notsamsfanaccount · 6 days
the implications of crowley talking in a baby voice to the bentley are insane bc he does it while holding the plants meaning either crowley has gone completely soft in season 2 or he’s waging psychological warfare with the plants, making sure they know who is the favorite. both options are absolutely bonkers
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notsamsfanaccount · 1 month
seeing a lot of talk about how weird it must be for archie to go from the kraken ship to kitty collar era to watching the zaddy incident and you're not wrong, but i think we're overlooking the big joke with archie, which is she spends the entire season simping so hard for jim that most of the opinions she ever expresses about blackbeard consist exclusively of waiting for jim to say something and then agreeing loudly with whatever jim just said. she is not paying attention to the blackbeard drama she's on a mission
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notsamsfanaccount · 1 month
there's a lot of fic where ed and stede are at the inn for a couple weeks, maybe a month or two, and then one day ed's just like "hey stede did you know after you left izzy told me he wished he'd let the english kill me? actually he was emotionally abusive to me for years, it was really fucked up," and he tells the whole story and how he felt about it and it's very cathartic, i love that shit, don't get me wrong here.
but personally i tend to think that's assuming an ed who's too quick to get to the point of recognizing what was fucked up about his relationship with izzy. at the end of the season he understands that izzy hurt him, but he hasn't really internalized yet that he didn't deserve to be treated that way by someone who was supposed to be on his side, let alone that the fact that he eventually retaliated with violence doesn't change that; he thinks izzy was a dick but also that it's kind of his own fault for being unlovable enough to inspire that kind of treatment from people, he doesn't really understand that he could have expected better from people who claimed to care about him. when izzy apologizes for treating ed terribly for years ed's only response is to claim he should be the one apologizing. his own guilt about how he treated izzy is going to make it impossible for him to see anything wrong with how izzy treated him for a long while.
it's going to be a long healing process as he gets used to what an actual positive relationship with someone who treats him like a person is like, and that's sad and sweet. but also kind of funny because you know who absolutely does not have any sort of complicated emotions like that getting in the way of understanding the situation between ed and izzy? stede doesn't.
inevitably once they're living together stede and ed are going to start talking about their respective backstories before meeting each other. and izzy will naturally feature in a lot of ed's stories. and one day ed is going to be talking about a raid from years ago and casually mention how he did something izzy didn't approve of and izzy said something insanely horrible that poked him right in the trauma on purpose and then he'll notice stede staring at him in horror and ask what's wrong. and stede will very cautiously be like "well edward of course we both miss izzy very much. but. have you considered that he could have not talked to you like that," and ed will be like "oh, well, that's just izzy, you know how he was, he didn't really mean it like that. anyway as i was saying we had all this loot," and meanwhile poor stede just has to act like he's paying attention to the rest of this conversation while trying as hard as he can to incinerate izzy's coffin with his mind
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notsamsfanaccount · 1 month
while we're talking about it i think the evolution of ed's understanding of his own feelings over the course of s1 goes more or less like this:
pre-ep-4: gentleman pirate? sounds hilarious. i'm going to meet this guy and if i'm very lucky this will relieve the unbearable crushing tedium of being blackbeard for thirty seconds or so. obviously won't last any longer than that so probably gonna kill him and take his stuff after that as one does
halfway through ep 4: oh man. this is so much better than i thought. this dude is great. rich guys are like really fun they've got all this great shit and they know how to have a good time
end of ep 4: what if i came up with a plan to keep hanging out with rich guys for the rest of my life? a plan that, coincidentally, involves me spending all my time with this specific rich guy for the next couple weeks? i'm not going to examine too closely why the end point of that plan makes me feel strangely bad to contemplate, i mean, what is the alternative here
middle of ep 5: i was wrong rich guys in general are terrible actually. which means the stuff i liked about stede had very little to do with his stealable class identity, it was...specific to stede individually…oh no
end of ep 5: oh NO
start of ep 6: FINE so i have a STUPID LITTLE CRUSH. super embarrassing but it happens to everybody i guess. i'll get over it though it's silly. it's not gonna last. people get over these things.
