noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
Me: People are allowed to have their opinions 😌🌸 It's not worth it to be upset about what strangers on the internet think 😌🌸 Peace and love 😌🌸
Some teenage boy on TikTok: Why would Itadori be your favorite JJK character lol
Me, still thinking about it several hours later:
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
i love you people in my phone i know the seasonal depression is setting in so we need to hold eachother like a litter of kittens in a cardboard box okay...its important
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
Here's your nightly reminder that Power Rangers (2017) FUCKED it was SUCH a fun movie like wtf why did we never get a sequel I'm literally so upset abt it
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
Here’s one good thing to come out of 2020:
Paleontologists completed a life-sized replica of Sue, the most complete T. Rex ever found.
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And she is freaking GORGEOUS!
As I read more about this beauty, I found out some new details regarding things I thought I previously knew about the beast that was Tyrannosaurus Rex, and I’m going to share them with you.
First, and most obvious, her size:
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This is nothing new, we all figured T. Rex was big, but I for one never stopped to consider exactly how big it was. Nobody ever really knows what to imagine when they read about something the size of a whale that walked around and ate everything it could kill. 
Speaking of eating things, I just want to remind you all that T. Rex had–by miles–the strongest bite of any terrestrial animal living or dead, somewhere around six and a half tons of force. That’s over six times greater than the current estimate of what Allosaurus was capable of, and three times what was delivered by the highest measured reading of the living title holder–the estuarine crocodile. It didn’t have to waste time swinging its head open-mouthed like Saurophaganax for a little extra oomph, or grow fancy serrated teeth like Carcharodontosaurus to cut pieces out of its prey. It opted for the simplest approach: get its mouth around something and crush it to death; imagine the full weight of an elephant on whatever was between this thing’s jaws.
“How did it find something to eat?” I hear you asking. “It can’t see something if it doesn’t move, right?”
Listen, I love Jurassic Park too, but that’s a big crock of shit.
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Notice how both her eyes face forward. That gives her binocular vision (the ability to focus both eyes on one target, like you and I). More importantly it means she has impeccable depth perception due to overlapping fields of vision from each, large, eyeball. Researchers agree that T. Rex not only had incredible vision, but that it was probably better than most modern animals–including eagles, hawks, and owls–and that she could likely spot something three and a half miles away. If something that big can see that well, it doesn’t matter if you move or not, she’d be able to tell if it was an animal trying to hide or a piece of vegetation. So pray she isn’t hungry if she lays eyes on you. And even if by some miracle she didn’t see you, she’d still smell you. 
If she decided you looked tasty, you probably wouldn’t hear her coming as much as you’d feel her. Modern science indicates that T. Rex didn’t roar like in Jurassic Park, but rather bellowed or maybe even hissed like crocodilians. If she were on to you, you’d most likely feel this sense of unease creep up your spine as a low-pitched rumble in the air permeated through you. You wouldn’t know what it was or where it was coming from until you hear her footfalls. By then it’s too late–you could try to run but she’d probably catch you. There’s plenty on YouTube that reconstructs what T. Rex may have sounded like, and it’s legitimately haunting.  
To wrap all of this up, the one bit of good that came out of the cursed year that is 2020 is that this wonderful child of science and art came into the world, and reaffirmed my respect and admiration for the eight ton slab of muscle and teeth that is this magnificent creature.
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…and it is nothing if not magnificent.
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
I'm in love with their style!!!
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman (2003) dir. Curt Geda
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
any GOOD pelican facts? they’re definitely weird but i love them …
we like to poke some good-natured fun at pelicans on this website, with their awkward gait, doofy faces, and pragmatic "if it fits, a snack is its" attitude towards any animal that it can physically fit into its beak!
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HOWEVER. there is one VERY IMPORTANT FACT that we regularly fail to consider here:
pelicans are fucking Ginormous.
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these fuckers can be up to five feet in length, with 10-foot wingspans, putting them right up there with SWANS in the Fuckoff Huge waterfowl tier!
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HOWEVER, (again! that's two uppercase "however's" in one post!) while pelicans are comparable to swans in terms of sheer bonkers size, the two are not at ALL similar in terms of temperament!
while swans are unpredictable, easily angered, and dangerous animals, pelicans really... aren't.
they're really just dudes, is what I'm saying here.
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yeah, the worst you might get off a pelican unprovoked is an accidental wing bonk, or an experimental beak nibble to see If You Fit In The Beak.
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"you do not. my apologies, have a good day."
a pelican is more likely to steal your phone than to do you any serious bodily harm!
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*muffled ringing from inside the beak*
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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ask and i will answer wink
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
eddie’s so fucking FUNNY not telling a single soul that he made buck christopher’s guardian in his will i can’t stop thinking about it. literally a huge decision that he did NOT consult buck about. he just went to work the next day and looked at buck doing something absolutely fucking stupid and thought “yup :) absolute banger of a decision diaz” and kept going
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
There’s a tornado warning out (two, technically), so of course I went for a walk outside to see if I could spot it.  Never have I seen so many of my neighbors at one time, when there wasn’t a firework show or a picnic.
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could make some phone wallpapers with those last gifs of Loki you posted? I love how he looks in there 🥺 (If you can't, don't worry, I'll understand. Btw omg your gifs have been one of the best things that happened thanks to the series, you're the best!)
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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noteventryingmybest · 3 years
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Teen Titans by Gabriel Picolo
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