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matpat wtf
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Ngl, I miss being trenches deep in the ETN fandom
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"There's nowhere you can go where I won't find you. There's no place you can hide that I won't KILL you." -Madpat
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Demons Dialogue
"Have you ever thought about selling your soul? It's beautiful."
"I'm a demon. I'm bad and evil and cunning, and looking oh so good while doing it."
"Don't ask me if it hurt when I feel from heaven. It did and I will never forgive him for that."
"Urgh, your soul is so pure, I want to corrupt it."
"Demonslayer? What a fun little name for a mortal being shaking in their boots right now."
"I don't want what's best for humanity. I want what's best for me, and sometimes those things are the same. Doesn't mean I'm good."
"You know those crosses just work on vampires, right?"
"Ouch! Why the hell would you put holy water in a water gun? That's rude!"
"Seriously, have you ever actually read the bible?"
"The bad side isn't that bad. We are our own boss here."
"I'm your emotional support demon. Having difficulties making decisions? I'm always there to steer you in the wrong direction."
"Of course I still have wings. And I'm taking good care of them, so don't even think about touching them with your dirty little fingers."
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The Murdock Effect:
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Among other things, he has since admitted he’s extremely attracted to college students. At the age of 26.
I'm not done (if you saw my last post). This time, though, I'm not talking about the sick old men who are my band directors. Let's go a little bit younger.
There's this guy I know. His fake name (because his real name makes me feel sick to my stomach) is Aaron. I've never talked about him on social media before, mostly because he's on every other platform of social media I have other than Tumblr (I'd praise god if I weren't atheist)
Aaron always scared me. Immediate red flag, right? 🚩 Well, I met him exactly 10 days after I officially started dating my boyfriend. It's probably a good time to mention (unfortunately) that Aaron is my boyfriend's oldest brother.
If you've seen the other post, you'll know I am in my school's band (this took place before all the shit that made me hate the band directors, mind you, and I still loved band with my entire heart and soul at this point). Unfortunately, my boyfriend comes from a very musical family, and every single one of them is/was an instrumentalist.
On this unfortunate day of December 15th, 2023, our band directors decided it was a wonderful idea to have an alumni game, where all former graduates of our school are allowed back to play again in a pep band game. I'd never met Aaron until this point, and I admitted to my boyfriend that I didn't want to meet him. Again, gut feeling that he was bad news.
That night, he asked his brother to point me out. Me being scared of him (he was also right behind me in the stands) I avoided him as best I could, but being in his general proximity gave me a massive headache that didn't go away for the rest of the night. He was also a very loud player (egotistical bitch) and was bothering other members of my section too
After the pre-game performance, I ended up finding him looking lost in the back hallway that typically only the band members used. Just being kind, I explained to him that most people were out socializing in the Commons, and it would be better for him to wait out there rather than alone in the hallway.
I was unfortunately naive when this occurred, and I didn't realize his intentions when he began using this time with us alone to interrogate me, including questions about where I lived and what my parents did for work. I didn't clock this as creepy behavior until much, much too late, because I assumed he was just being friendly. Even so, when I did manage to escape his questioning, I hid with a group of friends and avoided him as best I could.
As far as I knew, nothing else happened for a couple months (there was actually a lot happening at this time that I'll cover later) until my boyfriend invited me and one of my best friends at the time to a college pep band game that his father led. I had a lot of fun there, and I loved every minute of it (except when my boyfriend neglected to give me literally any important information about this event I'd never gone to despite me begging him to give me details)
At this game and at this college, there's a long-standing tradition where attractive college women will dress in bathing suits and cover up with trenchcoats, only to reveal their bodies whenever the opposing team attempted to score a free throw
Aaron made a comment about my makeup (I like to do more graphic looks including rhinestones around my eyes), saying, and I quote "At least you're drawing attention to your eyes, and not..." and he trailed off but he made it abundantly clear he was referring to the ladies in swimsuits. Especially when he followed his statement up with, "Of course, you're aware of the tradition, right?" He began explaining it to me while I stood there in silence.
For a while, I thought his comment had been funny. It became an inside joke between me and my boyfriend, because, again, I had been naive and not realized it was not only weird but also extremely creepy to be making comments about a 15-year old showing off her body like the adult college students were. (Reminder that he was 25 at the time, and knew my age)
This all occurred on January 20th, 2024. 3 months later (almost exactly) on April 21st, I was visiting my boyfriend's house for the second time. It was going really well, until I forced my boyfriend to show me his phone. I knew he'd been hiding things from me because he would panic every time I got his phone, even if I didn't have any desire to open it. This had been going on for at least 2 months, possibly longer.
