notofwolves · 6 years
One terrible thing on top of the other. Fenris could only grumble under his breath as he recalled the most recent events. First the fighting in Sanctuary. Now the bridge crumbles. He searched alongside his partner for survivors in the small boat, but it became too dark to continue searching and was called back. With everything happening, he greatly considered leaving the Sanctuary and going elsewhere. However, where would he go? Should Saviors catch up to him, he would be killed for betrayal. Especially if Negan were to be free.
The thought of him made his blood boil sometimes. He urged him to stick around, claiming he was of use and persuaded him that he could help find his boys. The latter never occurred and he was only foolish enough to catch affection towards the man who was the very epitome of a schoolyard bully. It aggravated him enough that a man claiming to have everyone by the balls was held captive in Alexandria and trying to kill himself. Was Negan foolish? Or was it Fenris for daring to feel a sliver of any kind of sympathy for the man?
Fenris trudged his way through the wood, rifle at the ready should he need it. Part of him thought he should return to Sanctuary--but why? Conflicted, he sighed and leaned against a tree before sliding his back down the trunk to settle on the floor in exhaustion.
“I am a fool...” he grumbled to himself. 
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notofwolves · 6 years
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     “See, uh… we should probably avoid the infirmary. I mean, if my mom catches wind that I’m hurt… it’s not gonna be pretty,” Henry admitted. “You don’t have any bandages on you or something?” 
Mitchell nodded and swung his pack off of his shoulder to rifle through it. It came with the job to have supplies on him so that he may help at the drop of a hat. “Here we go.” he mused victoriously as he pulled the bandages out and started to carefully wrap his wrist. “How did this happen?”
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notofwolves · 6 years
“Some people wouldn’t,” And Rick was being truthful, he wouldn’t shy away from it. Despite the time that had passed, some people were still struggling to adapt with the shift as a whole. Some would simply never see the Saviors as people who could be, well, salvaged. “There are even certain people I’m still wary about. People I’m still learning to trust,” It had taken Rick considerably most effort to turn other people around to the idea of that trust. He was still trying to. “Right now, my focus isn’t shifting people from the Sanctuary, but making it sustainable for those that are still there. It’s jus’… been harder than I thought it’d be,” 
But he didn’t wish to dwell on what felt like the impossible. “So, your sons – you have any idea where they might be?”
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“I guess the only people who would know better about the Sanctuary better than either of us would be down there in that cell.” Fenris told him almost offhandedly. He did not like the looks he got just coming from the Sanctuary alone. There were some crappy people, others he would not trust with watching a cat for starters. However, there were people who were just there to survive. While some Saviors were thugs and bullies, there were still women and child he needed the protection. 
When the question came up, he pressed his lips together and shook his head. “It’s...been a few years since I last saw them. We were just outside Baltimore when we were last together.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
     Henry hadn’t meant to bother the man, but he couldn’t help it. His hand was brought up to rub the back of his neck as the other apologized for being lost in thought. “No, man. I mean… I didn’t mean to bother you, but I think I sprained my wrist so I kind of need it looked at. Under the radar, because if my mom finds out I got hurt outside these walls, I can pretty much guarantee I’ll never see the outside again,” he explained.
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Mitchell stood up to properly address him and so he could carefully take his wrist to examine it. “There is some swelling. I can wrap it for you back in the infirmary, if you’d like?” 
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notofwolves · 6 years
The past had it’s time and place; Rick had to remind himself that certain memories could be recalled purely for nostalgia’s sake. Sure, they may leave that barely perceptible sting by the time remembering was said and done. But it meant that they did in fact, remember at all. That their lives, no matter how much they had been uprooted and destroyed, were building back to something. Not everything exactly the way it used to be, but close to it. Close to a brighter future. After getting a nod from the guard, Rick returned the gesture before motioning with a quirking motion of his hand for Fenris to follow. “I’ll show you where you’ll be stayin’ for now,”
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Fenris only gave a polite nod towards the guard and followed Rick. He took a chance to glance around Alexandria as they went, never having the chance to really look at the city before. There was a slight pang of jealousy even, knowing that this place was far more sustainable than the Sanctuary was currently. There had to be something they could do.
“I’m surprised you’re being so accommodating. I reckoned that with what happened between Saviors and Alexandria that people would not want people like me around here.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
It was nice to be needed from time to time. Mitchell counted his lucky stars that he chose a field of study that people always needed help in. It certainly helped keep him alive all these years. Sure he was a nurse, but he was still more than capable and just as trained as any other doctor had been. Sometimes, however, the work load in the infirmary got to be a bit much. 
