Satisfied: Original vs German Translation
so :) guess what was finally published! if you guessed the german lyrics to Satisfied, you win :)))
Satisfied was possibly my favourite part of the german production, and I’ve been sitting over here borderline foaming at the mouth for MONTHS, waiting for the official lyrics to be released so I can revisit it!
I was very impressed with the translation when I saw it live, and with the, in my opinion, slightly different direction they took it in.
so, I translated what I deemed to be the most important parts (I left the conversations out because they are pretty much the same) back into english to share with my non german speakers out there :)
disclaimer: as I said, translated by yours truly. I tried to keep it as close to the text as possible, which is why it’s very clunky in places, but sometimes I had to change the sentence structure as it just wouldn’t have made sense otherwise. this is also merely my own interpretation of the text. with that said, for an easy comparison I’ve actually made these fun little graphics lmao
left is original and right (translated) german!
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Wait a second
Did anyone else realize that “help-le-e-ess” and “im-aaag-in-ableee” are the same tune (really the part of the words after “help” and “im”) or am I the last person to realize this
It works though bc the Hamiltons feel helpless after Philip’s death.
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I didn’t realise just how heavily Angelica’s first lines in It’s Quiet Uptown resonate with the character till I learned historically she lost two children
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anyway “satisfied” and “hurricane” are the same moment an act apart and one of the best displays of just how fundamentally similar these two are, down to the opposing half of their ideology - “helpless” for angelica, “wait for it” for alexander - echoing in their eyes as they make the decision that will drastically alter the rest of their lives. both are stuck between a rock and a hard place, angelica having to choose between her happiness or her sister’s, alexander having to choose between maintaining his family and protecting his political career. but where angelica listens to “helpless,” and chooses her sister, hamilton ignores burr’s “wait for it” and doesn’t choose eliza. 
it throws the bite of “the reynolds pamphlet” and “thank god someone who understands what i’m struggling here to do-” “i’m not here for you” into even sharper relief. so too are the cut lyrics from “congratulations” all the more brutal, with hamilton calling it a sacrifice, and angelica calling him out on his crap and then demanding he make the same choice she did in the future, to prioritize her sister
because she’s been where hamilton was, in many ways, and angelica chose to write her way out of the narrative and keep “satisfied” only in her mind, instead of sharing it with the world
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omg guys I just realised the saddest thing
Okay, so I play piano and I’m practicing Satisfied and Burn on the piano, just because it’s fun and easy, and I realised how similar they are. They don’t necessarily sound exactly alike, but they have motifs with very similar rhythms and themes. One of the only differences is Satisfied is in the key of C Minor and Burn is in B Minor. But I realised why the songs are so similar.
They both highlight the moment that one of the Schuyler sisters realise that they’ll never truly have Hamilton.
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Comma After Dearest || Hamgelica Headcanons
 Okay so first let’s tackle Alex’s POV
 He did feel a little bit of pride when he slipped in that comma
He felt like it was just subtle enough to go over most people’s heads, but stood out enough to someone like her
He still had a bit of anxiousness when he sent off the letter
When he got her response he felt a bit of satisfaction and happiness that he picked it up.
When Angelica got the letter, she only caught it on her second time reading it.
Her heart literally skipped a beat and she wasn’t sure if it was intentional. She initially thought it was a mistake.
Then she remembered it was Alexander fucking Hamilton and he was the most particular person on Earth with these types of things.
She may or may not have slipped a comma of her own into her next letter
Alexander promptly pointed it out in his next
since i obviously can’t write an entire one-shot each day im gonna mix up the pieces so i don’t get bored ! Hamgelica Month Day 3: Comma After Dearest Reaction
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"Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be"
- Taylor Swift, Right Where You Left Me
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“London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful. Always it believes that something good is about to come off, and it must hurry to meet it.”
— Dorothy Parker
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I'm in love with the relationship my two favorite characters have in this musical ❤ Been listening to Hamilton a lot lately and Alexander and Angelica's parts in Take a break just get me every time✨
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okay but romantically or not this is 😩✨
angelica starting a relationship/affair with thomas and everyone’s confused bc they’re intellectual equals, but that’s pretty much it. and eliza asks her why she went after thomas one day and angelica looks at her and eliza just. knows.
he was the closest she could get to alexander
and on the flip side, james and burr being really confused as to why thomas went after angelica bc they’re intellectual equals but that’s pretty much it. and james asks him one day why he went after her, and thomas looks at him and james just. knows.
she was the closest he could get to alexander.
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anyway “satisfied” and “hurricane” are the same moment an act apart and one of the best displays of just how fundamentally similar these two are, down to the opposing half of their ideology - “helpless” for angelica, “wait for it” for alexander - echoing in their eyes as they make the decision that will drastically alter the rest of their lives. both are stuck between a rock and a hard place, angelica having to choose between her happiness or her sister’s, alexander having to choose between maintaining his family and protecting his political career. but where angelica listens to “helpless,” and chooses her sister, hamilton ignores burr’s “wait for it” and doesn’t choose eliza. 
it throws the bite of “the reynolds pamphlet” and “thank god someone who understands what i’m struggling here to do-” “i’m not here for you” into even sharper relief. so too are the cut lyrics from “congratulations” all the more brutal, with hamilton calling it a sacrifice, and angelica calling him out on his crap and then demanding he make the same choice she did in the future, to prioritize her sister
because she’s been where hamilton was, in many ways, and angelica chose to write her way out of the narrative and keep “satisfied” only in her mind, instead of sharing it with the world
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Inktober Day 3: Roasted “Congratulations”. Did you mean: Hamilton getting roasted for 2:13 minutes?
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In The World Was Wide Enough Hamilton tells Eliza to ‘take her time’ but when you add in the cut song Ten Things One Thing the line has a different impact because he says ‘God, I can’t wait to see her again’. And yet he wants her to live and be happy even if it means he doesn’t get to see her again for a whole half a century. In another cut song Congratulations Angelica tells Hamilton that ‘For the rest of your life every sacrifice you make is for my sister’. He does a lot of shitty things, especially when it comes to Eliza, his kind, loving, faithful wife, but that is one thing he did sacrifice. In The World Was Wide Enough the thought of Eliza is the one thing that calms him down yet he goes without her for 50 years. Obviously he doesn’t technically get to choose because he’s dead and he gets no say in whether or not she dies too. But he wants her to live. He wants her to ‘take her time’ despite how much he needs her. He finally does the one thing he never did whilst alive he puts her needs above his own. Or, as Angelica so beautifully puts it in Satisfied, he chooses her happiness over his. Unlike Angelica though, he does not do this every time, but only once. Hamilton chooses himself over and over, repeatedly making the same mistakes, but in those moments before he died he thought of Eliza, and how much he loved her and wanted her to go on to be happy, no matter how long it took.
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Hamilton AU where everything is exactly the same except Angelica just straight up punches Hamilton when she finds out he cheated on Eliza
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Experimental painting.
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“At least I keep his eyes in my life…”
Guess who’s listening to Hamilton… again… 
ok it’s either Hamilton or “We don’t talk about Bruno” so…In any case I have Lin-Manuel Miranda’s music stuck in my head lately. I know.. shocker!
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