not247xholly-blog · 8 years
Keep reading
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
continued from here with @hyojung247
(( ✉ sms to; hollily )) ugh not really (( ✉ sms to; hollily )) its a pic of me wearing a peppa pig birthday hat (( ✉ sms to; hollily )) bored.PNG ATTACHED !
{ ✉ – hyoooooo } ohhhh niceeeee { ✉ – hyoooooo } do you have another? { ✉ – hyoooooo } we can be peppa pig hat twinnies!
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
{ ✉ – byung byung~ } of course i do, i know you better than anyone { ✉ – byung byung~ } oh, no, don’t leave me hanging { ✉ – byung byung~ } TELL ME ヽ(*≧л≦)ノ
(sms: holly moly) ohhhhh– (sms: holly moly) all of these actually got me swooning (sms: holly moly) you know what i like to hear ♥ (sms: holly moly) this is much better than what i was going to say
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
{ ✉ – byung byung~ } no i’m not needy this is a very important matter { ✉ – byung byung~ } fine, but not a minute more { ✉ – byung byung~ } i swear i’m storming into your apartment if you don’t give me all your undivided attention in five minutes
(sms: holly moly) uff (sms: holly moly) you’re really needy today, aren’t you? (sms: holly moly) but fine… uh.. give me five minutes ok? (sms: holly moly) i’ll call you back in five minutes, promise!!
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
continued from here with @247taehyung
( sms: holly molly ) CRAP I KNEW I HAD LEFT IT SOMEWHERE ( sms: holly molly ) ah w/e its cool i bet u look cute with it ( sms: holly molly ) u can keep it !!!!!
{ ✉ – dumb dumb } awwww you’re such a cutie <3333333333 { ✉ – dumb dumb } you sure about it though?  { ✉ – dumb dumb } i’m pretty sure you said it was your fav :))))))
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
continued from here with @247baekhyun
(sms: holly moly) uhhmm… (sms: holly moly) i’m not ignoring you (sms: holly moly) and i can’t rn sry (sms: holly moly) i’m a little…. you know.. busy….. with things–
{ ✉ – byung byung~ } this is important { ✉ – byung byung~ } byun baekhyun you stop whatever you’re doing and pick up the phone now { ✉ – byung byung~ } i don’t care who you’re with, i’m more important rn
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
text memes { – currently accepting – }
{ ✉ – dumb dumb } oooook{ ✉ – dumb dumb } what did you do this time? { ✉ – dumb dumb } just tell me you didn’t ruin one of our photoshoots or smth
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
[text] Make sure you’re alone- I don’t want anyone else seeing what I’m about to send you.
text memes { – currently accepting – }
{ ✉ – unknown } oooOOOOoooohhhhHHHH{ ✉ – unknown } is it something dirty ;)))))
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
[text] they know.
text memes { – currently accepting – }
{ ✉ – byung byung~ } they know…? { ✉ – byung byung~ } that you’re handsome??? a snake???? a mess????? { ✉ – byung byung~ } :))))))
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
Send my muse one of the following texts to see how they react:
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
Holly shook her hand as she tried to process what she had just done. Doing things before talking wasn’t unusual for her, but she had managed to control her short temper for the last few years and, therefore, it had been a while since she had actually punched someone. She usually just responded verbally to whoever irritated her, letting the physical contact far behind her, more a part of her high school days than her present, but alas, tonight seemed to be an exception to that. 
As the other girl stepped in front of her and talked, Holly furrowed her brows and didn’t even think before speaking again. “He fucking spilled all over me! You fucking spilled all over me, you asshole!” She directed the second sentence to the man currently sporting a reddening cheek and a very angry expression, almost matching Holly’s. If she hadn’t been involved in the whole ordeal, she would have probably find the resemblance quite funny. Except, as she looked at the other, it dawned on her that perhaps throwing a punch hadn’t been the best way to react. 
She looked over at the other girl with a frown, her so far non-bruised hand nursing the other as the pain settled in. “Fine, whatever.” She replied at last, eyes rolling and a long sigh leaving her mouth. A few years ago she would have not backed down this easily, but she had actually matured since then. Plus, as angry as she was at the man, she didn’t really want to get Momo into trouble, at least not over a petty shirt being ruined issue. 
