noticemewhiz · 2 years
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simon loving wille’s bad bitch era
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
I have no problem with some of y'all watching this show in English like I get it if that's your preference but also how the fuck do some of y'all watch this show in English like that's Edvin and Omar's voices not Wilhelm and Simon
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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Mitski Working for the Knife (2021)
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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Imagine Omar getting this question unsupervised.
He wouldn’t even think twice. He would start reading the script out loud for them. Do you guys think Omar will be allowed to do these kind of interviews by himself? Will he even get a script, or will he just be told to improvise the entire season, just to be sure??
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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working for the knife
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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Mitski – Working for the Knife (Official Video)
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
Not to be dramatic or anything but I wish I could erase season 1 of Young Royals from my mind just so I could relive the feeling of watching it for the first time all over again. That shit was TRANSCENDENT. There is simply nothing else like it.
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
College affirmations like I Am Normal. I Know How To Interact With People Normally.
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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in honour of young royals s2 announcement
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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So I watched Young Royals, safe to say that seeing this kid upset is my villain origin story /:
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 1, Episode 3
Episode 3 picks up the Monday the week after the horror movie night, and our young heroes need to discuss the kiss...
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Subtext: Of course a school like this has their own school song. Simon is trying to play it, because he's expected to sing it with the choir on parent's day.
Subtext: Simon leaves rather abruptly after Wilhelm explains that he just want to be friends, because for Simon it's all or nothing, he's not interested in some weird are-they-or-aren't-they relationship.
Subtext: Sara still doesn't know that Simon has been seeing their father behind everyone's back.
Culture: Having blue blood means that you're noble, and August refers to the fact that all the noble kids are in his team, and therefore they ought to be better than the other, random, unnamed, commoner, team.
Cinematography: It's nice that the show relegates Wilhelm's internal sexuality crisis to a quick montage instead of dragging the thing out. He's checking out Simon in the locker room, he's stalking Simon on social media, he's watching a straight couple making out, but that only makes him yearn for Simon instead. Yes, Wilhelm, you like guys, thanks for realizing that quickly enough so the show can move on.
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Subtext: Because of Wilhelm's previous rejection, Simon is really making Wilhelm sweat and spell out what he wants.
Subtext: See! Easy! That wasn't so hard. Totally-a-date is scheduled!
Culture: We're getting a lot of info from the invoice: Simon's last name is Eriksson, a very common Swedish surname. The invoice is due 201021 - October 21st 2020 for the ISO 8601 challenged - and was sent ten days before that, so this episode takes place in the middle of October. The total cost is 5500 kronor, which is approximately $600 USD.
There's also an error in the subtitles here: The currency of Sweden is "kronor" in plural in English, not "kronas", but at least they're avoiding the mistake of calling it "crowns", which is completely wrong.
Subtext: Ironically, August is the one who spent money that he doesn't have.
Culture: Linda's car is really sticking out among all the considerably more expensive luxury cars that the other families arrive in. Simon and Sara are slightly embarrassed by it, but mad props to Linda for not giving a shit.
Subtext: August's stepdad's behaviour screams nouveau riche, he's expecting special treatment because he's normally the richest guy around, but at this school he's among the poorest. All the other richer, nobler, families parked their own cars, so the school official is politely telling him to fuck off and park his own car.
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Subtext: Everyone joins in singing the school song, all the parents know it because they went there themselves and still remember it.
Blink and you miss it: Sara obviously notices that Simon and Wilhelm are eyeing each other, but even Linda notices it.
Subtext: Smysan, Felice's mom, knows that Felice is bigger than her, which makes her later gift of the Lucia dress even shittier.
Subtext: And if you didn't already hate her, she completely ignores how her daughter is doing, and is 100% focused on Wilhelm, because according to her, Felice's purpose in life is to get together with Wilhelm and have pretty royal babies. It's why she sent her to the same kindergarten, it's something she's been teaching and pressuring Felice about her whole life, and now that it's out in full force, even Felice notices how ugly it is and how little her mother actually cares about her.
Subtext: Erik is probably speaking from his own experience here, because as crown prince, who he gets involved with matters politically, so everyone is going to have an opinion. Everyone from his mother the Queen, to government, to the people, all the way to the gossipy tabloids. So the longer you can keep the relationship secret, the longer you can enjoy it in peace.
