nossif · 9 years
*1st tube of adhesive included!
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nossif · 9 years
if only student loans worked like this
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lunarbaboon facebook twitter
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nossif · 9 years
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nossif · 9 years
at first i thought that was magnitude from community, and that was the origin for “pop-pop!”
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nossif · 9 years
Shlissel Challah - The key to key challah
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“And the Lord said onto Moses. Hearken, O Moses for ye shall take for yourself bread which hath been leavened, and a key shall be placed upon it…”
– Levitironomy 12:43
“R’ Akiva said in the name of the Rabbis, When the verse states “a key shall be placed upon it” the verse means the challah should be in the shape of a key. R’ Meir said: in Pumpadeesah I once saw a man place a key inside of a…
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nossif · 10 years
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Finally! Some books that cater to MY needs.
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nossif · 10 years
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nossif · 10 years
Theres a bag of cheese me?????
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nossif · 10 years
And make sure to soak those teeth in coca cola! In order strengthen those teeth to prevent from cavities!
Even the strongest steel is no match for enjoying Coca-Cola While Your Tongue Is Young. #TasteBudTalent
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nossif · 10 years
Preserved Esrog
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People of the world, I am still alive! Let’s make preserved esrogim!
So, what’s a preserved esrog? Well, it’s like a preserved lemon, only with another citrus, namely – an esrog, aka – a citron. What’s preserved lemon you ask?? Well, the general gist of a preserved lemon is: you take a bunch of lemons, cut them up (whether in pieces, or only partially seems to be up for debate), bury it in salt,…
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nossif · 10 years
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sloth can't even
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nossif · 10 years
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nossif · 10 years
Red Giant | "Old/New" - Narrated by Patton Oswalt - this is awesome...like a modern day dr seuss
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nossif · 10 years
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For everyone in NYC right now.
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nossif · 10 years
Shit patients say (via allfortheblue)
"it's ok I'll just rinse with alkaline water" - a patient after I told them they have a few cavities
Aspirin doesn’t work for me - I’m a Gemini.
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nossif · 10 years
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Great Egret | Tristan Dumlao
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nossif · 10 years
Use of prophylactic antibiotics for patients with joint replacement
The 2014 Panel made the following clinical recommendation: In general, for patients with prosthetic joint implants, prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended prior to dental procedures to prevent prosthetic joint infection. The practitioner and patient should consider possible clinical circumstances that may suggest the presence of a significant medical risk in providing dental care without antibiotic prophylaxis, as well as the known risks of frequent or widespread antibiotic use. As part of the evidence-based approach to care, this clinical recommendation should be integrated with the practitioner's professional judgment and the patient's needs and preferences.
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