Sometimes, Mitchell would take a moment and think about Matthew. Times like this where he had a moment’s reprieve to sit in the courtyard and just...think. He left London to study abroad in the US. His parents begged him to stay in the UK, but Mitchell yearned for adventure and to immerse himself somewhere new--rather than the grey dreariness of his hometown. That desire cost him his family and his dearest brother. 
He could not remember the last time he saw Matthew and he missed him terribly. Mitchell would write to him, but he never received responses. Perhaps they got lost or his family moved? It was not like he would ever know. Was the UK even facing the same catastrophe as the US was? 
A rustle startled him and he found himself moving in a defensive stance until he realized he was in no threat. “Sorry, I was...not paying attention.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
Compliance made the entire business of checking a hell of a lot easier, and for Fenris’ he was truly grateful. He’d had more than his fair share of nasty run ins with Saviors after the war; some were singing his praises before he’d even stepped foot in the Sanctuary, and then others… well, it was hard to peg some of them down. Certainly not a fan of that particular group and yet, it was obvious that some didn’t ache to have Negan back in power. Still, Rick couldn’t pinpoint what they actually did want. “What kinda ‘fancy title’ didja have before all this?”
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Fenris shrugged his shoulders. None of it really mattered now what he used to be, however all the years of training for both his jobs have shaped into his survival tactics now. Being a soldier taught him strategy and survival. The law taught him how to talk his way in and out of anything. 
“I served in the army for many years. Was a Lieutenant before I was discharged. Came home and decided to be an attorney for other veterans.” he explained. 
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notofwolves · 6 years
Rick didn’t bother to hide his mild surprise, head quirked to the side as he listened to the other’s story. He wouldn’t admit to knowing that Negan had… more than just wives, and that was already enough to showcase just how despicable the man truly was. People having no other choice in order to protect their loved ones. Rick found himself sympathizing, nonetheless, and simply shrugged. “’S up to you. We’ve all done things we didn’t want to, things we had to. My main concern is making sure that those days are comin’ to an end. At least where I can control it,” Noting his weapon, Rick motioned for another of Alexandria’s guards to approach them, and gestured to Fenris’ weapons. “We’re gonna need to take those for the time bein’. Make sure you’re otherwise unarmed,” As the guard readied to frisk the other, Rick spoke up once more, “What’s your name?”
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Fenris handed off his rifle and moved to hand the guards his ammo bag and gesture towards the bowie knives kept in either of his boots. The man never flinched as he was searched and stood there with his arms held out slightly. This felt like standard protocol, he had been subjected to these kinds of searches before back in his army days. 
“Fenris.” he replied when asked his name. “No fancy title or anything. Those days are over, sadly.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
     Alex had only meant to stop by Alexandria for an hour or two. Trade some supplies on Hilltop’s behalf (mainly their medical behalf). However, as he was leaving, he heard a bit of commotion near the gate. Gossipers, every community had them. But, the word Savior caught his attention. He got guided to the man they were talking about. He hadn’t really been involved with the Saviors. Yes, he’d been around, but he chose to stick around with the injured and care of them instead of fight. That didn’t mean he couldn’t fight. He just chose not to.
     He approached the man out of curiosity if nothing else. Immediately responded to with paranoia. Did everyone give Saviors confrontation? They were helping Sanctuary now. He figured that meant they were all supposed to be friends, right?
     “I can’t promise a hot meal. But, I’ve got a couple of cans in my bag.”
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All Fenris could do was offer him a gracious smile. Most of the Saviors were supposed to be helping, a few of them were doing so begrudgingly. Without Negan, Rick was the only person they could answer to. Some did not like the change in leadership and left. Others, like Fenris, had no choice but to stick with the new status quo. Seeing as Fenris’ only occupation before Negan took things too far was ‘husband’, he never got to have much of an input on things. He only had one thing on his agenda after all.
“You are too kind. That is not often seen these days.” he commented. 
