Where did Norman Reedus attend High school?
he was in and out of schools so much hard to say were he finished out
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"finding a woman his own age that is not only compatible w/him but finding one whom isn’t a cougar these days can be difficult." Is that physical or mental age you're talking about because in this head case, right around 20-22 is a good compatible age for Reedus.
uh i don’t think so 
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Is Norman single?? I keep hearing things
He’s having a nightmare on baxter street or serenbe lane since he’s gotten w / Freddy i mean krueger
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To be fair he was with Rachel awhile ago, things may of changed for him now. I think he's pickier.
Tis true but it shows that NR is not a shallow (face-value) kinda guy and he is open to the possibility of being w/ a intimate female companion of close to his own age who isn’t a tender youngster model.
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normanreeduspicfairy:Source Credit: Eric Guillemain
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can u tell me something about Norman past relationship? plus I think he have been seeing Imogene. Hope he's happy,tho.
Well which ones are you most interested in and Imogene and NR are just friends
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In response to the anon on if Reedus dated women whom were not models or ultra skinny-here is the pics I promised you of him and Rachel Sheedy
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can u tell me something about Norman past relationship? plus I think he have been seeing Imogene. Hope he's happy,tho.
Well which past relationship are you referring to.? And I don’t believe he’s seeing Imogene like that,I believe they are just good friends. 
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I'm sorry, when the fuck exactly did you think you had a right to delve into his personal life? You fucking creepsters are the exact reason why there are stalker laws
And as you bring this up of creepster and starker laws,what does that say about you by messaging me w/such hate in your heart and mind.
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I like you blog, but I just gotta say, your last post with all the polls/questions is really unnecessary and childish. For a page that is supposedly dedicated to facts, it promotes a lot of opinion and judgment, where it really is no one's business.
not sure which pols/questions you’re referring to,but you have the right to your opinion.
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Do you really think he's being 100% truthful when he says that he does not just date models, that just seems to be what comes to him, I mean do you think that a fan would ever have a chance? And is weight truly not an issue for? I find these things so hard to believe .
Yes in some ways I do think he is,however in the industry he works in finding a woman his own age that is not only compatible w/him but finding one whom isn’t a cougar these days can be difficult.In a future up coming post I will share a photo of him with an older / not so slim female he’d been seen on a red carpet event w/his son /and a date on the town alone.So be looking out 4 it.
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I've not read that gossip, but pretty sure that "whiskey dick" is not used to refer to an alcoholic, but to a person that can't get it up when having sex while drunk.
no these comments were coming from people saying they had seen sightings of him being rude and belligerent while drinking his fave whiskey. 
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Some random kid is claiming he saw Norman with Diane at a restaurant in NYC on Saturday. Can we please kill this rumor? I don't think it's true. And I think the kid may have misidentified either Norman or Diane. Why no pics? Why is he the only one in all of NYC to have "seen" them?
I couldn’t agree w/u more on that,but by most assumptions Reedus can’t go to the bath room w/out screwing the toilet and cursing out the sink from those whom feel the need to make an ass out themselves that is usually jealous rumor shit starters. 
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What do u think of the whole DK mess?? Do u think they were actually spotted together last weekend?? Do u think they are dating/hooking up/just friends??
Sorry for my late reply,my answer to that I just posted the new photo shoot of them together that was recently posted on many other social med. sites. on my blog page,and my honest opinion is nope that  the 2 are  dating or hook up. I feel Reedus is not the type to come between a couple especially since him and Joshua Jackson are long time friends. Hope that helps you w/my insight of it.
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In my honest oppinion Reedus and Kruger did not indulge in an affair that resulted in the break up of her and Joshua Jackson. I feel like deep with in my gut Norman is not like that,in the sense of being a home wrecker or supports the idea of infedelity of any kind.
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GQ Cartier Hotness http://www.gq.com/partners/cartier/#normanreedus
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