Lost in translation: Wilhelm actually says "Fuck you, det är inget ragg". Ragg comes from the verb ragga, which means to actively hit on someone, or to try to pick someone up, unlike a crush which can be hidden and one-sided. So by using this word, Erik implies that everyone at school already knows about it, which isn't true, which is one of the reasons why Wilhelm is denying it.
Oh, and throughout the conversation, Erik keeps it completely gender-neutral, not assuming that it's a girl Wilhelm is crushing on.
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Subtext: Smysan is just piling up even more pressure and expectations on Felice, going on how her family has been doing the same things for generations.
Blink and you miss it: Linda declines the wine. It's fair to assume that she's staying away from alcohol after seeing what it did to her ex husband.
Culture: The nobility has always been tied to ownership of land, because in medieval times it allowed you to tax everyone living on your land, and thereby have a much better life than the peasants who paid those taxes. In modern days you can't do that, but land can still be a significant source of income, which is why August is pursuing an education in agricultural economics. Årnäs is the fictional ancestral home of the fictional noble family Horn that August belongs to.
Blink and you miss it: August is saving a spot for Wilhelm.
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Subtext: Wilhelm snubs August, because he would much rather sit with Simon and get to know his mom. Sara knows what's up, Simon smugly invites Wilhelm to the table, while Smysan is having an orgasm or something, because the only reason Wilhelm could possibly want to sit at their table is because him and Felice have a thing, right, right?
Note that Wilhelm greets Smysan and Poppe Ehrencrona by name, because he obviously knows them from earlier.
Culture: Smysan asks Sara what kind of horse she owns, because she assumes Sara is rich like the rest of them and can afford a horse of her own.
Subtext: We've seen Sara being unable to get social cues and read the room before because of her Asperger's, and here we go again. Unfortunately, the stakes are much higher, because her honesty completely unravels all the lies that Felice has been telling her parents.
Subtext: August's mom is sharing some juicy backstory for August, and she's saying that August's dad went broke, and presumably that's why he killed himself. Having a name, having a title, belonging to a noble family doesn't guarantee riches, and his father couldn't make Årnäs work which is why they're out of money. After his father's death, his mom attached herself to some guy who apparently has some money, but no titles, just to keep herself afloat, but they can't - or won't - pay August's school fees.
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Subtext: At least August calls it what it is. Simon brought Ayub and Rosh because he wanted to intimidate August, but they're not that interested in playing the part of uncultured ruffians.
Subtext: Rosh and Ayub consistently acts as Simon's conscience, and they're worried about him because he is changing and doing things he would never have done if he had stayed at his old school.
Subtext: Sara asks why Simon is "sneaking around", and the true answer is that it's because Simon is trying to get money so he can pay his dad the money he owes him for the alcohol. But Sara has figured out that Simon and Wilhelm might have a thing, and assumes Simon is sneaking around because of that, so Simon admits it, in order to deflect from the truth.
Also, major subtitle error here: Simon actually says that he's sneaking around "för hans skull" - "for his sake", which doesn't imply that Wilhelm has asked him to, which is what the subtitles say.
Subtext: Funnily enough, Sara's words echo Smysan's interrogation of Felice earlier, except this time it's true, Wilhelm is interested in Simon, not Felice.
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Subtext: This episode has completely devastated Felice; Her parents don't really care about her, she got humiliated in front of everyone by Sara, and she embarrassed herself by kissing Wilhelm, who was completely uninterested. So she's turning to the only remaining person who might give her some kind of affection, August, who is also at a similar low point.
Subtext: Simon is of course lying, he's not planning on staying the night at Ayub's, he's planning on staying at the school with Wilhelm.
Blink and you miss it: Wilhelm declines a phone call, because discussing the changed weekend plans with Simon is more important to him. However, it was probably someone frantically calling him about Erik...
Subtext: At least the school sent out the counselor to get Wilhelm and support him after receiving the news of his brother's death.
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
i dont mind giving out b00tleg links but the way literally every time someone asks me all i do is google ‘watch x online free’ and find one. they really are not teaching the kids how to steal these days </3
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noticemewhiz · 3 years
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Andrew Rannells as Trent Oliver in The Prom (2020)
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