notting-new · 11 months
To all the bookworms and bibliophiles
To all of those unable to purchase books in this time
To all who craves literary works and words etches on paper
I created a google drive full of books in ePub, PDF, and AZW3 format, free of charge. I understand that this technically counts as piracy (whoops) but I feel as though times are tough and not all of us have access to books because of either financial reasons or maybe because of shipping issues. Hard times still lie ahead but I hope that these books can be gateways and escapes for you as they have for me. If you enjoy it, I beg of you to purchase an official/legal copy to help and support the authors.
In the folder I have also attached a google form for books requests, if you have any books you want and isn’t available in the folder, don’t hesitate to fill in as many as you want and I’ll get to your request as soon as possible.
The Law Student Who Loves Breaking the Rules
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notting-new · 11 months
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“And it feels like the end of a movie I’ve seen before”
Ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine
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notting-new · 2 years
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LINK + AMELIA in the rain
16.17 | 18.20
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notting-new · 2 years
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notting-new · 2 years
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260 notes · View notes
notting-new · 2 years
BEST accounts to follow as a writer
It's been a long time since my last visit here on Tumblr, right? So, as a comeback and since you loved my masterpost of websites for writers, I am bringing you my favorite Tumblr blogs to follow if you're a writer and are interested in finding lots of inspo on your timeline, as well as prompts, tips, and useful resources. Shall we start?
not all of the following accounts post things but they reblog useful info
PS: If you think your account fits any of these categories, feel free to comment! Someone will check it out!!! :D
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notting-new · 2 years
A Stash of Tiny Study Tips
Create realistic goals: get ___ grade on next ____
Manageable let down; get back on track
Keep track of grades: focused, know where stand, no surprises
Start small
Low risk confidence builders
Take time to relax/give self rewards
Days off, breaks, rewards
All work & no play =/= living
Little organization goes a long way
Reward achievements!
Keep balance with exercise, clubs, friends
2h/d: friends and exercise
Remember that hard work pays off
Isn’t a breeze to try to get a 4.0 GPA; but it’s possible
You’re smart enough and can achieve it
90% there with these tips, 10% is just pure hard work
Only chill on weekends
Monday-Friday: school mode
Have time for some fun
If work as hard as should during week, will need weekends to blow off steam
Be self-motivated
Grades can matter, not everything, but follow through on what needs to be done
Not most important part of college but underperform? You will regret it
GPA cutoffs exist and matter to employers
College is full of distractions and opportunities
Nobody will hold hand and the work will suck but all the prouder of yourself to be
Suck it up, buckle down, get it done
If think need break, probably don’t
Turn off the little voice
Realize not alone in questioning ability
Avoid people who tend to burst bubbles no matter what 
Physical triggers to stop
Incentive to get something done when know have something else during the day
Don’t have a gaping abyss of study time
Work has to get done, in the end
Books, examiners, and especially your future self isn’t going to care about your excuses for not doing the work
Take the first step
It will almost be fictional how hard you thought the task was going to be
Just keep going because you simply can’t afford NOT to do anything today, nonzero days
Leeway, don’t give your perfectionism control over your life
Sleep! Think and function, mind & body
CAN sleep if keep up with coursework instead of procrastinating
Will miss out on some fun stuff
Need to stay awake in class
Figure out what need for full speed
Stay relaxed
Stay physically healthy
Diet and exercise
1 hour exercise during week
Weekends off
Traditional breakfast not necessary if value extra sleep
Systematic habits: neat, prepared
Master material
Look for real world applications
Learning is a process: be patient, don’t expect to master off the bat
Designate study area and study times
Do trial runs
Practice tests
Ask a TA to listen to your oral performance
Study groups
Don’t copy other people’s psets and solutions
