novastratus · 8 years
Hi! I just wanted to say your writing is lovely! My little heart fluttered more than once. The sweet emotions and gestures totally pulled me in despite not knowing much about KNK. Please keep up the great work, but if I get dragged into this fandom I'm blaming you ok? ^^
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! I love your blog so much
haha I’ll gladly drag you into the fandom any day ;) 
Still can’t believe you found this blog ^^; Thank you so much for your message! It means the world to me!!! 
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novastratus · 8 years
Anon asked: “could you do one for knk in which you're best friends and suddenly get the idea you should try kissing, just for once in your life to see how it'd be? thank you ! ; ;”
Thank you so much for asking! This one took me some thought ^^; I ended up changing this into: you two are best friends and you mention thinking about kissing them. Here’s how I think they’d react! ^^ I hope you enjoy <333
Youjin wouldn’t go for this. He has a hard enough time with skinship with friends, so I don’t think he would ever consider kissing his best friend. If you asked to kiss him, he’s going to be flustered and confused. He had no idea you could ever think of him in that way and asking him, no matter how serious your feelings are for him or if you even have feelings for him at all, things will be different between you. He won’t be sure where he stands with you and it will take awhile for things to go back to normal. Now, if he has a crush on you and this happens, talk about an embarrassed Youjin. Youjin will suck in a breath and stare at you wide eyed with his mouth fallen open. “You,” he stammers. “You want to kiss me?” You nod your head and he glances down at the ground, fiddling with his fingers, “Why — why would you want to do that?” If you break and confess feelings for him, Youjin isn’t going to kiss you, but you bet he’s gonna ask you on a date. He’ll be a bit ruffled because you confessed your feelings first, but that’s not gonna stop him from taking you out and falling head over heels in love with you.
The second you mention wanting to kiss him Seungjun will get that raised brow, wide eyed look. His mouth will part slightly as he tilts his head to the side. “You think we should try kissing?” He blinks long and slow, not quite comprehending what you’re saying. You duck your head and mumble, “Yeah.” Seungjun will outright ask you if you have feelings for him and depending on your answer he’ll respond accordingly. If you have feelings for him, Seungjun will be taken aback. You’re his best friend and he hadn’t thought about you that way. Now aware of your feelings, he’ll stammer and stutter trying to find someway to respond. If he sees you look discouraged, he’ll want to make you feel better. He’ll rush to reassure you that he just hadn’t thought about you that way before, but insist you two could go on a proper date and see how it goes. If you don’t have feelings for him and you’re just curious, Seungjun is very skinship friendly, so he has probably kissed you on the cheek or the shoulder at some point, what difference would a kiss on the lips be. “How’s my morning kiss?” ;)  I don’t think anything would change between you two, Seungjun would just be even more openly handsy with his affection.
Inseong can’t control his feelings. If you mention kissing to him, he’s going to fall in love with you. You glance down at Inseong's lips and his eyes narrow, tilting his head to the side. “What’s that look?” You smile and wave off the comment, “Nothing, just thinking about what it would be like to kiss you right now.” Inseong’s mouth would drop open. You turn to walk away and he grabs your wrist. “Wait, what?” You smile at him and his brow twists even more confused than ever before. He stutters for a second, before blurting out,“You’re thinking about kissing me?” You grin wider, “Yeah. What? Do you want to?” If Inseong has been crushing on you, he’s going to freeze up. He won’t want to change things between you to and risk ruining your relationship. He’d be to scared to admit his feelings and would shut down. If Inseong just sees you two as best friends, he’ll glance to your lips, taking your words as a challenge. He purses his lips, tilting his head to the side and your eyes widen. He yanks you against him and smiles deviously before pausing, his lips hovering over yours. “Do you want to?” He shoots back, his lips brushing against your’s with each syllable. You flick one eyebrow upward and smile, “You’re the one that’s hesitating.” And with that he plants one on you. Regardless of which occurs, weeks later Inseong will still be acting funny around you. You aren’t sure what has gotten into him. And then suddenly you two are having coffee at your usual cafe and you catch him blatantly staring at your lips. Inseong is incapable of keeping his feelings in check. You tease him about staring and later that night he ends up confessing his feelings for you. He’s scared you don’t have feelings for him, but he can’t take not acting on his own feelings any longer.
Jihun is incredibly shy. His whole world would flip upside-down if you mentioned wanting to kiss him. “Wait, what did you say?” Jihun frowns, watching you intensely. You’re eyes meet the ground and you scratch the back of your head, and repeat your request. His brow would twist, lips pursing. He won’t know what to do with that information. The whole time he’s been considering you a friend and here you are dropping this on him like it’s nothing. He won’t know what to do. He loves you, because you’re his best friend, but he doesn’t want to kiss you for no reason. He would hate to hurt your feelings, but he is going to outright tell you no. He presses his lips into a tight line, waiting for your eyes to meet his. His gaze softens, “I don’t think that’s the best idea.” He’ll be awkward around you for a few weeks, but eventually things will return to normal, like it never happened. Now, if you had feelings for him and you show that you were hurting even a little bit over it, Jihun will feel awful. He’ll open up to Youjin about it and ask his hyung what to do. “They asked to kiss me and I just… We’re friends. I don’t think about them that way.” Youjin would press Jihun into thinking about it more, “But could you ever think about them that way?” Jihun wouldn’t offer an answer and would think on it for a long time. He’d struggle with making a decision because he wouldn’t want to risk loosing your friendship should you both enter a relationship and have it not work out.
