not-senpai · 2 years
This is that apocalypse story
Well for starters this is your everyday basic apocalypse story. The origin is all the same: several big nuclear explosions around the world wipes out most of life, lowering the population to only a couple 100 million people which from how many there used to be that's not much. After the explosion several million “survivors” became these zombie-like creatures except they’re a little different. These ones have to kill you to turn you into one of them which is harsh, I know how it works, no clue and what do we call them well several different terms but the most common is definitely the freaks. So got the origin out of the way well hi i'm alex and this is my teenage apocalypse life.
Well since the explosion in my home town of fort smith canada which was already a really small town before the explosion i've been doing great. I was known as one of the smarter kids at my school, which is where I'm staying at with one of my best friends, Jonas. He isn't so bright just the other day he microwaved a fork to see what would happen. “ side note. Should've mentioned this earlier but some towns still have working power and I happened to get lucky.” Anyways i've been doing fine tho some close calls to becoming a freak that's probably because i refuse to use a gun so the thing is after some childhood trauma which we won't get into i refuse to ever touch a gun so i kinda fight with melee style weapons, jonas on the other hand is great with guns so he handles those weapons. Do i really have a goal for this whole thing not really i guess find some survivors you know make some more friends. Alright let's talk about my adventure.
Well it's been two months since the whole explosions around the world happened and i'm doing great on basic needs food, water ect. I've been staying at my highschool because it's the biggest safest place in town and well it wasn't occupied actually i dont think theres anyone else in my town other than me and jonas after the explosion the outside air is what turned you into the freaks but luckily i was inside mainly because i got stuck in the schools locker room two days later the air became safe to breathe and me being dumb i finally relized i could just go throuh the window im so smart anyways i got lucky. When i got outside i noticed the mass destruction from the explosion and well it wasn't good, i ran home to see if my parents were home and the worst is bad they ended up turning into freaks which was my first interaction with one and it wasn't pleasant at the time i didn't know what a freak was so i ran to hug them when my dad attacked me which was terrifying and with no hesitation i grabbed a bat and hit him over the head. I looked at my mom scared when she ran after me so I hit her over the head too. I left home that day and I have yet to return since then ve noticed things to tell who is a freak. It's funny but freaks are really blind so they kinda rely on sounds so if you're quiet and they don't see you that's how you know it's a freak.
After I left the house I decided to lock my parents in because I couldn't come to kill them or know they're dead i guess my true goal is to find some form of cure but even now that cure is unknown anyways after i left the house i started to search for ANY other survivors and well with my amazing luck i ran into my best friend jonas a little skeptical i hid but he saw me and yelled
“I'm not one of them, I'm normal.”
I hadn't heard one of those zombie-like things talk so with my bat raised I proceeded to walk towards him. He seemed normal so I calmed down and instantly started questioning things like how'd he survive, if his family is ok, and other things about his safety. Something I should've mentioned was he was wearing some swat-like looking outfit he was prepared for war. When I asked where he got it from he took me to the police station which I feel like right now is a good time to tell you about why I refuse to touch a gun.
Alright well when i was around 11 my dad took me hunting. He said it would make me maly since I'm always tucked away reading books and well my brother had jumped scared me to the point I accidentally pulled the trigger and killed him. Since then I've refused to touch a gun if i give any more detail ill probably kill myself from guilt.
Anyways he took me into the police station and nobody was in there seemed everyone either died or fled anyways jonas had grabbed several swat suits and weapons and well i started to explore and went into what i assume was someone's office and there it was the thing that will save me so many times a sword mounted to the wall.Me needing a better way to stay safe. I took it and when I walked outside there Jonas was with a wagon of many guns and several bullet proof vests, I didn't question it. I just said we should check the market next so we can see if anybody was there and stock up on food. So well that's what we did. Grabbing several shopping carts full of items and then we headed back to the school. At this point it was dark so we needed somewhere secure so we stayed in the locker rooms funny knowing that in the beginning i got locked in.
