notheboynextdoor · 9 years
tKurt wondered why Puck was laughing at it. It clearly wasn't funny that Puck had a bad life. Listening what Puck has to say he smiled and blushed more ewhen Puck patted his hip. "You..." Kurt coughed to hopefully made his voice less hoarse. "You sure? And I don't know if you want to see that." He said, looking away to the side of his bed." Of course, he'd like to try it once, but he was scared. Scared that it maybe will go to hell when he was drinking. He wanted to control himself but he heard that you couldn't when you drank alcohol. He didn't want that, but maybe one day. Kurt also felt the warmth of Puck an gulped. It was... strange to feel Puck's warmth around and even though it scared the crap out of him, he also liked it for some reason. When Puck said his bed was comfy and he was tired he gave him a shy smile back. "That's okay, I'm-" his sentence got interuped by a yawn and a chuckle "as you probably saw... I'm sleepy as well. Thank you for complimenting my bed though, he's flattered." and smiled widely. Kurt looked at puck and saw that the other male fell asleep. He smiled and closed his eyes and before he knew it, he fell into a deep slep as well.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Puck snorted out a laugh, blindly patting the boy’s hip since that was the closest to him. “Not really, but it’s alright,” he said. Puck wasn’t one to complain about his life, as he didn’t care for any kind of pity to come from it. He could feel Hummel’s warmth from being closer to him, but he was too tired to have that bother him at all. “Mmm, think so, Hummel?” he asked, teasingly. “Like to see that. You relaxing, having fun,” he mumbled. Puck could only imagine how upset Hummel had been with his father in the hospital. Even if he and his ma weren’t close, he knew he’d be going crazy too if was her there. He yawned again and nodded. “Sorry man, yeah… Don’t mind talkin’ and all but shit… This bed’s hella comfy. Night?” he asked, smiling once more at Hummel before his eyes fluttered close, and he was fast asleep.
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt frowned, he was exhausted but this got his attention "And you don't...?" It was awful to hear that Puck hadn't got a good life, everybody... okay almost everybody deserved a good life. Kurt started ot blush and smile shyly when Puck smiled more and even chuckle. He started to chuckle shy along. Noticing the male moved closer to him, which causes him to blush more "I think I can also have some fun without the alcohol." He said with red cheecks, but was still a little curious to the liquor. Kurt saw that Puck was very sleepy and dropped his smile "You want to sleep?" He doubted if he should call him Puck or Noah, becaue both were him but one stood with a status and using the other one was weird to use because he wasn't sure what he thought when Kurt used it.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
"Nope, not same," Puck responded sleepily. "Finny’s got a good life," he added, yawning. It pleased him to see a smile on Hummel’s face and he couldn’t help but have his smile widen a little before chuckling. "Mmm, course you don’t drink, straight laced dude you are." Puck groaned and rolled onto his back again, not realizing he had moved a little closer to the other boy. "One day, you just gotta let loose, have some fun…" Puck was growing more tired by the moment, as much as he did want to keep talking, to help Hummel settle his mind. But he was so sleepy, the bed comfortable, and his body always enjoyed the warmth of another next to him.
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Did Puck just gve him a smile (tired but it was a smile)? Kur frowned "Not the same reasons?" Kurt wasn't supposed to ask this, let alone at Puck, but it was somethng he noticed and it sounded like he was kind of hurt? It could be his imagination or that he was too tired. "Me?" Kurt smiled, looked away and blushed a little "I don't drink that often." Kurt would never admit it, but he was curious to alcohol, how it turned him into something... happy, angry... maybe even turned on? He doesn't know.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Puck blinked tiredly at Hummel, almost surprised to see the smile there, let alone being given thanks. He didn’t even know what he was being thanked for, so he just shrugged it off, giving the boy back a tired smile. Least he could do right? He snorted at what Hummel said about Finn. “Yeah that’s true. He don’t got the same reasons to drink like I do,” he blurted out, his sleepiness making him a little less guarded. “What ‘bout you, Hummel? Can you hold your liquor?” he asked, positive he could drink all but Santana under the table. 
