Rancid and burning
This man who lies on the step
A hollow shell of silence/science
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I found my cart by the light of my vape
Looks like I pissed my pants a bit, so
No more sneaking out for gulps of vodka
Who am I, to harbor dreams of greatness
In this sad, broken lonely bottle of a man?
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If we are abominations to an evil world
Are we good or metacorrupted?
Is goodness something we create inside ourselves?
Is it foolish to measure reality with social constructs?
The bear eats a fish and the fish suffers
Should the fish suffer? Is it allowed?
Should the fish learn to be stoic?
This is the grand plan, is it not?
A boy is abandoned as a child and grows
To become a monster. Is he a monster?
Is a he a temporal prism of his past?
Does the boy exist at all?
....make atoms make molecules make proteins
Make cells make organs make me makes us
Which is real? Which is the construct?
Is to be more alive to be less real?
A boy is given a script to a play. The script
Has no end or beginning, just ellipses
The script is the word "feelings" repeated
Can the boy burn the script?
Is the script incoherent or is it the only reality?
Cows graze in the evening sun on astroturf
The farmer is drunk on his porch, illucid
As night falls, coyotes tear at their throats
Quietly - they do not want to disturb him.
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Teeth Through My Bones
All the dishes are dirty
The air is rank with odors
Of marijuana, sweat, detritus, fear
Nothing can be done
This world is chewing me
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The songbirds have come back
To whisper in my ear again
They are quiet and cautious,
And sometimes too flighty to come close
They still remember the cage, after all
I try to leave seeds in the birdfeeder, regardless
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Please pardon me when I freeze
And my face goes blank and my eyes
Become less like emeralds and more
Like cold stones
On occasion the parasite I house
tries to drown me
And I have to focus on treading water
Please pardon my apologies
Soft-spoken or unnecessary
When I avoid looking through your windows
So you cannot look through mine
I opine that you won't like what you see
And still remember how dangerous
Playing that game can be
Please pardon me when I try
To wrap myself in smoky gauze so the world
Can't be seen through the cloth
I think my soul was mutilated a long time ago
And the wounds are reluctant to heal
So I try to bandage myself as best I can
Please pardon my quickened breathing
Or short replies, narcissistic assumptions
Or terrified glances
I just want to to make
My existence worth the trouble
For the rest of you
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I carried a wound
Thinking it was a heart
For many years
I carried a heart
Thinking it was a wound
For many years
I am Ouroboros
And I will eat my tail
Till I realize
It is all of ours.
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...It Will Dissipate
They won't tell you how it goes
Because it doesn't go away all at once
It doesn't turn on and off like the sun comes down and up
an hour of twilight and then the night
An hour of dawn and then the day
No, it will stick with you the rest of your life
And you will never be free from it
But you will learn what it means to live again
Fetal, blind, you will crawl slowly into that dawn
And although you carry the night with you
The light all around will make it seem
Like the smallest, strangest ball of darkness
Paling in comparison to the realness
Of what you experience around you
You will learn what it means to feel again
Because forcing that darkness back is as if
You've been drunken and numb all your life
And suddenly you're sober, and all
That the world wants is to take your hand
And teach you every detail of every flower
And why the bees touch them so gently
All over again
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I don't remember
What she looked like; her face was
Just flowers and light
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I don’t know if it’s the drugs or my thoughts
thats been making me stumble into walls
weak knees and unsteady strides
heavy body and labored breathing
as I lay down, head tucked over the side of the bed
Who knows if I’ll ever get up
the seductive dripping sweetness of depression
that seems such an attractive option
to lay here forever and allow it to swallow me
the freeing nothingness to overdose,
xanax and honeyed whiskey
and sweet hydrocodone
maybe I’ll wither away, ambition siphoned
till I, the shallow husk, pass of natural accord
Though perhaps I will finally break
and hurt those around me
there aren’t many left to love, so it won’t
stab me as deep when the oceanwater flows
from their shuttered windows
one-way mirrors whose primary fluid
is the vitriol and venom, injected simply
by looking
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They say gravity and electromagnetism
extend forever, fields crossing space
and that even a minute push can move worlds
Every atom of my body influences every other
and so the whole universe touches us, constantly.
how can one not simply bask
in that overwhelming, blinding splendor?
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Like Cigarette Smoke...
Its wierd when you first see the numbers
staring back at you from your 5.5 inch
LED screen, backlit softly at 2am
when the tears have dried on your pillow
and the shaking and sobbing has stopped
and you’re just a quiet, fetal figure
lying down on the bed
trying to make sense of your life
They don’t give you the stats with the diagnosis
they barely like to give a diagnosis anyway
so I’ll break it down for you:
A majority of those with the particular perversion
of mind I have the joy to inherit
will try to erase themselves from existence
1 in 8 will succeed
and more than half will try multiple times
So though they wonder why I like it
when the sky is grey and calm and dead
It is because they don’t comprehend
its internalization
That reflection of my inner self may not be flattering
but it’s honest, at least; the grey clouds and still air
have been floating around in my cerebellum
for a long, long time.
I have to wonder if the desire for death
that has been painted in broad, blunt strokes
across the inside of my head, only to diffuse
until it hovers above the greymatter like the finest,
gentlest mist, is just a defense mechanism
an evolutionary mercy to prevent generation
after generation
after generation
of feeling like your soul has 3rd degree burns
and the world is a giant sheet of sandpaper.
It’s wierd when you first see the numbers
because you are just a statistic
and statistically, I’m going to die before I’m 30
and the whole life I’ve dreamed up
and agonized over
and every decision I wanted to make
every qualia I wanted to experience
will be cut brutally short
by the self-destruct sequence inside my head.
And I can try to cheat the numbers
I can tell God to eat shit, I can fight
I can refuse to go quietly into that good night
But numbers don’t lie, and nooses rarely snap.
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It should have snowed that morning
icy hexasymmetry hung in the air
as I made the call
And I watched my dreams fly away
like radiant songbirds
grown too big for their cage.
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In spring I asked her if she wanted to stay
in summer I begged her but she told me no
in autumn I asked her to mirror season with name
in winter she melted away like the snow
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Can she take her claws out of me?
Another deadline unmet, promises unkept, and yet she takes no blame.  Minutes late, and I am crucified.
Can she take her claws out of me?
The hysterics of a child rule her life, and her whim is her will is our directive is our suffering.
Can she take her claws out of me?
She is the God of this house; no one can oppose her, and no say can sway her.
Can she take her claws out of me?
Her God is a wrathful one, her scripture is her invalidation, her commandments obey, endure, and be silenced.
Can she take her claws out of me?
Her ontology changes to suit her mood; she warps reality itself around all of us to ensure herself.
Can she take her claws out of me?
Words are her weapons, twisting sentences her sword-art; they aim to mutilate the ego.
Can she take her claws out of me?
I call her by the name of mother, but she has not been one to me.
Can she take her claws out of me?
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Blind Me
If I had one wish
It would be your
soft lips back
against mine with your
sun-drenched skin and your
kind eyes looking
at me until I couldn’t
bear them,
bright as the sun
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