notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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Scrawled on the back:
"Lucinda Drunkalot and Narcissa Black-out"
Taken by reluctant fellow drunk, Bellatrix Lestrange
Circa 1979
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
Drabble: He fell
(I've jumped forward in this drabble. 1981, for me alone.) You can't die. Not now. But the cheers around you are like curses being thrown right at you. It is in this moment you know you are over. Your life, your son, your love... They will be no more. There are screams of joy and posters being thrown up in the air around you but you can hardly breathe. It's impossible. You choke on the realisation that they lost, and suddenly you're in a full panic mode. You tear through the crowd and you're almost appalled by the looks you recieve. There is no pity for you there, as you try to escape the sneers. You cannot think, you cannot function. Your silk cloak tear at the end as you are jerked back by someone stepping on it. You look at them, afraid, but the guilty has moved on. Quickly, you drop down to collect the pool of silk fabric and you push through the people, running as you get out onto open ground. It looks suspicious but you do not care. There is only one thought on your broken mind. Where is he? Where is your son? He is where you left him, sleeping as you burst through the door. He wakes and starts crying, afraid of your haste and wild look. You let out a small scream that is a mixture of pain and frustration and you find yourself falling to the ground as your legs give in under you. The tears welling up matches your son's but he cannot understand what is happening; he is only a baby. Your vision is blurry but you will yourself to get up and you do. The fright comes in waves and you are almost knocked off your feet again when you realise they could be coming for you right this instance. Your son cries because he does not understand and you hurridly pick him up. There is a cloak slung across the chair in the corner and you grab it with your free hand. It is thick and you will need it for the cold. But you're panicking and you can't think. Where are the others? Surely they must know it has been lost. Surely they must know The Dark Lord has fallen? He knew, and when you collide with him he lets out a ragged breath. His voice is low but you can hear that he is scared too. He tells you they have caught Bellatrix already and you let out a wail. She won't make it out alive. She's lost. You look up at your husband and he looks at you. He tells you it is time to run, and you have never followed his bidding faster. They find you. Before the night is over, they find you. Your husband doesn't run because there is nowhere to go, and because he knows he must truly act innocent to escape the situation. You think that they might overlook it because he is Lucius Malfoy and a good liar. But he has killed people and you know it was wrong. You are safe because there is no tattoo on your arm but you realise that safety was just ripped away from you. He places a kiss on your cheek and on your son's forehead and then he is gone. You are alone. They tell you the manor is being held by the Auror department to search for evidence and you stare at them like you don't understand. You have never been deprived of comfort and suddenly you have none. There is no one you can turn to. You think of Bella and Evan and Lucius and you cry into your son's cloak. It is over. You lost.
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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Narcissa and Andromeda looking for the Unicorns rumored to live in the woods by their home.
Taken by Bellatrix “Unicorns only like Virgins so good luck, Andy” Lestrange
Circa 1975
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
"Accept nothing but perfection." her mother always said.
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
Narcissa smiled, kindly. It was easy to forget how different their pasts were when Lucinda fit in like she'd done nothing else before. She looked like she fit in. Especially when they walked into the grand hall of the Black estate, or when they walked down the high end streets of Diagon Alley, and it was easy to forget that Lucinda hadn't had the same upbringing that Narcissa had. But she was pureblooded, blonde and beautiful and Cissa was determined to make her feel at home.
She places her hands on Lucinda's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "You shouldn't worry", she said while lowering her head to Lucy's position. She looked at her reflection for a second before finding Lucinda's eyes, smiling in a - what she hoped - soothing manner. "All those big names you're talking about... they're really quite dull." Narcissa laughed, straightening again. "The hard part is acting like you're interested. Trust me. Besides, you've got nothing to worry about. Look at you!" she gestured to Lucy's reflection. "You look the part, perfectly."
The art of being a socialite
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
WORDS FOR THOUGHT: 28. Define “good.”
That should be obvious. Good is that which stems from purity and strength. It's one of the old virtues of the ancient greek, and they shared our view of keeping the hoi polloi out. So the word itself comes from a good and pure society, which means that we obviously must keep it like that. But I also believe that... I don't know if I should say... But I believe people can have good within them, even if they somehow go astray. Like Andromeda. She was good. She is good. But her choices are bad. Aren't they? Of course they are. Yes, definitely bad. She's on the wrong side. And I don't understand it, denying ones birthright. That should be classified as bad, because the ancient wizards and witches would do the same. To leave your family can't be considered good, so that makes her bad. But does it really? Because I know her and I've seen so much goodness in her! I don't know. Defining good is difficult. I don't believe the world is black and white.
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
The art of being a socialite
It was, the the world of the elite pureblood society, just another day. Except it wasn't. Not for Narcissa at least, for tonight was the first night she would have the role of hostess. Not alone, of course, but alongside her fiancée. They would present a united front, spokespeople for the conservatively political pureblood views that were spreading further and further. The pamphlets and the speeches worked magic on the people. Or perhaps they were afraid of the events that lay behind the talk. Perhaps they knew that the conservatives held a high amount of Death Eaters. But how could they? Narcissa hardly knew them all. She didn't really keep track; it didn't interest her. Politics in general were quite dull, and the risk of joining the Dark Lord's ranks just... didn't appeal to her. She supported him, of course, but from afar. Her fiancée however did not, and tonight was an opportunity for him to seem calm and collected in front of the masses.