Heejun is the only member I see who could kiss you and not think anything of it, at least not immediately. You’d be having a fake argument like always, each of you smiling ear to ear as you made ridiculous claim after ridiculous claim. “That’s not how kissing works,” he laughs. “Wanna bet?” you flash a cheeky grin. “And who are you gonna kiss to prove it?” Heejun challenges, waggling his brows. “You.” Heejun laughs and then catches the serious look in your eye. “Me?” “Yes, you,” you smile, “Or are you scared I’m right?” Heejun’s brow quirks upward, “You’re on.” If afterwards you went back to being best friends, I see you using your new skinship level of cheesy friendship to embarrass people. Youjin will get annoyed about something (maybe some couple showing too much PDA) and Heejun will stand up and sit right in your lap. “You were saying.” You’d smile deviously at each other and then you’d wrap your arms around Heejun’s waist, resting your chin over his shoulder. Youjin glares daggers at you both, which only serves to increase your efforts to embarrass Youjin. After the incident, the more and more time you two spend together the more and more Heejun begins to feel things for you. He watches you fondly and can’t help but note all the things he loves about you. It won’t take long before Heejun comes right out and tells you that he feels for you. “I can’t stop thinking about that day.” You frown as Heejun takes up your hand and your eyes widen. Heejun lets out a sigh, glancing to the ground before meeting your eyes again, “You know I care for you. You’re my best friend.” You nod and Heejun takes in another long breath. “You’re my favorite person. I want to be more than just this.”
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novastratus · 8 years
Hi everyone! 👋  So it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything on this blog ^^; I’m so sorry!! I’ve been busy with school, so I haven’t had much time to write.
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has read my posts and enjoyed them! I never thought that anybody would find this blog 🙈  I have a few asks sitting in my box and I’m so flustered that you guys like my reactions enough to ask for more 🙈  I started this blog because I wanted to get back into writing, plus KNK just kills me and I wanted to contribute to the fandom because I love our KNK boys 💕💕💕💕
Anyways lol ^^; Just wanted to say that I’m going to be posting more soon and I will be getting back to all the asks as quickly as I can!
Thank you guys so much!! I love you guys!!💕
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novastratus · 8 years
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You fall asleep against their shoulder while they are talking to you…
Youjin will be surprised to find you asleep, but once he sees your sleeping form cuddled up against him, he’ll melt into a puddle. You’ll nuzzle into Youjin’s neck, the soft vibrations of his voice rumbling against the bridge of your nose. Youjin holds you to his side, your legs draped over his lap. His heart glows at the closeness of your form and the soft press of your palm against his chest. The gently lull of Youjin’s voice humming against your skin sends you drifting off to sleep. Youjin notices almost immediately that you’ve left this world by the slackness of your fingers and the heaviness of your breath. His lips pull up into a warm smile, his fingers tightening over your waist. It shows a great amount of trust to fall asleep in the arms of someone and Youjin cannot comprehend how you ended up here in his arms. If he didn’t already know he loved you, he certainly would know it now. He presses his lips against the top of your head and whispers “I love you,” before lifting you into his arms and carrying you to bed.
Seungjun will probably coax you awake if you fall asleep while talking with him. He doesn’t like to be alone especially when he’s in the middle of a conversation. You lean your head against his shoulder as Seungjun carries on about some interesting comic he’s found. You really are trying to pay attention, but work went long and as much as you love how passionate Seungjun gets, you can’t keep your eyes open any longer. Seungjun feels your weight get heavier and heavier against his arm, but he doesn’t notice you’ve checked out until a soft snore leaves your lips. He turns to you, his lower lip puffing out into a pout. He doesn’t melt at the sight of your sleeping form or take a moment to remember the shape of your lips or the flutter of your eyes. He already melted over the sight of your sleeping form the first night you spent together and every night there after. He’ll want you awake so he can finish his story and then carry you to bed. Seungjun won’t want to startle you awake, he’ll try to gently ease you back to reality. He’ll start by massaging your hands and if that doesn’t work, he’ll move to tracing the shape of your eyes and nose and then mouth. If you’re zonked out, he’ll eventually give in and let you sleep. If he’s able to wake you, he’ll finish up whatever tale he was in the middle of and then insist on getting you to bed.
