notamlguideblog · 4 years
Sorry, I won’t be able to don’t post Vladimir’s chapter 2 today because I’m having a bit of trouble figuring out a certain branching in the dialogue...
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notamlguideblog · 4 years
Moonlight Lovers - Vladimir: Chapter 1 Guiden’t (4/4)
Beware: Not a guide.
A) (Search through the writing desk.)
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B) (Analyze the painting.)
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C) (Look through the shelves) -> Choose this one to save AP.
A) Well, here I am. I guess you're going to yell at me for being here, or simply for breathing?
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B) So... I'm here. Doesn't look like many people come here usually, do they?
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A) Excuse me, but... is everything all right?
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B) As you know, my parents didn't leave me much. Could I ask you sometme to tell me a bit more about the Library and its books? I don't think I'll be able to read them all, so a few recommendations might help.
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A)  I'm glad you said that.
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A) It's a book about flowers. Listen, please don't be mad. You must have noticed it's one of your cyclamens...
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B) It's a book about the symbolism of flowers. It was... Aaron who brought me this cyclamen.
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I will try to don’t start posting chapter 2 guide tonight.
I’m definitely not working on Beliath’s.
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notamlguideblog · 4 years
Moonlight Lovers - Vladimir: Chapter 1 Guiden’t (3/4)
Beware: Not a guide.
A) Please, make yourself comfortable. You must have dropped by to see how I was doing? Did you sleep well?
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B) Good... evening? You know, you could knock before barging in like that. The last time I checked, this was a young lady's bedroom.
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C) You could knock before entering! You seem upset with me. What happened to put you in such a state?
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A) And what could you really do about it? If I understand correctly, we're stuck together, whether we like it or not.
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B) You're starting to sound ridiculous. Has it occurred to you that it might not have been me? And even if it was me, do you realize how stupid your reaction is?
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A) Good evening... I'm sorry, I thought I was alone. If I'm bothering you, I can leave.
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B) Hello. It's crazy how good you all are at sneaking around. What's your name?
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A) Actually, Vladimir showed me up to my room in a rage, accusing me of seriously damaging part of his garden. He even tried to hit me.
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B) Oh, he didn't tell me anything like that. And I already came here yesterday. But he was very angry earlier because he thought I vandalized his garden.
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16. He reacts the same to both options.
A) But he's never going to want to tell me! We hardly speak to one another. And when we do, you've seen what happens! He hates me.
B) I doubt he really wants to talk about that with me. But considering the situation, I might as well try. I doubt he can hate me any more than he already does.
A) Why is the garden so important to him? It must require a tremendous upkeep. Why would he take on that burden?
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B) I see. I won't say that I condone this kind of behavior, but at least I understand why he gets angry.
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18. He reacts the same to both options.
A)  Not really. I'm more of a city girl, you see. I don't feel very comfortable in the Forest...
B) It's not that. In general, I like nature and I feel good when I'm outdoors, but here... it's like I'm completely defenseless.
A) He's certainly quick to judge, for someone who talks about the importance of good manners!
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B) It's clear this place and its flowers are important to him. Even though his reaction was a bit excessive, I understand why he acted so irrationally.
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20. Same.
A) Why don't you speak to him? Unfortunately, I don't think he'll believe me!
B) Me? Of course I'd like to explain what you found here, but do you think he'll listen?
A) Do you think one of you could have been... responsible?
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B) (No, he would know if it was one of the others. I should let Vladimir know and let them figure it out together.)
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If you pick 21A:
A) But, it could have been one of you that... drank the blood...
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B) I will try to find Vladimir and warn him. Thank you for trusting me, Aaron.
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notamlguideblog · 4 years
Moonlight Lovers - Vladimir: Chapter 1 Guiden’t (2/4)
Beware: Not a guide.
---Scene with Raphael---
A) Ha, not at all! Do you think I'm scared of you? Who are you, anyways?
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B) Do you guys make a habit of sneaking up on people? For the record, you did frighten me! Who are you?
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2. No noticeable difference.
A) I also prefer places with a past.
B) I feel more at home in the present.
A) Vladimir is furious that I've already explored the manor. He treats me like I'm some kind of parasite.
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B) I don't know. This is "your" home in a way, so I get that it might bother you.
