notsoharsh · 3 years
That’s such a considerate reminder! It is nice to get more sunlight nowadays but I had forgotten how intense the heat can get here in White Crest. I really hope this doesn’t result in power outages either. Thanks for sharing, though I am sorry to hear people are being so severely burned that it requires hospitalization!
It’s always easy to forget what the summer is like after making it through the winter, haha. I think most people are just so excited to get back out into the sun, they don’t really think about it. Oh yeah, a power outage now would be rough, I don’t want to think about having to go more than a day without AC. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Thanks for the reminder, man! You’re doing a great thing, Ignore the people who get annoyed. They don’t know what they need.
More importantly, you work at White Crest Gen H? With Poppy?
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Thanks man, I appreciate it! I just figure if I don’t say something, we’ll get even more people coming in with full body sunburns. 
Poppy? Oh yeah, I think so. She works reception, doesn’t she? I haven’t talked to her much, I’m usually busy helping out the nurses, but she seems nice. Are you a friend of hers?
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notsoharsh · 3 years
What is one thing you wish you could tell your character?
[meta] Be less of a shithead. Please. I'm only sort of kidding. I would probably tell him to please, please just once think about your actions before doing something. But I don't think that would really help. Most of the situations Harsh gets himself into are entirely his own fault because he just does things and says things without thinking. His first impulse is always to lie or to just find the worst possible option and go for that immediately. Which is... par for the course given the whole lack of a soul thing. He's just an impulsive Id monster.
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notsoharsh · 3 years
If your character were in a game of dead by daylight, what would their play style be?
[meta] Gosh, I don't know a whole lot about dead by daylight. I think Harsh's playstyle would just be very chaotic to anyone watching him play. Like at first, he would try really hard to sneak around and be clever, but about halfway through a round, that would get boring. With most video games, Harsh eventually goes 'okay so this is how you're supposed to play... but what game am I going to play?' and starts doing things that are just fun for him and probably really annoying for anyone he's playing with. If he's playing as one of the survivors (idk what they're called I'm sorry aaaaa) he would be a decent teammate for a little while, then he would start trying to bait the killer or just fuck around and not actually be very helpful. As the killer, he would probably just pick someone to follow around the map for way too long and just be kind of a punk messing with them for ages but not actually kill them until he gets bored of that.
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Great callout! If I spend more than an hour or two in the sun I look like a lobster. Though it’s usually not a problem because I don’t typically spend a lot of time in the sun. I usually just… stay inside. But I’ve been trying to get out there more! I’ve been told a lot recently that I am pale and frail. 
That was a lot to unload all at once. My bad.
Anyways uh… how’s it going? :)
Are you okay Why are you telling me I really need to stop being the PSA guy Getting out more is good!  And listen, it’s hard for anyone to get a tan up here. But you don’t wanna go full lobster, that’s bad for your skin. 
It’s alright! Oversharing is what the internet is for haha. I’m good, man. How are you?
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notsoharsh · 3 years
[pm] Oh, do you sound vampy? That’s news to me. As far as I know, I’m just talking to another human. But, uh, would you be willing to do an interview? I can only imagine. People really wanna feel special in the weirdest ways while also wanting to think the worst of others.
Oh, cool name!
[pm] I feel like I do. Uh huh, just two normal humans talking about normal human things. That’s a good way to put it. Plus, vampires and zombies are always the bad guys in movies or stuff. Or worse, you get something like Twilight and then there’s a ton of teens running around trying to find real vampires and getting disappointed when they don’t sparkle. 
Thanks man. So are you a Crester? Just asking cause this place is kind of a supernatural hot spot and you seem to know what you’re talking about. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
[pm] Yeah, exactly, it’s kind of a safety thing, right? Who knows who might go running to a slayer? Or, yeah, be a judgmental asshole, which is a decidedly bad look. Just because someone drinks blood doesn’t mean they wanna drink your blood, or whatever. 
Wait, actually? Eddie! You seem pretty cool too. What’s yours?
[pm] That’s part of it too. You can’t really tell that kind of thing online, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. But saying that probably makes me sound pretty vampy, huh? Exactly. People always get so weird about that, acting like they have the most special, irresistible blood or something. 
Good to meet you, Eddie. I’m Harsh. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
[pm] Yeah, kind of a catch-22, I guess. But, like, are you a vampire? It’s extremely complicated, but I want him to feel comfortable telling me in his own time. I think it’s incredibly small-minded. Sure, some undead individuals aren’t great, but the same could and should be said for the living. You’ve got me there.
[pm] Exactly. Huh, that sounds complicated. But I respect that. It’s not something most people want to go around telling everyone, just in case people get judgey. That’s what I always say. Living or undead, you’ve always got some people who are going to be assholes no matter what. 
You seem pretty cool, man. What’s your name? I should hang out with more people like you. And less fucking hunters
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Been here bout… well, closer to two months, I’d say. Didn’t realize it’d been that long, but time sure flies, don’t it? Yeah, been stockin up on the summer sales. Seems like there’s quite a bit goin around here at all times. Mm, sometimes all you need is some soil, a planter, and some seeds. As silly as that sounds.
