norntortilla · 7 years
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Guild wars!! :D My boiz, Commander Fancy-Stache and Commander Burnt Salad trailblazing in Maguuma jungle! *that pocket raptor feel*
OCs: Babatov the Revenant (left) and Deuvaleon the Berserker (right)
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norntortilla · 8 years
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Finally ran Citadel of Flame. Logan you’re so brave. And smart. And… on fire. ALL THE TIME.
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norntortilla · 8 years
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Ailbhe áine got a makeover! (and a girlfriend!) 
now she’s a strawberry blossom <3
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norntortilla · 8 years
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norntortilla · 8 years
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So I made a new made a new Sylvari to use the dominator weapon skins I have. 
Her name is Phryonie, I am very happy with how she turned out c: 
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norntortilla · 8 years
How to . . . Farm !
alwaysrova : omg :O you’re so fast! what are you doing to make all the gold/get mats, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m struggling through Nevermore at the moment T_T
a-ahahah I am pretty quick at making legendaries, and it’s a bit of a problem actually. I really love having projects in gw2, so legendaries are perfect for that and allow me to put a lot of focus into the game and have a purpose.
I’ll be honest - I had most of the mats needed for the precursor ahead of time. As soon as I heard that they were releasing the shortbow first I started saving materials up and making my ascended materials ( damask, spiritwood, deldrimor, elonian ) ahead of time and hoarding up planks. Because of that, I was pretty much ready to go as soon as the collection came out !
As for the actual legendary mats … well, I suppose this is my process for hoarding up materials and gold :
HoT Metas :
You can do all sorts of metas in a row, but I like to do the full cycle of Gerent, Tarir, and Dragon’s Stand. If you can get in a decent map, you can complete the first two within an hour and the third will be ready / refreshed ten minutes after Tarir ends. With the buff on chests and drops there, it’s super easy to get the currency and special ascended mats for fulgurite now ( which I’m glad for considering how painful it was to get them all for Nevermore. )
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Make sure you have a magic find booster as well, since you can get all sorts of nice loot from the mobs around there.
WvW :
With the WvW fixes, it’s now a viable place to farm again ! Seeing as you need the 5oo tokens from there anyway, it’s super good to head in and farm up gold and mats from killing people / participating in events. On top of that, you also get super nice loot from the reward tracks, so you can farm for your legendary and get special armour at the same time !
Same as before, make sure you have a magic find boost here, as it will increase your drops from killing foes. It’s super super worth it !
Fractals :
High-level fractals are a great source of gold, especially if you clear all the high dailies ( T4 dailies will clear all the ones below it as well, so if you just do the three T4s then you get the rewards for all twelve ! ) you’ll be given lots of things to sell, ascended mats, things for gold, and much more. It’s highly worth clearing these daily to increase your wallet !
These are probably my main source of gold and armour ! It’s pretty easy to get 
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Dungeons :
Do your daily dungeon clears - I mean the new thing where if you do eight of them you get five gold. Do it, just do it. You can do super easy paths to clear them and get tokens of your choice from it. It doesn’t take too long to clear them, especially if you run with some friends or a good group !
Map Farming :
Grab your magic find booster once again, a bunch of gathering tools or your endless tool, and get chopping. I put on a let’s play or podcast, pick a material I’m going to focus on, and head out to a map.
When you head in, make sure you gather everything. I mean all the trees, all the ore, all the herbs, etc. If you can’t use it, you can sell it ( I usually give it to friends who need it though ) and that will go towards your wallet. You save money just from farming up your mats, and it doesn’t take too long to do ! I usually average and around 20-30 mins per map to farm everything, especially now that we have gliding.
Boss Train :
Seriously though, these are always your friend ! If you can clear these as often as possible then props to you ! This is probably my biggest source of ectoplasm and, because of that, crystalline dust for amalgamated gemstones. You can hop in at any time and just join the farm - make sure you’re on a character that has all the waypoints / map completion to make things easier on you, and then just play some music or lets play and 1 1 1 1 1 1 that boss.
( don’t actually 1 1 1 1 1 it please aaaaaaah you need to participate and pitch in properly ! )
One great thing about this is that sometimes there’s a lull before the boss actually spawns. You can use this time to your advantage to run through the map and gather up materials !
Take Breaks :
Farming is good, but … remember that your health and mental-state is always worth more. Take breaks if you’re starting to feel burnt out or frustrated, make sure to get up and stretch after sitting for a long time, make sure you drink a lot, and don’t forget to eat.
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Legendary farming can take a long time, but if you rush it you need to make sure you do so safely. Your well-being is worth more than a shiny weapon.
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norntortilla · 8 years
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The Falls, Auric Basin
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norntortilla · 9 years
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Kana is completely ic now that she has her scarf, so I took her for some screenshots at her favorite place in Tyria =w=
//still need a little practice with editing, but I still like how these came out!
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norntortilla · 9 years
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norntortilla · 9 years
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Light armor ver of my main because I had no ideas for another alt~
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norntortilla · 9 years
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My sylvari reaper for the Heart of Thorns beta.
Not as much of a keeper for me, but she’s still pretty.  And necro greatsword is fun.
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norntortilla · 9 years
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I gave up and made my second ranger to finally try out the druid specialization  - Phyla Cindersoul, a former Ash Legion scout. And I’m absolutely in love with her ♥
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norntortilla · 9 years
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River again because she’s so lovely ( ノ^ω^)ノ゚*̩̩̩̥✼•❅ Without the mask this time! Did SE with her this morning and I got all distracted by how great the lighting was there. So, I stayed behind after we finished and had a photo shoot :>
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norntortilla · 9 years
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plant is love plant is life 
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norntortilla · 9 years
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so about that new hair  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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norntortilla · 9 years
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I finally got my non-druid Ranger to 80 (after she’s been sitting at 66 for 4 months. rip)
her name is Sehr Khouri! 
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norntortilla · 9 years
So … my dad got a F2P account in gw2 and it’s actually super cute playing with him
He made a big ol’ norn to start, but now has a charr as well ( I guess charr appreciation runs in the family ! ) and is really excited to show me all this stuff he’s discovering despite … well, me already being through that area a few dozen times and seeing it all beforehand.
It’s so much fun playing with him, especially considering that he’s ( literally ) on the other side of the world and we’re still able to bond over this kind of thing. It’s refreshing, and just, va, I don’t know, fun !
I love my dad so much, it’s so fun seeing him so excited in-game.
( That being said, I’m totally going to drag his butt into high level areas before he’s level enough just to laugh at him being attacked by everything - muhahahaha )
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