Lydia raised her eyebrow. "No, you don't have anything on your face." She paused. "Humans are just interesting. I suppose."
Stiles started the jeep and then noticed how Lydia was watching him "What? Do have have something on my face," he quickly wiped his face off then looked at Lydia with a questioning look.
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Put a number In my ask and I’ll answer any of them. I’m really bored right now so do it to humor me
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1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?
3: If your significant other smoked pot, would you care?
4: Do you find it easy to trust others?
5: What were you doing at 11PM…
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I want you to look at this. This is my boyfriend (Xavier) and his best friend (Lucas aka #5)  Xavier looks like (Season 1) Scott, Lucas looks like (Season 3) Scott. I mean 
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Lydia nodded, pulling the seat belt across herself. She ran her fingers through her hair as she watched Stiles with intrigue. 
Stiles bit his lip with a small smile “Yeah I guess it is. Not everyone does it. Scott tells me I’m weird everytime I say it. So you’re not alone in finding it odd.” He said with a shrug as he opened the door for her “Remember to buckle up.”
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Send me a "~" for my muse's reaction to yours sliding their arms around my muse's waist and kissing them.
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"That is a very odd custom..." Lydia continued to be confused as she felt around the car. "Very odd indeed."
Stiles gave a small laugh “No some car owners call their vehicles baby, it’s because…. Well honestly I’m not sure why.” he admitted with a shrug “It’s weird but people like me who really like or care about their car do it.”
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I want to apologise to all of my followers and everyone who has responded to me in the past week or so because I have been under a lot of stress (I'm sure you all have too) and I lost pretty much all my muse because of it so I apologise but I do have all of them in my drafts and will get to responding ASAP
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Lydia climbed inside, looking around curiously. "This is certainly no child."
"A car," Stiles said then realized maybe Lydia didn’t know what that was "A uh… Method for transportation." He opened the door and gestured to the jeep in the drive way "That’s her. That’s my baby," he said with a grin as he held the passenger side door open for Lydia.
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My muse has been missing for awhile, and yours comes across them laying unconscious on the ground, bloody and bruised. What does your muse do?
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Lydia nodded, promptly following him. "So this 'jeep', what is it exactly?" She tilted her head, knitting her eyebrows together in confusion.
Stiles bit his lip to keep from smirking at the way Lydia said Jeep like it was some strange exotic thing… Which he supposed to her it was. He grabbed his hoodie ”Alright, come on.” he said as he headed down the stairs.  
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Lydia nodded. "Alright." Living on Earth would be difficult as she was not used to many of the customs, but she thought it would be a fun experience. "Let us go in this 'jeep'"
"We can take my jeep," Stiles said with a shrug "Technically it’s past visiting hours but Ms.McCall is on shift so she’ll let me in."
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"Defective? Are you sure?" Lydia tilted her head. "Let me give it a shot." She placed the correct amount of money in the machine then typed in the number for the snack Stiles was trying to obtain. Two packets fell into the receiver and she took them out with a smile. "I guess I'm just lucky." She shrugged, pursing her lips and holding the other package out to the brunette. "Or you're not." She chuckled, brushing the girl's shoulder with hers as she began to walk away.
+5 Saw Your Vending Issues
Stiles huffed as she glared at the vending machine in front of her that had ate her dollar. Her arms crossed as she let her foot lightly kick the corner of the machine. “I hate technology,” she muttered as her head turned and she nearly jumped seeing someone near her. “Dude-. Uh, sorry, I hope you weren’t waiting for the thing it’s….Defective or something.”
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Lydia nodded. "Yes, not right now as I am too weak but I can repair it enough to stabilize him until I can. But, I am curious as to how we are going to get to the hospital seeing as how I need to conserve my energy." 
Stiles shook the Angels soft hand “Well… Nice to meet you Lydia.” He gave her hand a gentle, almost reassuring squeeze before stuffing his hands in his pocket “No problem, if there’s anything I can do to help more… Just uh say the word.” He offered with a shrug. “He’s in the hospital,” Stiles told the Angel, biting his lip worriedly as he thought about his father “It’s his heart can… Can you fix that?”
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Lydia stared at his hand in utter confusion. "I'm Lydia." She slid her hand into his, tilting her head. "Yes, heaven is closed and will remain that way until we find a way to re-open it, but at the current moment that seems impossible. But first I must thank you. Secondly, where is your father?"
Stiles stared at her “So…heavens closed?” he asked, a bit lost. He was still stuck on the whole ‘Angels are real and one is in my bedroom’ thing. “Man, and I thought werewolves were a big deal… You can stay as long as you need,” he said standing up offering the Angel his hand “I’m Stiles by the way.”
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Lydia nodded before promptly looking away. "Yes, it is only a minor favour really."  She paused, glancing back to him. "I need to stay here until I can heal properly..." She released a soft sigh. "You see Castiel accidentally expelled all of the angels from heaven and closed the gates so none of us can get back. That's why I was reached so easily." Closing her eyes she continued to speak. "So you see you are not the only one with a problem, but I will help to the best of my abilities."
"I was praying because well…desperation," Stiles admitted sheepishly "And believing your something isn’t hard with the whole ‘now you see me’ bit just… In my experience when you ask for the big guys help you don’t get an answer." He ran a hand through his hair "Listen you say you can help my dad and that… Honestly that’s enough for me… You said there was a condition?"
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Message me a body part
Hair: How many wigs do you own?
Skin: Do you tan easily?
Eyes: What is your favorite show to watch?
Nose: What is your favorite perfume/candle fragrance?
Mouth: Do you want to kiss anyone right now?
Tongue: What was in your last meal?
Windpipe: Do you sing?
Neck: Do you wear necklaces?
Ears: How many times have you heard something you wish you never had?
Cheeks: Do you blush easily?
Wrists: Do you/ have you self-harmed?
Hands: Are you an artist/writer?
Fingers: Do you play an instrument?
Heart: Are you in love? If so, does the one you love know?
Lungs: Do you smoke cigarettes?
Breasts/chest: Are your maternal/parental instincts strong?
Stomach: Do you feel confident in your body image?
Back: Are you a virgin?
Hips: Do you like to dance?
Vagina/Penis: Have you been judged because of your gender?
Ass: Have you ever been sexually assaulted? If so, have you recovered and what is your advice for others in the same situation?
Thighs: Has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?
Knees: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Ankles: Have you ever been arrested?
Feet: Do you ever wear heels just for the Hell of it?
Toes: Do you like country music?
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