notblazikenmask · 3 months
Whump Symbols Masterlist
Beneath the cut is a list of symbols. Send one or more of the following for receiver's muse to discover sender's muse... (or include a 🔄 for the reverse!)
😈 ...being tortured.
🩸 ...bleeding out.
🦴 ...with a visibly broken bone.
🪡 ...patching, stitching, or cauterizing their own wounds.
🩹 ...beaten and left to die.
😵 ...unconscious.
🪑 ...collapsed or unable to stand.
⚡ ...being electrocuted.
🔍 ...suddenly returned after having gone missing.
🍽️ ...dying of starvation.
🥤 ...dying of thirst.
🕳️ ...fallen into a deep pit, hole, or ravine.
⛰️ ...dangling from a ledge.
👐 ...being strangled.
🔪 ...stabbed.
🔫 ...shot.
🌊 ...drowning.
🚬 ...covered in cigarette burns.
🤕 ...covered in bruises.
🫗 ...poisoned.
🥃 ...drunk.
💊 ...drugged or overdosed.
🐴 ...whipped.
⭕ ...branded.
🐍 ...bitten or stung by a venomous creature.
🤧 ...severely ill.
😨 ...having a dangerous allergic reaction.
🤰 ...suddenly going into labor at a bad time.
🔇 ...mute from trauma, shock, or conditioning.
🧍‍♂️ ...paralyzed.
🙈 ...blinded.
❓ ...suffering from amnesia.
💥 ...caught in an explosion.
🔥 ...trapped in a fire.
❄️ ...suffering from hypothermia.
🥵 ...suffering severe heat stroke.
📸 ...being publicly humiliated.
🗣️ ...being verbally assaulted.
💪 ...being physically assaulted.
💋 ...being sexually assaulted.
🪢 ...bound and gagged.
⛓️ ...chained up.
‼️ ...forced into a stress position.
🐶 ...collared and kept like an animal.
⚠️ ...having a panic or anxiety attack.
👹 ...experiencing sleep paralysis.
🛌 ...having a nightmare or night terror.
👁️ ...severely sleep deprived.
🛞 ...unable to drive safely or at all.
🚙 ...struck by a car.
🛻 ...in a car accident.
🏚️ ...trapped beneath a collapsed structure.
💣 ...with a bomb strapped to their body.
🚨 ...arrested and taken to jail or prison.
🚑 ...rushed to the ER.
⚰️ ...buried alive.
💀 ...on the verge of death.
🪦 ...dead.
Feel free to change whatever you like to make the wording more specific for your muses or desired scenario!
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notblazikenmask · 3 months
↪     𝑫𝑰𝑹𝑬 𝑺𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺  .    (   a  collection  of  dire / urgent situation  sentence  &  action  starters .   adjust  phrasing  +  ʳᵉᵛᵉʳˢᵉ  as  necessary .   )
hide .   hide now .
shh !!  there’s somebody in the house .
i’m not gonna hurt you !  see ?  look ,  i’m putting down the  [ weapon ] .
[ name ] ,  what were you thinking ?!
you’re being followed ,  pretend you know me .
stop , stop !  just put the  [ weapon ]  down !
drive ,  just drive fast !
you seriously think i could’ve done this ?
can you walk ?  i need you to walk for me ,  okay ?
let me handle it ,  just go !
what was your plan ??  you could’ve gotten yourself killed !
you’re just going to leave me here ?!
[ name ] ,  can you hear me ?  get out of there !
you knew and you didn’t tell me ?!
don’t you know how dangerous this is ?
you’re not going to shoot me .
move and you die .
i’m gonna come back for you ,  do you hear me ?
we have to stop the bleeding .
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
i just want to go home !
don’t move a fucking muscle .
if it weren’t for you ,  we wouldn’t be in this mess .
i almost DIED back there ,  and you’re laughing ?
you’re only making this worse for yourself .
you think this is a joke ?
if i go down ,  i want you to run .
we’re gonna die ,  so what’s the point ?
this was the ONE thing i told you not to do .
i can’t promise we’re going to make it out of here .
where’s your first - aid kit ?!
just calm down and find your phone ,  we need to call the police .
someone’s been stalking me .
just listen to me for once !
i didn’t think you had it in you .
put the gun down ,  and kick it over here .
we can’t stick around here ,  let’s go .
kiss me before we die .
do whatever you need to do ,  hurry .
i can’t breathe ,  i can’t -
please ,  please  -  let me in ,  there’s someone -
i’m gonna give you one last chance .
you have to believe me ,  i didn’t do this !
run ,  and don’t look back .
this is real ,  i’m real .  look at me .
take this .  it’ll keep you safe .
follow my instructions very closely .
put your hands where i can see them .
you can’t just let me die !
i think  …  i think i need a doctor .
we need to get out of here ,  come on .
no ,  this isn’t it .  we’re getting you out of this .
you panicking is not going to help us right now .
