notesto-self · 4 years
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Ire rules all other emotions. The heat wells up from the toes to the nose and the body seeks catharsis. The skin itself becomes uncomfortable and needs to be ripped out and the teeth volunteer as the executioner, but while the skin suffers, the teeth gain
satisfaction, unwanted satisfaction which in turn angsts them, having them begging for a same response from the body, the executioner then longs for the axe to swing upon his own neck. What then must one do to tame this wild horse, that absorbs the flame and runs amok burning the fields around it with vitriolic glee?
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Adorn my walls lovely sunflower Brighten up that mossy and dark facade
Looming for as long as I remember Calm my greyhaired heart going mad Reflect the sunlight and spread your soothing and enticing aroma Let it seep into my tired head awaken it from its wine fuelled coma
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Drunken Hysteria
Teetering on the edge of finality
Leaving behind all the banality
I cling to the side of my bed
Hoping to halt the spinning of my head
I drink the wine and get a taste
Of sweet death in a sip with haste
Then I wake up the next morning
Luckily my mother not mourning
And I think of my actions the day past
And I think of death so close so fast
And I come to appreciate all life
Thats why I made sweet wine my life
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notesto-self · 4 years
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‘There are no deep set attitudes or temperaments, they are all nothing but resplendent masks chosen with the rising of the sun and yanked off by the setting of the moon, and the featureless wrinkled blank face that dons them is not even visualised in the crudest of mirrors. It is complete denial that is visualized when one looks upon tbe reflection of his mask and the thin line of a mouth behind it smiles, revelling in its so called natural grace and beauty.’ ‘who are you behind the masks?’ you may ask. ‘I am the playright and the critic, the director and the audience, the fusion of the elements that make or break the show, the grand orchestrator if you will.’
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notesto-self · 4 years
Ode To Her
Set my pen on a piece of paper
Sweet thoughts i try to conjure
I think of love, beauty, and peace
But nothing seems to appease
I rack my brain for quotes on love
But I only get an ill fitting glove
Boggled brain of beauty bereft
Lost after a luscious lily left
Swamps and mires and fires
Envy, pride, and lustful desires Innocence is forever lost it seems
A tale of shattered forgotten dreams
Told by my frittered jeanss seams
I set my pen on this piece of paper
And I dedicate my words,
An ode to her
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Dry Place
I came of age in a dry place
And there's sand all over my face
My skin is cracked and hardened
But my heart years for dew
Morning sweat and brilliant hue
To look upon the infinite mountains
Feel my brown breasts leaving
To split the nearest sea
Flowing about seamlessly
Cross over and flee
And in a distant land be free
Yet in a swift moment
That daydream is shattered
I open my eyes
Broken and battered
I come to realize
I never escaped
My endless chase
My dry place
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Dionysian Summer
A Dionysian summer worth remembering
Following that terrible green spring
A time after people lost hope
Stripped of freedom
Trying to cope
Our frustrations overflowed
No act immoral or flawed
Fountains spew wine
Sinners and saints in line
Gluttons and monks feasted
Got drunk together and broke bread
Nuns and gals kissed in the streets
As nightingales sang at their feet
No dawn to be wasted
No sunset to be missed
No kiss left unplanted
No skin left not sunkissed
It was a summer of hedonistic pleasure
Following that terrible terrible spring
A time afterworldly in its leisure
A dionysian summer worth remembering
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notesto-self · 4 years
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And then you look around, the field where your flaming horse run amok is depleted. Bereft of beauty and color with not a single blade of grass to keep you company or give you hope. You find butterflies that have gone to war with your havoc lying around burnt bark with holey wings. Pureness is no longer existent and joy is simply a notion for another day, another year, another decade. You lie your head down and a single seed, somehow, someway, survived. Theres always a seed that is a womb for the glimmer of hope that is so desperately awaited. Find that seed and when you do start digging.
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Spices sprinkled over a cooking pot
A littke touch from an experts hand
The meal stays bland and boring not
And satisfies all appetites grand
But to those with stomach meek
The extra spices prove distasteful
Makes them feel sick and weak
Turns them towards the chef spiteful
Thus the embellisher’s storytelling
Decorative white lies to entertain
The uninvolved folks listening
While the subjects in red stain
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Within the cave the water sprouts
Rumbling, scadling, rapid and intense
They blocked the mouth with no way out
Upon the fragile walls it launches offense
Thumping and beating, it viciously clashes
Taking no more it finally collapses
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Blue skies
The silky blue strings of the sea
Tug at my heart and it bellows,
A siren song for my temporary reality
Thats about to come crashing down
Like a fierce midnight wave
Under a full red moon
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Sultry Mistress
A sultry mistress
A wicked temptress
Every fellows bane
Drives the restless insane
A playful grin
As she attracts sin,
Evil and wastefulness
She despises greatness
With pretty manicured tips
She fills the gluttons lips
Her slim waist and mesmerising bust
Fill a man up with lust
A voice thats soothing and tender
That lulls the sloth into slumber
Slender legs and clicking stilettos
She leads to death as you follow
Indeed, a sultry mistress
Boredom, you wicked temptress
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Uncertain World
My juvenile eyes saw the world in a different color
The world was packed with mysteries and splendors
Flames of ardour burnt and roared within me
A belief in a life that is nothing but an adventure spree
A treasure in my sight and in my hands, the key
Seasons visited and departed and my skins hardened
My eyes thinned and my vision was dulled
I percieved in nothing but white and black
And within me only the ashes of a fire from way back
Now every breast I rest on is cold
Every glass of wine tastes bland
No more ashes from that fire of old
I look around while I pludge in quicksand
As life goes before me in sepia
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Dancing Girl
Dancing girl,
Dancing girl
I see you wave
I see you twirl
Light as wind
You drift across
And of any words
I’m at loss
Fiery passion ablaze
I cannot help but gaze
At your sparkling flames
Of unparalleled claims
You shake the earth
with your bare feet
And it dances along
To your harmonious beat
As fluid as water
Yet even freer
Dancing girl,
Dancing girl
I see you wave
I see you twirl
Will you dance with me?
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notesto-self · 4 years
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I inhaled deeply and I filled my lungs
The hot smoke roamed around my system
It was justified, it made sense
My body, I said, my kingdom
How great and powerful I felt
The very elusive air surrounding
I could control with my mouth
As I shaped it into wisps and rings
But power they say, is corruptive
And this was no different
Even for the tiniest form of control
I burned my insides with clouded judgment
Man is not to blame when in control
When you walk around in god’s shoes
Even boots of gold would feel bare
It’s human nature, one wins and all loses.
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notesto-self · 4 years
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I long for the cocoon
For the phoenician emergence
To roam the sky
And kiss the treetops
To escape the wild horses
Running amok
And trampling the fields
Denying me of the company
Of the jade grass blades
To frolick within
I long for the cocoon
But i’m just a centipede
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notesto-self · 4 years
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Hop in with me and lets ride
The sunset sky has nothing to hide
Let loose your hair in the summer air
Or is it winter? I dont really care
Slip with me through valleys tight
As hailstorms blast left and right
Soar with me under the moonlight
Everything is gonna be alright
Feel the rhythm of the road,
Come ride with me we’re getting there
Be it thunder, rain, blue skies, & golden rays
You see the ends the same, always’ been
You and me, we’re getting there anyways
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