Inseong won’t know what to do if you fall asleep on him. During a night in, you’ll end up cuddling on the couch talking about the happenings of the day. Inseong pulls you into his chest and tucks your head under his chin, hands clasping together over your waist. Oblivious to the world, Inseong won’t notice when you fall asleep on him until he shifts to ask you your thoughts on whatever he’s been carrying on about and discovers your eyelids closed and mouth parted gently open. Inseong will freeze up. He won’t know what to do. He’ll worry that he bored you and then he’ll worry about your health. Maybe their not getting enough sleep. Why aren’t they getting enough sleep? A strand of hair falls gently over your eyes, tickling your skin, and your nose twitches, halting the whirlwind of anxiety in Inseong’s heart. A smile lights Inseong’s face and all his worries evaporate as he finally takes note of your sleeping form, cheek smushed against his chest, every limb slack and peaceful. He brushes the lock from your face and presses his lips gently against the top of your head before making himself comfortable, nuzzling his cheek against your head. He’ll hold you until you wake or he finds himself joining you in the land of dreams.
Jihun, impish by nature, is bound to play some sort of prank on you. You rest your head against Jihun’s shoulder, breathing in the fabric softener scent of his sweater. Jihun squeezes you to his side, pressing his lips gently to the edge of your hairline. You’d both had long difficult days and took solace in spending your evenings in silence together, but tonight was different. Jihun was particularly talkative. Some nights he was just like this, where his mouth was nonstop, and as much as you wanted to listen, the smooth timbre of his voice lulled you to sleep. Jihun will notice you’ve fallen asleep pretty quickly and will be disappointed you left him alone in the waking world. He’ll pause a moment to watch you take in slow breath after slow breath before Jihun smiles that devious grin and brushes the hair from your face. He tickles his fingers down your jaw line, watching your face closely. Then, he’ll gently brush his index finger across the tip of your nose. When you twitch in response his smile only grows bigger and he flickers his fingers over your nose again, watching as your face twists. Finally, he gets the desired reaction: you awake, swatting at your nose. He lets out a long hard laugh at the exasperated look you give him. You shove his shoulder, which only makes him laugh more. When you try to get up, he’ll pull you back into his arms and nuzzle his face against your neck murmuring how much he loves you.
While Heejun is rather playful and sarcastic, I see him melting over the sight of you falling asleep on him, but only while you’re asleep. The second you wake up you bet he’s going to tease you about it. You rest your cheek against Heejun’s shoulder, his head falling to rest against the top of your head. You’d just finished up dinner and were enjoying simply being in each other’s presence. Heejun takes your hand in his own, caressing the side of your thumb with his own. The quiet of the room billows out around you when Heejun starts humming softly, his voice vibrating against your skin. You squeeze his hand as your eyes fall shut, taking in the soft gravel of his voice. You get so comfortable you drift off. Heejun will notice you’re asleep the second your hand goes slack against his. He’ll pull back to gaze at your sleeping form, your cheek smushed against his shoulder, mouth parted gently open, eyelashes casting shadows across your cheekbones. A small smile lights his face and he has to resist the urge to trace the slope of your nose and the curve of your jaw. When he noticed you’d fallen asleep, his singing stopped and the lack of sound causes you to stir from your slumber. When your eyes open, Heejun flashes a crooked smile and you duck your head into his chest, mumbling a soft “Sorry”. Heejun’s chest rumbles with a light laugh, “Get bored with me?” You gently slap his shoulder, “Yes, very. Your singing is so boring it rendered me unconscious.” Heejun smiles, “Well in that case,” and then he begins belting out the most obnoxious version of the original score of Knock you’ve ever heard.
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novastratus · 8 years
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You get injured playing sports and continue to play regardless…
The second he sees you go down Youjin will rush to the sidelines, hands wringing together. He’ll be terrified for your well-being and were it not for security he’d have gone straight to you and carried you off the field. Once he sees you rise to his feet, he’d feel some relief, but when you continue playing his lips thin into a tight line. He’ll be worried for you, but he’ll trust your judgement to know what you can and can’t handle. Every time you wince he’ll wince as well. He may even yell at your coach for not pulling you out of the game. “What are you doing? Can’t you see they’re hurt? Pull them from the game!” Finally you’re off the field and he’ll race to your side and lift you into his arms. He’ll insist on taking you to the hospital and no amount of resistance on your part will stop him from doing so. He loves you and he hates seeing you hurt. He may be a bit angry with you for not getting off the field the second it happened, but ultimately he’ll understand why you did it and support you through recovery.
Seungjun will rise to his feet, his eyes going wide and shaky. He’ll watch you like a hawk from the stands as you pull yourself to your feet. Once he sees you wincing and limping, he’ll be out of his seat and at the sidelines trying to convince security to let him on the field. No amount of pleading eyes from you will convince him to leave the sidelines and he’ll nearly get himself kicked out of the stadium. Once the game is over, he’ll meet you at the sidelines. He’ll fidget and reach out towards you only to pull back, afraid of getting too close and hurting you. He’ll ask you a thousand questions. “Are you okay? Where does it hurt? Can you move it? …etc…” No matter how many times you insist you’re okay, that wide-eyed look won’t leave Seungjun’s face. He’ll encourage you to go to the hospital, but if you insist that you don’t need to go, he won’t make you. Seungjun isn’t used to tending to you this way, so he’ll constantly worry over you: making sure you’re doing alright and that you don’t need anything. He’ll become an anxious ball of nerves until you’re better. After the incident, everyday you leave for practice or a game he’ll give you that scared wide-eyed look and make you promise to be safe.
