notnarvvhal · 2 years
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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「 Alright. After doing a fair bit of research into the CN line (which was pretty tough given that I do not speak or know chinese, so I have to rely on comparing references and asking third parties), I’ve concluded on not necessarily discarding the canon, but rather bending a bit the meaning into something a tad bit more logical, subject to tweaking depending on the official translation choices. Leaks talk under read more. 」
Keep reading
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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 Back in gaybie jail. But content―he has been noticed.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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 He's choking but at least the big dude NOTICED HIM
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
"So, Childe. I was running through the audits this morning, and I couldn't help but wonder why the Northland Bank in Liyue has bills worth millions of Mora for...what was it now? Ah, right. Chopsticks. Millions of Mora for chopsticks. Perhaps you could shed some light on that for me, hm?" From Pantalone~
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 ...Ah. So he did notice the overspending. He remained quiet, a small innocent smile plastered on his lips as he mentally found excuses to justify it. The chopsticks were rather expensive alright, and perhaps a little unnecessary to their general goals.
 He could only grasp at the only line of thought he'd kept so far for this.
 "I was granted permission for a large budget, in order to ensure the mission would go as smoothly as possible." He offered, the small gesture of his hand accompanying his words. "And while my spending was just as large, given what would entail the funerary costs of an Archon's death, it did not over exceed said limit. The chopsticks were simply a gift of goodwill to our partnership with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."
 ...Well, that was a fucking lie. Glad he left the chopsticks tucked away somewhere safe from the predatory eyes of the banker.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
But the question is…. When it comes to Dottore and Childe, who does the spanking in the duo?
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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「 Alright. After doing a fair bit of research into the CN line (which was pretty tough given that I do not speak or know chinese, so I have to rely on comparing references and asking third parties), I’ve concluded on not necessarily discarding the canon, but rather bending a bit the meaning into something a tad bit more logical, subject to tweaking depending on the official translation choices. Leaks talk under read more. 」
关于「少女」 … 愚人众执行官的席位是按照实力划分的,我不明白那个女孩为什么是「第三席」。有机会的话,我是想和排在我之前的执行官都比试一遍啦,但总有种不太想和她交手的感觉…不管怎么说,你也小心一点
The original text in CN for the line about Damselette. It alludes to the Harbingers being ranked by “实力”, which can indeed be translated to power, strength or abilities/capabilities. Reading through many translations of the concept itself though, people mention that the closest and most accurate way to translate it is “capabilities”.
The concept of a ranking through “capabilities” is still incredibly vague and subjective for me to grasp something more concrete, so the way I do intend to interpret this translation is that the ranking works through “experience”.
It doesn’t stray too far from the original concept I worked with, which was “ranked by joining order”, but does add a layer to differentiate the Harbingers beyond just their respective abilities and contribution to the high ranks. Since Childe does bring up that he’s in a lower rank than the others, it’s clear that his authority is a little more restrained due to his position as a newbie, so I’m willing to bend to this because it does make sense that a recently promoted captain will have less privileges than the other ones, regardless of his battle prowess and just general strength.
I do still believe he is stronger than a pair of the other Harbingers, though. And I still believe he’s one of the most dangerous within the ranks, specialized in the frontlines and surpassing several in the area of combat. What he does not have is a higher authority than the others, which would explain why they manage to send him away so often.
So basically, the change I’m doing within my own headcanons with the interpretation of this new information is: They share the same level of authority, only differentiated by areas of work > Each number represents a ranking of authority based on experience and time on-duty, in which everyone listens to Pierro’s orders.
If anyone with a better grasp at chinese can confirm that this intepretation is viable, I’d appreciate your approval or correction though jhbJHBDF this is still subject to tweaking
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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The Harbingers being ranked by strength puts me off so badly because it makes little to NO sense for me. Not just because it would imply the numbers shift with their growth, but also "strength" is such a subjective method of ranking a whole bunch of MILITARY leaders??
It unnecessarily berates Childe's character, too, despite having sold him as one of the strongest and most dangerous warriors in Teyvat, PERIOD. Are you really telling me that he's not considered a strong figure despite how he has basically the battle knowledge of a veteran? Is this your way to represent him as the toddler of the Harbingers? I don't mind joking around the meme revolving him but this now feels like a little too much for an official source.
I'd have been far less peeved if they ranked them by level of AUTHORITY or EXPERIENCE within the organization. I don't mind if Childe has little authority because it makes sense, he's new, he still has a lot of work to do climbing there, and maybe he does not consider himself AS powerful there and feels like said climbing also comes with growing in his abilities, but he still holds a CLEAR and OBJECTIVE position of power, unlike downright saying "well, he's strong but not THAT strong LOL"...?? Bruh.
I'm ??? Probably a lot more bothered about this than I should but I guess I needed to let it out BFJXHJD. I'll begrudgingly adapt to this concept because I do prefer to stick to canon material (or? I could adapt it to "authority" instead of "strength" but I'll think that one through, so it doesn't disrupt canon too much). I'll have to politely request you do not make comments about this type of ranking to me if you don't want me to upload on you my distaste for this choice.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
How did your archon manage to recruit the clow reed?
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 "...?" He has no idea who that is, but he figures it really isn't his business anyways. "...Did she? Err, perhaps you should redirect your inquiries about matters of recruitment to The Jester instead of me. I'm sure he can answer you." No clue.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
Places a critter in his hands
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 "......." He truly hopes that the sudden burning on the palm of his hands is only a figment of his delusional mind. And not Morax at it again.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
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If it’s your ambitions that got you thrown into prison in the first place, then maybe having said ambitions be tempered a little would help keep you from getting thrown right back in.
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 “T-That was not a consequence to my ambitions at all! It was a... mistake.” Yes, he would call bullying a certain hot headed tycoon a mistake. “Hey... would you really leave me here to dry out without my vision? No concern for my personal integrity?” Is he being dramatic?
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
Hey Childe I heard that alice lady is going to try and recruit your brothers and sisters for an idol group (100% joke)
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 "...Alice? You mean the Alice? The one who wrote the Teyvat's Travel Guide?" Oh. He’s a little conflicted here, with who it is in charge of such a thing, but he’s not completely against it.
 “...Well, as long as they’re adequately supervised in their pursuit of fame and it’s what will make them happy...” Hm. He’ll have to speak with a pair of his agents later, to keep an eye on the matter.
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notnarvvhal · 2 years
Hey tart. Why don’t you just break out? Can’t do any worse to your reputation and it’s not like the milileth are competent
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 "A lovely suggestion, for sure. Can't say I haven't tried it, though." He couldn't care less about his reputation right now, really. But he hadn't found a decent way to break out with the current set up of his cell.
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