[ GETAWAY ]  sender acts as a getaway driver for receiver .
[ MEDIC ]  sender arrives on receiver’s doorstep ,  badly bleeding .
[ HIDE ]  sender and receiver hide from a threat together .
[ HUSH ]  sender clasps a hand over receiver’s mouth to silence them .
[ DRAG ]  sender physically hauls receiver to safety .
[ RIGHTS ]  sender calls receiver from a police precinct .
[ REALITY ]  sender helps receiver through an episode of derealization .
[ SHELTER ]  sender and receiver must find shelter from a storm  .
[ ARMED ]  sender brandishes a  [ gun / knife ]  at receiver .
[ CRASH ]  sender and receiver survive a  [ car / bike ]  crash together .
[ SEARCH ]  sender barges into the hospital demanding to see receiver .
[ BACKUP ]   sender calls receiver panicking after committing a crime .
[ CORNERED ]  sender menacingly backs receiver into a corner .
[ UNEXPECTED ]  receiver comes home to find sender already inside .
[ BREATHE ]  sender helps receiver get through a panic attack .
[ BADGE ]  sender and receiver flee from the cops together .
[ STRANDED ]  sender and receiver become stranded in the woods .
[ EMBRACE ]  sender kisses receiver thinking it’ll be the last time .
[ STRANGER ]  sender can’t remember who receiver is after an injury .
[ TOKEN ]  sender gives receiver a lucky charm before they go into battle .
[ CHOICE ]  receiver has to choose between sparing their own life or the sender’s .
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
What does your muse think of Mega Evolution?
What does your muse think of Diantha?
What does your muse think of Lysandre and Team Flare?
What does your muse think of the value Kalos places on style?
Where was your muse when Lysandre announced the Ultimate Weapon?
[Galar] [Alola] [Kalos] [Unova] [Sinnoh] [Hoenn] [Johto] [Kanto] [Orre]
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
injury/torture starter sentences
“One more word and I’ll break your other arm too.” “I know it hurts, but you’re not alone. I’m here for you.” “Will you please tell me who did this to you?” “Something happened to you while you were gone and if you don’t start talking about it you will only sink further and further into this darkness.” “I know what leaves those scars. I’m sorry. Nobody should have to go through that torture.” “Which do you prefer? Your tongue or your eyes?” “My whole life I’ve been searching for someone willing to endure my torture… Evidently I got impatient.” “You have something I want. Give it to me and I will let you go. It’s that simple.” “Why I’m doing this to you? There is no why… I just like it.” “Don’t cry, darling, I’m still your best friend. This doesn’t change anything.” “Please don’t panic, it’s just a small knife.” “Shut up– SHUT UP! I can’t think with all your screaming!” “You’re dying. Oh my god, you’re dying! That wasn’t supposed to happen!” “If you don’t tell me what’s been happening to you, you leave me no choice but to leave you.” “Why won’t you talk to me about what happened? You’ve had the same blank look in your eyes for weeks.” “Where did that scar come from? You didn’t have that before the holiday, did you?” “I want you to take this knife and make a nice, long cut in your own skin.” “Beg for your life, if you want it. I will spare you if your pleads satisfy me.” “I don’t know whether I’m going to kill you or not. You think I have that much self-control? Ha! You’re cute.” “Tell me what you know and the pain will stop, I promise.”