Inseong will be rising from the stands and racing to the sidelines as soon as he hears your cry of pain. Gone will be happy loud Inseong and in his place you’ll find laser-focused stern Inseong. Security will have to stop Inseong from going onto the field. He won’t believe his eyes when he sees you pick yourself up from the ground and continue the game. Immediately, his worry turns to anger. Anger towards your coach for not pulling you from the game and anger towards you for putting yourself in a dangerous situation — underneath that anger is his fear for you and your safety. The second the game is over he’ll be at your side, helping you to the sidelines. He’ll scold you for continuing to play, but the moment passes quickly as his focus turns toward your well-being. He’ll make sure a staff member looks at your injury and insist on taking you to the hospital. If you assured him you were okay and didn’t need to go to the hospital, he’ll reluctantly agree to take you home — though he may be in a foul mood the remainder of the evening, his expression permanently trapped in a state of disapproval. He’ll take care of you, worrying over you every second. When the danger finally passes, he’ll confront you about the game and have some coarse words, but as soon as he’s said his part and you’ve promised to be careful he’ll relax and return to the rambunctious mischievous Inseong you fell in love with.
Jihun won’t believe what he’s seeing. Your cry of pain will hit his ears and he’ll rise to his feet. He’ll hesitate before choosing to stay in the stands and monitor the situation from his seat. Every step you take he’ll wince, hands wringing together. Finally the game ends and he’s out of his seat making his way to you. He’ll help you to the sidelines, your arm thrown over his shoulder, and insist on checking your injuries himself. He’ll want to take you to the hospital, but if you insist on going home he’ll trust your judgement and do as you ask. He’ll be with you the entire recovery process and insist on taking care of you. He may stumble and mix up your medication or accidentally drop a bag of ice on your head, but he’ll try his best and that’s all that matters. Jihun understands sacrifice and won’t be angry with you for continuing the game. He may harbor some unspoken resentment towards the incident and your coach. If you ever were injured during a game again, the calm would break and Jihun would have some nasty words with your coach and may even snap at you.
Your sharp yell will echo around him and Heejun will jump to his feet. He’ll bounce from foot to foot, half of him screaming to run to you and protect you, the other more realistic half telling him to stay in the stands and trust you and your coach to keep you safe. Once you rise to your feet, he’ll let out a breath only to ball his hands into fists as you continued to play. He won’t know what to think. He’ll be trapped between his desire to protect you and the more sensible side that says you know how to take care of yourself.  He won’t stop fidgeting and will end up near the sideline where he can keep a closer eye on you. When the game finally ends, he’ll hesitate, unable to decide if he should run straight to you or let you make your way to the bench on your own. You’ll end up halfway across the field when he catches your eye. Your pained expression, free from the glinting wit he’s always loved, will shoot him into action. You’ll try to throw a jest at him as he pulls your arm over his shoulder and he’ll play along, but his heart won’t be in it. Once he takes a look at your injuries, he’ll ask you what you want to do. If you think you need to see a doctor he’ll take you, if you want to go home he’ll take you. He’ll trust your judgement and help you every step of the way. He’ll tease you endlessly, in part to cover his own fear for your safety and in part to entertain you. He won’t be satisfied until you’re buckling over with laughter at some ridiculous statement that’s fallen from his lips.
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novastratus · 8 years
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Comforting them expansion…
Inseong let out a heavy breath, his head resting in his hands. He couldn’t remember how he got to your apartment only that he needed to see you, just hear your voice. Today had been unusually difficult. Not that everyday didn’t have its challenges, but this day had been its own special kind of hell. He needed to get away. You’d given him a key to your place nearly a month ago, and now that key was a life vest keeping him afloat in a swirling hurricane. He’d held it tight in his palm reminding himself that in a few hours he could leave this place and see you.
A soft click echoed off the hollow walls of your apartment and Inseong jumped to his feet, an exhausted smile drawing to his lips as he smoothed the wrinkles in his shirt.
“Inseong?” Your brow flicked down, a wash of concern and surprise mixing in your irises. A bundle of binders was held tight in your grasp. His lips tightened.
“You’re home,” he breathed, his voice came out more hollow than he intended and it only served to darken the wrinkle of worry in your brow.
You kicked your shoes off and Inseong made his way across the room to you, hesitating as he reached for the binders in your arms. “Thanks,” you sighed and Inseong smiled lightly, setting them down on the counter. As soon as you stepped foot into the apartment, Inseong pulled you into his arms and buried his face against your neck. His fingers tightened around your waist, holding onto you a touch longer than normal. You rubbed small circles over the knots of tension in his back and he melted into you, his chin falling heavy over your shoulder. “Is something the matter?”