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4. He reacts the same to both answers.
A) Ah, I'll say!
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B) Be that as it may, I don't think his behavior is excusable.
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5. He reacts the same to both answers.
A) (After all, It's not a secret...)
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B) (Hm, he seems nice, but I prefer to keep that to myself for the moment. He doesn't need to know the whole story.)
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6. He reacts the same to both answers, even her thought afterwards is exactly the same.
A) That's an understatement! What's his problem? I flew through a glass window because of that guy! And without Vladimir...
B) Listen, I understand that you want to protect your friend, but I think that what happened was pretty serious. I flew through that window, and if it weren't for Vladimir...
---Scene with Beliath---
A) You were hoping to surprise me, is that it? And who, may I ask, are you? or do you not think I'm worthy of such information, like your friend?
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B) Hm. I thought I was alone, actually. I was worried. Who are you, if you don't mind me asking?
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2. He reacts the same to both answers.
A) Not any more than you guys. After all, you're all a bit... curious.
B) Well, then... You really should  have seen his face. If only I had snapped a pic, you could have framed it and put it up in the hallway for laughs.
3. He reacts the same to both answers
A) If you want to. But you're going to stay on your side of the bench. Let's be clear from the start, I don't trust you one bit.
B) I would appreciate some answers, actually. But I'd still like to keep my distance. Kind smiles and smooth talk aren't enough to make me forget what happened yesterday.
4. He reacts the same to both answers a.g.a.i.n.
A) Are you ever going to get around to explaining things? What you're saying doesn't make any sense!
B) Sense his moods? And then what? Become telepathic? It's completely illogical.
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notamlguideblog · 4 years
Moonlight Lovers - Vladimir: Chapter 1 Guiden’t (1/4)
Beware: Not a guide.
1. No noticeable difference.
A) (Who cares if it's dangerous? I need to get to the bottom of this.)
B) (And if there's actually someone around, genius, do you really want to run into them? Did I hit my head when I fell?)
A) Go Upstairs.
B) Explore the main floor. -> She does some exploring. It's most expensive option between the two and she doesn't find anything relevant.
---If You choose 2B---
In the library
1. A) (I'm going to see if I find something in the shelves.) -> She has a thought about the books in a foreign language. Nothing seemingly relevant.
B) (Maybe there is something in the furniture.) -> She has thought about the piece of furniture she moved in the introduction.
In the Main Living Room
2. If you choose to "Go Upstairs" you can have this same two options later during the scene with Raphael.
A) (I also prefer places with a past.) -> Also no noticeable difference, but this one SEEMS better.
B) (I feel more at home in the present.)
A) Who are you?! What are you doing here? And let me go!
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B) (The look in his eyes is so aggressive that i don't even know how to answer him!)
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A) The only rules that matter here are my own! And I will never let anyone lock me up!
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B) Why would you want to keep me here if you can't even stand the sight of me? What did I ever do to you?
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A) What have you done to me? What happened? Answer me!
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B) (I'm certain that he has something to do with my current state. But what exactly did he do to me?Is this his way of "saving" me?)
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A) Seriously, for the last time, who are you? What's going on here?
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B) Listen, if I understand correctly, you don't intend to leave. Fine with me.
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C) You obviously don't want me to stay here, so why try to scare me with these kinds of tactics?
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A) There's no need for such nasty introductions. It's clear what you think of me.
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B) Okay, we could have started with that. Am I right?
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C) (What a funny name...of couse, it suits him, the way he's dressed... from the beginning, there's been something that doesn't add up here.)
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A) Well, then! And when were you going to give it back to me?
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B) Do you expect me to believe that? You read my letter.
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A) What do you mean, snooping around? This is my home.
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B) I think you're so determined to hate me that you've forgotten that this manor belongs to me.
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A) Very well, Master. Mighty weeder of the garden and undisputed lord of the hollyhock.
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B) Okay, I'll be careful... So this garden is pretty important, huh? Does it mean a lot to you?
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C) I...Alright, then. There's no point being aggressive... I'll be careful, I promise.
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A) (I've had enough, and I want to rest) -> Scene with Raphael B) (I'm not brave enough to go back to the manor right away...) -> Scene with Beliath
Scenes with Raphael and Beliath in the next part.
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