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notofwolves · 6 years
This wouldn’t be the first time he’d seen a Savior requesting sanctuary in other communities - truly, he couldn’t blame them. Their entire way of life had been so dependent on Negan, and being that he had slit the man’s throat, locked him away, Rick felt somewhat responsible for their well-being. It was another case of the donning the leader hat, doing all he could within his power to make their community sustainable. But he could only stretch his hand out so far. The secondary portion of his reason for traveling caught Rick off guard a moment, his features hardening just slightly. “He’s not takin’ too many visitors,” he stated, with a hint of caution. He imagined a Savior would have multiple reasons for wanting to see Negan, and very few of them for anything good. A shoulder rose and fell, Rick quietly shaking his head. “Not everyone. I know that not a lot of you had a choice; that’s why I’m not jus’ leavin’ all of you for dead. As for you personally?” The man seemed genuine enough - and genuine enough had gotten Rick and his into more than their fair share of scrapes. And Negan deserved only the bare minimum of attention. Any more and the man might think himself on holiday rather than serving a life sentence. Only at the recollection of his own journey, desperately searching and fighting to find his own family, did Rick heave out a sigh. “It really isn’t up to you being bad, or good. If y'want to see him, I’ll have to have a guard there with ya’,” His gaze raked along the male’s figure, “Have any weapons checked in, too. After that, we’ll give you a day or two to regroup, give you enough provisions and send you on your way,” He couldn’t afford to take any chances. “You agree to those terms?”
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It was as Fenris expected. He did not expect to speak of the Saviors’ former leader and be allowed to see him no strings attached. Former husband, desperate father, it did not matter. Rick’s terms were fair and all the man could do was nod his head compliantly. As a veteran, he was exceptional when it came to taking orders. 
“I do not have to see him. You should know--I was once part of his group of wives as a...husband.” His tone was sheepish and contained a slightly regretful tone. “I did not agree with everything he did, I just needed to find my sons.” he informed him as he shifted his rifle to hang on his shoulder. 
“I agree to your terms nonetheless.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
After all this time, Rick had been dutifully working towards making the Sanctuary prosperous again. Not all of his efforts were in vain; there were individuals genuinely grateful for what he had done, both in the past and present. Yet, he also understood where some of the Saviors were concerned with their eventual fate. The Sanctuary wasn’t a thriving community anymore. But Rick couldn’t afford to blame himself entirely for that. Negan had adopted so many ill practices, and with that system broken, a new one would have to be set in place. He was trying, but even so, a few people would manage to slip through the cracks. It was inevitable. He recognized the man from a few passing glances, and after ordering the guard to allow him access into Alexandria, decided to approach the other himself. The last thing Rick needed was confrontation - but there was no need for it. It was a simple request, although he still had some terms the man would have to abide by. “We can get ya’ that. A place to sleep, clothes if ya’ need it,” he paused, looking the other over with a slight incline of his head, “You’re from the Sanctuary. Why’d you come all the way here? Did you need somethin’ specific?”
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Fenris studied Rick for a moment and offered a weary smile in gratitude. He had nothing against Rick and his people. It was not like Fenris had faced off against any Alexandrians either considering the husband status put him on the sidelines, much to his displeasure. The promise of fresh clothes and a place to rest was very enticing to him, but he cleared his throat to remember one of the main reasons for coming here. 
Try as he might to convince himself his relationship with him was solely to find and protect his kids, there was still a hint of fondness there. Barely. Minutely. The man also had information he needed since he heard whispers of Saviors moving to other posts--ones Fenris never knew of. He needed to know if it was possible one of his boys ended up there. Negan was the only one who might know. 
“Aside from the fact that your place is thriving more than the Sanctuary? I wanted to know how Negan was.” he admitted. “Rick, right? I know you and your people might look at all of the Saviors as terrible people, but I am just a man searching for his family. He might know where my boys ended up.”
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notofwolves · 6 years
It was a shame his talents were put to waste during his brief time as Negan’s husband. Fenris was not by any means shy when it came down to partnerships, so when it boiled down to what he could put down on the line for his sons--he proved himself what he could do in more ways than one. Were they proud moments that he would share with his sons? Absolutely not. None of it would matter when he would be reunited with them. He just hoped they were utilizing the survival techniques and mechanisms he taught them. 
The man was a veteran. A hell of a shot with a rifle. Negan was a fool to waste his talents by putting him on the sidelines. With the man now in a cell and Sanctuary turning to shit, Fenris took to doing things on his own most of the time. For now, he was trekking to Alexandria hoping for a decent meal. His rifle was slung over his shoulder, close to him with silencer placed on it in case he was in a bind. Luckily, he made it there without needing to put up too much of a fight. When addressed, he looked up wearily and shrugged.
“I’m not in the mood for a confrontation. I just want something to eat.”
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