His lips pulled up into a tight half-felt smile. “Everything’s fine. I’m just glad your home.” He squeezed you once more before pulling back, his hands falling to rest over your hips. His brow was held tightly upward and his gaze spoke a thousand words of relief — as if the very sight of you in his arms could lift him from his sorrow.
Your hand came to cup his cheek and he leaned against it. His eyes fell shut as he took in a long slow breath. “Are you sure? If something’s bothering you, you can tell me.” His lips drew into a tight line. “Inseong.” He bit the inside of his cheek before his eyes finally opened again to meet your gaze. “Talk to me.”
His thumbs ran over the tops of your hips, suddenly fascinated with the floor. The silence didn’t last long though before Inseong let out a sigh and told you what had gone wrong, why he’d needed to see you, just be near you, hear your voice. He swallowed hard, his lips trembling, and you pulled him into your chest. “I just,” Inseong took in a ragged breath, his fingers tightening around your back. “I just needed you.” You shushed him, tracing patterns over his back and he bit his lip as silent tears quaked through his body. He was so tired. And you. This. You were more than he could have ever asked for. More than he deserved.
Finally, the tears slowed and Inseong took in a shaking breath, pulling back. Your eyes were rimmed red and your cheeks glistened with tear stains. Inseong’s brow knitted together, the corners of his lips drawing down helplessly. He pulled away, gaze falling to the ground once more. He never wanted you to suffer his pain. It was his job to make you smile and, to see you broken over his frustration… “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come over. It was selfish of me. It’s a stupid spat, I should’ve dealt with it on my own.”
“Inseong,” you murmured, but he didn’t seem to hear you — trapped in an endless stream of apologies. And then suddenly your hands were cupping his face, drawing his gaze to you. His eyes widened, his mouth falling into an ‘o’. “Love,” you breathed. He gulped, lips pressing together again. “You mean more to me than I have words to tell.” You reached one hand to smooth his hair and a soft smile tugged to Inseong’s lips. “Don’t ever apologize for being upset. Sometimes life turns its back on you and it’s okay to come to me for help. Let me be there for you as much as you are for me.”
His lips pulled tight, eyes wavering with tears once more. He let out a sigh, his anxiety evaporating with it as his face fell against your neck again. His fingers drew arbitrary patterns across your back and he took in a long breath, “What did I ever do to deserve an s/o like you?”
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novastratus · 8 years
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They are upset and you comfort them…
Youjin, like the gentleman he is, would have a hard time showing his feelings. You’re his everything and it’s his job to protect you, so he won’t want to show you his distress. He’d be working on lyrics when he lets out a groan and pulls out his headphones. At first you wouldn’t think anything of it and assume he’s just frustrated with work. He’d roll his shoulders and massage his neck, his lips pulling into a tight line. “Troubled?” His eyes would widen and his gaze shoots to you, as if he’s finally become aware of the world for the first time.“It’s nothing. Just can’t get the phrasing right.” He’d quickly wave you off, but the tension in his neck has your eyes narrowing. You’d frown at him as he started to put his headphones back in. “Maybe I can help.” He’d try to tell you again that he’s fine, but you’d go to him anyway, pressing a kiss to his temple and massaging his shoulders. He’d melt into your touch and his hands would rise to settle over yours. The tightness in his lips and the waver in his eyes would be the only sign of the true depth of his pain. “What can I do?” His head would fall forward and he’d take in a long slow breath. “Just… just sit with me.” And so you would. He wouldn’t want to talk, so you’d distract him with the trivialities of your week. His eyes would fall shut, the timbre of your voice bringing him the peace he desperately needs. You’d never find out what had been bothering him, but anytime there after he needs comfort his head would fall into your lap and he’d find solace in listening to your voice.
Seungjun has no filter for his feelings. If he’s feeling down, he’s going to tell you exactly what happened and exactly what he needs. One day, Seungjun will show up at your door unannounced. He may have gotten into a fight with another member or seen a nasty comment online. Whatever has happened, he’s going to come to you for comfort. He’ll knock on your door several times, bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet. When you finally open it, you’ll barely register Seungjun before he pulls you into his arms and buries his face into your hair. He’ll be a mess of snot and tears. Seeing your brilliant sunshine so hurt will put a knife into your heart. You’ll lead him into your apartment and soothe him with soft words, fingers combing through his hair. When he finally calms down, he’ll explain what happened. If you ask him what you can do to help, he’ll request takeout and a movie. He’ll crave your attention the rest of the evening, his hands never leaving you. When you finally settle in on the couch for the night, his head will rest against your stomach, his fingers playing with your hands. Just being near you calms the ache in his heart.
