nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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I cannot get over the hair. He looks like he’s transforming into Doc Brown.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
I agree. I saw a lot of people asking why Babs didn’t tell Jace not to say that or not to cuss or whatever, but I think she was a little shocked that he said that.
Wow the amount of people commenting on the Jace clip that Babs is abusive and coached him to say that is appalling. I'm sure he has heard Babs say things like that before, just like he hears Jenelle talk shit about Babs in front of him, but I highly doubt she's "coaching" him and abusing him. Like come on. Barbara has her own set of issues but she is the ONLY person in his life that is actually doing whatever she can for him to have an okay life. She's done everything for him since day one.
In the scene, Babs is just asking like what all they did, and it turned into her asking if Kaiser went on the boat with them. Jace said that no, they put him in daycare, and Babs made a comment, something like, “Well that’s sad” (I’m just going off memory here!) and that’s when Jace started saying “They’re pieces of shits.” Babs did NO coaching in telling him to say that and she looked a little surprised to me!
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
He also mentioned having a gun on him, which I found disturbing. You are picking up a four year old and there is a cop there facilitating. What do you need a gun for?
David posted a 30 min video on IG live of them getting Kaiser back.
I watched his video and was disgusted. Here’s a recap of some stuff that happened:
-He was recording Doris’ house and laughing!  -All he did was make it about Nathan. He seriously mentioned Nathan’s name and was cussing the WHOLE 30 min video and I am not even exaggerating.. -He had the NERVE to bring up Doris’ husband who’s on his death bed! David said “This bitch can’t even take care of herself or her husband who is dying. The bitch can barely walk. Bitches.” -David then said Kaiser is being abused by these “random ass people and his dad” so they had to save him. -David claims that Kaiser begged them to come home 4x today. -He said Kaiser won’t be allowed at Doris’ anymore (because he said so.) -He said CPS went to their house & they went to the CPS office and apparently CPS said Nathan was “drunk or high” and they had a great time at the CPS office….ooook David. - He was being so violent and obnoxious on her front yard saying “Yo we out here, catch me outside” etc while cussing at the viewers of the IG live the whole time.  -Once they got Kaiser he said “Bye Doris, you’re so lovely!”  while recording her and the cops and she told him to get off her property. -He said to Kaiser about Doris, “You see that Bubba, she said she’s gonna send me to jail. You stupid ugly, bitch!”
He honestly seemed like he was drunk or on something! He was acting insane..
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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We will finally know what’s actually going on later today!
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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Omg the bear has a helmet on too 😭😍😭😍😭😍😭😍
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
I really just want an hour long “Being Addie” special and Addie gives us a tour of her favorite Walmart.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
Jenelle is still singing her #1 hit, the “I want my son back” blues.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
Briana saying “don’t be disrespectful” in the same breath as “I will smack the shit out of you.”
So respectful.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
“Who does she hate today?”
-Kristen the producer, regarding Jenelle. So shady. I love it.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
I got a notification that someone mentioned me in a post, I can’t remember who, nor can I find a post I’m mentioned in. I’m sorry, mystery mentioner!
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
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Not her first Easter, but yeah sure whatever, Jenelle.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 6 years
I feel bad for Jace, for the obvious reasins but also because he looks just like pre plastic surgery/injectables Jenelle. Everytime I run into someone who knows my dad they hit me with the "You look exactly like him!" Like gee thanks, I am the spitting image of a man who abandoned me who I haven't seen in years, good to know! That will probably happen to Jace a lot since he and JE have well known faces. I hope he can take it in stride.
I always wonder about the TM OG/2 kids who’ve been on TV literally since they’ve been born. Hopefully they will learn to take it in stride!
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 7 years
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I can’t even say this surprises me.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 7 years
She’s confirmed it! Also of note, I thought it was interesting that she didn’t respond to this person with like “that’s not how that works” or something as opposed to “my tubes are tied, so no baby bonus for me.” (Paraphrasing.) I never believed in the baby bonus, but this definitely could be considered eveidence it is real!
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I know this is probably super rude to say, that thank God she has her tubes tied because this would be a hot mess.
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nosyteenmomfan-blog · 7 years
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I know this is probably super rude to say, that thank God she has her tubes tied because this would be a hot mess.
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