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt turned his head to Puck and saw him looking back. He didn't think he would talk this 'easy' with Puck. He never really had a conversation with the male. "Thank you." Kurt gave him a smile, it seemed like he knew what he was talking about and Kurt was happy he could talk whenever he wanted instead of forcing him to talk. Kurt heard what Puck told him and chuckled "I assume you're more used to alcohol than Finn is. He never really is." It made Kurt smile, how they talked to each other and how awkward but also right it felt. Kurt figured this was going to be nice night, dispite what happens.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
For a minute, Puck thought Hummel had fallen right asleep. But the noises he heard weren’t quite sleeping noises and then a breath later, the boy spoke. He frowned, but he knew that feeling, sort wanting to talk and yet not able to. For Puck, it was easier to keep his  shit inside. “Oh, okay man.” He turned onto his back so he could look at the other boy for a second. “Well, uh, if you do or whatever, I’m cool with it,” he said before yawning. “Man, I don’t know how me and Finny managed to drink so much without passing out like hours ago. Well Finn did. You’d think for his giantness he could handle more than me,” Puck said, rambling a bit, having realized Hummel didn’t look like he was ready to sleep yet. He figured he could keep talking until he passed out himself.
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt smiled at Puck's comment, closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He was exhausted, but images kept showing in front of him. His dad laying in hospital with all tubes. Being weak and Kurt couldn't do a thing. It was hurting him. Not a little bit, but a lot. He already lost his mother and now he maybe lost his dad. Kurt opened his eyes again, hearing some mumbling from Puck. He stared at the ceiling, sighed and licking his dry lips. "I want to, but I don't know how." Even with his eyes openend he saw these images floating everywhere. A nurse that's said he has to go home. Why can't his father be better? Be home again? It was very difficult to Kurt, but what can he say? He heard and saw that Puck was also very tired, exhausted maybe, but these images weren't the nicest.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Maybe if PUck wasn’t half drunk and so tired, he would’ve rethought his idea of being only in boxers in the same bed as Hummel, the resident gay. Not that he’d be afraid he’d catch the gay, he’s grown a little since then, but more than Mrs. H catching them and thinking he did something to her step son. Puck groaned as he was in bed, stretching and taking a pillow, hitting it a few times before resting his head on it. He rolled to his side, back facing Hummel. “Unless you were expecting me to tell you a bedtime story, which I’m way too tired and not drunk enough to do so yeah.. Night, Hummel.” He closed his eyes but then after a few minutes, wondered if the boy wanted to talk about his father in the hospital. “Uh, unless you wanted to talk or something…” he mumbled, not ready yet to turn around.
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt gulped as Puck stripped down 'til his boxers. He never saw a boy in boxers before. But tonight was different, he looked at Puck when he jumped on the bed but he soon looked away. It wasn't good to stare and especially not at the best friend of his brother. He slowly walked up to the left side of hi bed and lifted the blankets and lied down under them. "So... Good night, I guess?" He looked at Puck and gulped audibly. This was definitely somethng he didn't think of. So he looked away and stared at the ceiling and tried not to feel any more awkward than he already felt.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Puck nodded, fully expecting Hummel to just jump in bed.  Well, after the boy changed of course. But then he’d forgotten that the boy had a huge skin care thing that rivaled both Rachel’s and Quinn’s. And then the boy was taking forever, in Puck’s mind, and so luckily he had his phone on him and began to respond to some sexts he received, though as tired as he was, they weren’t so creative as usual. “Sure, whatever man,” he muttered, not caring whether or not the dude changed in front of him or not. He’d seen all of the football team naked so it wouldn’tve been a big deal, but he figured Hummel wanted to keep pure or something. All Puck wanted right now was to sleep in the comfy bed instead of dragging his tired ass downstairs to the couch. He nearly dozed off sitting up straight when Hummel came back, and snorted. “Dude, I doubt I’d fit your clothes. Nah, I’ll just strip down to boxers, be glad I didn’t decide to go commando today,” he said as he got up and did just that before hopping on top of the right side of the bed.
