notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
✰ Sentence starters -- First encounters pack ✰
“Ah, forgive me, but I seem to be lost… could you help me?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there! Are you alright?”
“You seem like a friendly face, mind if I sit with you?”
“Looks like it’ll rain again, doesn’t it? Ah, don’t mind me… just thinking out loud, is all!”
“Excuse me, but I need someone else’s opinion on this.”
“Pardon, I hate to be a bother but… may I ask for your help?”
“Hey… are you alright?”
“I’ve never seen you before… you new around these parts?”
“You look kind of lonely… want some company?”
“I’m sorry, did you need something?”
“You look kinda lost, if you don’t mind me saying. You okay?”
“… What are you staring at?”
“Hey, stranger, be careful!”
“Who the hell are you?”
“What kind of person barges in here and tries playing hero?”
“Who do you think you are?”
“I don’t know who you are, but your face irritates me.”
“Quick, act like my friend and laugh at my jokes. Hurry, they’re looking this way!”
“N-no, I wasn’t… crying, I just h-had something in my eye is all…”
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
the reasons I WANT to be rich
1) i want to pay off my parents mortgages 
2) i want to give to charity more then i can now
3) i want to spoil the people i love
4) i want to be able to send the ones i love on the vacations they can’t afford
5) i want to help out people i dont even know
6) i want to tip nice waitresses/waiters extra for being nice
i dont want to be rich just for myself, i want to do it for the benefit of everyone around me.
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
Stop parents from emotionally manipulating their kids by saying things like “i buy your food and put clothes on your back” like you were the one who chose to have a kid shut ur fucking mouth
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
"Mary, you will have w child with Francis and when you do you'll have the same bond with him that I do. That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about my duties as a Lady, they are to the crown." She sighs. "Mary, you did have an affair and you did hurt Francis it won't be easy to get his trust back."
“Do you ever knock?!”
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
i may have to switch to mobile so i will try my best. [multistoty]
Alright it's fine, I can sort of cut them but it deletes everything.
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
Lola sighs softly. "Mary you realize that I cannot help you find Conde. My duties are to the crown and though you are the crown you are going against it by helping him." She frowns and goes over to where her dress is. "I am sorry he's missing though. I know you liked him."
“Do you ever knock?!”
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
Lola nods "yes I have heard that. What do you need?" She asks cautiously, she hopes Mary isn't going to ask her to betray Francis and the crown because she certainly won't do that even so she wants to help her friend.
“Do you ever knock?!”
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notxaxmistress-blog · 9 years
Lola sighs. "It's fine Mary." She reaches for her robe and gets out of the bath. "Can I help you with something?" She ties her robe around her and takes a deep breath it's been weeks since she's been able to enjoy a bath. "I have a robe on."
“Do you ever knock?!”
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
"Well it's the nanny's day off and we only have one at the moment because Francis fired the others..." she sighs shifting the baby on her hip, he was obviously starting to get hungry. "No, no, I prefer to keep out of Francis' intimate life, since it usually involves Mary..." 
She shakes her head. "I suppose I'll just have to bathe with him..." She sighs, suck events usually ended in them both getting covered in urine...
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Narcisse was careful not to show his surprise at how Lady Lola let slip her suspicions about the king’s possible indiscretions.  Instead he filed that information away for later investigation and use.
"Surely one of the nannies are available. Unless the supposed lack of one provided the perfect opportunity for you to spy on the king, " he teased.
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
"No Francis it doesn't do anyone good to believe that nonesense, if he doesn't have the small hope at finding love all he has is a miserable life and I will not let my son be miserable." She insists. "I want our son to have what you and I never had, what was kept from us for so long that when we finally did have it we created him, I want him to know love and happiness and the knowledge that he can have it his entire life." 
She runs a hand over her thick dark curls. 
"I know I just - I worry about him, he's my pride and joy, my entire life and he's horrible when he has diaper rash so please change him when wet." She smiles brightly at him and goes over to the cradle where the baby is awake and crying hoarsely "He's been like this for two days now, maybe you can calm him, it worked last time." 