For whatever reason, he finally allowed me to see. I looked through his texts when I found they were about me. They were between both of his older brothers. These messages varied between talking about my deepest insecurities (something I'd trusted my boyfriend and only my boyfriend with, not even my closest friends), as well as them berating me for being crazy, psycho, and a red flag. All these insults came directly from Aaron himself, mind you.
I laid on my boyfriend's bed, scrolling through and reading everything they'd ever said about me. He laid behind me, watching. He said mostly nothing, only ever asking if I was okay, to which I couldn't answer by how betrayed and shocked I felt about this whole ordeal.
The texts about me had started back in November, when my boyfriend and I had started talking and falling for each other. He'd gone to his older brothers asking for advice, and they'd given it excitedly, because they'd been wanting him to get a girlfriend for a while before he'd met me. Aaron specifically had been more obsessed with our relationships, even going as far as to make comments about how I better be pretty (his words were "she better not be mid" he then clarified "not attractive")
I cried silently while I read the story of how my boyfriend had told them almost everything I never wanted anyone to know, and even though I knew he'd been hiding something, I never would have assumed it'd be that. I screenshotted the messages (some, not all... I wanted some to remain hidden from anyone who asked to see the messages, because I knew that time would come) and sent them to myself. I sat in his room in silence for a couple minutes just to process everything, ignoring everything he'd try to say to me, and texted his little sister, one of my best friends, if I could hang out in her room for a while because I didn't want to look at him.
I showed her everything, because I figured if I didn't, someone else would, and even though she was younger than I am, she agreed with me that it was messed up and tried her best to comfort me. I stayed with her for longer than I anticipated until I was ready to face my boyfriend again. I went in his room and laid on the bed with him in silence, crying. I said I wasn't sure if I could still love him after that, and even though it hurt seeing his reaction as I broke his heart, he'd broken mine too.
I went home, hiding the truth from my mother when she asked how everything went. I texted my boyfriend and we argued about everything. I officially ended it that night, because I refused to stay with someone who never wanted to be with me forever in the first place.
It was a messy breakup, one that isn't really important to the story aside from knowing about the existence of the text messages and some of the content they contained. Long story very very short, my boyfriend and I got back together after we had a lot of long discussions about the texts.
Essentially, I realized that, aside from my boyfriend telling them things he never should have, he was mostly just asking for advice and answering their questions when the time arose. In the grand scheme of things, it was Aaron (and perhaps the other brother like... once) who was making the nasty comments about me, including not only the creepy comment about my attractiveness, but also sexual things (note that my boyfriend and I never had sex and he knew this).
As if that wasn't enough, the time before my boyfriend and I got back together (we remained friends after the breakup even though we both knew we still had feelings for each other) I learned more about Aaron. A lot of this was from my ex-boyfriend, but some was from his social media (what is with millennials and thinking they should post their every thought online?)
I learned a lot of things about my new enemy Aaron. Some of them included:
His wife, whom he'd married 3 days before my boyfriend and I started officially started dating, was only 3 or 4 years older than me, at the age of 19.
His wife was also homeschooled, never went to college, and had limited social interaction outside of her many siblings and her parents. She met Aaron at either 17 or 18. Aaron, 24-soon-to-be-25, started dating his now-wife as soon as she would've graduated high school at the age of 18.
Aaron has a birth defect (no name was given but I have used this wonderful resource named Google and am making an educated guess in saying it is hypogonadism) which, and I am very sorry to have to type this but it is important, makes it very hard for him to produce sperm.
After only 2 months of marriage, Aaron got his 19-year-old wife pregnant (and I can pinpoint the exact day it was conceived because he told his 16-year old brother, aka my boyfriend, all about it)
Maybe it's just me, but having testosterone issues to the point where you require you're essentially unable to ejaculate (infertility, a common symptom of hypogonadism) and then suddenly being able to make a kid after 2 months as soon as you fuck a teenager? Interesting...
