notheroverthinker · 8 hours
Sigh... I seriously wanna kms
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notheroverthinker · 2 days
:OOOOO THANKS *grabs it and shoves in my mouth*
Ena's sort of tastes like crepe with lots and lots caramelized (think of it like tagahlog (sorry if it's wrong Idk how to spell it but the fruit thingy with melted sugar) tangerine, whipped cream and white chocolate brigadeiro (Brazilian sweet with condensed milk, butter and ofc chocolate) with a side of cookies and a latte
Mizuki's tastes like a strawberry cheesecake mixed with a red velvet cake (just the cake tho, not the filling) with some dark chocolate (a belgic one to be more specific but still, dark chocolate is bitter) and a simple coffee
Idk why but in my silly little head it fits. Anyways thank you for the meal!
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day 3: tarot
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notheroverthinker · 3 days
via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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notheroverthinker · 3 days
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notheroverthinker · 3 days
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[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'There's a petition to ban conversion therapy in the EU' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
If you are a citizen in the EU please sign this petition:
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notheroverthinker · 3 days
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day 3: tarot
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notheroverthinker · 3 days
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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notheroverthinker · 4 days
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My Pokémon ❤️💙
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notheroverthinker · 4 days
Throwback to the time I commented ‘I’m aro/ace’ under a YT video and all the comments on my comment were ‘those pronouns are fake. You damn liberals’ or something like that.
Reblog if your pronouns are also aroace
Edit: To all the people saying ‘I’m not sure if I can reblog this’ feel free to reblog if you support aroace people. You don’t have to be one!
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notheroverthinker · 4 days
"You mean you're just leaving me in the friendzone??"
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notheroverthinker · 4 days
Lesbians save me.... Save me lesbians...
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notheroverthinker · 5 days
Her Calling AU (TW:Body horror? Changes from the miraculous make themselves apparent in Chloe)
Chloe was unsettling. Not in the normal way, where every glare was followed with harsh words. But something changed. She was quieter, sure, but there was just something...wrong.
Maybe it was in the way she seemed to prowl, unconsciously stalking something, quiet and dangerous in a way that never failed to make the students hair stand on end. But that was fine, easily ignored. Juleka was quiet too, after all. And maybe it wasn’t the same sort of quiet, because where Juleka’s is shy and unassuming- Chloe is always just at the edge of their vision, and then on when they turn, and it only makes them more tense. And even when they could see her fully, sitting there in class, her movements were...odd. Jerky and smooth, going from meticulous and slow to rushed and strong. Almost as if Chloe forgot at times how slow she was meant to be going, compared to how fast she actually was.
Or it could have been the way she looked at them. Hair shaggy in an uneven cut, darker than normal against her pale skin as if she’s been living in a basement for years, and those eyes peeking out from under. The same blue as before, yes, but instead of glee or arrogance, they are cold. Carved from ice and yet, in the few moments where life seems to come back into them, as scalding as boiling water with what Marinette sometimes calls bitterness(Chloe would call it disappointment, Rezzo would call it self-hatred, both are correct to some degree). There are times when the students walk into the classroom in the morning, the lights are off and the room is dark, but they catch a glinting. Only to freeze, heart stopping for a moment as they are stuck under an unwavering gaze of a predator. Before Mme. Bustier turns on the light and they see Chloe. Turning away, and they feel like they can breathe again.
It might be the teeth. Chloe does not smile any more, does not sneer, or smirk. But there are times she bares her teeth quietly, using the same muscles as a smile but something infinitely more...vicious (more animalistic) and the sharp canines do not escape the classes notice- although it is passed off as a trick of the light. Adrien can’t help but shiver, something in the back of his mind telling him to run, but this is his friend, and one who looks to need help. Not a threat (right?).
One thing they all agree that unnerves them, however, is the way Chloe speaks- a rare occasion now. A scratchy voice, low and slow. Grates across their ears, grates against something that sends shivers down their spine and adrenaline through their veins. Because while the term ‘a growl’ is often a metaphor, when it comes to Chloe this is now far more literal. A deep rumble that underlays her words, a double tone that only shows that this is not the girl they knew, an unnatural timbre that sets everyone on edge (and it is even worse when she is transformed).
(“The Miraculous will change you” Rezzo had warned, eyes tired and old and despite his size every century he had lived was heavy on his shoulders. Chloe shrugged. Vanity was useless at this point, what was a few small changes? But a broken miraculous...it blurs the line far more than a whole one, magic leaves its mark. And Chloe? Well...she’s been the Mink holder longer than most, and it shows.)
—Glad you like the drabbles! I adore Corporal, and the way they interact with the world, and Rezzo is brill. Really excited for the chapter!
I'm glad that you enjoy corporal!
but yes, magic sure is wonderful isn't it?
Chloe may think that her new traits weren't so obvious, so what if she could see better in the dark? So what if her teeth got a touch sharper?
(So what if she has to consciously stop herself from launching at anything that grazes her, her hands ready to wrap around the enemy and kill-
There's nothing wrong with being cautious, she tried to convince herself. Its just survival instincts! self-preservation, she continued. But even then, she still can't help but wonder if there was something... wrong.
As if she wasn't supposed to be like this,
She even brought it up to Rezzo, her mind buzzing as she waited for his answer.
The kwami just smiled and simply said: "That's good."
And Chloe never doubted ever again.)
It's not like she has anything to hide.
It's not like anyone would pay attention anyway.
No one did, especially since it never concerned them.
That's just how humans are after all.
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notheroverthinker · 5 days
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Started as a random crossover between Proseka and Greek mythology/PJO. Then it went out of control. And then halfway I got lazy.
My personal favourite is Shiho's design. And Nene's, but does it really count as my design if half of it is literally from the game?
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notheroverthinker · 7 days
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notheroverthinker · 7 days
Dude, how can it be that every single fucking thing about US politics trends on here immediately, yet when 27 countries in the EU vote and there's a historic, alarming lurch to the right (far right parties have won the elections in Italy, Austria and France), it's not even trending? In Germany, the AFD, a right-wing populist, anti-democratic, racist party with a wing that is officially extremist (read: Nazis) and is in parts monitored by the office for the protection of the constitution, is the second strongest party (also among 17-24 year olds!). Guess I'll die.
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notheroverthinker · 7 days
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notheroverthinker · 8 days
You know, since it's Pride Month (and also I miss them), I feel like reminding everyone how fucking important Ruby and Sapphire were.
The way they were both unambiguously conceived as queer characters and let the writers make an established character queer retroactively. The fact that as soon as they share the screen, they immediately show how in love they are, without any ambiguity to please the censors, and they do that almost every episode they're in.
How their relationship isn't always 100% perfect, and they do conflict and fall out, but make up in the end because they genuinely love each other. How they were allowed to be iconic parts of the show, not just through being the focus of two of its most famous songs (Stronger Than You and Here Comes A Thought) but also through the book version of The Answer.
The fact they got the first gay kiss...
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...and the first gay wedding in the history of kid's TV.
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The way their reception showed networks that yes, people do enjoy media with queer characters, and so they contributed to many other series with prominent LGBTQ characters getting greenlit.
I honestly don't think it's exaggerating to say they're among the most important queer characters in the history of fiction for all that. And people need to say it more, and demand stuff like them more.
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