noxcursed · 1 year
imma go ahead and say it now
elias is a piece of shit guys, i can not be more transparent on that
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noxcursed · 1 year
why does this blog have the shitty new dash.
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noxcursed · 1 year
@hatecursed is goth elsa icb this
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noxcursed · 1 year
NAME: elias hawke. ALIAS: night cursed thief, eli. AGE: 329. GENDER: male. OCCUPATION: varies depending on verse.
elias was born with a powerful, innate connection to magic. learning to use it came naturally, and he excelled as a sorcerer. he joined an academy, impressed every one of his teachers, and was popular with his classmates too. when he graduated that charisma carried well into adult-hood. to say he was overconfident would be an understatement. he was very prideful, elias knew he was powerful, and has the ability to back it up with proof.
during a venture to retrieve an old artifact, he met celina kordova. a half celestial known as the queen of night eternal. after some time the two grew close, and began to fall for one another. the purpose of his journey nearly forgotten, until the fear of commitment came rearing its head. after denying her, elias fled, took what he came for, and returned home. celina was heartbroken, and in her fury would hunt him down, and curse him. a curse he barely keeps at bay with runic tattoos across his body. an incredible feat, that only enraged her further, as he continues to elude her. though the curse does give her a solid connection, to visit him as she likes. usually to belittle him, and eat up his time.
despite everything, elias manages to keep his charming persona. he's charismatic and easy going, entirely to spite celina. to spite the curse, and deny her the pleasure of seeing him suffer. though, his persona is a bit rougher around the edges than when he was in his early 20s. when he's got cause to, eli can shift moods quite dramatically from his usual. from cheery and sarcastic, to cold and calculating.
the curse is...complex. the primary point of it is true immortality. elias cannot die, as if warded from death, hidden from it. he cannot drown, cannot starve, can return even when he is chopped to bits. it's never been any kind of blessing, the process of placing the curse to begin with an agonizing one. he has outlived his entire family and any friends he may of had. each loss becoming progressively easier, as he grows more numb to the side effects of his curse.
another aspect of this curse is beasthood. the intent meant to show what celine truly believed he was on the inside. a selfish, hideous beast who destroys without a second thought. this form is very painful to take, and was meant to be permanent. but elias managed to stave off that in some way with the arcane tattoos on his body. his arm however is forever twisted, with strange talons, and scales, colored a deep deep shade of black and purple. the warding isn't perfect though; and eli can sometimes change fully into a monster with the right conditions.
a) stress. put him under enough stress, and elias' magic grows frayed and wild. the curse able to slip through the cracks, and turn him for a short time. until he's calmed, or knocked completely unconscious.
b) he falls in love. the entirety of the curse is fueled by celina's heartbreak and the agony she feels in her loneliness. usually with this, the transformation is a bit more forced-- by celina's hand. she has a connection through the curse, and thus can at the very least feel him. so in this case it would be less the curse flowing in it's natural course-- and more being forced to.
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noxcursed · 1 year
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      a study on immortality, and the consequences of betrayal.  - private & highly selective original character ELIAS HAWKE. due to the content here, mature( nsft )or otherwise, i ask that minors do not follow me or interact with my blog in any way. same with personals, and either will be blocked immediately. est. 06/2023, by BUN. 
verses: tba. tags: tba.
affiliated with:  @hatecursed
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