notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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          He's taking a moment to take everything in.                                                               And then let it go.
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notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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          “No, it's fine. I've already started healing. It was just a few scratches too. Leave the squirrels alone and just take a break with me. I need something normal that isn't a forced dinner with my dad right now.”
…Not yet. He’s had just about enough for one day. I’ll tell him tomorrow. Never mind that—are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need a little healing booster? I can make a ritual sacrifice out of a squirrel—maybe it’ll make you stronger—
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notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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          “Yeah, I had a feeling. You tell him that Derek's back to normal? Or, uh, as normal as Derek can be?”
He’s still stuck on Mexico. He keeps walking around the house and scratching his head. I had to make him sit down and write it all out for him in numerical order. And color code it.
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notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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          “----Your dad calm down yet?”  
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notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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     Wolf Children AU.
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notyouraveragealpha · 10 years
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     "I ate a couple of hours ago and I'll sleep when I get tired. Derek, I'm fine. You don't have to keep checking up on me."
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You’re not hungry. You’re not tired. Scott, you gotta take a break sometime.
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     "----I said I'm not hungry."
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So eat.
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
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          "Really, I'm fine. Promise. I'm just not hungry is all."
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     Rolling the ball into the corner with the other equipment, the alpha stood. Crossing the room, he opened the door wider in invitation. Distractions, distractions, distractions. Clean the house. Do homework. Cook. Anything and everything that would usually be avoided became the forefront of him mind, but Scott was smart enough to know he couldn't avoid the topic forever. She was everywhere, in everyone, attached to everything around him. A pause and he searched Isaac's expression quietly.
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          "--Hang out? Stiles is still recovering so... company would be nice, I guess."
     A step through the door leads the beta inside the alpha’s room. The beta’s eyes see the floor beneath his feet as he steps further inside; Scott must have done some work. A silent sigh breaks from his lips as his hues make their way to meet his alpha’s. After the chat with Chris that felt like a shot to the chest, Allison’s’ death has started to sink its way into his mind. Clearly the rest of the pack is feeling the same pain as he is, and now he knows it.
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          ”Still wrapping my mind around it, but surviving. Anything I can do to help?”
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     That doesn't sound too bad, actually. A little creepy, but not bad.
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Keep it up and Derek’s gonna start his own Scott McCall fan club.
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     Every day since her death has been a struggle. Watching Stiles live with the guilt is a stab to the chest. Lydia's cries in the night reach his ears. Isaac's pain is his own. The pack has taken a simultaneous blow and he bears the brunt of it. The agony is felt before the footsteps are heard so he sits up, waiting to greet the beta. Room is made on the bed while a lacrosse ball is twirled.
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          "--Hanging in there... You?"
     Eyes brushing the floor, the beta enters his alpha’s room with the solemn expression that has plagued his face for days now. Walking through the hallways, eyeing her locker, seeing the empty desks in classes; Allison’s death has been quite the adjustment.
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"How are you doing?"
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     You know that's not what I meant. Just because taking care of you guys is my job, doens't mean it's a burden.
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We’re not a job, dude. I know that, you know that.
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     No need to thank me, dude. It's my job.
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Thanks, um, for taking care of him—
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
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     If this was competition on frustration, he was sure he'd win. Why didn't anyone in his pack let him help them? They're all so stubbornly independent that it's nearly impossible to do his job. Fingers tighten and any remaining distance is pushed aside. He will do this, whether she wants him to or not. As alpha he makes the decision and they follow.
          "My shoulders can handle it."
     A rasping sound escapes with his words as pain tingles from head to toe. It's bearable though. Scott McCall would suffer worse for Allison Argent. Panting, he smiles and noses bump in an affectionate manner.
          "I kno--know. I know. But let me do this. You don't want to see me beg, do you?"
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    ‹ ♐ ›  He’s so stubborn. It’s a flaw of his. Scott refuses to listen to logic at the most inconvenient of times. Sometimes she finds that adorable, other times it frustrates her beyond belief. The latter takes over here, the frustration shining through with the tears that brim her eyes because, no. Scott McCall isn’t allowed to take her pain, and make it his own. 
                ❝You got to stop putting things on your own shoulders.❞
        She wants to laugh, again. And, again, she doesn’t. All she can get through is a tightly pressed together smile as their foreheads lock together and she can feel her nose brushing against his in a way that used to make her breath hitch.
          ❝I can— I can take care of myself. It’s not— you know, it’s not even… that bad.❞
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
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          "It's not a waste, and I'm going to prove it... Don't make me alpha roar at you. Just relax. Let me do this."
"Y-You’re wasting your strength, Scott—you’re wasting your time."
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"You can’t do this…not for me…"
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notyouraveragealpha · 11 years
     Maybe spring break? I've got Netflix, you know.
[ He can't remember ever talking about such topics. School, sports, television? Everything seemed so distant whenever the two males spoke. Then again they only ever really hung out when trouble was coming. Slouching forward, he took a break, breathing ragged. ]
     Y-You think? H-He always seems to d-drag me out of it.
Someday maybe. {If he survives long enough. Still it’s easier now. Especially now that he’s not struggling to stay up. Scott took care of that problem when he took all of Derek’s weight onto him.} Stiles is just trouble in general. He just drags you into it.
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