Spiral bound notebook, can color code with folders/etc if need be
Lecture notes: front to back
Reading notes: back to front (if fall behind on)
Seminar notes: mixed in with lecture notes, different pen color/labeled
Outline format
Bullet points for everything
Same NB for one set of class notes, separate notebooks for all classes
5-subject notebook
Midterm and exam material in it
Mesh sources, study guide
All study material from week/month in one place
Pick the right major
Indulge in favorite hobby feeling
Pick professors & classes wisely
Take a small class
Pick classes that interest you so studying doesn’t feel torturous
Want to learn
Prioritize class by how can affect GPA
More credits: more weight
Work enough to get an A in your easy classes: take something good at
Don’t settle, don’t slack off, don’t put in minimal effort to get that B/C. Just put in a tiny bit more effort to ensure A
Will have harder classes and need to counteract
Take electives can ace
Anything but an A in an elective is kinda mean and an unnecessary hit for your GPA
Get to know teaching style: focus most on, lecture/notes
Pick and follow a specific note taking format
Date each entry
Capture everything on board
Decide productivity system
Google Cal
Agenda: remind meetings, class schedule, important dates/midterms/quizzes/tests, no homework 
Always wanted to be prepared
Rarely last minute
Have plan, stay focused
Homework notebook
Good redundancy
Study syllabus
Know it thoroughly
Plot all due dates after class
Penalize if fail to abide by
Study the hardest for the first exam
Seems counterintuitive
Hardest/most important test
Pay attention to content and formatLess pressure: just need ___ on final to keep my A 
Easy to start high and keep high
Go into crunch mode at the beginning
End softly
Get plenty of sleep, exercise, and good food in the finals days before the exam
Get to know professors: go to office hours, care about grades/course/them
Easier ask for help, rec letter
Get to know interests and what they think is important
Figure out their research interests, 60% of their job is research
Learning is dynamic
Discussion helps
Get feedback early when not sure what doing
Take comments constructively
Consistent class participation: ask questions, give answers, comment when appropriate
Understand material
Find a study buddy in each class: don’t have to study with
Somebody can compare notes with, safety net
Pick somebody who attends, participates, and take notes regularly
Make some friends
Participate as fully as can in group activities
Be involved
Learn – not be taught
Be punctual
Good impression, on human professors
Skipping class =/= option: It’s “cool” to get attendance award
Make all the classes: it’s hard to feel confident when missing key pieces
Get full scope of class, everything will make a lot more sense and save a lot of time in long run
Mandatory class: higher graduating cumulative GPA
Go to class when no one else does/want to show up, reward
Get to know professor, what’s on test, notice, r/s build, material not in reading
Unless optional and super confusing professor
Sit in one of the first rows
Don’t fall asleep
Fake interest if you have to
Take notes! Provided is bare minimum, accessed by students who aren’t attending lecture
Based on lecture and what read –> test; it’ll be worth it
Write it down
By hand
Bored? Doodle instead of going online
Read all assigned–even if need to skim
Seems cumbersome and maybe impossible
Figure out what’s important
Look at the logical progression of the argument/what’s important/what trying to prove
Understand everything that you do read–even if don’t read everything
PIck 2 examples from text per topic
Complete course material on time
Begin as soon as possible
Sometimes it’s just straight up impossible
Have it look attractive
Library doesn’t just mean = study
Social media in the library is still social media
Confusion is terrible
Read other textbooks, review course material @ another uni/by another professor, google the shit out of it
Do not wait, do throughout semester
Exam prep
Ask for model papers, look at style & structure, thesis, how cite
Get old tests
Look at type of questions (detail level and structure)
Can solve old exams cold
If give out paper exams in class: probs won’t repeat questions, focus more on concepts but still learn the questions
Have class notes and psets down cold
Do all the practice problems
Read through notes a few times; rewrite into a revision notebook
Highlight major topics and subtopics
Different highlighter for vocab terms
Overall picture, go from concept to detail
Look at overall context and how specific idea fit into whole course
Ideas, don’t memorize all your notes
Better understand = more able to use and manipulate info and remember it. Understand = manipulation.
