notrev0 · 2 years
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Annotations of this project's brief. I think conceptually this project is really interesting, looking into Douglas Coupland's obviously unique work and ideas, and demonstrating that in our own way visually could provide some interesting things to think about. I think there are a lot of ways you could go about designing the zine while staying within the parameters of the brief. I tried to pick out the information I felt was important to me.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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Bit Rot portrait
Inspired by Douglas Couplands work, featuring in his bit rot exhibition, this work was made. The designs of these portraits and the work I made in response I didn't find particularly complex, but it still has a visual appeal. Using only simple geometric shapes and a small selection of colour I think what becomes important visually in this work is how the shapes interact with each other, as well as the balance of visual weight. The designs themselves remind me of the works of Kandinsky, who followed a similar trend of using geometric forms to create interesting results. His work obviously lacked the premise of it covering someone's face, but I think the fundamentals are similar. The process of making this was not difficult to do either, just using simple shapes on illustrator to make the patterns used in the portrait.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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Looking at a variety of works I want to use as point of inpiration when creating my outcome.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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Notes looking at the fundamentals of design, the outcome for this project will focus alot on visual punctuation, so I think It's useful to ensure the layouts I made would be visually appealing.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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I made this more formal presentation of my notes on CMYK colour and it's uses in this project just for myself as I find it easier to look back on if necessary.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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I wanted to showcase my notes and points of visual influence in a more detailed way than the presentation of reference pieces. I've included more pieces of work that I want to try and incorporate elements of in my work. I think while all these pieces of work have their own visual style, they do share common elements that I've highlighted in the images.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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editorial planning - In these few images i wanted to plan out some of the key element i would use in my outcome. they are messy and unrefined but for this work and the ideas i had this was ok, i layed out in this some of the important element i want to use, mainly making almost a mosaic of different font to fill the page. I wanted a variety in shape, size, kerning etc on each page to create something more visually interesting and to emphasise some words more than others in a clearer way. I knew I wanted to sort the words on the page by order of importance, how relevant the word or phrase is to me, and I think I showcased that in these plans. I know for me it definitely shows that but it perhaps might not show it clearly enough. I played around with the ideas of incorporating other details beside text such as smudging and various symbols. I do still really like this and want to try and include it in my outcome. I dont think im going to use much if any imagery in the book, i dont think it adds much substance and only poses as a distraction from the text. I want the focus to be more on the space and empty space the varied text creates.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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These were some notes on the fundamentals of typography, going over the key elements that make up editorial work and how to effectively utilize them. I think the point of this project is to practice visual punctuation, looking into how something should be formatted best to provoke a certain reaction from the reader as well as create obvious emphasis on certain elements, so I think it's important to understand how best to do this. Being limited to 2 specific fonts in the work we make I think it makes things such as the kerning and leading of text even more important, as with limited fonts you have to find a way to create unique variations in the text without changing the font.
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notrev0 · 2 years
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Different design options, first implementation of colour
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notrev0 · 2 years
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notrev0 · 2 years
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This is what I did make for this project. It is an outcome, but I'm really not happy with it. For me, this project Isn't finished or fleshed out at all. I did want to be invested in the work I made for this project but I just struggled to do that, so as such I couldn't create any work I liked or actually make something finished. I just ran out of time for this project and wasn't able to put enough effort into it.
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