novellinoimmortale · 9 years
{i suck at staying around, anyway, i’m here!}
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
"Ah, Guessin' you've never met an Italian before? Well, let's just say I came from America here as vacation to get away from a few things." He wouldn't go into details, but he was a member of a Mafia, a well known and respected one at that. Most people to be honest preferred his over the other's anyway.
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"Hope that answers your question"
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"Evenin’ miss. Might I ask where I could get a good bite to eat around here?" Firo smiled a bit while approaching the woman in red. Feeling a bit mixed.. Of course, who wouldn’t? Firo had lived multiple human lives. All thanks to a delicious elixir. 
The young male smiled a bit
"Oh, right, the name’s Firo. Firo Prochainezo"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Well, I could show ya' around a few places. Trust me new york ain't all that bad once ya' get use to it." Firo of course.. Was a bit different than most. He had seen this place evolve all the way back from the 1930's up to even now, present day 2014. 
"Where would you like to see miss..?"
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Ah, she was flirting with him apparently? Firo just chuckled a bit. Seemed like she was the blunt type. “Ah? How so?”
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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Ah, she was flirting with him apparently? Firo just chuckled a bit. Seemed like she was the blunt type. "Ah? How so?"
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"Well hello to you too miss." He truth be told , responded with that mainly due to how up front and blunt she was. Either way, he smiled a bit and replied with a quick and simple. "Well, America is one of more broad statements I could say , but more importantly, New york in this country. Is there something else I can help with~?"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Mind if I ask ya' what you mean by her bein' a monsta' ? I don't want to intrude. But I've seen some crazy things."
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  "Well I’ve never met her.. However I have met people who ended up being ‘monsters’ before."
That was putting it lightly. The rail tracer, Ladd Russo, and plenty of other people in the past were, simply monsters.
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Well I've never met her.. However I have met people who ended up being 'monsters' before."
That was putting it lightly. The rail tracer, Ladd Russo, and plenty of other people in the past were, simply monsters.
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"Don’t have a good relation with your mother or somethin’ miss?"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Well hello to you too miss." He truth be told , responded with that mainly due to how up front and blunt she was. Either way, he smiled a bit and replied with a quick and simple. "Well, America is one of more broad statements I could say , but more importantly, New york in this country. Is there something else I can help with~?"
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As though the wandering wasn’t a sure enough sign, the blonde stared at the map with an obvious confusion, almost frustrated at the piece of paper. The city was entirely new to her, and wasn’t easy to navigate like the one back home. She haphazardly folded and stuffed the useless map into her bag, then glanced around quickly to grab the shoulder of someone who looked like they knew what they were doing.
"You seem like you know this place, where the fuck am I?"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Don't have a good relation with your mother or somethin' miss?"
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"…Mother’s day, huh? 
Bah. Fuck that.”
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Evenin' miss. Might I ask where I could get a good bite to eat around here?" Firo smiled a bit while approaching the woman in red. Feeling a bit mixed.. Of course, who wouldn't? Firo had lived multiple human lives. All thanks to a delicious elixir. 
The young male smiled a bit
"Oh, right, the name's Firo. Firo Prochainezo"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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Daily 32 - Baccano, Firo
Note to self: Draw Firo with a Fearow later.
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Dinner is done~" The sound of Firo's rather upbeat tone was heard from the kitchen as he quickly started to dish up the food. He spent so long on cooking that, truth be told, he'd often find himself questioning why he didn't become a professional chef. But that was soon laughed off for the obvious reason. The family he was in was more important. Eh, maybe some day right? He was immortal, so time was pretty much a foreign concept to him now.
The days, months, years, everything felt like just another set of 'minutes' to him. No longer was he in a rush.
Rolling the toothpick in his mouth a bit, Firo carried the two steaming hot plates of food over to the table and smiled. Setting them down before calling out.
"Ennis~ It's ready. I feel like you'll like how I made it"
Much like how he promised, he always made sure to never use his abilities to learn about her. He would learn about her how any normal person would
A Lazy Day At Home || Closed RP with novellinoimmortale
The house was basically empty, and Ennis supposed she was alright with that. She was so used to the various cacophony of noises that could be heard throughout the expansive estate routinely, almost like clockwork. There was always the sound of shuffling papers, clicking shoes, hushed voices discussing something that probably should only have been discussed behind closed doors. She was unsettled, not hearing any of this today, but the noises she heard coming from the kitchen were enough to bring her back into a soothing, normal state.
She could smell the distinct scent of pasta and fresh sauce. She knew that Firo had told her to wait in the living room for her surprise, but the smell of it was too captivating; she was impatient and she couldn’t make herself behave any longer. With the quietest footsteps she could muster she tip toed to the opening of the kitchen, peeking her head around the door frame and relaxing to see that Firo’s back was turned to her. He wouldn’t notice her this way.
She didn’t bother to remove the bangs that swung down into her eyes as she watched Firo finish his cooking. He looked so peaceful, so in his element…it was something that came naturally with him. She loved watching him do things he loved, watching him improve at things he was already good at, listening to him gush to her about the things that he wanted to be better at or brag about things he was already a master of. Ennis just loved Firo. Her gaze reflected that as she let her guard down, observing him now.
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Teacher. Now I don't look that old do I?" Firo laughed a bit, rubbing the back of his head
novellinoimmortale started following you.
"Now you definitely look lost.”
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"Unless you’re a teacher here?"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Hard to say. I haven't been 'human' for hundreds of years now"
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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novellinoimmortale · 10 years
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"Well I had better introduce myself around here"
Boy times sure have changed.. Seems like just yesterday we were fightin' against alcohol being banned.
"The name's Firo Prochainezo. The pleasure is mine"
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