Inseong would have a hard time being vulnerable in front of you. He always wants to make your day brighter and he’d feel himself a burden if his mood bought you down. So the second you arrive home to find Inseong waiting on the couch, his head in his hands, you’d know something was wrong. As soon as the door shuts, he’d pop to his feet a half-hearted smile rising to his lips — trying to play off his discomfort. He’d greet you with a hug that lingered longer than normal, his fingers tightening around your waist. You’d ask him what was wrong and he’d lie, “Everything’s fine. I’m just happy you’re home.” It would take some coaxing to get him to finally open up about what had happened, but once those gates were open, he’d break down. He’d pull you into his arms and bury his face against your neck, using your touch as a shield from the world. He’d tell you everything that had went wrong, his back quaking with silent tears. You’d feel his pain as if it were your own and you’d hold him tightly to you, fingers smoothing over the knots of tension in his back. As soon as he could breathe again, he’d become an endless stream of apologies. “Inseong,” you’d cup his face between your palms. “Love.” Finally, his eyes would meet yours and you’d tell him how much he means to you and that it’s okay for him to come to you when he’s down, in fact you want him to. And then he’d break down all over again, mumbling how much he loves you into your neck. “What did I do to deserve an s/o like you?” [EXPANSION]
Jihun doesn’t like sharing his pain. He prefers to handle it on his own, but not out of some need for masculinity. He just doesn’t like to involve others in his heartache. If he thinks he can handle it, he’s not going to come to you with it. In fact, if he was having a rough day and you pressed him to talk even after he insisted he was fine, he may snap at you. What Jihun needs most in the world is someone who knows when he needs space and someone who will let him come to them if he ever needs help. You’d arrive home to find Jihun sprawled out on the sofa, his arm thrown across his eyes with that look on his face — the look that tells you something has happened. You’d call a hello and he’d lift his arm and wave absentmindedly back. A part of you would ache to see him like this, but you’d know that if he wants your help he’ll ask for it. Out of nowhere, he’ll let out a long sigh before rising to sit with his head in his hands. It’s so out of character for him that you’ll ask him if he’s okay and he’ll mumble back his typical, “I’ll be fine.” Moments later he’ll begin to speak again in broken phrases, pieces of what had happened just spilling out. And then he looks at you with a crumpled expression and you’re rushing to his side, wrapping him in your arms. You’ll ask him if he wants to talk about it, but he’ll say no and pull you in tighter. All he wants is to hold you and be reminded of the good things in his life.
Heejun will want to talk to you on the bad days. He’d vent about whatever is bothering him and ask for nothing in return only that you listen. Any words you did offer him, he’d take to heart. Just talking with you would lighten the weight in his chest. Heejun would be headed out of the dorm when he finds you standing just outside. You’d intended to surprise him with lunch, but the look on his face and you’d know something had happened. His lips would pull up into a halfhearted smile and he’d kiss your cheek, asking you what you were doing there. Once you explained, holding out the bag of takeout, his brow would pull up with that helpless expression he gets when he’s overcome with how much he loves you. He’d take the bag from you, link his arm through yours, and begin leading you to a nearby park to eat. You’d squeeze his arm and ask him what had happened. He’d tell you everything, his lips pulling tight. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.” You’d offer your thoughts and he’d smile, dropping his head to rest atop yours. He’d stay there for awhile and you’d let out a soft laugh, “Comfortable up there?” His brow would quirk up, corner of his mouth rising, “Yes, very.” He’d refuse to lift his head from yours the rest of the way, passersby giving you funny looks. You’d reach up and pat his cheek, “There, there.” And he’d finally remove his head from yours, flashing a sardonic smile. “Oh, is that how it’s gonna be?” And just like that, the Heejun relentless in his sarcasm and wit would return. He’d attack you with pokes and if you fought to get away he’d chase you the rest of the way to the park, his smile wide and bright.
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novastratus · 8 years
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Your first kiss…
Youjin knows what he wants and doesn’t hesitate to go after it. When he finally realizes he wants to kiss you, he isn’t going to beat around the bush and probably will take the more traditional route — kissing you at your door. You’ll be just outside your apartment, his hand clasped through yours, thumb tracing patterns on the back of your hand. With all the cheese in the world, he’ll reach up and tuck a stray hair behind your ear, eyes glancing towards your lips — gauging your reaction as he slowly drew closer and closer. When your gaze flashes to his lips, he’ll take that as his cue, leaning in and gently, softly, brushing his lips against yours. His hands will cup your face, thumbs brushing against the tops of your cheekbones. It won’t last long, and when he pulls away he’ll look down at you with those loving eyes that send your heart racing. “Have a goodnight.” As you watch him walk away, he glances back over his shoulder and his eyes crinkle into a brilliant smile. You’re half-tempted to chase after him and yank him into your apartment right then and there.
Seungjun has no problem with affection and I think he’ll have absolutely no fear kissing you for the first time. One day you’ll be lounging together watching cartoons and munching on snacks and he’ll turn to you and draw you into his lap. When you reach up and smooth his ruffled hair, he’ll suddenly lean down and plant one on you. He’ll kiss you passionately, everything he feels for you that he can’t express with words exploding against your tongue. When he finally releases you, he’ll smile down at you with that big goofy grin. Your cheeks flame scarlet and his grin falls away, eyes growing big as his head tilts to the side. “Was that wrong?” The confusion on his face makes you burst with laughter, which only confuses him more. You finally turn to him, fingers brushing against his cheek, “That was more than perfect.” And you kiss him again, his lips curling up into a smile against yours.