Lucius wasn't present at the moment. He was away, doing god knows what, so Narcissa had asked Lucinda to come and prepare with her. She really enjoyed their new found friendship. Lucinda was different to her other friends. Edgier, more prone to danger. It was a breeze of fresh air. And of course, the pleasure of dressing Lucy in her own designs was immense. 
"Sit still," sighed Cissa once more as she tried to brush Lucinda's hair: the quest on making a quidditch player look like a socialite. The other blonde stirred slightly, and Cissa let her hands fall to her side. "What's the matter, Lucy? Are you nervous about something?" 
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
I've been so absent, I'm sorry! Blaming finals. I have a few essays to write over christmas, but then I should be back fully again. My computer broke down a few weeks ago so that's been in for service as well. I don't have any gifs on this one, but I'm getting mine back tomorrow night! Hooray! Sozzzz guys.
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
Narcissa laughed, because she genuinely found Lucinda's comment funny. "It's not a lot of money." Perhaps to the average witch, yes, but not to her. She gave the other blonde a smile, realising that her comment might sound condescending. "Consider it a peace offering."
The man across the desk looked at them for a moment more until he decided the girls' argument was over, and inclined his head at Narcissa. "Will there be anything else, Miss Black?" She shook her head. "No, thank you. Be sure to owl me when that black velvet arrives." The man agreed with a nod, and Cissa thanked him.
Looking at Lucinda, Narcissa looped her arm through her new friend. If they were going to be friends, they might as well do it properly. "Tea, perhaps? I could really go for a cake right now." She smiled. "You could tell me more about that tail of yours."
Unlikely Friends
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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"Cissa I bet I can catch one with my mouth."
Taken by Andromeda Black the year she left home.
Circa 1976
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
The word sounded odd. She scowled. "I... I guess we could be called friends? I mean... If we're going to be honest here, I do sort of know everything about you, so there's always that. Gossip travels fast." It wouldn't be too bad to have Lucinda as her friend, she had to admit that. Although the quidditch didn't exactly make for a perfect merit in the social elite, it was honourable nonetheless. Narcissa was convinced their friendship would be viewed with both interest and surprise. It might even be a smart move for the both of them. Yes, it would fit quite nicely indeed. And she'd get a little distraction from all the Lucius business at the same time. Upon recalling it, she felt the need to correct Lucinda. "It's Malfoy soon. So you won't have to utter the name that makes your voice sound so bitter, if you do wear one of my pieces." She gave the other girl a wink. 
Noticing that Lucinda searched for coins to pay for the dress, Narcissa quickly turned to the shop keeper. The dress was expensive, but her father wouldn't even notice the change in coin. She smiled at the man behind the desk.
"Charge it to my vault, thank you."
Unlikely Friends
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
tonks-andromeda replied to your post “ooc: Is anyone interested in doing some kind of order vs death eater...”
I'd be down for that (plus extra angst bc sisters)
Yes! How do you wanna do this? Also, I'm thinking.. maybe we should do this multi-para? Like in the old days when we did major RPs in the forums haha? Because James and Maya also wanted to join and it'd be cool to have all of us? I could write in two more characters in my posts to even it out. Perhaps do a little Lucius and then a random DE, since Lulu is currently open. I don't think there's any harm in that ;) What do you guys think? Andromeda, James, Maya, Cissa, Lulu and random brute DE? You could even throw in some random people to bring the plot forward. Or more regular characters! It can escalate into ANYTHING. I've literally done so many cool fights and torture scenes like this. Key is to write short posts so everyone has a chance to join in and keep the pace up. 
Yes no? 
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
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Amber Heard as Nicola Six in London Fields (thanks to fyeahtheojames.com for the pictures).
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
ooc: Is anyone interested in doing some kind of order vs death eater conflict para? Cissa vs someone else? I love when the harsh and poisonous words come out. It really makes for interesting writing.
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notsolittlecissy-blog · 10 years
"Oh don't mention it. This is the closest thing to a job that I will ever have." she said lightly with a small laugh, handing the hanger over to Lucinda. "Did you know I design some pieces myself? I have them commissioned from here, actually." 
She wasn't sure why she was telling Lucinda about that, but it somehow felt fitting. It was a strange feeling, the one when you felt you could share private matters with someone you hardly knew. But it almost felt like they were... friends? The thought did make Narcissa smile a little; most of her friends hardly had guts to bite back when she made a slight at someone, but Lucinda was different.
And Narcissa liked it.
She turned away slightly from the other girl, taking time to inspect another gown hanging in front of them, slowly feeling the intricate beading along the neckline. "Can I be frank with you, Lucinda?" she looked up. "I feel like I can. And while it might be inappropriate - well this whole outing is inappropriate to be honest - I feel the need to let you know that... I'm sorry for what's happened in the past." She let the dress slip out of her hands. "At Hogwarts, and since then. Truly. But we're both adults and it'd be silly to keep living in the past." There was a moment of silence before she looked up at Lucinda. "Well?"
Unlikely Friends
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