Charts, diagrams, graphs
Practice drawing labeled structures
Flash cards for memorization
Every school requires some degree of grunt memorization
Say it aloud, write it down
Get friends to quiz you
Self-test: severely challenge self, have a running collection of exam questions
Explain difficult concepts to your friends; force yourself to articulate the concept
Never pull an all-nighter
Do not spend every hour studying up to the exam
Eat, shower, sleep
Don’t wait until night before exam to study
Prep takes time even if reviewed throughout semester
Ask about format–don’t ask the professor to change it for you
Law of College: it will be on the exam if you don’t understand it
Ask professor, internet, textbooks
Night before exam
Jot what want to remember/have fresh
Read through in morning/before exam
Physical prep
Sleep, have test materials
Day of exam
Don’t cram every single spare minute
Go to bathroom before exam
Never miss an exam/lie to get more time
You won’t be any more ready 2-3 days after when supposed to have taken it
Slay exam. Get A. 
Friday morning: go through each syllabus, write down in HW notebook
All hw during weekend; study/reading assignments during week
Save everything
Divide big tasks into small pieces to help propel self
Standard study schedule: block off lectures, labs, regular commitments
Note the weeks that have assignments and tests that will require extra studying
Don’t oscillate too heavily every day with study times (i.e. don’t study 2-3 hours for weeks and then 10-12 hour days right before an exam)
Eat and sleep to make more extended work periods liveable and enjoyable
Set an amount of time would like to study every day
Try to study most days
Avoid vague/zoned out studying –> waste of time
Do a little bit daily but don’t let studying be your whole day
Review notes: 30mins/day, each class from that day
Look at important ideas/vocab
Prioritize new vocab because language is most fundamental and important tool in any subject
Circle abbreviations and make yourself a key somewhere so you don’t forget what the hell that abbreviations meant
Check spelling
Rewrite/reorganize notes if necessary
Format of ideas is just as important as the concepts themselves, esp. when it comes time for exam review
This helps you retain the material so you’ll be ahead next time you walk into class
Chance to ID any knowledge gaps that you can ask about for next class
Keep up with reading
Skim text before lecture or at least main topic sentences
Jot down anything don’t understand; if lecture doesn’t clarify, ask the professor
After lecture: skim again, outline chapter, make vocab flashcards
Highlight similar class and lecture notes
will definitely be tested on
Review and make study questions
Disconnect from anything irrelevant to study material: help focus and your GPA
Don’t limit studying to the night
Study whenever, wherever between classes
Variety helps focus and motivation
Especially if tired at night and can’t transition between subjects
Try to study for a specific subject right before/after the class
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notting-new · 2 years
social media has really warped our perception of creativity and hobbies. Stop doing things to post them. Just write. Just journal. Just sketch. Just read. Just annotate. Just sing. Just crochet. Just do the thing you’re going to do with the assumption no one will ever see or know you did it. Stop performing. Just enjoy it.
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notting-new · 2 years
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taylor swift  b r o w n < 3
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notting-new · 2 years
Not to skk post on main but that scene from Dead Apple made me insane for I think a slightly different reason than most...
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Ok so. Gonna be honest. When I first watched this, the ah... positioning... did not occur to me at all, other than thinking "that looks really uncomfy :/".
I was too focused on what Dazai's hand does here. He first pushes him. Ok so he was trying to stop him from getting up and losing contact due to the fog. Cool. That serves a practical purpose.
But then Chuuya falls unconscious and Dazai's hand loses that contact for a second before he lowers it back down to rest on his head.
The thing is, there's no need for him to do that. Chuuya is already in contact with Dazai's legs and his ability works through clothes. Moreover, it wasn't just a continuation of pushing him down - there's a slight delay before he sets his hand back on his head.
He sets his hand there just because. And, due to the delay/hesitation, it appears to be a conscious choice to do so as well. Chuuya's out. There's no one around to act for.
I watched that and went holy shit that's genuine, isn't it? It's such a simple gesture of fondness, maybe even a bit of protectiveness, but it means a lot from someone as emotionally closed off as Dazai.
It's... weirdly sweet. He appears to have done it after Chuuya lost all his friends (again...) during DHC in the manga adaptation too, which is... :(
And now, with seeing Dazai immediately start playing with Chuuya's hair in the latest Fifteen adaptation, it also doubles as really funny to me. He saw a chance to touch his hair again and took it. What is wrong with this man.