"We'll talk after I've bathed, Lord knows I need it and unless you really want to interrupt my bath time then you will let it rest until then." She offers him a forced smile and turns to get her night dress out of her own trunk. 
     ❝          That won’t happen. Jean will be his own person. 
     Even if it comes to that, it will do him more good than harm.      He’ll learn not to follow his heart. After all, love is irrelevant      to people like us—I had to learn that the hard way. Hopefully      our son will be spared in that sense… Then again, history does      have an odd way of repeating itself. ❞
               He immediately averts his gaze when he says that.                For a brief moment he is overcome with a strange                feeling; one entirely too similar to the one he felt while                in Paris. However, he pushes it aside. He is not the                same man he was that night.
     ❝ Yes, I know, ❞ the corner of his mouth twitches slightly. ❝ They’re      still in the same place they were last week—and the week before that.      He will be fine, I promise. ❞ his smile falters a little and a sinking feeling      comes over him. ❝ What is it? ❞
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
"False hope. I don't want him to fall in love with someone everyone is telling him he'll marry and they'll be happy and then have that ripped away from him. I don't want him to ever feel like you did for that brief time Mary was engaged to Bash." She confesses. "I don't want that for our son." 
She nods softly. "Thank you Francis I need a break for a while, and you were able to calm him last time, the diapers are all in the trunk with his name on it, his clothes and blankets are there too, as are some books my mother sent to be read to him, they're in Gaelic and I don't know if you read that but if you don't your mother brought him french ones." She sighs, in her mind she knows she won't reconsider the engagement but she nods all the same. "Alright, and there's something else I want to talk to you about when I'm finished as well." 
    ❝          False hope? ❞ he inquires with a tinge of exasperation. 
    ❝ I am the ruler of an entire nation, Lola, if I wish for our son to     be wed, it will happen. No one would risk antagonizing the king     of France, believe me. ❞ 
              His eyes flutter shut for a moment; he doesn’t mean               to upset her, but he needs to ensure his son’s future               and an engagement is the only way. He’d rather have               a sword driven through his heart than witness his own               flesh and blood sharing the same fate as other bastard               boys out there. 
     ❝ Yes, I’d be happy to. I’ll have one of the servants prepare       you a bath. Perhaps you can use that time to reconsider the      engagement? It’s not about what we want, it’s about what’s      best for our son. ❞
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
"Alright then, fine, have my answer. I don't want our son engaged at a young age. I don't want to give him false hope when things may change." She explains with a sighs. "I don't see the point in engaging a six month old."
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"Anyway I came to ask if you would mind coming to sit with Jean for an hour or two so I can relax a bit, he's been crying for two days and the nannies just seem to make it worse." 
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     ❝          Surely you understand that lives are at stake here.      I have no intention of forcing your hand, I assure you, but      if you wish this kingdom well you will tell me what you know. ❞
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
Lola jumps. "Lord Narcisse, I um... well I think Francis is with a woman, a woman who isn't his wife..." She frowns, shifting her son in her arms. "He was supposed to take the baby so I could have a bath and a bit to myself but I don't think - I don't think we'll want to disturb him."
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"You were the last person I expected to find eavesdropping outside the Royal quarters."
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
i try to pretend i’m not ship trash b ut
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notxaxmistress-blog · 10 years
"No, Francis no!" Lola snaps. "Let me pack his things and then I will, I'll lie down I promise, just let me give him a cuddle and pack his bag." She turns to him, she's nervous about this. She's pleading with him to just let her do this. "It's his first night away from me, I can't just let you take him, can I walk with you to ensure his sleeping area gets set up? To ensure that he's alright without his mum. He's kind of a mummy's boy." 
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Lola coughs and forces a smile as Francis came in. "Thank you for coming Francis. I-I need to ask something of you, I am ill and I don't want to get Jean ill. I-I know it's a lot to ask but I don't want to leave him with nannies until I'm well, I was hoping you would take him into your chambers until I'm well, the wet nurse will sleep on a cot next to the cradle so you won't have to wake at night with him. Would it be too much to ask?" Lola watches him nervously. (notxaxmistress)
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"Of course not, Lola. I’ll be more than happy to watch our son" Francis replied with a smile. "You rest and get better"
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