nothinglikeivy · 3 years
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Knowing your costumers insight will help you enhance your services or your product. It will make you know what do they need, their experiences and even the potential of your product.
In the past weeks, we were tasked to do surveys to our costumers and even professionals for us to know the interest of our future costumers. Even the potential of our products and the common problems being encountered by them. Doing the activity, i learned that our product has a great potential to help our dear farmers. It caould help them lessen tha post harvest losses and even increase the price of their produce. By surveying, we learned about the current problems of our agricultural sector and one of it is the problem we want to solve which is the effects of climate change and even the lack of drying spaces for drying grains. With our product, mini grain dryer, we cpuld help the farmers be ready in case of sudden rain while drying and even prevent further post harvest losses.
The activity made me realize that businesses owners should hace sympathy to their costumers. They should know things about them like their insights and problems. Hence, the activity is such a great help to our business.
-Ivy R. Bartolome
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nothinglikeivy · 3 years
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"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people."
-Steve Jobs
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For this week's blog, we were tasked to share our group/company's discussion on how we came up with our company name, logo, tag-line, choosen problem and our proposed solution to it.
We brainstormed through our group chat and after hours of sharing ideas, we finally agreed to name our company, Field master.
Isn't it brilliant?
And our tag-line is Your partner in quality Agritech. The logo was designed by our comember and we also provide ideas to complete it. After discussing about our name and etc., we proceeded to our main problem. We also suggested many problems concerning our farmers and later on, agreed to the problem of the need to dry Grain produce to attain the better quality and to be able to store them properly. Due to the effects of climate change, the lack of drying spaces and even the costly dryers, it is hard to dry Rice grains and corn kernels now a days. That is why we came up with the solution of proposing a product to help solve this problem and it is to build a mini grain dryer. We discussed about it's features and even on how we could attain investors for it. And that's how we came up with our product. We also practiced many times on how to present our ideas to our teacher for it to be approved as our product for her subject.
Doing this activity taught me a lot. Teamwork is a key to strengthen ideas and to come up with the best solution, communication is also essential. It is good to share ideas and openly say it to your groupmates so that you could decide if what is the best one to adapt.
I could say that our group is amazing for we understand each other and we have our own strengths that we could use in the betterment of our company. In addition to that, i could say that our hard work paid off ❤.
-Ivy Bartolome
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nothinglikeivy · 3 years
My insights in The Lean Startup
Know when to Pivot
"Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming. "
-Richard Branson
Do you agree with this qoute? Or for you doing business is a piece of cake?
Many people says that doing business is like passing through the hole of a needle. It is hard and needa great timing. In short, failure can always be associated in business but we can overcome these chance of failure if we do the business right, what do i mean?
We could have a great possibility of success if we learned and truly understand the meaning of the video that we watched which is "The Lean Startup by Eric Ries". The author is a successful businessman so we could assure that this could be a nice source of information to do business. I learned upon watching these video that the goal of a startup is to figure out the right thing to build that customers want and will pay for as quick as possible and here the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop occurs which tells us to plan backwards and to make hypothesis to be proven. We should not just do profucts or plan for long, we should assess if it will be a nice shot. Next, business could be successful by doing experiments, if it clicks to the trget customers then it will be a hit and here comes the idea of MVP which vould mwan the everything that doesn't lead to validated learning is a waste. And with these MVPs we could think of the way we will advertise our products or on want and whom it appeal. Then here are the engines of growth in which will give you idea on how to expand the ideas of yours and lastly, businessman should know when to pivot or persevere because as i have said, failure is always linked to business. You should know when to give up and when to not give up and persue your ideas.
These businesses information could teach us the right and wrong steps or decision in doing business and we could also apply it in our own lives. We should always plan, assess, measure, and let ourselves grow . We should also know that Pivoting or giving up is not a failure because we might see or encounter greater ideas or opportunities in these other path that we will take.
-Ivy R Bartolome
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nothinglikeivy · 3 years
“The unexamined life is not worth living”, a famous dictum from Socrates which for him means that an unexamined human life is deprived of the meaning and purpose of existence.
Hi gals and guys! For this week’s blog, I am writing about my assessment of my innovative part as a student. I took the Berkeley innovation index survey that aims to measure my innovation mindset and innovation capability. As I am answering this survey, I really thought and assessed myself if what were my right answers for the question that was being asked. After taking the survey, my result was sent in my g-mail and looking at it I could say that my innovative mindset is quit average. I realized that I don’t trust others easily, I lack collaboration with other people, and I am not doing and thinking things out of my comfort zone because knowing myself, I really don’t want to be so dependent or interacting to other people for sometimes, being too attached or involved to other people is not too good too. It is just my opinion though. On the other hand, I learned that I am resilient, have high self-confidence, resourceful, can consider other people opinions, values and ideas and many other components of being an innovative individual. Hence, taking this survey helped me to further know myself, especially my innovative mindset. I realized my weakness and strength regarding the traits being assessed by the test and I can use the recommendations to enhance my weaknesses. I now know where I am lacking and where am I good at as well. Thanks to this test, I am ready to thank my Technopreneurship subject for this semester.
-Ivy R. Bartolome
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nothinglikeivy · 3 years
Hi gals and guys! This is the result of my Berkeley Innovation Index Test. It shows the components where i lack and excel. You should take it too for knowing your innovative capabilities could help you in your future steps in reaching your goals😘.
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