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notting-new · 2 years
Do you ever think in the absolutely devastating contrast between dazai’s reaction to odasaku’s death vs chuuya’s to the flag’s? About how Dazai is generally seen as cold and emotionless but odasaku’s death is one of the few moments in which Dazai shows pure, genuine, /unadulterated emotion/. One of the few moments in which he wasn’t the demon prodigy or this omnipotent being and just someone suffering because they just lost their best friend? About how chuuya is his opposite and is this giant ball of strong /loud/ emotions, about how he is by far the most expressive character in the whole story but when he saw his friends die, he had to keep a blank face? About how he consciously fought the urge to scream? About how he was falling apart but he /forced/ himself to keep his emotions at bay because he put albatross needs over his own pain? Detached, apathetic and always in control Dazai Osamu was overwhelmed by emotion and crumbling apart, meanwhile loud, expressive and impulsive Nakahara chuuya was forced into quietness. I just find fascinating that they showed completely different reactions of what they usually show to the world but is precisely that what makes this scenes hurt so fucking much.
Anyway, just a midnight thought
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notting-new · 2 years
Kageyama: So, um… I‘m in love with him. Hinata.
Tsukishima: Hinata? The little one? That Hinata?
Kageyama: Yeah. Thoughts?
Tsukishima: and prayers.
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notting-new · 2 years
Fifteen (First Meeting Novel): Summary with Short Excerpts
This post is more than 13,000 words long.
1. I have not put any warnings on this post; that does not mean there aren’t possible warnings. If you’d like to know specifically what these trigger warnings are, please privately contact me. For those who proceed, please do so at your own caution.
2. Please do not repost. Please do not translate into another language.
3. I have translated only those excerpts I wanted to. If you’d like to send asks, please kindly refrain from asking me to translate a certain part or other.
4. If you want to wait for a full English translation, reading this post will most likely, most definitely, take away some of the excitement of reading the novel.
5. Once again, same encouragement for movie posts applies: tag responsibly and place all discussion under a ‘read more’, try to keep your tweets out of the public search engine (I also recommend using fusetter); please be especially careful if you have followers who do not wish to be spoiled. Please be especially careful that this does not spread to any of the Japanese fandom, which errs on the side of caution and keeps all spoilers out of view. 
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notting-new · 2 years
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notting-new · 2 years
pakibalik na lang sakin
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💭 : did you say best boy? sorry i heard doyoung パワーウーマン ★ doyoung!! ƸӜƷ . . . アニメート 🥬‹3 !? ⭐ !? ⊹ ⋆゚꒰ఎ ໒꒱ ⋆゚
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notting-new · 2 years
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renjun moodboard! liked/reblog!
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notting-new · 2 years
talk to my skin
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wc: 13.8k…idek how we got here 👩🏽‍🦯
pairing: jaemin x afab!reader
tags: fwb!au, non idol au, college au, friends to lovers (?), soft(dom)!jaem, alcohol consumption, use of marijuana, mentions of bad hookups, mentions of fake orgasms, teasing, fingering, biting, oral sex (f/m receiving), crying, semi public/car sex, mentions of masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, praise kink (!!), spitting, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, sex while under the influence, mentions of other idols, porn with too much plot 
song rec: talk to my skin by stalgia
“Come on, it’s not even that funny,” Rina whined. 
“Yes, it kinda is,” Haechan says while still laughing. 
“You really think so?” Rina asks you, who’s laughing too hard, trying to catch your breath as you nod at her. 
“Okay,” she calmly said, “Never have I ever been with a guy who couldn’t make me cum." 
The laughing stopped, and you snapped your head up, shooting daggers at your best friend. 
"Bitch..” you narrowed your eyes.
“Go on. Bottoms up,” Rina grinned, handing you the bottle of vodka. 
“There’s no way you’re serious,” Renjun said. 
You ignored all the shocked looks on the faces around you and down the shot. The alcohol burned as it poured down your throat, not dulling the embarrassment you felt enough for your liking. 
“Are you kidding?” Haechan asks, watching you take the shot as a penalty in this game of never have I ever.
Why is it always never have I fucking ever?
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