Oh yeah, you just missed the winter. It really does. I’ve been here, gosh, I’ve lost track, at least a year now. It sure does, but it’s kind of nice. For a small town, there’s always something going on, it’s pretty hard to get bored around here. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Yeah! It’s wild how doglike they are. I’m a fan, honestly.
[pm] It’s so interesting that you didn’t deny being a vampire. I only know one other but he doesn’t know I know, it’s… a long story. I’m a supporter of all varieties of undead though. You must have gotten pretty up close and personal with a spawn to know whether or not it sweats, huh?
[pm] I mean, saying I’m not a vampire makes me sound like I might secretly be a vampire and I’m just trying to hide it, so there’s not really a good move for me to make there. Oh yeah? That sounds complicated. But that’s cool. Most people are a little more wary of the undead, which I think is pretty small minded. I’ve seen a couple a little closer than I’d like. Shit happens in a place like White Crest. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
They do, you’re right bout that, I guess. Makes sense, people wanna break free of that winter weather. Can’t say I’ve been subjected to much of a winter… a little nervous for the one comin up, but I’m sure it’ll go just fine. Well, they ain’t too hard to keep alive, or maybe my mama just had a green thumb that surpassed any kinda issue. A big hat ain’t a bad idea! They work out well.  
Yeah, it’s a pretty big change. Are you new to Maine? The winters can get a little rough sometimes. I haven’t been here for too long, but you’ve just gotta get extra blankets and strong heaters and you should be okay. That’s cool. If I had a yard, growing something like that could be really helpful. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Oh, man, they’d have to, right? That’s cute, actually. I should ask Kyle. Did you know werewolves are usually color blind? 
[pm] Also, hey! If you’re a vampire that sweats, that’s actually not that gross. What I meant was that sweating in a sewer specifically is gross, but it’s unfair that so many vampires have to spend so much time down there. Except spawns. Not a fan of those guys.
Huh, I didn’t, but that’s cool. I guess that makes sense since dogs are usually red-green color blind. 
[pm] Haha, thanks for clarifying, man. You hang out with a lot of vampires? Oh yeah, spawn are the worst. I don’t think they sweat though, so at least they’ve got that going for them. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
The curse of summer: a love of the outdoors, and a predisposition for the worst sunburns. Any helpful tips, for when SPF 100 isn’t enough?
For the record, I think the friendly reminder guy is pretty cool. Sometimes those reminders are just the thing you need to avert total disaster. Keep doing what you do. And…what is it you do? Nurse, doctor?
Oh ouch. I would suggest big sunhats or maybe getting some cool looking umbrella to try to keep the sun off of you. For the burns, aloe works great, so I’d say stock up there. 
Thanks! I’m glad someone does, haha. I feel like I’m turning into someone from an after school special. I’m an orderly, but we’re pretty short staffed a lot, so I help the nurses out here and there. It’s not very impressive, but I do what I can. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Summer must be a wild time for vampires, huh? Longer days, but I bet there’s more stragglers out and about. Do vampires sweat? Imagine being undead and uncomfortably moist in, like, a sewer. Gross.
Anyway, thanks for the tip!
What the fuck Are you fucking around What do you know Haha what? Yeah, I guess it could be, man. I don’t know a whole lot of vampires, so I couldn’t really tell you about the whole sweat thing. I bet a werewolf would sweat a lot more, all that fur. Do you think werewolves pant like dogs do when they’re all fluffy?
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notsoharsh · 3 years
Oh, really? That’s big concernin… Hopefully people notice they can’t wander out all day without takin care of themselves! Nope, agreed. Been in the sun enough to know. Growin’ up, my mama had a plant in her lil greenhouse area… it was cute, worked wonders when the store wasn’t up to snuff.
You would think, but some people get a little carried away. And I get it, the weather’s so nice, you just want to stay out in the sun all day. Oh greenhouses are cool. I don’t know a whole lot about gardening, but just having an aloe plant growing in the backyard seems like it would be so helpful. I just go for a big dumb hat when I want to stay out of the sun haha. 
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notsoharsh · 3 years
You get a lotta people comin through for dehydration? Used to happen a lot when I helped with camps back in Knoxville. Kids would be too busy runnin around rather than drinkin their water. Just gotta dip a little aloe on those burns. 
We’ve had a couple come through already, yeah. Mostly people who just overdid it in the sun and a couple swimmers. You don’t notice how much you’re sweating in the water. Oh yeah, aloe’s great for sunburns, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of places are getting bought out of it already.
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notsoharsh · 3 years
So working at the hospital has turned me into the ‘friendly reminder’ guy. I promise I find it just as annoying as everyone else does. But hey White Crest, don’t forget to wear your sun screen and drink lots of water. This summer looks like it’s going to be a hot one! 
We’ve already got a couple people coming in after too much fun in the sun. Trust me, some of those sunburns are naaaasty, so be careful out there! 
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