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Followers for Flint Holiday Charity Drive!
I have been thinking about ways we can use our blog and our WoW RP community to connect and spread good tidings. With that in mind, I’ve decided to run a charity drive this year. Depending on how successfully it goes - we may make this an annual event! I am hoping you guys will jump on board and help us make this lots of fun for a good cause.
Our charity for 2016 is The United Way of Genesee County - Flint Water Fund. 
“The United Way of Genesee County has set up this fund for the purchase of filters, bottled water, emergency support services and prevention efforts. 100% of the fund is used for these projects and no Administrative Fee is assessed.”  
For every Like & Reblog we get, we will donate $1.
For every new follower we get, we will donate $10. 
We will cap out at $500 or December 31st, whichever comes first. 
Help us meet our goal! Like, Reblog, BOOST! Tell your friends! We welcome all followers - but especially love WoW & Roleplay blogs.  
Happy Holidays!
Our Collective Fantasy
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Pearl’s Satisfied
Hey guys!  I mentioned a while ago that I did a rewrite of the song Satisfied for Pearl from Steven Universe, and I’ve decided to post it here!
For those of you that don’t know, the original song:
Now, for my rewrite!  It’s under a cut.
(first scene is at Rose and Greg’s wedding)
[Pearl] A toast to the groom To the bride From your Pearl Who is always by your side To your union And the hope that you provide May you always be satisfied [Garnet] Rewind….
Keep reading
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I feel like this needs to be said hating yourself after/during abuse is not “letting them win” it’s a natural occurrence and as long as you keep going, your abuser is not “winning”, you are
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I get pregnant, throw a “gender reveal” party, cut open the cake to reveal a landslide of green m&ms. “what does green mean??” my relatives ask, scandalized. in their confusion, they fail to notice that the doors have been barred. they are now my captive audience. “settle in, folks,” I say, “it’s time for gender theory 101. I have slides.”
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“CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: Loudly Proclaiming To Not Care About A Child’s Death is Good When I Do It”
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You know the drill—send a sibling’s name and a headcanon. No NSFW. Be nice.
What are your headcanons about me?
Just curious. 
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Hey y’alls, Lia here! We are so excited to welcome a Weasley sibling! Her name is Jess and she is 18 years old. <3
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when someone tells you that your stimming in public is “weird” and “you probably shouldn’t do it”
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That wasn't a party; that was a shitshow. We need to throw a party.
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Hey y’alls, so yesterday I found out from @maamilton and @adhdlaurens that Lin-Manuel Miranda and Christopher Jackson support Autism freakin Speaks and well, that is a bad thing! Please sign this petition and share it with #Ham4AMs (AMs as in Autistic Mothertruckers)! Thank you!!
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#Ham4AMs Update (end of day 1)
So day 1 of the #Ham4AMs petition is coming to a close. As of the writing of this post, we collected 53 petition signatures, which is FUCKING AMAZING. Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared so far.
In case you want to share the petition with people who are not on tumblr, it can now be found at bit.ly/ham4ams.
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Roses are red; gender’s performative; mass-market romance is heteronormative.
@officialskeletoncommander (as relayed to me by @wearingoutthereplay)
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Did you know there’s a Gender Neutral Bathroom which secretly lives in your home? It’s true! It’s there now. It’s always there, just out of your sight. Always just out of your sight…
Ever wonder why your house is strangely lacking in signs designating who should use which bathroom? Or why your bathroom contains both hygiene and cosmetic products labeled “for men” and “for women” (even though such products really don’t need to be gendered in the first place)? Or why your mother or wife or other female relative is constantly complaining about urine on the underside of the toilet seat that she also uses?
Or maybe you’ve never noticed any of those things. You’ve lived your life to this point completely oblivious to this Bathroom With No Gender. And truth be told, I think it’s probably harmless. But maybe you should make a stink about gender neutral bathrooms… just in case.
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We have decided on a deadline for TSP submissions: June 19th, 11:59 PM EST. Please have your submission in (to submit, email [email protected]) by then! We plan on releasing on July 4th, because independence!
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Introducing... The Stim Project!
Unshakespearean Productions is pleased to announce the Stim Project, a celebration of stimming and autism positivity by autistics, for autistics!
The Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of the Stim Project!
Who: Who’s running this thing?
@inimitablelia​ (moi) and @adhdlaurens​, two autistic teens!
What: What is this thing?
The Stim Project is a celebration of happy stimming and autism positivity in video form!
Where: Where will the video go when it’s finished?
The video will be posted on the Unshakespearean Productions YouTube channel, as well as the associated Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, and we’ll be promoting the video from there (especially on Tumblr).
When: When is this thing happening?
We don’t really have a set deadline yet, but we’ll update y'alls when we do.
Why: Why are we doing this?
Because there are way too many videos of autistic meltdowns online, mostly posted without our consent, and those are used to prove that we’re unstable and need to be cured and go through ABA and shit. There needs to be more autism positivity online, and what better way to do that than post a video of us happy stimming? Also, let’s face it; we’re adorable when we’re happy stimming.