She turned back to face the other, head tilting back to look into his face despite her height. Fuck, he was tall. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? You caught me on a bad day. Let’s just forget anything happened and leave it at that, yeah?” She said, ending her little speech with what she hoped was a charming smile. 
life of the party | ft. holly
“Just bow down and say sorry so we can both live to see tomorrow,” she whispered at her ear. “Let’s just both compromise, yeah?” Momo then looked back at the dude, showing a little bit of her skin and posing her right angles, thinking she could attack him with appeal as an escape.
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
Holly was very much still trying to wrap her head around the fact that there was someone else in her family. It had been nice, to know that there was someone else for her, there if she needed them, but at the same time, it was a new person to take into account whenever she did anything. She was used to being on her own, to never having to care about anyone else but herself, until now. She still struggled with how to communicate with him, sometimes coming off too rough and afraid she would scare him off, but also not wanting to open herself up too much. What if he turned out to be an asshole? Or even simpler, what if he found out about everything Holly had done in the past and decided he didn’t want to be her older brother anymore? 
As she observed Jiyong’s reaction, she couldn’t help but let a smile slip onto her face, the other’s astonishment somehow hilarious to her. It was quite similar to her own, except for her it had taken quite a bit longer to actually process the information and manage to utter a word that made sense. 
At his words, Holly smiled reassuringly, a kind of warm feeling inside her at the protectiveness in his voice. She knew her and Jiyong were quite close, but still, it made her happy to know there was someone else being wary about the sudden appearance of a mysterious older brother. 
“Maybe? He’s an actor, Choi Seunghyun?” She said, a bit offhandedly as she idly played with a loose thread in her jacket. “I met him at a charity event thingy a little while ago, I haven’t met up with him much, but, uhm, he seems nice, I guess.” She’s wishing to let herself go and enjoy the fact that she finally has some more family than her dead one, but at the same time she can’t bring herself to bring down all her defenses around him. 
friend like me
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
{ ✉ – ½ bro } oh shit that sounds rough { ✉ – ½ bro } well, uhm, if you need anything { ✉ – ½ bro } im here ok? { ✉ – ½ bro } fighting!
[text to: sister wheezes] lol yeah sort of [text to: sister wheezes] ummm i’m sure you’ve dealt with some shit too but [text to: sister wheezes] not like this [text to: sister wheezes] if i didn’t leave the acting business, they would have ruined me and cut me off [text to: sister wheezes] and probably would have had me killed– [text to: sister wheezes] i’ll be okay i just [text to: sister wheezes] i need to get my shit in order haha
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
continued from here with @seunghyun247​
Seunghyun sucks in a deep breath as he sees the message from Holly. Oh god, Holly… if it means giving up his entire life to slavery from this moment on, he swears he’s going to protect her from this mess.
[text to: sister wheezes] uh… yeah [text to: sister wheezes] it’s um because of some family stuff [text to: sister wheezes] listen [text to: sister wheezes] there’s some things about my side of the family that… [text to: sister wheezes] are not nice [text to: sister wheezes] you haven’t met your grandparents yet, i haven’t told my mother that I’ve found you, or anything about you yet [text to: sister wheezes] and that’s probably for the best [text to: sister wheezes] i’ll protect you okay, you won’t have to worry about them
She’s not sure what prompted her to send the messages in the first place, when she’s probably the least caring person in the world. But this is her brother, so she guesses it’s normal for her to worry about him, as strange as it feels to worry about someone else but herself.
{ ✉ – ½ bro } oh, okay... { ✉ – ½ bro } sounds dramatic lol { ✉ – ½ bro } i have some experience with not nice families, i’ll be fine { ✉ – ½ bro } will you though? { ✉ – ½ bro } you don’t sound that good...
