dog walked over quietly and sniffed at Irene’s hand. Looking at ‘N’ she realized that he was digging for information on her but to what end? To extract information that she had gleaned from her clients? She was a knowledge broker, wrapping secrets around her like a blanket or body armor, allowing her to live her life the way that she wanted to, on her terms. She was not about to share or give anything way.
“Well, I do thank you kindly for Tasha. I’m sure that she will be very happy here. I even have a small gardening she can run around in as well.”
Tentatively Irene reached out and stroked Tasha’s head, scratching behind her ear. Momentarily she bristled at the mention of how she acquired her home and indeed everything that had around her. But dismissing the thought, she looked over at ‘N’.
“Depends on your definition of fun.” Irene sat up and took a sip of her tea.
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
"Till now she has been called Tasha, but that is up to you really," he replied leaning back into the chair looking to the dog in question. "Her previous owners bought her when she was still a tiny thing, and as usual when she got big quickly they decided she was too much work. Poor thing cried for weeks when they left her." As he talked about the dog his voice filled with sincere care and annoyance at the original owner's actions.  People under estimating how big the dog would get was one of the main reasons for many of the dogs that ended up at his adoption centre, yet the fact that they didn't seem to make an effort annoyed him more then the fact that they initially made a foolish choice in the first place.
He laughed slightly as Irene addressed him by the nickname he had some how earned on their first meeting. "You can just call me N for now if you want, calling me Professor might give me a bigger intelligence ego then I deserve." Mulling over her question he watched her sipping the given tea some more. She certainly didn't seem as nervous as last time to him, but he assumed that may be because Ianto wasn't there with his own worry then the change of location. "People tend to open the door easier to deliveries and given our previous exchanges there was the chance you might not if you knew who it was. I must admit I also got a little curious about how you were doing, and thought it might be a good opportunity to find a home for some one who needed it. 
Watching her interact he tilted his head slightly at the question as if slightly bored by the slightly expected query. "Well that could have been a number of things," he mused keeping his focus on the dog. "Unexpected explosive do tend to put people on edge when used as a initial in person interaction, but it would probably had to do more with our previous phone based exchanges. From those I think he may have gotten the impression that I know about certain things, also I got the number to his highly private line."
Glancing away from the dog he gave another not so subtle look around the room. "By the look of it you could easily afford a few extra numbers yourself," he remarked in a slightly teasing tone. "Must have been fun gaining a place like this." He knew his change of subject wasn't the sliest way he may have been able to achieve it but he didn't feel like sticking to that subject for the length of time it would take. 
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
Irene sat, sipping her cup and watched between the puppy and the man. Totally impressed with how well behave the puppy was, Irene looked at the man she had nicknamed the Professor. Honestly she could not get a read on this man. Who was he, what did he do? Did he work for someone? Was he freelance? Left of field, clearly he had no issues with what he did, did he work for Moriarty? 
“Her?” Irene looked at the puppy. “What’s her name?”
“then again you seemed like an interesting lady and I don’t believe anyone should be alone.” 
Something about that statement made the hairs on the back of Irene’s neck stand up. This man was such a wild card that she wasn’t sure what to take with a grain of salt and what to fear, if anything. She kept telling herself that Ianto was the target, but that cold itch of fear, deep within her belly made her question that. Until she knew more about this guy, she couldn’t rule anything out.
But how to get him to talk?
He clearly was not an idiot, capable of leading a conversation in a direction that suited him and comfortable with redirecting questions, preventing any true information to pass his lips. Whoever he was, he as very good. Irene had to admire someone that could do that all the time. At that present moment, she was just Irene. No lipstick or crazy shoes, no whips or information to wear as her armor. She wasn’t The Woman, simply, Irene. Off the clock and out of character. She idly wondered if this man ever had off time like she was now. Blinking as she looked down into her tea, she realized how vulnerable she was and she cursed herself for having put herself in this position.
“Thank you, one of my favorites.” She sipped on the tea once more. 
“So, what can I do for you Professor, if… you don’t mind me referring to you as such, how can I help you? I think that a get up such as a delivery person with puppy hardly serves as strictly just a social call.” She had had some strange people at her door… but this was one of the more surreal situations. Sitting back, she did smile. It was amazing how at ease she was in his presence. It actually bothered her. Still, there was no call to be rude and he didn’t break into her place like she did to him. Politeness was the least she could offer the man.
Sticking her hand out towards the puppy, palm up, she offered to let the puppy sniff her until she was comfortable before she attempted to pet the adorable thing. 
“May I ask a question? Of course you are entitled to your secrets but something…about…that night… What was it that transpired with Ianto that made him so afraid of you?”
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
The fact that Irene realised what he had been alluding to amused him slightly and he let the dog's leash go allowing the well trained animal to trot along behind them as Irene led them through the house. "Nothing that can't be easily ignored," he replied looking around as they went as if he was paying more attention to what she was saying. 
As he was left in the living room he took the chance to have a better look around for any information about Irene and those around her. Walking slowly around the room he kept one his hands in his pockets having placed the tablet down on a table. The room seemed to have a sort of set up feel to him which wasn't really giving him much of the wanted information.
Looking back over to Irene as she re-entered he sent her a smile. He slid into a chair at a good angle to hers while listening to her questions and picking up the remaining cup. "Oh I would hardly call it my house, more of an office for left of field work," he replied with a light hearted tone watching the tea swirl around his cup. "More a visit for her then you really," he added with a side long look to the dog who was sitting and watching them, "then again you seemed like an interesting lady and I don't believe anyone should be alone." 
Taking a short sip from the cup he raised it in a slight toast. "Nice brew."