How: How do I participate?
First of all, this is for autistic people only (self-dx MORE THAN WELCOME). Allies, please feel free to reblog this post and tell your autistic friends, but do not send us videos.
Now that that’s squared away, here’s how you participate:
Take a video of yourself happy stimming, however that may be! (so long as it’s appropriate—keep it PG-13)
Please try and keep that video to 15-30 seconds long.
However, if you have lots of different stims, you can send multiple videos!
When you’ve taken the video, send it to [email protected] with the subject “Stim Project Submission.”
In the body of the email, you may share as much or as little personal information as you’d like—name, age, where you’re from, what have you—we’ll be listing all those names in the credits at the end. If you don’t want to share personal info, that’s cool—we’ll just list you as anonymous. You can send us pseudonyms too. You can also send us your URL if you want because we’ll be crediting participants when we post it on tumblr.
That’s basically it!
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me an ask!
Have fun, and happy stimming!
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Sound the alarm—I just discovered some major league bullshit.
Meet the May Institute, a nonprofit whose advertisement was on the bus this afternoon. In case you can’t read, it says “Does someone you love have autism? From infancy through adulthood, we can help! [We specialize] in autism, brain injury, special needs, and mental illness. [We are] a nonprofit with a mission of promoting independence, choice, dignity, and respect.”
Well, I looked these people up and I saw that they practice ABA, while at the same time talking about being caring and compassionate, while at the same time talking about autism as a disease, while at the same time talking about dignity and independence and respect… Enclosed are pictures of the advertisement on the T as well as two screenshots from their website.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go cleanse my entire body and soul of this filth.
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Start using support levels instead of functioning labels!
For the uninformed, functioning labels are terms like high functioning autism, low functioning autism, mild autism, severe autism. Other words like moderate or level 1, level 2, etc may be used too.
Functioning labels are extremely offensive because they’re placed on autistic people based on observation from the outside. This is problematic for three reasons.
Functioning labels determine how autistic people are treated. People associate “low functioning/severe” with incompetence or infancy and they end up treating the autistic person like a pet or a baby. High functioning/mild gets stereotyped as people who are just a little quirky and their difficulties get ignored as laziness or intentional stubbornness.
Functioning labels imply brokenness and treat people as if their intrinsic value is determined by what they contribute to society rather than the fact that they are a living being with oxygen in their lungs and blood in their veins like everybody else.
Functioning labels create a dichotomy as if there are differing “levels” of autism or that people exist on different areas of the spectrum. NO, NO, NO, that’s not how it is.
Think of spectroscopy and how the elements create their own signature color lines. Now put peoples’ names in place of the elements: Hydrogen/Harold, Helium/Henry, Lithium/Luke, Oxygen/Olga, Carbon/Carol, Nitrogen/Nadine.
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Autism is like that. We’re all on the same spectrum and all that is unique is how we display our symptoms, our sensory issues, our splinter abilities and so forth.
In light of that, I want to change the language. Let’s start pushing for support levels instead of functioning labels.
High support: Anyone who isn’t able to live independently and needs help with some or all of their basic daily living skills such as eating, bathing, basic grooming, putting on makeup, getting dressed and completing tasks. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as HSP for High Support Person or HSAP for High Support Autistic Person.
Usage in speech: Clarissa is a high support autistic person and needs assistance with getting dressed and taking a shower. Abbreviated usage online: I’m a HSAP and I’m really into physics, so the poor sucker who signs me on is gonna hear a lot about it when they hand me my iPad! 
Medium support: Anyone may or may not live independently and doesn’t need help with basic living skills, but needs help with other things like cooking, completing some tasks, transportation if unable to drive and assistance for things like grocery shopping. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as MSP for Medium Support Person or MSAP for Medium Support Autistic Person.
Usage in speech: Kevin is a medium support autistic person and needs some assistance to prepare meals and shop for the wood he uses for his carpentry projects. His boyfriend, Max, usually helps him with those. Usage online: I’m a MSAP and I’m looking for info about saws. Any fellow auties know what’s best for cutting oak? 
Low support: Anyone who more often than not lives independently and may only need assistance with minor things like balancing a checkbook, getting started on some tasks like organizing a garage sale or arranging to move from one house to another. Can be abbreviated online or in writing as LSP for Low Support Person or LSAP for Low Support Autistic Person.
Usage in speech: Jesse is a low support autistic person and she only needs help keeping her checkbook balanced. Usage online: I’m a LSAP and I’m thinking about moving to Seattle. What’s the weather and traffic like there? 
Reasons support levels are better:
They don’t make assumptions about intelligence
They don’t encourage infantilization or pity
They sound more respectful and dignified
Ditch functioning labels and start using support levels. These terms can apply to practically every kind of disability, not just autism.
For the record, I’m a MSAP.
Please reblog this whether you’re disabled or not. Make this viral.
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