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
ft. @247baekhyun – in regards to this post by deadlock
The phone buzzes as Holly finishes changing out of the clothes for the photoshoot and she rushes to it. It’s been ringing almost non-stop for the last 24 hours and Holly has been excitingly checking everything that is posted on the app. She dismisses practically every single blast because they don’t mention her, and she’s never been a fan of Gossip Girl to start with. She was quite the target for her during high school, her indiscretions always out in the open for anyone to read and laugh at, but ever since she got her life together the blogger remained quiet about her. Until a day ago, when she received a text message that she guessed every other Cheongnam alumni did as well, if the stream of blasts is anything to go by. She knew she wouldn’t betray anyone, but she felt like the blogger perhaps needed a bit of her own medicine, needed to know what it was like to be laughed at.
So, she sent a blast about herself, a metaphorical middle finger to the blogger.
A moment later, another blast illuminates the screen of her phone and, when she checks the victim, a wide smile spreads over her face. It seems like the blogger has fallen for it, at least fallen enough to post it just as she sent it. The comments soon start trickling in and she’s so happy to see they’re all giving Gossip Girl shit for posting it. She can’t keep the mischievous smile off her face as she makes her way out of the building and hails a cab.
A couple of chuckles leave her mouth as she notices even more comments either praising her or getting angry at the blogger. The trip is short and as soon as gets off the cab, she almost skips to the door she’s looking for. She rings the bell, wide smile still on her face and, as soon as the door opens, she shoves her phone on the other’s face. “I did it. I tricked Gossip Girl!”
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
{ ... }
“phone savior!” byulyi shouts, though not too loud as she didn’t want to embarrass herself that much. she caught up with her, offering the woman with a soft smile, hand waving. “tell me you recognized me from afar, because i’m gonna be hella disappointed if you didn’t” her lips soon jutted into a pout playfully.
As she waited for the other girl to appear in the lobby, Holly grew more and more restless, feet tapping against the floor as she sat in one of the lounge chairs. She hated waiting, and she usually didn’t have to wait because she was almost always late or on time for things, but today seemed to be different. She checked her phone once more, just to make sure the other hadn’t decided to pull out of their plan at the last minute.
As she locked her message-free phone, a voice caught her attention and she looked around the place to search its origin. It wasn’t difficult to spot the other, not after she had spent about an hour going through the other’s camera roll - some would call that invasion of privacy, but Holly prefers to say it’s just well-natured curiosity. A cheeky smile spreads over her lips at the sight of the beautiful woman and she raises to meet her. “Of course I did! I couldn’t forget such a pretty face.” She says with a smirk.
“So, where to? You’re still treating me to dinner, aren’t you?” She added after a moment with a pout. “Or is seeing me in person a let down from my amazing selfies?” She continued, pout even more pronounced.
the phone savior ❞ mb & kh
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not247xholly-blog · 8 years
ft. @247sumin 
The weather has been unrelenting lately, scorching hot and humid so that you can barely spend five minutes after a shower without sweating. The studio where Holly is having her photos taken is boiling, despite the several fans spread around, and the make-up artist keeps on having to check her make-up constantly. It’s annoying and it distracts Holly so much, but she powers through it and makes it to the end of the shoot with praises from the photographer and the rest of the magazine’s staff. 
As soon as she gets out of the building, a new wave of heat smacks her on the face and suddenly her craving for ice cream is bigger than ever. God knows she’s not one to diet, but she does have a figure to keep after all, so ice creams are one of the foods she generally avoids. Today, however, she’s not going to resist temptation. The area is well known for her, not far from the Cheongnam that so deeply marked her life, and she goes straight for the Baskin Robbins ice cream parlour inside a nearby mall. 
The place is crowded, full of students in their uniform that are probably looking for some refreshment after the long, hot day. Some of them are actually wearing the Cheongnam uniform, and it brings so many memories for Holly. She hasn’t kept in contact with that many people from high school, and it’s something that she sometimes regrets. 
Once she has her cotton candy ice cream in hand, she turns around to search for a table, but a face caught her attention. She frowns and double checks and, in the end, makes her way to a table a few metres away, occupied by one single person. “Sumin?” She asks tentatively, lowering her face mask so she can be recognized. 
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