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
kidnapped/imprisoned starter sentences
“Not eating the food I give you is not going to make me give you nicer food.” “You should be grateful I come down here and talk to you at all.” “Listen to me or I’ll treat you even worse.” “I picked you off the street because you were beautiful. You should feel flattered.” “You don’t need freedom if I give you everything you need.” “You can come out of the basement if you give me a very good reason to let you.” “What’s this? Are you trying to get away from me? You should know better.” “Get on your knees and pray I’ll forgive you.” “Oh, you’re hungry? Sing me a song and you can have my leftovers.” “Don’t cry, I’m keeping you safe down here, away from the world. You don’t need it. You only need me.” “Freedom is a burden. You should be glad I took it away from you.” “I bought you some new clothes. Please wear them tonight at dinner.” “You don’t get to decide anything, understood? I make the rules and you obey them if you want to remain unharmed.” “You’re nothing but a little doll I get to play with.” “I own you.” “Don’t worry, I’m not going to take away your virginity just like that. I’m saving it for something special.” “I’m not going to kill you. Not yet.” “If you’re good, you can shower with warm water today.” “Crying won’t make me stop hurting you. It just encourages me.” “You’re so young…” “I love it when you scream, but I will only stop when you can’t scream anymore.” “I’m sorry, I completely forgot you were still down here.” “There’s someone coming to join me tonight. I’m sure you’ll be quiet, or I’ll have to kill my guest again and it’ll be your fault.” “You’re going to have some company tonight. Try to think of him/her as your little brother/sister. I want you to do to him/her what I do to you, understood?” “I’m bringing some friends along to show them how well trained you are.” “How dare you talk to me like that. Wash your mouth, with soap. Now.” “It’s been a pleasure watching you grow up. Your mummy and daddy would have been so proud of you.” “I brought you some food. Now crawl over here and lick it out of the bowl like a good pet.” “I think you should remind me why you’re worth keeping alive down here.” “Tell me how much you love me and you can have your dinner.” — “Hello? Is anyone down here?!” “Oh my god, what is this place? How can you still be alive? I’ll get you help! Please hold on.” “You don’t have to hide from me. I’m trying to help you. I won’t hurt you, I promise.” “What happened to you? How long have you been kept here?” “Hello? Where am I?! Who are you?” “Have you ever tried to escape? Do you think it’s possible if we work together?” “It’s the police! Show yourself!” “Is that really you? Oh my god, I found you, I can’t believe I found you…”
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
“Sorry” sentence starters.
“I’m so sorry…” “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.” “Please tell me you’re sorry… I need to hear you say it.” “I don’t say sorry.” “You’re the one who should be sorry!” “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologise for snapping at you ONCE?” “I didn’t know I was hurting you. I’m sorry.” “Why’d I apologise for finally standing up for myself?” “You should really learn to apologise.” “What’s wrong with you?! How hard is it to show me you’re sorry?! Or aren’t you sorry?” “Sorry.” “I didn’t do it! Why don’t you believe me?!” “I’m sorry too…” “Stop pinning this on me! You started it!” “It’s your fault we’re in this mess.” “I don’t say sorry to anyone. Definitely not you.” “You have nothing to apologise for.” “Stop saying sorry!” “Did you do this on purpose?!” “Apologise to me! Now!” “I’m not sorry.”
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
My muse has been tied up and gagged by yours. Send me what they’d do to my muse now they’re silenced and at your disposal.
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notblazikenmask · 10 months
injury/illness sentence starters
“It’s alright, the cut isn’t that deep.” “I think I heard a snap, are you okay?” “Can you still wiggle your toes?” “Wow are you okay?! You fell really hard.” “What happened to your face?!” “That looks like a nasty burn, did you have it looked at?” “Hello? Can you hear me? You hit your head really badly and you were out for a moment…” “Don’t worry, the ambulance is on it’s way, you fell down the stairs and hit your head. You’ll be alright.” “I don’t think bones are supposed to stick out like that.” “I can’t see. I can’t see!” “No, I’m certain that’s infected.” “You should be more careful! This is the third time you’ve sprained something this week.” “That’s a lot of blood for a small cut…” “Oh my god! Are you okay?!” “I know it hurts, but it’s going to be okay. You’re not alone.” “You’re in the hospital. You had an accident.” “I’ve been having weird cramps all day.” “I think I’m going to faint.” “My sight is going all fuzzy… what does that mean?” “Shit! I just hurt my back. Can you help me?” “I think I’m going to be sick.” “I’m never wearing these heels again. Thank god it’s just a sprain, but… I’ll break them next, I swear.” “I can’t keep anything in right now. Everything I eat comes back out.” “I came as soon as you called. How are you feeling?” “How long have you been throwing up?” “Why do you keep rubbing your eyes? Is something wrong?” “I just sneezed and hit myself in the face with my knee.” “Didn’t the doctor say you needed rest? Because I don’t call this rest.” “Do you want to end up in the hospital again?!” “Was it something you ate?” “Is it an allergy? Do I need to call an ambulance?” “My skin is burning…” “I can’t do this anymore, this hurts too much, I’m going to scream.” “You look really pale… I’ll get you some water, alright?” “Don’t move, your neck might be broken. Just lie still until the ambulance gets here, okay?” “Never thought I’d be visiting a stranger in the hospital, but I guess that doesn’t count for strangers I hit with my car.”
