not-to-buy-blog · 8 years
Second-hand summer trousers
I needed some summer clothing but decided to try the local charity shop. I bought summer trousers and am really pleased with them. I still need a dress but couldn't find one that fits in that shop. My brother offered some second-hand toys to baby as a late birthday gift. He thought my "project" was about saving money...I had to explain again that it has nothing to do with that...It's about recycling to avoid creating more waste...It's about giving money to charity organisations instead of share-holders....He bought some cheap T-shirts (brand-new) on sale and was pleased...I paid more for my second-hand trousers but the money doesn't go in the same pocket...and I feel proud of that...I still have a long way to go to live an ethical life but I feel I'm getting closer.... Also, I made my own deodorant because of all the nasties there are in the ones you buy (even the organic one I had, has triclosan in it!!!!)...and the one I made works better....
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not-to-buy-blog · 8 years
Update: trip to Spain & things we bought
A bit disappointed with myself...I went to Spain with hubby & baby and we did buy some stuff...brand-new stuff. I should have known better but a little voice was telling me the baby needed the things we bought...Well here's the list: - 3 pairs of shoes for baby (bought by grand-ma but we didn't say 'no'...) - pjs for baby (bought by gran) - 5 pairs of socks (1 bought by me) - 3 books in Spanish - 1 pair of ballerinas for me - 1 toy (a truck) as a gift - 2 dummies for baby who lost his - 1 sippy cup I think that's it! I'm not proud of myself. We're in the process of buying a house and I hope I'll do better when it comes to furnishing it! On the plus side, I'm trying te sell some baby stuff...
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
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Second-hand Bday present for my 1-year old
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
March 28, 2016: still nothing bought!
I'm pleased that I still haven't bought anything brand new. Baby's first Bday especially was a challenge but I got a beautiful 2nd-hand wooden toy that he loves. Other than that he got another wooden toy (brand new made in Germany) from a friend and 3 brand-new bibs from a neighbour. So he wasn't showered with gifts as you would expect (which is a good thing!!). My friend's baby is turning 1 in April so I'm looking for a second-hand gift that's not too shabby to offer :)
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
February 26, 2016: Do sponges count?
I think they do as they end up in landfills as well..so yeah I bought sponges...Don't see a way around this one...
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
February 19, 2016: Amber Necklace for Baby
The baby's teething badly so I've bought an Amber necklace (+/- 10 euros). I did try to find it second-hand but with no success (what do people do with them???). So far, I'm quite pleased. I've resisted the sale period, a really cute teddy bear & I got read of most of my clothes after reading Mari Kondo's book about cleaning up (surround yourself with things you truly love). Ready to empty my storage room/closet today! ps: I didn't buy the book btw, we have an unofficial book-swap/give-away in my building. People leave books in the hall for others to take home.
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
Jan 16: Oooh bad start!...
My husband bought a brand-new yoga mat for me...I was looking to buy a second-hand one but couldn't find any...He saw a cheap one in a discount store and bought it...I'm having mixed feelings about this! I did need a yoga mat as my old one was losing bits of plastic and I didn't want the baby to pick up pieces and eat them...Ok! not a good start but the challenge is still on... P.S.: My husband is NOW aware of my challenge! Bought so far: 1 yoga mat - € 8-10
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not-to-buy-blog · 9 years
The Reasons behind "not-buying" for 1 year:
The concept: Not buying or buying the least amount of things possible for a year. The idea behind it is not about financial issues, more about philosophical, ethical and ecological reasons: 1. We're dying under piles of our own garbage, most of which is perfectly good, re-usable products (phones, tv, toys, clothing...) 2. I had a shock at Christmas and the thought of all these useless presents just polluting my house, my mind and my planet...Yes, I know they come from the heart and the gesture is much appreciated but how many phtalat-filled perfurmes does one need?! 3. I thought about my baby's first Bday and how silly it will be to buy a brand-new toy when I could get the exact same one second-hand and save the planet some useful ressources and avoid a petfectly fine toy ending in a dump. 4. Have you been to the famous Swedish store? or any store really but it's more striking in that one: mass consumerism, nothing individual, everyone with the same house, the same things, the same phones....I find it a bit saddening! 4. Wouldn't we be happier offering & receiving experiences instead of brand-new things? Do all these objects make us happy? So...here's my journey and my challenge...To see what I can avoid buying for 1 year and if I do buy how I can avoid buying brand-new things....
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