That's all I have to say for now. My hatred for this "man" runs deep, and it will probably be like that for years, but I don't care. I want nothing to do with him
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Matpat in 'FNAF the Musical: Dark Remains' by Random Encounters
(part 1 of gif sets I'm making of his appearance)
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commission for one of my friends, ty lilsss 🫶🏼
(pls commission me i take adopt me pets and royale high things 💔💔 im desperate)
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Hello lovely, your stuff is great, please may i ask that you do a text post with the f1 drivers calling them daddy to see how they respond please xx
calling your f1 boyfriend 'daddy'
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( texts masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ★: feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris, oscar piastri ★ : genre :: crack; mature ★ : a/n :: unfortunately the daddy kink is just funny to me now so some of these are crack apologies in advance ★ : requested :: yes
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©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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If I may… What are the Matt egos’ fears and how does the reader comfort them? (I’m a sucker for angst and hurt/comfort)
Yess absolutely! I, too, am a sucker for hurt/comfort
(I fricken love this ask)
The Detective: - Absolutely, 100% dying. - You mean to look at this man and say he doesn’t have any trauma whatsoever from being beaten to death? You’re wrong - As for comforting him (I imagine this as him having an anxiety attack or maybe even a panic attack), don’t touch him. Like at all. If he’s thinking about how he died before… probably not a good idea to add into that via touch. Even if it’s gentle, it can really mess with him - Using your voice helps a lot. Reassuring him he’s okay— that he’s alive— is the best thing to do in this situation
MadPat: - Ha ha a serial killer can’t have fears! - … yeah no. I know he goes to prison at the end of FNAF: The Musical, but I feel that before that, him being caught was terrifying - He’s not dumb, he knows how prisoners get treated. Much less felons like him - Aaaand he’s a child murderer. Definitely not looking so good for him - I mean, the obvious answer for comfort would be to make sure he won’t get caught, but if you’re not into that, just let him vent to you, or cry on your shoulder if he really needs it - He doesn’t cry often, but when he does, clinging to you and hiding his face in your shoulder as he just… lets it all out is all he needs
Mack: (Crewmate, head engineer, dictator) - I cant’t explain it, but I have the strangest headcanon that crewmate Mack has a horrible fear of spiders. - So, he sees a spider on the ship (don’t ask how it got there because I have no idea) and you just hear him scream, then run in to see him backed into a corner looking absolutely terrified - You are forced to be the Spider Killer of the relationship. But after it’s gone, he will 100% hug you tightly and thank you about a million times for getting rid of it - Head engineer Mack has a fear of failure, I think. Being overly prepared in case of a disaster? He’s scared he’ll forget something and someone will get hurt (or worse, die) and it’ll be his fault, because he failed them - When it gets really bad, it’s easy to tell, because he’ll shut himself off from everyone and throws himself into his work. Because he needs to succeed. At everything. And he can’t possibly fail if he takes every. Single. Precaution. - Take him away from working. Steal his engineering tools if you really need to, but please show him how much you love him, and that failure is a normal thing, because things happen, and that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person or that it’s his fault - Dictator Mack can’t possibly be scared of anything! He’s the leader of an entire colony! He holds absolute power over the lives of everyone! And yet he’s still afraid of losing you - He wakes up with nightmares some nights, afraid that you died in his arms and he couldn’t save you. It really messes with him when that happens - Hug him and let him cling to you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear and assure him you’re not going anywhere
The Hermit: - I’m hoping this makes sense (especially considering how he acts in AHWM) but… - I think he’s afraid of the unfamiliar. Like, someone gets stranded on the island and he gets very territorial because he’s afraid of people he doesn’t know - Especially if a stranger were to stumble across his cave. Absolutely not. That cave is a place of safety and comfort and familiarity - When he sees new people on the island, you usually have to calm him down and remind him that not all people are bad, and that more often than not, they’re lost and confused and just want to find a way back to where they belong - With your help, and a little bit of convincing, he tries to help them so he can have the island for just you two again.
WarfPat: - I really tried but I cannot possibly see WarfPat afraid of anything for some reason. Sorry :/
DarkPat: - Abandonment. - It’s why he tries to make himself seem intimidating and unapproachable. If people stay away, he can’t possibly lose them. It’s messed up logic, but it makes sense to him - And then there’s you, his lover, the one he’d risk the world for if it came down to. He’s afraid you’ll realize you deserve better than him and leave, because he can’t imagine a life without you in it - He tries to hide it from you, definitely, but you’re bound to find out. - All it takes is a little bit of reassurance. Tell him how much you love him, and that you won’t leave. He’ll be endlessly grateful for it, and for you
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Eating a pomegranate for the first time in ages and Persephone, how did you not eat the entire thing? I get you were interrupted but girl, this fruit slaps.
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Not you getting the lyrics wrong?? "I know it might be crazy, but did you hear the story?"
"I think I heard it vaguely..."
"A girl and a zombie"
"Oh tell me more boy... sounds like a fantasy"
"Oh what could go so wrong with a girl and a zombie?"
I’m watching ZOMBIES for you besfie
(you’re so right about Milo 😭)
have u heard the story
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Calling myself a writer when I haven't touched my WIP in weeks.
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happy 4th of july to this image the official boston fire department made and posted to twitter like 3 years ago. i will not let it die.
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Don’t look at the ugly reference lines!! I was struggling y’all XD
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i really love the phrase “with all due respect” because it doesn’t specify how much respect is due. could be none. bitch.
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You’re only allowed in my car if you can jam out to fnaf the musical
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