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notblazikenmask · 1 year
Anonymously tell me what you want to see happen to my muse.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
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"Ari. Put the kid down. Now." Meyer pointed at the ground with his finger, his eyes hardening a bit.
... Not Ari, holding a kid upside down, while the kid's laughing hysterically. "... I can explain-"
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
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"...what's going on here?" Meyer questioned with a disappointed father tone, raising an eyebrow and then folding his arms.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
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The professor chuckled softly and shot over an apologetic smile. “–Yes. This is the Lumiose City Pokémon Research Lab, but I am afraid I am not up for giving a tour right now. So unless there was something else you needed, I am going to have to get back to work. Apologies.”
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"Oh, I'm afraid I'm not here for a tour, Augustine. I believe you called me to repair something for you?" Meyer awkwardly pointed out, "I can come back at a better time if you're too busy." He quickly added, not wanting to interfere with Augustine’s work.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
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Augustine shut his mouth the moment after his expulsion, hands trembling at his sides for just a moment. This family, my god, would give him gray hairs early at this rate. It was one thing to be there when Bonnie and him were captured along with Serena but if he ever had to tell Bonnie and Clemont that something happened to their father….Well. Truthfully this accident wasn’t really what had him a bit worked up. Ever since piecing together that Meyer was the man in the Blaziken Mask he’d realized how much danger this man put himself in to help others. It was admirable, truly, as someone who dedicated his life to helping people and Pokémon, Sycamore could see that. 
The professor took a slow breath and nodded. “Sorry – I didn’t mean to almost shout. Just been a stressful day at the lab,” he more or less fibbed, not wanting to bring up his other concern. An easy smile settled back on the professor’s lips, giving him his usual cheerful disposition despite the clear concern still in his gaze as he looked his friend over. “Let’s get you back to the lab so I can check you over. What exactly happened?” He asked, offering out his hand, arm, shoulder, anything the man might need if required. 
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Meyer didn’t mean to frighten the professor as a soft frown plastered across his face. “Augustine...” He seemed genuinely silent, listening to the professor. “No, it’s fine. I-...I should’ve been more careful...” His eyes widened in genuine surprise as he opened his mouth then he shuts his mouth, finally giving in. He then took the professor’s offer, “Tried to put an end to a robbery. They did put up quite a fight. While I did take care of those who were involved, they’re in the police’s hands now.” He admitted, using the professor to lean on. The professor did find out about his identity and he clearly didn’t want his children to find out. A deep, shaky inhale then an exhale, he teased Sycamore, “It is a part of my job, is it not?”
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
Touch my muse. Be descriptive or simple, tender or violent, fond or hateful - anything goes.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
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@wcrldofpokemon sent: "You could have been killed!" - Syc
send "you could've been killed!" for my muse's reaction (accepting)
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Meyer winced slightly at Sycamore getting after him as he frowned slightly, "But...I wasn't, Augustine. I'm alright. I wasn't--" He didn't finish his sentence, tensing at the pain coursing through his entire body. A grunt of pain escapes from his mouth as he sighed uneasily.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
Send ‘a moment of weakness’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter. { tw violence }
Your muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
My muse is emotionally compromised and breaking down.
Your muse is smashed drunk and incoherent.
My muse is completely drunk and incoherent.
Your muse is tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
My muse is all tied up (how and why is up to the mun)
Your muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and mine happens to pass by.
My muse is surrounded by thugs up to no good and yours happens upon this.
Your muse is having a vivid nightmare and is shouting out brokenly.
My muse is having a vivid nightmare and is crying out in their sleep.
Your muse is being kept hostage and mine has just rescued them.
My muse is kidnapped and yours has just rescued them.
Your muse has been beaten badly and is in bad shape, mine happens to find them.
My muse is been beaten badly and is in bad shape, yours finds mine in this state.
Your muse falls very ill and continues activities even if they seem on the verge of passing out.
My muse is sick and continues daily routine even though they seem on the verge of passing out.
Your muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
My muse is in a frightened or nervous state (why is up to the mun)
Your muse is temporarily blind.
My muse is temporarily blind.
Your muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
My muse has suddenly sprained an ankle and can’t walk.
Your muse has blackmail over mine.
My muse has blackmail over yours.
Mun chooses.
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notblazikenmask · 2 years
Send "You could have been killed!" for my muse's reaction.
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