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shouldn't be laughing at other people's paper
I can't
help it
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Blog moved.
Unfollow this one and refollow the new (well it's a few months old now tbh) if you want
(you'll notice this one is now notchrist-onabike.)
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Extended Serenity Theme
(A mash-up of “Serenity” and “End Credits” from the Serenity OST by David Newman) 
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“Prep for Flight” from Serenity by David Newman
This soundtrack is remarkable.
The gorgeous solo cello at the beginning: that’s the Serenity theme, heard so often throughout the film. It’s sometimes sad and melancholy, as heard here, and other times perfectly adventurous and mischievous, as heard in the title track/end credits on guitar. I love the fact that essentially the same theme is used for both of those moods. That’s the whole essence of Firefly/Serenity - there’s gunslinging adventure and mischief and action, but so much emotion underneath. But I digress. I wanted to talk about this track in particular.
Listen at 0:45 - it sounds like a breeze. Like Wash’s wind. I think that sound represents the spirit that keeps Serenity flying - and it’s so beautiful here, because she will keep flying, even after the hardships she’s just been through, and even though we won’t get to fly with her anymore. At 0:56, you can hear raindrops falling on the ship. Mal and River are sitting on the bridge, watching them streak the windshield. The bass comes back in at 1:00 - that’s the engines starting. It’s time to go. Farewell, Serenity. (But not before Mal says a few simple words about love.)
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Hey, followers~
If you're wondering where I've been, I have moved! Feel free to unfollow this blog and follow the new one. Or don't.
The new one is basically this blog, just... newer.
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When people you talked to on your old blog don't want to refollow you.
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Yeah I'm going to do it
I'm going to make a new blog
it'll probably look the same, I'll have the same URL, maybe the same icon because I can't be bothered to find a new one
I'll leave this one up so I can look back and laugh and cry and maybe reblog a few things from here
Don't feel the need to follow me if you don't want to. The new blog will be pretty much exactly like this one, so if you're unhappy with it now... you won't be happy with the new one.
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Too all the people that have ever restarted their blogs:
should I do it?
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lepugh hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: Can you stop finding things to complain about every single day? It’s irritating to see on my dash over and over again.
*rolls up sleeves in threatening manner* oi, that’s my best friend, fuck off.
lava you
It's whatever. Losing another follower because I complain like every other person on this website is fine with me.
I'm not going to stop complaining because I not only made this blog to fan girl in sort-of-secret from most real life friends, I also made it to complain.
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Can you stop finding things to complain about every single day? It's irritating to see on my dash over and over again.
No, actually.
Everyone complains on their blogs every day. This is not a new concept.
Go ahead an unfollow me, then.
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strongarmbilliejoe hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: can we stop making photosets trends?
My god yes they are so annoying yet I feel complused to reblog them every time it’s awful
Like.. yeah sure, they're life ruiners and you love them and they're beautiful but why can't we just make a random graphic to express our love and then be done with it? Why can't be be original (as much as we can)? Why do we have to copy gif photosets all of the time?
God damn the internet irritates me sometimes.
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can we stop making photosets trends?
"I love your ____/you"
"life ruiner"
"congratulations on your face"
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