notmymxther-blog · 7 years
Well guess who’s  F U C K I N G   B A C K
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
Hi! So there’s a reason I haven’t been around lately, and that is because my mum confiscate my laptop. So I won’t be able to be on for a while. I’ve stolen my laptop back, but I’ll have to put it back before my mum realises it’s not in her room, or else I’ll get into a tonne more trouble than I’m already in. So I’m sorry.
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
“.... Okay.” Mal’s eyes narrowed, and the girl took a step forward. “So, how did you get here, Belle?”
She wasn’t Queen Belle from Auradon, that much was certain. But Mal knew that she couldn’t have the same name and be just some random person.
"Hello, could you tell me where I am?" ( theeverbloomingrose)
“The Isle of the Lost.”
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“You don’t really look like you belong here.”
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
Put a “Tell me" in my ask and my character will answer…
If you snuck into my room I would:
[  ] Go back to sleep                 [  ] Kick you out [  ] Cuddle with you                   [  ] Be like “How in the world?” [  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[  ] Kiss or hug you back                       [  ] Smile and laugh [  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away [  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No          [  ] Yes          [  ] Most certainly not.          [ ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[  ] Cute          [  ] Adorable          [  ] Attractive          [  ] Beautiful [  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger          [  ] Acquaintance          [  ] Ally [  ] Friend              [  ] Love                        [  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence          [  ] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                          [  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [  ] Pleasant company            [  ] Comforting [  ]  Unable to be lived without                            [  ] Trustworthy
 (- Based of askboxmemes’s post.)
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
“I should be asking you that.” Mal replied, crossing her arms and cocking her eyebrow. “You look like a princess or somethin’. And princesses don’t belong here.”
"Hello, could you tell me where I am?" ( theeverbloomingrose)
“The Isle of the Lost.”
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“You don’t really look like you belong here.”
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
Centuries of Bad Blood [mashup]
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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“Leather bound, small book with a gold dragon.” Belle repeated the details, somewhat under her breath as she pondered if she had seen any books of the sort in the shop before. She was, after all, quite intimately aware of the books kept within the place, so when the book didn’t immediately come to mind, she felt discouraged. Still, the girl looked concerned enough that it deserved a second look.
“Most of the leather bound books are kept in the back– prevents bleaching. Give me a moment, alright?”
Mal sighed, lifting her hand so she could rub her temple. If she couldn’t find that bloody book then she was going to wreak havoc until she got it back. It was the only thing she had of her mother’s, and well... if her mother wasn’t here, then Mal at least wanted to have her spellbook. It was what had kept her safe through all those years alone, and if she was going to be alone again then she needed a little comfort.
“Of course,” she forced a smile at the woman, trying to sound polite. She was not in the mood for this.
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
“The Enchanted Forest?”
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“Sounds stupid.”
"Hello, could you tell me where I am?" ( theeverbloomingrose)
“The Isle of the Lost.”
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“You don’t really look like you belong here.”
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
“I can do what I want. It’s none of your business. Besides - being evil is fun.” Mal shot back, crossing her arms across her chest. “A lot more fun than being prissy and good.”
{ open }
“ What I want is for you to stop acting like your mother.” Havok stated rather plainly. “ Just because she is evil doesn’t mean you have to be.”
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
“Of course the teacher’s not going to pull the fire alarm, dumbass, there’s magic here. Besides, giving a teacher the chance to catch you is fault enough. It’s stupid.” Mal shrugged.
He rolled his eyes. “They were going to kick me out of choir but failed to realise I dropped out this year. Not my fault I got caught. Not entirely the teacher just could have pulled the fire alarm and I wouldn’t have been.”
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
                            I LIED when I said                                             ❝ It didn’t hurt.❞
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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Dove Cameron at the Good Morning America, New York (27 July, 2015)
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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Dove Cameron 
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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notmymxther-blog · 9 years
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Ohhhh how I love these 2!!!
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