A restless night passed and when morning came we left to get valuables. We were playing this whole apocalypse thing smart. For starters we stopped at my house and well for starters my parents were gone but anyway we stopped at my house and grabbed essentials more food more drinks and well my dads car keys because well we need some way to carry this to the school we packed a tv and some other entertainment then we moved on to tools and helpful items. We did the same to several other houses and im convinced my town consist of no freaks but thats off topic we then stopped at a building being built and picked up several things to barricade then we went back to the school and did are thing we brought in all sources of entertainment and put clothing into the lockers. As well as set up our two beds into the locker room so at this point the locker room is a bedroom. After i then went to the nurses office to pick up medical supplies and that's when i saw what looked like one of the students she was in there but she didn't seem like a freak being skeptical i skipped by it but she yelled for me did she know i questioned i slowly opened the door to the nurses office and there she was it was my science lab partner her name was summer.she said she's been here since the explosion which was three days ago so we talked for a bit while i walked her to Jonas.
We made it to the lockers and I gave her some food. She talked to Jonas a bit. We kinda told her what we knew about the explosions and the freaks, Which still wasn't much.anyways we went back out that day to get her things and now we have a new member of our group. - no she wasn't in the same room as Jonas and I. well bye then it was already dark again we made some food with what we had then went to sleep. Come next morning we were just hanging out that day talking about how there's nothing on how we fantasized about it. We’re all scared but none of us will admit that this happened out of nowhere and we’re just in highschool none of us are ready. Anyways, enough of that we decided to play video games to take advantage of the power while we still have it. Luckily most streaming services worked so we watched tv too but then we had the idea of going to an online game to look for any other survivors yeah know our power works the internet… does not.so we've been just been doing life kinda depressed knowing everyone we loved is gone, that was until summer being a genius nah i'm kidding she just suggested we take the car out of town but we’re a town in the middle of nowhere nearest town is at least 50 miles away and the car could probably make it halfway there so obvious next step, we went the station and got gas while we were there us being children we got a bunch of junk food and drinks and looking back on it i regret it all 16 year old me was smart but was still a kid anyways on the way back to the school we found a trailer and well we went inside it was completely empty no counter no sink it looked like it was being used a storage unit so we attached to the truck and went back to the school got everything and took off to the nearest town. While on the road we must have made some wrong turn because we had been driving for an hour and a half and nothing, just a rest stop here and there and we stopped at all hoping for the best. We kept driving when Jonas shouted “OVER THERE!!!” while pointing at what looked like just two houses in the middle of the desert it was getting late so we stopped there.
Summer made us some food and we got ready to rest for the night. As we all slowly dozed off i wake up to a loud childish scream i jumped out of the bed it was a little girl no older than 9 then running behind her comes what i could only assume was her father but he looked not angry more like satisfied calming down the little girl he ask what we are doing in his house and that's when jonas chimed in saying “ the door was unlocked and we needed somewhere safe for the night also nobody was home so we decided to sleep here for the night” the man facial expression change very quickly he looked very aggravated he started to charge at me then summer hit him over the head with a lamp and we ran to the car and took off. Luckily we didn't bring anything in so we didn't lose anything. We drove a few miles then found a station and slept in the trailer for the rest of the night. The next morning we just kept driving until i spotted the border to america we figured f**k it why not go we kept going stopped at a station,refilled and went on. Until finally we came to a bigger town which i assumed was in washington but i don't know we stopped at the town and it was trashed which i wasn't too surprised something i found funny is one of the buildings in better shape were the bigger stores. Summer Jonas and I all agreed we would stay at one of the smaller stores like one of the corner stores and that's what we did. We instantly gave up on our searching for survivors' plans and just went to our surviving stage.