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
“Yeah….” Irene looked down as she held the door open for him. “I am sorry about that and no, it’s no trouble at all,” Irene said, “Unless you have more pressing matters.”
Closing the door behind hi, she, for a moment, was unsure what to do. Seeing him to her formal living room she popped into the kitchen to set the kettle boiling and prepared a tray for tea. As an after thought she included a bowl of water for the dog.
Carrying the tray back to the living room, she set it down then offered the water to the pooch. Pouring cups for the both of them, she sat back and looked at the man.
“So you stopped by to give me a dog? For breaking into your house?” She asked sipping on her cup, attempting to make light of the very tense evening they had shared. “Or did you have another reason to say hello this afternoon?”
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
N waited patiently as her mind ticked over as to what to do, his grin easing into a closed lip smile. Irene's invitation did rather surprise him yet he didn't let it show on his face. "Only if I'm not interrupting anything," he replied stepping inside anyway and leading the dog in behind him. "After all I don't want to be an unexpected imposition, heaven knows those can create complex and awkward situations."
As he talked he glanced around the entrance to her home, taking it in and considering what he should do next. His initial plan for this visit was not to cause any trouble and was instead to gain further and more personal information about the interesting lady. Yet upon entering her house he knew it did put him at a slight weakness of being trapped but he doubted she had such thoughts in mind and if she did then it would mean some trouble might have to occur. 
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
Hands still in mid air from where he took the tablet from her, Irene was totally floored as to what to do. Ianto had been terrified of this man once he made his realization. She hadn’t spoken or seen Ianto since. That had been weeks, maybe a couple of months ago, now that she thought about it. If he could scare Ianto so completely, was this a safe thing for her? Most likely not, she got the impression nothing about him was safe, yet she had not been the target of that bomb. Perhaps she had nothing to fear from him.
“You’ve caught me at a bit of a disadvantage. I’m not dressed to receive visitors but if you’re willing to overlook this, I believe I can rustle up some tea.” Irene stepped back, motioning for him to enter. She knew this was a bad idea but was interested to find out what could have scared Ianto so badly.
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
"This German Pinscher," he replied as she took the pad giving the leash a light shake to add slight emphasis to what dog he was referring to. Carefully watching her sign his smirk grew slightly into a grin at her realisation. "Me!" he replied poking his cap up slightly to show more of his face. "I thought I might take up your offer of meeting up another time, and I brought a little present along as well."
Glancing down to the referenced dog he briskly took the tablet from her and secured it back under his arm. 
A knock at the door (N & Irene Adler)
“Yeah, that’s me.” She took the electronic pad. “What exactly is the delivery?”
She looked up at the deliveryman. There was something familiar about him. Irene took up the signing stylus and made her mark. Handing the tablet back she paused.
“Oh my God….you!” 
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
His smirk grew slightly at the appearance of the target and her casual apparel. Comparing her current gear to what she had been wearing when he had seen her previously he assumed that he caught her during a time or relaxation and that she most likely was by herself. If the last assumption was true then it would make the whole matter easier if things started to go a bit sour.
Noticing that her concentration was more on the dog then himself he held back a slight laugh. It really seemed like his plan was going to go down easier then he originally thought. Not only did her concentration mean that it would probably take her longer to recognise him, but that she might also be more likely to accept the delivery.
He held the electronic pad out to Irene, offering for her to take it and the attached tablet pen. "Delivery for an I Adler, could you sign for it?" he asked not bothering to try and disguise his voice. From experience he found that he was far from good at doing so, and the results normally ended up with at least someone laughing. 
Curled up on her couch, Irene was indulging in some of her vices. Some expensive wine, delicious food she had delivered and one of her favorite movies. Once a week she scheduled herself a night off at least, more if she found herself busier. When she did this she customarily gave Kate the day off as well, not wishing to be disturbed by anyone. The ring at the door caught her off guard. Checking her watch, she was shocked to see it really wasn’t that late in the day. Standing, she stretched her back and padded softly to the front door, resplendent in her yoga pants and a tee shirt, clothing reserved for special nights such as this.
Checking the monitor she saw it was a delivery man. Accustomed to receiving gifts from clients, she opened the door automatically and without thinking.
She was, however, a little taken aback that there was a dog sitting on her front stoop with the delivery man. A beautiful and seemingly well behaved German Pinscher with glossy black body, brown legs and a brown face. More than a little confused she looked at the dog while speaking, not noticing the delivery man.
“Can I help you?”
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
A knock at the door
Despite knowing the target's name finding Irene Adler's place of residence hadn't been the easiest of things to do. Instead of being a deterrent it made the hunt more fun for the blue uniformed male. After much searching for the wanted location along with a little investigation into Irene's personality the decision had been made and plan was put into action. 
Ignoring the slight chill in the air 'N' declined the idea of wearing a coat or jacket so the store bought courier costume remained clear in view. Finding the clothes had been easy, but the hat had been slightly harder. He did not wish for his identity to be too instantly obvious to her so had instead had sought out a long beaked cap and ironed a slightly cliché logo onto it. This cap was now pulled low over his face to allow it to easily shadow the top of his face. 
Moving the electronic signing pad in his arms to a more comfortable position he looked down to the adolescent German Pinscher whose leash was wrapped around his right hand. "You ready to meet your new lovely lady?" he asked the dog without  receiving a reply. Having the dog sit at his command he returned his attention to the door in front of him and with a slight smirk on his lips knocked on the door.
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
Reblog if I can roleplay with you.
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
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normality-is-relative · 12 years
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Testing something. Reblog if you don't mind doing crossovers RPs
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