mid ep 6: ok that's not going to work. they're right i should just be over it already. obviously this dumb crush cannot lead to anything long term so it's stupid to act like it could. i should just go ahead with the plan no matter how much i have never in my whole life wanted so badly to not do something. this is me going through with it. ur a killer bro
end of ep 6: he doesn't belong in doggy heaven. :(
start of ep 7: ok so this is not a crush and it's not going away and also obviously it will always be unrequited. i have no reason to be sticking around here at this point. the only reasonable thing to do is return to my ship and try to move on with my life. farewell stede bonnet i will always secretly cherish these feelings you have awakened in me and i completely understand why you could never return them
mid ep 7: UNLESS…
mid ep 8: no see this was exactly what i was afraid of, obviously stede was always gonna realize what i am, best to end it here
end of ep 8: NEVER MIND I WAS A FOOL I COULD NEVER BREAK THE CHAIN. i'm all in. i might as well be married to stede bonnet and the only option left is to just bite the bullet and find out if he feels the same way
late ep 9: fuck
and the thing is this really helps explain the disconnect between the two of them at the end of the season, because ed's been on this entire emotional rollercoaster where he radically revises his understanding of what is happening between the two of them an average of twice an episode before reaching where he is at the start of episode 9
and meanwhile stede has spent most of this time stuck on "wow having a friend is even better than i always imagined XD" and has only just gotten to the point of starting to consciously wonder whether perhaps this is not actually the normal amount of weird intrusive sexual fantasies to be having about your best friend
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notsamsfanaccount · 1 month
con's stuff at wjw about izzy never having really fallen in love, and not fully understanding that until he sees what ed and stede are like together and realizes that's what love looks like, feels like it's gesturing at something i've been thinking about with izzy's arc for a while, which is how much it hinges on not just izzy realizing ed doesn't reciprocate izzy's feelings, but on izzy realizing he himself really doesn't love ed in anything like the way ed and stede love each other.
this is the big theme of izzy's whole plotline in the innkeeper, the whole episode izzy keeps trying to position himself as stede's rival, even if a defeated rival, like they're two equal sides of a love triangle, like they've both loved and lost ed now - you and me, we did this to him - and stede refuses again and again to respond to izzy that way because he is simply too sincerely worried about ed to pay attention to this. izzy telling stede he didn't really understand ed only for stede to cut him off before he's done talking and accurately clock EXACTLY what was going on with ed, despite not having been there for any of it, when it's stuff izzy himself didn't figure out till near the end. izzy trying over and over again to pick fights, insulting stede, claiming to be the one who damaged his stuff, hoping to get the catharsis of a fight with his rival, only for stede to genuinely barely notice. he's got other stuff on his mind.
i know that in the climate of fandom this is gonna sound like ship war nonsense and that's the main reason i haven't talked much about it till now, i know there is literally no way to say anything about this that doesn't sound like ship war stuff. i actually don't mean it like that, this is a jar guy post: i mean this is something i honestly find affecting about izzy's arc for the season, there is something genuinely sort of compelling about the idea of having done really awful things to someone you care about, and justified it to yourself by thinking it was all done out of something like love, and then having to confront the fact that it never was and you know that now because you're looking at the real thing.
sometimes watching the end of the innkeeper i think about izzy upstairs probably able to hear stede crying and yelling "i'm here now, wake up, come back to me" at what they both think is a corpse and having to realize his own grief over what happened to ed, as real and as big as it was, just wasn't anything like this, that the whole time he spent trying to get between them in season 1 he was interfering in something so much bigger than he understood at the time. idk there's something poignant there
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notsamsfanaccount · 1 month
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Ed and Stede I sketched for a friend
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
samba woke up this morning and shook a magic 8 ball to ask if he should or shouldn’t release the zaddy clip today
ily samba for being a harbinger of chaos
i hope he’s proud of himself the ruins of the gay pirate show are fucking ablaze
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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No, sir. Definitely not.
(Quote Source: Parks and rec)
p.7 of my silly OFMD fanarts 🏴‍☠️💕
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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And they lived happily ever after x
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
samba schutte waking up every morning and scrolling through his collection of never before seen bts clips and going ‘hmmmm what chaos shall i unleash today’ before doing an evil laugh. you know
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
stede: my boyfriend—oh sorry ed is that ok?? can i call u that 👉👈 is that too forward? ed, absolutely soaking through his leather pants: oughnhnf yes zaddy 🥵🥵😩😩😩💦💦💦
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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💜🏴‍☠️✨ HAPPY FRIDAY, ZADDIES [x] ✨🏴‍☠️💜
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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No but Taika doing this and Samson cracking up and Taika following is such a moment I love these goofballs so much 😭
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
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seems like i missed a lot today.
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
see if samba had said "and taika did a take where Ed calls Stede zaddy" I'd have laughed and gone "my best friend samba he's such a scamp" I WOULD NOT HAVE BELIEVED THIS IF HE DIDNT HAVE IT ON VIDEO
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notsamsfanaccount · 2 months
when i get them both istg
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