Step one safety we sent Jonas off to go get fence us off while summer and I started cleaning the inside of the shop which had all empty shelves which meant people had to have been here anyways the coolers still had power so we stored the cold foods there and put everything else up on the shelves about an hour later we were all set up and Jonas had just come back with what looked like actual barbed wire fences which work we spent the rest of the day making our “territory” safer. We pulled the truck and trailer on our side of the fence and locked up for the day. We left our beds in the trailer well because of warmth and safety. Next day comes and we set up the tv and other entertainment things and chilled the rest of the day. The same cycle repeated for a few days until we all agreed to go look around town now that we've been settled in for a few days so the next day that's what we did.
We strolled around for a bit. Nobody there were freaks here and there but nothing interesting happened. I started convincing myself we were the last few people alive. We went back home and just I don't live the best you can in an apocalypse….
… spoke to soon since, then everything went to sh*t
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not-senpai · 3 years
Ok I’m writing a story about your basic apocalypse last people alive type of thing all about a group of highschool kids just trying to survive and I hit a blank as to what to add I’ve got them looking for a good place to stay, looking for other survivors and well just being teenagers with no rules WHAT DO I DOOO
-I don’t wanna post it it because I really wanna keep working on this one so idk we’ll see…
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not-senpai · 3 years
This books about turning you fears into strengths all you have to do is conquer your fear Title -pedophobia which means fear of children you’ll figure out why that’s the name just read the story
Society in a world with superhuman powers the less you're scared the stronger you are, but to tell you how the world got this way we’re going to have to go back about 10 years ago.
It was October 5th 2022 a very famous scientist that goes by the name Prevere. Prevere was a very intelligent man. He was doing college level equations since the age of 3 sounds impossible I know. While trying to make a cure for a disease known as 613B a disease that has something we can call magical events that if caught would make your worst fears haunt you. And while making the cure something happened that is still unkown but it caused a world wide disaster that gave everyone 613B which caused many to commit suicide. Including Prevere but before he did he made something that would contain everyone's fears but the only way for it to be contained you must conquer your fear first. Doing that will then give you the ability to control that fear giving what I can only think of as superpowers.
Let's start with the origin of a 9 year old boy named Shisen. Shisen is one of the bravest people ever here and fears nothing but the dark. Shisen is terrified of the dark but with his comfort stuffed fox he can get over that fear. When Shisen got 613B everything about the dark came to life small shadow creatures messing with him several times has he pretended to be ok but the day he conquered his fear was his 9 birthday him and his parents had just returned from a “vacation” i say vacation like that because it was not a getaway for Shisen’s parents but i'll get into that later. Anyways for his birthday his parents got him a stuffed fox for him to feel safe when the shadows start to surround him. He named that fox Roxxy Alright that's a little back story now let's get to the actual reason we’re talking about the boy.
Nyctophobia - fear of the dark. One day while Shisen was at school there was a power outage which caused the shadows to come to life. The thing about 613B is people can't see each other's fears. During the outage the shadows came to life but Shisen always has roxxy on him. He grabbed him and held him to his chest but while doing so the shadows had lifted the kid off the ground causing him to drop roxxy. Shisen started to panic but then he remembered what his mom once said. “Just imagine the room has its own sun. so Shisen closed his eyes really tight and when he opened them the shadow creatures were gone and he was back on the floor. Shisen had conquered his fear but roxxy there was something different about him he looked what i can only describe as animated the fox started glowing like a portable night light.
“Hello” said the fox
“Hello?” Shisen replied confused and unaware of whos talking
“You did it, you conquered your fear”
“Who said that?” Shisen had asked to look at all of his classmates thinking it was one of them, but they all sat there giving him a very confused look.
“Are you ok?” his teacher asked
“Did you hear that? Someone talking”
“It's been silent for the past 10 minutes, are you sure you're ok?”
“ Uh, nevermind,” he replied. For the rest of the day Shisen seemed very confused wondering what had happened if he was hearing things or the class was playing a prank. Shhhh! The boy had heard. But who? He remembers he was home alone so I couldn't have been his parents. “Who's there?” he asked as if he’s in every scary movie ever.