When Inseong feels, he feels deeply. The second your first date ends he’ll know he wants to kiss you, wants to hold you in his arms, wants to chase away your nightmares, wants to be your everything. But he’ll be too afraid to express it. Too afraid of scaring you away. He’ll wait quite a long time before kissing you. Every date he’ll get more and more nervous and antsy as his feelings grow. Until finally one day his love for you is so strong he’s sure his heart will explode from his chest. Still he’ll refrain, somehow afraid the relationship won’t last. He’ll express his fears to his members and they’ll offer advice and encouragement, but ultimately it’s up to him to do the deed. One day your walking through a park and Inseong is sweating bullets. You think he’s sick and soon you’re cupping his face in your palms. He pulls your hands away, assuring you he’s just warm. But you can’t help, but dote over him convinced he’s gone ill. You start insisting that you go home, so he can rest when he finally breaks, leaning in and kissing you mid-sentence. It starts out delicate, but soon his hand is holding the back of your neck. Your fingers find there way to his hair which only encourages him further. And then somehow you’re on the ground, dewy grass tickling the backs of your arms. Your lips are raw when he finally pulls away, cheeks flaming red, mumbling apology after apology. “Inseong.” He doesn’t hear you, head falling into his hands, mumbling about being an idiot, when you shove him onto his back. His eyes go wide with shock. “Took you long enough.” And then he’s smiling up at you as you press your lips against his.
Jihun will want to kiss you pretty early in the relationship, but it will take some time before he actually does. He’ll want to make sure you’re serious about the relationship and that you’re the one for him. You’ll go through several phases without kissing. He’ll sit close to you and lean his head against your shoulder. He’ll lay in your lap and trace patterns into your arms. He’ll buy you gifts and bring you take out. But still he hasn’t kissed you. You start to wonder if maybe he just doesn’t like kissing. You’re thinking about asking him or just flat out kissing him yourself, when finally, at dinner, he’s holding your hand tracing patterns like normal and suddenly he presses his lips against the back of your hand. It feels so natural it doesn’t even register in your brain that Jihun has just kissed you. Only your hand yes, but still. You glance over at him, eyes wide as he continues playing with your fingers, too focused in his task of memorizing your hands to look at you. He turns your hand over, tracing the lines of your palm... like nothing just happened. You shrug it off and return to your meal. Moments later he plants a kiss this time on your wrist. A small smile rises to your lips, but you refuse to look at him. The evening continues like normal, kiss free. Finally, you’re walking home, a nervous energy fills your stomach and you’re wondering if that was his intention all along. A smirk rises to your lips and you finally catch his gaze. He gives you a funny look. “Kim Jihun, if you want to kiss me, you’re going to have to ask.” He smiles abashed, ducking his head in embarrassment. But the triumph hits your eyes too soon and then he’s flashing back a wicked smirk and pulling you against his chest. His forehead lowers to rest against yours, your noses brushing. Your fingers fist in his shirt, your chin drawing up but he avoids your lips. “If you want to kiss me, you’re going to have to ask,” He repeats back at you with a smile, forehead not leaving yours, his hands roaming your back. Your lips purse and you let out an exasperated sigh. “Just kiss me already, you freak,” you pull him towards you and he doesn’t resist, lips clashing against yours.
Heejun is confident about what he wants and when he wants to kiss you he won’t take his time fumbling. Less serious than Inseong and less of a gentlemen than Youjin, Heejun will kiss you out of the blue. You’ll have been dating a week or so when he takes you out on an adventure. You’ll be hiking through the forest enjoying the pleasant weather when Heejun throws out some sassy comment and you immediately quip back, sending him stumbling over his feet with laughter. That’s when he knows. Knows that he likes you. Really likes you. You don’t even stop to wait for him and that only makes him laugh harder. You call a “If you don’t hurry up, I’m leaving you behind,” over your shoulder and he’s rushing to catch up. He watches you in awe, a smile playing at his lips. When you stop to take a drink, you catch his gaze and frown in confusion. “Wha—“ You don’t even finish the word when he’s kissing you. It’s just a simple gentle peck, but it renders you speechless. Heejun turns and starts racing up the hill calling a quick, “Whose slow now?” over his shoulder. Your fingers reach up to brush your bottom lip, light laugh bubbling before you chase after him.
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novastratus · 8 years
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You're on a date when it starts pouring rain…
Youjin most definitely wouldn’t suggest playing in the rain. It would probably be the furthest thing from his mind. He’d be focused on keeping you dry and may pout over your wasted outing. So when you grab his hand and pull him out in the rain, he’d laugh and try to decline. If you insisted or pouted, he’d play along though. He wouldn’t care about his clothes getting wet and the thought of catching a cold wouldn’t cross his mind. He’d be focused on seeing you smile and if you’re happy, he’s happy. He may even get so lost in your smile that he pulls you into his chest and kisses you breathless before pulling back completely embarrassed, his gaze shifting back and forth, searching for onlookers.