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt was still surprised that Puck wouldn't mind. "Oh eh.. thank you I guess." He said and bit his lower lip. "I prefer to sleep on the left side." and walked up to his des with his lotions and all his materials for skin care. He prepared his skin quick, because he didn't want to let Puck wait so after five minutes he grabbed his pyjama and took it to the bathroom. "I will be back in 2 minutes, I have to change." Kurt looked down and up again and walked quick to the bathroom and started to change. Puck and himself are going to sleep in one bed... his bed. Of all he things he thought he couldn't imagine, this was one of them. It felt like a weird dream that he has, but he knows it was all real. When he was finished he walked back to his bedroom and hung up all  his clothes that he wore today. "Would you lik to have a pyjama as well? I imagine that it isn't very comfortable wearing your clothes?" He suggested and looked at Puck.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
If Puck wasn’t so sleepy and a bit hung over, he might’ve been at least a little annoyed by Hummel’s teasing and that grin on his face. But all Puck wanted to do was go back to sleep, and preferably in the comfortable bed. Of course, he fully expected someone as prudish as Hummel to not want to share the bed, and go out to the couch. Cause no way in hell would he be able to fall asleep if Finn was already loudly snoring. “I wouldn’t have suggested it dude, sides, we got clothes on and we can have blanket layers or pillows or whatever,” he said, as he got up and out of bed, intending to sleep on top of the blankets, or most of them at least. That’d help for a quick getaway in the morning, too. “Uh, what side do you prefer to sleep on?
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notheboynextdoor · 9 years
Kurt nodded "Yeah it is, but I can't really do anything about it." He sighed and looked at Puck and however that he was feeling sad, he smiled wide. "You were really bad, no denying it." Kurt wanted to say no to the sentence where Puck said he would drive home when Puck suggested something else. It was kind of a shock; did Puck really wanted to sleep in his bed with him? With a gay man? Kurt wasn't sure if he wanted to, because well... He is a tough guy, but he also explained he didn't mind. Kurt would also rather sleep in his own bed than on a couch. He already saw Finn's surprising face. Kurt thought about it for a minute but nodded. "If you don't mind sleeping next to me, I guess I'm okay with it." He said a little unsure, not sure if Puck was steady about this.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
"That sucks, man," Puck said, meaning it about the hospital. If his sis was stuck there, he would’ve had to have been dragged out. He scratched the back of his head, chuckling along with Hummel about the snoring. "Hey, I ain’t as bad as him.. Usually. It’s the booze, dude." He was about to get up and stretch and try to wake himself up for the drive home. "I’ve driven worse." It was kinda nice, Hummel being worried about him a little, but he figured that was Hummel’s upbringing mostly, being nice and courteous to guests. That or the boy was as exhausted as he was. He didn’t really want to sleep on the couch, but that was better than the floor or his truck. And then he looked back at the nice warm bed he was in. "Oor… we just share your huge bed, man. You can sleep under all the covers and I’ll sleep on top with just one," he suggested, nearly positive that was the remnants of alcohol in his system talking. "Pretty sure we’ll wake up before Finny does and it’ll be win/win." 
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
Kurt heard Puck talking and he softend when he heard him talking. He wasn't the only one who felt like crap. Kurt looked down and sighed soft while he slowly looked up "I couldn't stay, unfortunately not," he chuckled when Puck wondered why he didn't hear Finn. "Actually, I heard you both snoring out loud, so I had to guess who was who." Once Puck suggested to go home, guilt slipped into his body. It was already 2AM, it was probably dangerous out there, plus he saw that Puck was exhausted. "No, you are gong to stay here, you're exhausted and you need some sleep. Plus it's dangerous out there," He lifted his head to his window, "I can't let anything happen to you." Of course they weren't really friends, but it wasn't that Kurt didn't care about Puck. In school he could see that Puck was having a tough time as well. The least he could do was to give him a good place to rest. "Let's grab you some blankets and a good pillow to let you sleep on the couch. Or I could sleep on the couch as well and let you sleep here."
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Puck was definitely not awake enough for this, since his first reaction was to snark back. But luckily that tiny voice in his head reminded him on why he had decided it’d be okay to be in Hummel’s bedroom that night. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “Sorry, man, thought you’d stay the night at the hospital, least that’s what Finny implied. Guess they kicked you out, huh,” he finally said, throwing the blankets off of himself, showing he was only in boxers after all. “And nah, it was his snoring. Usually I can get him to stop but not tonight, surprised you didn’t hear it in the hallway. Anyways, I’ll go, think I’m sober enough to drive on home or something.”
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
Kurt watched Puck waking up slowly. He realised soon enough this awkward for Kurt but als for Puck. "Well as you can see I'm standing in my room, wanting to sleep in my bed." Kurt didn't want to snark, yet it happened. It was a very rough night for Kurt, maybe he was crazy to thought he could finally sleep in his bed. This was going to be one more sleepless night. Kurt sighed deeply, trying to sound friendly as he spoke his next sentence. "What are you doing here Puck? Is Finn not friendly enough to let you stay in his bedroom?"
