northernlightsgirl · 4 years
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Celia Bowen and Marco Alisdair from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
“I would have written you, myself, if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough.” “But you built me dreams instead.”
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northernlightsgirl · 4 years
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  One of my favorite illusionary descriptions of one of the paintings from the novel, The Starless Sea by @erinmorgenstern. 🐝 Aaaaaaah Y'ALL. You have no idea how much this book shook me. If you follow my captions, you’ll know that I’m a HUGE fan of tweezer-plucking out symbolisms from novels to integrate into my pieces. It’s no irony that this book is freakin OOZING symbolism and metaphors, dripping from its pages like honey, and @erinmorgenstern basically served this painting up for me on a platter. Took a few liberties with the key accents, but it otherwise closely follows her description from the novel. ( Somehow Dorian’s character design ended up channeling sexy Aladdin? Not mad? ) 🐝 Truly one of many more opportunities to illustrate fantastical scenes from this world.
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northernlightsgirl · 5 years
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Happy 1st Anniversary Jake & Amy! (May 15th 2019)
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northernlightsgirl · 6 years
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northernlightsgirl · 6 years
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Life is unpredictable. Not everything’s in our control. But as long as you’re with the right people, you can handle anything. And you, Jake Peralta, are the right person for me.
This is my secret santa gift for the wonderful @fluffy-peraltiagos!  I hope you like it, and I hope that 2019 brings you nothing but happiness!! 💖💖
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northernlightsgirl · 7 years
I am tired of trying to hold things together that cannot be held. Trying to control what cannot be controlled. I am tired of denying myself what I want for fear of breaking things I cannot fix. They will break no matter what we do.
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus (via wordsnquotes)
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northernlightsgirl · 7 years
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“Witches didn’t need blood to survive, but humans didn’t need wine, either.”
Because I couldn’t resist…!
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northernlightsgirl · 7 years
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I feel like I’m the Paris of people.
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northernlightsgirl · 7 years
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northernlightsgirl · 8 years
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“How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a scotsman, drop in the middle of modern america?” 
Here’s the beginning of Hamilton 21st!
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northernlightsgirl · 8 years
I have a redbubble store full of hamilton stuff that i made with love, go check!  and please please please, reblog if you can <3
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Shamelessly promoting a friend’s work on Tumblr, because she’s too shy to do so, and I’m completely in love with those Hamilton designs and just got the “Galaxy Eliza Schuyler” as a Xmas gift to myself!
That’s the link to her RedBubble shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/punkgalaxy/shop
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northernlightsgirl · 8 years
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What if Alexander Hamilton lived in the 21st century? 
What if he, Aaron Burr, the Schuyler Sisters and all those people we love and cherish had social media accounts? What if Hamilton – an American Musical, started in 2017 instead of 1776?
Well, we took this idea very seriously.
Through digital art – inspired by the musical, the story of Alexander Hamilton, and NYC – our team created a narrative that will take you through the social networks of these characters. 
Come along with us in this journey that will take you to New York City of today with the 18th century founding fathers. 
How will technology affect their lives? 
Just you wait…
January 15th, 2017.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profitable fan project for another fans. Feel free to share, but please refrain from using our work or art without consulting us first. 
We have the honor to be, your obedient servants. 
H. Digital.
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northernlightsgirl · 8 years
— I would have written you myself if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough.
— But you built me dreams instead
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northernlightsgirl · 11 years
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northernlightsgirl · 11 years
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northernlightsgirl · 11 years
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northernlightsgirl · 12 years
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