Seungjun probably wouldn’t see the rain and suggest running out into it. If you suggested it, he’d be all for it. He’d chase after you through the downpour, jumping into puddles and just be the most adorable giant in the universe. When he finally catches you, you’d place your hands against his chest, give him a peck on the lips, and he’d smile wide and bright. The next time you both are out and it begins to rain, you can bet he’ll be pulling you out into the storm hoping to relive the moment.
Inseong also probably won’t suggest going out into the downpour, but if you pulled him with you, he’d gladly follow. He’d yell at the top of his lungs, “I feel alive,” and throw his arms towards the sky before racing around in circles. He’d grab your hands and lead you in a dance, lifting and twirling you in circles until you’re dizzy. Before you have a chance to catch your breath, he’d kiss you passionately, his hands cupping your face and neck. His forehead would settle against yours, letting the rain soak you both until you were shaking. You both would probably catch a cold from staying out in the rain so long.  
Again, Jihun is not going to see the rain and suggest running out into it. I actually see him being the hardest to convince. Jihun is very shy, so I don’t believe he’d like the idea of everyone watching you two run through the rain. I see him being pretty private in a relationship — not wanting to share you with the world. However, if you pouted you’d get your way. He wouldn’t be much fun in the rain and would reluctantly follow you. He’d smile as he watched you jump into puddles and twirl with your arms reaching towards the sky. Eventually, he’d loosen up and join you in your antics. When you finally get home, you bet he’ll punish you for dragging him out into the rain.
You’d be huddled together under an umbrella when Heejun gets that impish look on his face. Immediately following his train of thought, you flash a glare, “Don’t even think about it.” He’d bite his tongue, eyebrow quirking, and slam the umbrella shut before you could stop him. You both are instantly soaked and he’d smile at you totally non-apologetic. And then you’re gasping as he sweeps you up into his arms, “I’ve always wanted to try this.” He kisses you breathless, raindrops catching in your eyelashes, your fingers tangling in his hair. 
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novastratus · 8 years
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You hug them from behind whispering, “I’m so thankful to have you in my life.”...
If you were in public, Youjin would freeze up and mutter ‘you too’ under his breath, praying for you to let go. Later, when you two are alone, he’d tell you how much you mean to him as well and politely ask you not to surprise him like that again. If you were in private, Youjin would love this. While Youjin hates skinship with his members, I see him being very affection towards you in private. He’d still be shocked for a second, before he quickly turns around and pulls you into his arms, whispering back, “I love you, you know that right?” When you finally try to break away, he’d pull you back his lips quirking up into a smirk, “Where do you think you’re going?”
Seungjun loves snuggles, all day, all the time, so you hugging him from behind wouldn’t shock him at all. He’d hear your words and gasp loudly, drawing all of the attention of the people around you, before turning and, at a loss for words, planting his lips against yours. Completely lost in his feelings for you, you’d have to slowly pull him off you. He wouldn’t leave you alone for the rest of the day, insisting on holding your hand everywhere and pulling you into his lap whenever possible. He’d show you how much he loves you with his touch and looks. Heck, he may even offer to feed you.
In public or private, Inseong would absolutely adore this. If you let go and tried to back away, he’d pull you back into his arms and pepper your face with kisses, exclaiming loudly to the world what a wonderful s/o he had. He’d tell you how much you meant to him, not caring for the world who heard. He may even break into song and get you both kicked out of whatever establishment you happened to be in. If you were both in private, you bet he’s going to take this as an invitation.
Jihun is pretty shy, so I don’t think he’d know how to respond. He may mutter a ‘you too’ back or simply squeeze your hand. He’d feel like a jerk for not knowing what to say or really responding at all and it’d bother him for days. Weeks later you’d be focused on work and he’d come up behind you and wrap his arms around you. You’d ask him what that was for and he’d grab your hand and ask you to follow him. Together you’d walk hand in hand up and down street after street and it wouldn’t take you long to realize what Jihun was doing as you passed the place you met, shared your first date, first kiss...etc... Finally, he’d lead you to a beautiful park you two had never been to and confess everything he feels for you and how much you mean to him.
Like Jihun, Heejun wouldn’t know what to say at first. If it were early in the relationship, you might scare him off, especially if he isn’t as invested in the relationship. However, if you’d been dating awhile and he had fallen head over heels in love with you, I think he’d love this. He’d turn around, his hands resting over your hips, and flash that cheeky smile and say something incredibly sarcastic like, “Really? You’re just thankful? That’s all?” You’d frown and smack him lightly, which would send him howling with laughter. If you tried to pull away from his grasp, he’d pull you in tighter, his lips falling next to your ear and he’d whisper just how much he cares for you back.
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novastratus · 8 years
When you give them random affection
When you play in the rain with them
When you have your first kiss
When you comfort them
When you’re injured playing sports
When you fall asleep on them
Inseong // Talk To Me
last updated: October 17th, 2016
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