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I keep thinking abt this comment and giggling
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Florence Welch
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Four year old beekeeper distracted by a roly-poly.
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jeff winger - i’m the new cancer
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So there’s this artist, Alex Schaefer, who makes a bunch of paintings of Chase Bank burning.
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There’s just
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so many of these
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and I think it’s incredibly funny but
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I just read this bit from the artist and
This is a "plein air" painting which means I set up my easel right across the street of this Chase bank in my city and painted it like it had caught fire. The police questioned me on the spot. Three weeks later Homeland Security was knocking on the door to my home. The question they kept asking me was "Do you hate these banks?" I can honestly say yes.
And I just think this is the greatest artist statement I’ve ever read.
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what a great day to remember that we should not colonize mars, the whole concept is anthropocentric, imperialist, unrealistic and just weird, and the idea of establishing the same capitalistic systems that have turned out to be our downfall on another planet instead of solving problems on earth is so incredibly short-sighted and power fantasy driven that it makes me want to eat glass. the exploration of outer space should always be expressively and only for the benefit of all humankind, not to fill the pockets of some billionaires with a god complex. fuck elon musk all my homies hate elon musk
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Useless Magic
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thinking about getting a tattoo....
jakiś czas temu miałam okazję pobrudzić się u
i polecam zdobnictwo u tego pana każdemu chcącemu się zdecydować na pierwszy albo kolejny tatuaż
bezboleśnie, profesjonalnie, super atmosfera i bardzo zróżnicowana muzyka 😆
bardzo się cieszę że wyrobiliśmy się przed tym całym koronacyrkiem i po jego zakończeniu napewno pojawię się kolejny raz 🤙🏻
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        Oh, you and all your vibrant youth. How could anything bad ever happen to you?             You make a fool of death with your beauty and for a moment I forget to worry.
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Hey here’s a Florence Welch phone background no one asked for
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All girls do is lie and play that cat game on they phone
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when you just need that minimalist witch aesthetic
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Does anyone else love looking at other people’s altar pics? I’m loving this minimalist altar setup. One of the things on my list is to upgrade my own little altar in my city apartment. 🌙 
This pic from @themoonandthestorm
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So something shitty happened! Or has been happening! For a long time! Maybe you’ve had enough or your situation or made a bad decision. Whatever the case, new beginnings are needed or wanted. Never fear my friends, introducing the big ass cleanse routine.
This “routine” is a detailed list of ways to cleanse your life and soul. Complete all or some of these tasks over whatever period of time you need. -Freya🌹
🔥Clean your room. Dust and purge. 🔥Clean up your diet. Don’t eat anything processed/junk food for as long as you feel necessary. (Try to stick to plant based meals if you can) 🔥Delete old texts 🔥Clean up your social media 🔥Clean your sheets and clothes 🔥Throw out or consolidate old bottles of lotion, perfume, ect. 🔥If you have a carpet, pour a mix of herbs and vacuum. 🔥Take a shower or bath and use a scrub to gently get rid of old dead skin. (I use a home made Sugar, Honey, and Rosemary mix) 🔥Cleanse your skin very well and treat yourself. 🔥Take out the garbage 🔥Cleanse or charge one or more crystals if you can 🔥Make sure your home is full of scents you enjoy. Light a candle or two. 🔥Change out your pillowcases 🔥Move things around, furniture, items, plants, whatever. 🔥If your alter is messy, organize it. 🔥Make a new playlist and delete old ones you no longer listen to. 🔥Be as kind as you can to others throughout the cleanse. 🔥Throw out old candles that are almost finished, or burn them until they are done. 🔥Clean up your herb supply 🔥Donate old books or materials 🔥Donate old clothes 🔥Wash your shoes 🔥If you have drinkable moon water, take a few sips (at least). 🔥Make a sigil inspired by your name and burn it. 🔥Learn something and teach something 🔥If you can, run around in the rain. 🔥Cut your nails 🔥Clean pieces of jewelry that you wear often 🔥Throw or reuse old pill bottles (sometimes i put crystal in mine or paint them) 🔥Begin the process of renewing good relationships and removing yourself from bad ones. 🔥Carefully clean your crystals Delete unnecessary files on all your devices. 🔥If a favorite tree or bush could use trimming, help provoke new growth by clipping off dead branches. 🔥BLOCK!* TOXIC 1! PEOPLE!!11 :) 🔥Burn shit. Just burn it. Write all the shit down on a piece of paper and safely burn the shit out of it. 🔥If you can’t burn the shit, rip the fuckers up into tiny little pieces 🔥Delete unneeded contacts 🔥Drink lots of water and eat lots of plants
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so be it.
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