“Its me”
“Roxxy, you know your comfort animal.”
“That can't be, Roxxy is just a stuffed animal.”
“But it can be and it is, you conquered your fear of the dark so that fear was contained in me so now i can communicate with you. And now that I can talk, I must say you really need to clean your room.”
“If you can talk then why can't anyone else hear you?”
“Just like only you can see your fears only you can hear me”
“But how does conquering your fears make you able to talk or contain my fears?”
“That's a story for another time”
Shisen and the fox went on talking that whole night, Roxxy had told him how he’s containing Shisens fears. It was a long story that made everything make a little more sense.
“I think it's time.” Roxxy said
“Time?” Shisen replied confused
“It's time I tell you about what else happens when you conquer your fear.”
“There's more?”
“Much but for now let me tell you about controlling fears” he goes on to say that once conquering your fear you then contain and gain the ability to control it and since Shisen conquered his fear he can control it with something called shadow manipulation.
Now to get to know the others.
Pediophobia - fear of dolls. Mary is a six year old girl who had once been told a story about a haunted house where all the dolls in the house would come to life at night and walk around. Since that day Mary has been terrified of dolls. One day when Mary was playing in her room she heard something drop in her closet so she got to go check. She opened her closet and it was a doll. She dropped to the ground and started to scream for her parents. Her parents rushed to her room asking what was wrong and she pointed at the doll backing up. Her mom looked over and chuckled out of relief. She explained that it was one of Mary's dolls that she loved when she was younger. Mary reached for the doll and once grabbed felt safe for some reason like nothing would hurt her since then she hasn't feared dolls. Anyways later that day she was about to go to sleep her mom had just tucked her in as Mary asked “can i have the doll tonight”
“Sure, but are you sure you want it?”
“Yes I'm sure” she said her mom gave her the doll but Mary just like many kids didn't go to bed right away she started to “pretend” her doll was alive. I say pretend like that because it was alive. She has a very bright imagination so when the doll started talking she kept playing. The doll had said her name was susan, susan was one of those cabbage patch kid dolls with a bright pink dress.(the dress is important). Every day one of Mary’s baby sister's clothes would go missing and end up on Susan Mary's parents were quick to blame her because I mean who else would take them. That went on for a while until one day Mary was at a sleepover with her friends. When her parents had woken up the next day all of the baby’s clothes were gone and it couldn't have been Mary but they checked her room anyway. And there were all the clothes, but there was something odd about the clothes they were moving as if they had come to life but as they were cleaning the clothes all that they found was the doll. The doll was alive.
Usually you can control your fears but since Mary is so young she doesn't know much about the whole fear thing so she can not control it.
Acrophobia - Fear of Heights charm - unknown. Her name is Alexis, She is a 17 year old girl and a junior in high school and she’s terrified of heights. One day Alexis and some friends were hanging out and one of them had the idea to go to the amusement park and obviously Alexis was against it but she didn't say anything because none of her friends knew of her fear. They were there for maybe an hour before someone mentioned going on a rollercoaster and well Alexis trying to seem brave agreed. After about an hour wait in line it was finally her turn to ride the coaster. A little context Alexis has never been on anything high she just feared she would fall so this will be her first time. Anyways, Alexis was shaking and her friend noticed and said that she didn't have to ride it if she didn't want to but of course she denied being scared. The ride had just started and Alexis was shaking more than a max setting blender but as the ride reach the top hight Alexis looked down and it wasn't that bad the ride went on and Alexis loved it her power is still unknown but well find out eventually.
Ok that was all the main characters now lets get into how all of these kids met and tried to figure out a way to stop this whole virus.
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not-senpai · 3 years
A lot of these are just gonna end In The middle of a paragraph these are just story’s I don’t feel like finishing
-these are all unedited so might have some grammar and spelling issues
I’ll take story suggestions because I’m not the most creative
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