He thought about the mess they made downstairs and how loud Finn can be in his sleep. Kurt gets it, but he would like to hear the reason out of Puck's mouth.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Usually, Puck was a light sleeper when sober. He wasn’t drunk, or hadn’t been when he went to bed, sure a little tipsy, but yeah, he normally was one to wake up pretty quickly. However, Kurt’s bed was real comfortable and it’d been a rough few days so he needed the sleep really. He shifted when the door closed, slowly waking up but he was pretty much still in dream land until he heard a coughing.
"Buh? Finny?" he mumbled, blinking his eyes open and wondering what time it was. Surely it couldn’t be morning yet. "Hummel?" he asked as his eyes adjusted, surprised to see the other boy there. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up proper. "What you doin’ here?"
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
Kurt slowly walked up to his room and wondered why the noise became louder and louder. With furrowned brows he twisted the doorknob and opened his door slow. From frowned brows his eyes went wide. This cannot be happening: Noah Puckerman was sleeping, loudly, in his bed. He looked around him in his room and saw that Puck, luckily didn't touched a thing. Kurt wouldn't admit it out loud, but he looked kind of cute when he was sleeping. However that noise was really loud.
The door was closing when Kurt coughed hopefully loud enough to make Puck awake. Why would Puck sleep in his room? He could imagine that Finn was snoring again, but this was his room. Kurt crossed his arms and coughed again, more obvious this time.
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If he walked into my life || Face to face
Puck was having a hell of a few weeks. Things at home weren’t so great with his ma and he rnew boyfriend, and school was a struggle, and so was Glee club and football. He had tried to do everything to not think about his daughter, but it was tough and it wasn’t like he could talk to Quinn about it either. She’d been acting distant and weird and apparently they weren’t together anymore, even though they had barely got back together right before Beth was born.
Luckily, Finn had actually been observant about things. He had noticed Puck’s struggles and their friendship was on the mend again. So he had invited Puck over a lot and having him stay for dinner, and a few days lately, the night. Finn needed the distraction too, along with Carol while Kurt spent most of the night with his father in the hospital. Puck had continued going to temple to pray for Kurt’s father, which only Finn knew about, and felt sorry for the guy. So Finn and him had their bros night, sneaking in some bear while Carol worked the late shift. All was going well until they went to bed and Finnasnorus struck. No mater what Puck did, the dude wouldn’t stop snoring loudly. So he dragged his tired ass to Kurt’s room and took advantage of the soft sheets and quiet space. Within minutes he was asleep, happily cuddling in the bed.
Puck wasn’t a snorer normally, but sometimes he did breathe loud when his mouth hung open in his sleep. He turned in his sleep, arm dangling out, oblivious to the fact that Kurt was home and walking into the room.
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
If he walked into my life || Face to face
It was a tough evening, Kurt's eyes were red from crying and did everything to making them look normal again: throwing water in his face, trying to put on concealer around his eyes, but both didn't work. Kurt was so scared he is going to lose his father too. He would do anything to protect his father, he simply cannot die. He looked into his front mirror in the car and sighed deeply. "Exuse me, sir, you have to leave now, the visiting hour are over." the voice of the nurse said in his head. Kurt squeezed his eyes together and put his fingers on his forehead. Don't cry, Kurt. Let's go home and go to sleep before you will look like a wreck tomorrow. He squeezed his eyes one more time, inhaled deeply and turned the key a little bit around so the car started, before exhaling.
The way home he tried to focus on the road, but it was hard. His mind was completely somewhere else. Luckily it wasn't a long ride so after 25 minutes, he parked the car in front of the garage and stopped it. Kurt walked to the door when he locked the car and stepped inside. When he walked into the livingroom he closed his eyesand shook his head. A good couple of beer bottles and two pizza boxes were standing on the table. Probably Puck or someone else who stayed over and they didn't clean the mess. But Kurt hadn't got the energy to clean it up and if he had, he probably wouldn't clean it either. Kurt slowly walked upstairs and heard some loud noises; breathing noises. These weren't Finn's and couldn't possibly be of a girl. Kurt slowly walked up to his room with furrowed eyebrows while the noise was getting louder and louder and wondered what it was.
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
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notheboynextdoor · 10 years
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Kurt Hummel in Every Episode: 1x17 Bad Reputation
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